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package azure
import (
var (
environments = map[string]azure.Environment{
azure.PublicCloud.Name: azure.PublicCloud,
azure.USGovernmentCloud.Name: azure.USGovernmentCloud,
azure.ChinaCloud.Name: azure.ChinaCloud,
azure.GermanCloud.Name: azure.GermanCloud,
// requiredOptionError forms an error from the error indicating the option has
// to be provided with a value for this driver.
type requiredOptionError string
func (r requiredOptionError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s driver requires the %q option.", driverName, string(r))
// newAzureClient creates an AzureClient helper from the Driver context and
// initiates authentication if required.
func (d *Driver) newAzureClient() (*azureutil.AzureClient, error) {
env, ok := environments[d.Environment]
if !ok {
valid := make([]string, 0, len(environments))
for k := range environments {
valid = append(valid, k)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid Azure environment: %q, supported values: %s", d.Environment, strings.Join(valid, ", "))
var (
token *azure.ServicePrincipalToken
err error
if d.ClientID != "" && d.ClientSecret != "" { // use Service Principal auth
log.Debug("Using Azure service principal authentication.")
token, err = azureutil.AuthenticateServicePrincipal(env, d.SubscriptionID, d.ClientID, d.ClientSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to authenticate using service principal credentials: %+v", err)
} else { // use browser-based device auth
log.Debug("Using Azure device flow authentication.")
token, err = azureutil.AuthenticateDeviceFlow(env, d.SubscriptionID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating Azure client: %v", err)
return azureutil.New(env, d.SubscriptionID, token), nil
// generateSSHKey creates a ssh key pair locally and saves the public key file
// contents in OpenSSH format to the DeploymentContext.
func (d *Driver) generateSSHKey(ctx *azureutil.DeploymentContext) error {
privPath := d.GetSSHKeyPath()
pubPath := privPath + ".pub"
log.Debug("Creating SSH key...", logutil.Fields{
"pub": pubPath,
"priv": privPath,
if err := ssh.GenerateSSHKey(privPath); err != nil {
return err
log.Debug("SSH key pair generated.")
publicKey, err := ioutil.ReadFile(pubPath)
ctx.SSHPublicKey = string(publicKey)
return err
// getSecurityRules creates network security group rules based on driver
// configuration such as SSH port, docker port and swarm port.
func (d *Driver) getSecurityRules(extraPorts []string) (*[]network.SecurityRule, error) {
mkRule := func(priority int, name, description, srcPort, dstPort string, proto network.SecurityRuleProtocol) network.SecurityRule {
return network.SecurityRule{
Name: to.StringPtr(name),
Properties: &network.SecurityRulePropertiesFormat{
Description: to.StringPtr(description),
SourceAddressPrefix: to.StringPtr("*"),
DestinationAddressPrefix: to.StringPtr("*"),
SourcePortRange: to.StringPtr(srcPort),
DestinationPortRange: to.StringPtr(dstPort),
Access: network.Allow,
Direction: network.Inbound,
Protocol: proto,
Priority: to.Int32Ptr(int32(priority)),
log.Debugf("Docker port is configured as %d", d.DockerPort)
// Base ports to be opened for any machine
rl := []network.SecurityRule{
mkRule(100, "SSHAllowAny", "Allow ssh from public Internet", "*", fmt.Sprintf("%d", d.BaseDriver.SSHPort), network.TCP),
mkRule(300, "DockerAllowAny", "Allow docker engine access (TLS-protected)", "*", fmt.Sprintf("%d", d.DockerPort), network.TCP),
// Open swarm port if configured
if d.BaseDriver.SwarmMaster {
swarmHost := d.BaseDriver.SwarmHost
log.Debugf("Swarm host is configured as %q", swarmHost)
u, err := url.Parse(swarmHost)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse URL %q: %v", swarmHost, err)
_, swarmPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse swarm port in %q: %v", u.Host, err)
rl = append(rl, mkRule(500, "DockerSwarmAllowAny", "Allow swarm manager access (TLS-protected)", "*", swarmPort, network.TCP))
} else {
log.Debug("Swarm host is not configured.")
// extra port numbers requested by user
basePri := 1000
for i, p := range extraPorts {
port, protocol := driverutil.SplitPortProto(p)
proto, err := parseSecurityRuleProtocol(protocol)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse security rule protocol: %v", err)
log.Debugf("User-requested port to be opened on NSG: %v/%s", port, proto)
name := fmt.Sprintf("Port%s-%sAllowAny", port, proto)
name = strings.Replace(name, "*", "Asterisk", -1)
r := mkRule(basePri+i, name, "User requested port to be accessible from Internet via docker-machine", "*", port, proto)
rl = append(rl, r)
log.Debugf("Total NSG rules: %d", len(rl))
return &rl, nil
func (d *Driver) naming() azureutil.ResourceNaming {
return azureutil.ResourceNaming(d.BaseDriver.MachineName)
// ipAddress returns machine’s private or public IP address according to the
// configuration. If no IP address is found it returns empty string.
func (d *Driver) ipAddress() (ip string, err error) {
c, err := d.newAzureClient()
if err != nil {
return "", err
var ipType string
if d.UsePrivateIP || d.NoPublicIP {
ipType = "Private"
ip, err = c.GetPrivateIPAddress(d.ResourceGroup, d.naming().NIC())
} else {
ipType = "Public"
ip, err = c.GetPublicIPAddress(d.ResourceGroup,
d.DNSLabel != "")
log.Debugf("Retrieving %s IP address...", ipType)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Error querying %s IP: %v", ipType, err)
if ip == "" {
log.Debugf("%s IP address is not yet allocated.", ipType)
return ip, nil
func machineStateForVMPowerState(ps azureutil.VMPowerState) state.State {
m := map[azureutil.VMPowerState]state.State{
azureutil.Running: state.Running,
azureutil.Starting: state.Starting,
azureutil.Stopping: state.Stopping,
azureutil.Stopped: state.Stopped,
azureutil.Deallocating: state.Stopping,
azureutil.Deallocated: state.Stopped,
azureutil.Unknown: state.None,
if v, ok := m[ps]; ok {
return v
log.Warnf("Azure PowerState %q does not map to a docker-machine state.", ps)
return state.None
// parseVirtualNetwork parses Virtual Network input format "[resourcegroup:]name"
// into Resource Group (uses provided one if omitted) and Virtual Network Name
func parseVirtualNetwork(name string, defaultRG string) (string, string) {
l := strings.SplitN(name, ":", 2)
if len(l) == 2 {
return l[0], l[1]
return defaultRG, name
// parseSecurityRuleProtocol parses a protocol string into a network.SecurityRuleProtocol
// and returns error if the protocol is not supported
func parseSecurityRuleProtocol(proto string) (network.SecurityRuleProtocol, error) {
switch strings.ToLower(proto) {
case "tcp":
return network.TCP, nil
case "udp":
return network.UDP, nil
case "*":
return network.Asterisk, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid protocol %s", proto)
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