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kubernetes_service.go 10.22 KB
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Hubery1003 提交于 2021-12-16 10:12 . first commit
package kubernetes
import (
appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
auth_v1 "k8s.io/api/authorization/v1"
batch_v1 "k8s.io/api/batch/v1"
batch_v1beta1 "k8s.io/api/batch/v1beta1"
meta_v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
osappsv1 "github.com/openshift/api/apps/v1"
osv1 "github.com/openshift/api/project/v1"
// GetNamespace fetches and returns the specified namespace definition
// from the cluster
func (in *IstioClient) GetNamespace(namespace string) (*v1.Namespace, error) {
ns, err := in.k8s.CoreV1().Namespaces().Get(context.TODO(),namespace, emptyGetOptions)
if err != nil {
return &v1.Namespace{}, err
return ns, nil
// GetNamespaces returns a list of all namespaces of the cluster.
// It returns a list of all namespaces of the cluster.
// It returns an error on any problem.
func (in *IstioClient) GetNamespaces() ([]v1.Namespace, error) {
namespaces, err := in.k8s.CoreV1().Namespaces().List(context.TODO(),emptyListOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return namespaces.Items, nil
// GetProject fetches and returns the definition of the project with
// the specified name by querying the cluster API. GetProject will fail
// if the underlying cluster is not Openshift.
func (in *IstioClient) GetProject(name string) (*osv1.Project, error) {
result := &osv1.Project{}
err := in.k8s.RESTClient().Get().Prefix("apis", "project.openshift.io", "v1", "projects", name).Do(context.TODO()).Into(result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
func (in *IstioClient) GetProjects() ([]osv1.Project, error) {
result := &osv1.ProjectList{}
err := in.k8s.RESTClient().Get().Prefix("apis", "project.openshift.io", "v1", "projects").Do(context.TODO()).Into(result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result.Items, nil
func (in *IstioClient) IsOpenShift() bool {
if in.isOpenShift == nil {
isOpenShift := false
_, err := in.k8s.RESTClient().Get().AbsPath("/apis/project.openshift.io").Do(context.TODO()).Raw()
if err == nil {
isOpenShift = true
in.isOpenShift = &isOpenShift
return *in.isOpenShift
// GetServices returns a list of services for a given namespace.
// If selectorLabels is defined the list of services is filtered for those that matches Services selector labels.
// It returns an error on any problem.
func (in *IstioClient) GetServices(namespace string, selectorLabels map[string]string) ([]v1.Service, error) {
var allServices []v1.Service
var err error
if in.k8sCache != nil {
allServices, err = in.k8sCache.GetServices(namespace)
} else {
if allServicesList, err := in.k8s.CoreV1().Services(namespace).List(context.TODO(),emptyListOptions); err == nil {
allServices = allServicesList.Items
if err != nil {
return []v1.Service{}, err
if selectorLabels == nil {
return allServices, nil
var services []v1.Service
for _, svc := range allServices {
svcSelector := labels.Set(svc.Spec.Selector).AsSelector()
if svcSelector.Matches(labels.Set(selectorLabels)) {
services = append(services, svc)
return services, nil
// GetDeployment returns the definition of a specific deployment.
// It returns an error on any problem.
func (in *IstioClient) GetDeployment(namespace, deploymentName string) (*appsv1.Deployment, error) {
if in.k8sCache != nil {
return in.k8sCache.GetDeployment(namespace, deploymentName)
return in.k8s.AppsV1().Deployments(namespace).Get(context.TODO(),deploymentName, emptyGetOptions)
// GetDeployments returns an array of deployments for a given namespace and a set of labels.
// It returns an error on any problem.
func (in *IstioClient) GetDeployments(namespace string) ([]appsv1.Deployment, error) {
if in.k8sCache != nil {
return in.k8sCache.GetDeployments(namespace)
if depList, err := in.k8s.AppsV1().Deployments(namespace).List(context.TODO(),emptyListOptions); err == nil {
return depList.Items, nil
} else {
return []appsv1.Deployment{}, err
// GetDeployment returns the definition of a specific deployment.
// It returns an error on any problem.
func (in *IstioClient) GetDeploymentConfig(namespace, deploymentconfigName string) (*osappsv1.DeploymentConfig, error) {
result := &osappsv1.DeploymentConfig{}
err := in.k8s.RESTClient().Get().Prefix("apis", "apps.openshift.io", "v1").Namespace(namespace).Resource("deploymentconfigs").SubResource(deploymentconfigName).Do(context.TODO()).Into(result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
// GetDeployments returns an array of deployments for a given namespace and a set of labels.
// An empty labelSelector will fetch all Deployments for a namespace.
// It returns an error on any problem.
func (in *IstioClient) GetDeploymentConfigs(namespace string) ([]osappsv1.DeploymentConfig, error) {
result := &osappsv1.DeploymentConfigList{}
err := in.k8s.RESTClient().Get().Prefix("apis", "apps.openshift.io", "v1").Namespace(namespace).Resource("deploymentconfigs").Do(context.TODO()).Into(result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result.Items, nil
func (in *IstioClient) GetReplicaSets(namespace string) ([]appsv1.ReplicaSet, error) {
if in.k8sCache != nil {
return in.k8sCache.GetReplicaSets(namespace)
if rsList, err := in.k8s.AppsV1().ReplicaSets(namespace).List(context.TODO(),emptyListOptions); err == nil {
return rsList.Items, nil
} else {
return []appsv1.ReplicaSet{}, err
func (in *IstioClient) GetStatefulSet(namespace string, statefulsetName string) (*appsv1.StatefulSet, error) {
if in.k8sCache != nil {
return in.k8sCache.GetStatefulSet(namespace, statefulsetName)
return in.k8s.AppsV1().StatefulSets(namespace).Get(context.TODO(),statefulsetName, emptyGetOptions)
func (in *IstioClient) GetStatefulSets(namespace string) ([]appsv1.StatefulSet, error) {
if in.k8sCache != nil {
return in.k8sCache.GetStatefulSets(namespace)
if ssList, err := in.k8s.AppsV1().StatefulSets(namespace).List(context.TODO(),emptyListOptions); err == nil {
return ssList.Items, nil
} else {
return []appsv1.StatefulSet{}, err
func (in *IstioClient) GetReplicationControllers(namespace string) ([]v1.ReplicationController, error) {
if in.k8sCache != nil {
return in.k8sCache.GetReplicationControllers(namespace)
if rcList, err := in.k8s.CoreV1().ReplicationControllers(namespace).List(context.TODO(),emptyListOptions); err == nil {
return rcList.Items, nil
} else {
return []v1.ReplicationController{}, err
// GetService returns the definition of a specific service.
// It returns an error on any problem.
func (in *IstioClient) GetService(namespace, serviceName string) (*v1.Service, error) {
if in.k8sCache != nil {
return in.k8sCache.GetService(namespace, serviceName)
return in.k8s.CoreV1().Services(namespace).Get(context.TODO(),serviceName, emptyGetOptions)
// GetEndpoints return the list of endpoint of a specific service.
// It returns an error on any problem.
func (in *IstioClient) GetEndpoints(namespace, serviceName string) (*v1.Endpoints, error) {
if in.k8sCache != nil {
return in.k8sCache.GetEndpoints(namespace, serviceName)
return in.k8s.CoreV1().Endpoints(namespace).Get(context.TODO(),serviceName, emptyGetOptions)
// GetPods returns the pods definitions for a given set of labels.
// An empty labelSelector will fetch all pods found per a namespace.
// It returns an error on any problem.
func (in *IstioClient) GetPods(namespace, labelSelector string) ([]v1.Pod, error) {
if in.k8sCache != nil {
pods, err := in.k8sCache.GetPods(namespace)
if err != nil {
return []v1.Pod{}, err
if labelSelector != "" {
selector, err := labels.Parse(labelSelector)
if err != nil {
return []v1.Pod{}, err
pods = FilterPodsForSelector(selector, pods)
return pods, nil
// An empty selector is ambiguous in the go client, could mean either "select all" or "select none"
// Here we assume empty == select all
// (see also https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectors)
if pods, err := in.k8s.CoreV1().Pods(namespace).List(context.TODO(),meta_v1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: labelSelector}); err == nil {
return pods.Items, nil
} else {
return []v1.Pod{}, err
func (in *IstioClient) GetCronJobs(namespace string) ([]batch_v1beta1.CronJob, error) {
if in.k8sCache != nil {
return in.k8sCache.GetCronJobs(namespace)
if cjList, err := in.k8s.BatchV1beta1().CronJobs(namespace).List(context.TODO(),emptyListOptions); err == nil {
return cjList.Items, nil
} else {
return []batch_v1beta1.CronJob{}, err
func (in *IstioClient) GetJobs(namespace string) ([]batch_v1.Job, error) {
if in.k8sCache != nil {
return in.k8sCache.GetJobs(namespace)
if jList, err := in.k8s.BatchV1().Jobs(namespace).List(context.TODO(),emptyListOptions); err == nil {
return jList.Items, nil
} else {
return []batch_v1.Job{}, err
// NewNotFound is a helper method to create a NotFound error similar as used by the kubernetes client.
// This method helps upper layers to send a explicit NotFound error without querying the backend.
func NewNotFound(name, group, resource string) error {
return errors.NewNotFound(schema.GroupResource{Group: group, Resource: resource}, name)
// GetSelfSubjectAccessReview provides information on Kiali permissions
func (in *IstioClient) GetSelfSubjectAccessReview(namespace, api, resourceType string, verbs []string) ([]*auth_v1.SelfSubjectAccessReview, error) {
calls := len(verbs)
ch := make(chan *auth_v1.SelfSubjectAccessReview, calls)
errChan := make(chan error)
for _, v := range verbs {
go func(verb string) {
res, err := in.k8s.AuthorizationV1().SelfSubjectAccessReviews().Create(context.TODO(),&auth_v1.SelfSubjectAccessReview{
Spec: auth_v1.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec{
ResourceAttributes: &auth_v1.ResourceAttributes{
Namespace: namespace,
Verb: verb,
Group: api,
Resource: resourceType,
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
} else {
ch <- res
var err error
result := []*auth_v1.SelfSubjectAccessReview{}
for count := 0; count < calls; count++ {
select {
case res := <-ch:
result = append(result, res)
case err = <-errChan:
// No op
return result, err
