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deploy.go 10.63 KB
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galal-hussein 提交于 2018-09-13 02:29 . Save state to the nodes backup path
package pki
import (
const (
StateDeployerContainerName = "cluster-state-deployer"
func DeployCertificatesOnPlaneHost(ctx context.Context, host *hosts.Host, rkeConfig v3.RancherKubernetesEngineConfig, crtMap map[string]CertificatePKI, certDownloaderImage string, prsMap map[string]v3.PrivateRegistry) error {
crtBundle := GenerateRKENodeCerts(ctx, rkeConfig, host.Address, crtMap)
env := []string{}
for _, crt := range crtBundle {
env = append(env, crt.ToEnv()...)
return doRunDeployer(ctx, host, env, certDownloaderImage, prsMap)
func DeployStateOnPlaneHost(ctx context.Context, host *hosts.Host, stateDownloaderImage string, prsMap map[string]v3.PrivateRegistry, clusterState string) error {
// remove existing container. Only way it's still here is if previous deployment failed
if err := docker.DoRemoveContainer(ctx, host.DClient, StateDeployerContainerName, host.Address); err != nil {
return err
containerEnv := []string{ClusterStateEnv + "=" + clusterState}
ClusterStateFilePath := path.Join(host.PrefixPath, TempCertPath, ClusterStateFile)
imageCfg := &container.Config{
Image: stateDownloaderImage,
Cmd: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("t=$(mktemp); echo -e \"$%s\" > $t && mv $t %s && chmod 644 %s", ClusterStateEnv, ClusterStateFilePath, ClusterStateFilePath),
Env: containerEnv,
hostCfg := &container.HostConfig{
Binds: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s:/etc/kubernetes:z", path.Join(host.PrefixPath, "/etc/kubernetes")),
Privileged: true,
if err := docker.DoRunContainer(ctx, host.DClient, imageCfg, hostCfg, StateDeployerContainerName, host.Address, "state", prsMap); err != nil {
return err
if err := docker.DoRemoveContainer(ctx, host.DClient, StateDeployerContainerName, host.Address); err != nil {
return err
logrus.Debugf("[state] Successfully started state deployer container on node [%s]", host.Address)
return nil
func doRunDeployer(ctx context.Context, host *hosts.Host, containerEnv []string, certDownloaderImage string, prsMap map[string]v3.PrivateRegistry) error {
// remove existing container. Only way it's still here is if previous deployment failed
isRunning := false
isRunning, err := docker.IsContainerRunning(ctx, host.DClient, host.Address, CrtDownloaderContainer, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if isRunning {
if err := docker.RemoveContainer(ctx, host.DClient, host.Address, CrtDownloaderContainer); err != nil {
return err
if err := docker.UseLocalOrPull(ctx, host.DClient, host.Address, certDownloaderImage, CertificatesServiceName, prsMap); err != nil {
return err
imageCfg := &container.Config{
Image: certDownloaderImage,
Cmd: []string{"cert-deployer"},
Env: containerEnv,
hostCfg := &container.HostConfig{
Binds: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s:/etc/kubernetes:z", path.Join(host.PrefixPath, "/etc/kubernetes")),
Privileged: true,
resp, err := host.DClient.ContainerCreate(ctx, imageCfg, hostCfg, nil, CrtDownloaderContainer)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create Certificates deployer container on host [%s]: %v", host.Address, err)
if err := host.DClient.ContainerStart(ctx, resp.ID, types.ContainerStartOptions{}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to start Certificates deployer container on host [%s]: %v", host.Address, err)
logrus.Debugf("[certificates] Successfully started Certificate deployer container: %s", resp.ID)
for {
isDeployerRunning, err := docker.IsContainerRunning(ctx, host.DClient, host.Address, CrtDownloaderContainer, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if isDeployerRunning {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
if err := host.DClient.ContainerRemove(ctx, resp.ID, types.ContainerRemoveOptions{}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to delete Certificates deployer container on host [%s]: %v", host.Address, err)
return nil
func DeployAdminConfig(ctx context.Context, kubeConfig, localConfigPath string) error {
if len(kubeConfig) == 0 {
return nil
logrus.Debugf("Deploying admin Kubeconfig locally: %s", kubeConfig)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(localConfigPath, []byte(kubeConfig), 0640)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create local admin kubeconfig file: %v", err)
log.Infof(ctx, "Successfully Deployed local admin kubeconfig at [%s]", localConfigPath)
return nil
func RemoveAdminConfig(ctx context.Context, localConfigPath string) {
log.Infof(ctx, "Removing local admin Kubeconfig: %s", localConfigPath)
if err := os.Remove(localConfigPath); err != nil {
logrus.Warningf("Failed to remove local admin Kubeconfig file: %v", err)
log.Infof(ctx, "Local admin Kubeconfig removed successfully")
func DeployCertificatesOnHost(ctx context.Context, host *hosts.Host, crtMap map[string]CertificatePKI, certDownloaderImage, certPath string, prsMap map[string]v3.PrivateRegistry) error {
env := []string{
"CRTS_DEPLOY_PATH=" + certPath,
for _, crt := range crtMap {
env = append(env, crt.ToEnv()...)
return doRunDeployer(ctx, host, env, certDownloaderImage, prsMap)
func FetchCertificatesFromHost(ctx context.Context, extraHosts []*hosts.Host, host *hosts.Host, image, localConfigPath string, prsMap map[string]v3.PrivateRegistry) (map[string]CertificatePKI, error) {
// rebuilding the certificates. This should look better after refactoring pki
tmpCerts := make(map[string]CertificatePKI)
crtList := map[string]bool{
CACertName: false,
KubeAPICertName: false,
KubeControllerCertName: true,
KubeSchedulerCertName: true,
KubeProxyCertName: true,
KubeNodeCertName: true,
KubeAdminCertName: false,
RequestHeaderCACertName: false,
APIProxyClientCertName: false,
for _, etcdHost := range extraHosts {
// Fetch etcd certificates
crtList[GetEtcdCrtName(etcdHost.InternalAddress)] = false
for certName, config := range crtList {
certificate := CertificatePKI{}
crt, err := FetchFileFromHost(ctx, GetCertTempPath(certName), image, host, prsMap, CertFetcherContainer, "certificates")
// I will only exit with an error if it's not a not-found-error and this is not an etcd certificate
if err != nil && (!strings.HasPrefix(certName, "kube-etcd") &&
!strings.Contains(certName, APIProxyClientCertName) &&
!strings.Contains(certName, RequestHeaderCACertName)) {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no such file or directory") ||
strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Could not find the file") {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
// If I can't find an etcd or api aggregator cert, I will not fail and will create it later.
if crt == "" && (strings.HasPrefix(certName, "kube-etcd") ||
strings.Contains(certName, APIProxyClientCertName) ||
strings.Contains(certName, RequestHeaderCACertName)) {
tmpCerts[certName] = CertificatePKI{}
key, err := FetchFileFromHost(ctx, GetKeyTempPath(certName), image, host, prsMap, CertFetcherContainer, "certificate")
if config {
config, err := FetchFileFromHost(ctx, GetConfigTempPath(certName), image, host, prsMap, CertFetcherContainer, "certificate")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
certificate.Config = config
parsedCert, err := cert.ParseCertsPEM([]byte(crt))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parsedKey, err := cert.ParsePrivateKeyPEM([]byte(key))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
certificate.Certificate = parsedCert[0]
certificate.Key = parsedKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey)
tmpCerts[certName] = certificate
logrus.Debugf("[certificates] Recovered certificate: %s", certName)
if err := docker.RemoveContainer(ctx, host.DClient, host.Address, CertFetcherContainer); err != nil {
return nil, err
return populateCertMap(tmpCerts, localConfigPath, extraHosts), nil
func FetchFileFromHost(ctx context.Context, filePath, image string, host *hosts.Host, prsMap map[string]v3.PrivateRegistry, containerName, state string) (string, error) {
imageCfg := &container.Config{
Image: image,
hostCfg := &container.HostConfig{
Binds: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s:/etc/kubernetes:z", path.Join(host.PrefixPath, "/etc/kubernetes")),
Privileged: true,
isRunning, err := docker.IsContainerRunning(ctx, host.DClient, host.Address, containerName, true)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if !isRunning {
if err := docker.DoRunContainer(ctx, host.DClient, imageCfg, hostCfg, containerName, host.Address, state, prsMap); err != nil {
return "", err
file, err := docker.ReadFileFromContainer(ctx, host.DClient, host.Address, containerName, filePath)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return file, nil
func getTempPath(s string) string {
return TempCertPath + path.Base(s)
func populateCertMap(tmpCerts map[string]CertificatePKI, localConfigPath string, extraHosts []*hosts.Host) map[string]CertificatePKI {
certs := make(map[string]CertificatePKI)
// CACert
certs[CACertName] = ToCertObject(CACertName, "", "", tmpCerts[CACertName].Certificate, tmpCerts[CACertName].Key)
// KubeAPI
certs[KubeAPICertName] = ToCertObject(KubeAPICertName, "", "", tmpCerts[KubeAPICertName].Certificate, tmpCerts[KubeAPICertName].Key)
// kubeController
certs[KubeControllerCertName] = ToCertObject(KubeControllerCertName, "", "", tmpCerts[KubeControllerCertName].Certificate, tmpCerts[KubeControllerCertName].Key)
// KubeScheduler
certs[KubeSchedulerCertName] = ToCertObject(KubeSchedulerCertName, "", "", tmpCerts[KubeSchedulerCertName].Certificate, tmpCerts[KubeSchedulerCertName].Key)
// KubeProxy
certs[KubeProxyCertName] = ToCertObject(KubeProxyCertName, "", "", tmpCerts[KubeProxyCertName].Certificate, tmpCerts[KubeProxyCertName].Key)
// KubeNode
certs[KubeNodeCertName] = ToCertObject(KubeNodeCertName, KubeNodeCommonName, KubeNodeOrganizationName, tmpCerts[KubeNodeCertName].Certificate, tmpCerts[KubeNodeCertName].Key)
// KubeAdmin
kubeAdminCertObj := ToCertObject(KubeAdminCertName, KubeAdminCertName, KubeAdminOrganizationName, tmpCerts[KubeAdminCertName].Certificate, tmpCerts[KubeAdminCertName].Key)
kubeAdminCertObj.Config = tmpCerts[KubeAdminCertName].Config
kubeAdminCertObj.ConfigPath = localConfigPath
certs[KubeAdminCertName] = kubeAdminCertObj
// etcd
for _, host := range extraHosts {
etcdName := GetEtcdCrtName(host.InternalAddress)
etcdCrt, etcdKey := tmpCerts[etcdName].Certificate, tmpCerts[etcdName].Key
certs[etcdName] = ToCertObject(etcdName, "", "", etcdCrt, etcdKey)
return certs
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