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Hubery1003 提交于 2021-12-16 10:12 . first commit
package kubernetes
import (
autoscalingV1 "k8s.io/api/autoscaling/v1"
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
meta_v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
const (
// Networking
destinationRules = "destinationrules"
destinationRuleType = "DestinationRule"
destinationRuleTypeList = "DestinationRuleList"
gateways = "gateways"
gatewayType = "Gateway"
gatewayTypeList = "GatewayList"
serviceentries = "serviceentries"
serviceentryType = "ServiceEntry"
serviceentryTypeList = "ServiceEntryList"
virtualServices = "virtualservices"
virtualServiceType = "VirtualService"
virtualServiceTypeList = "VirtualServiceList"
// Quotas
quotaspecs = "quotaspecs"
quotaspecType = "QuotaSpec"
quotaspecTypeList = "QuotaSpecList"
quotaspecbindings = "quotaspecbindings"
quotaspecbindingType = "QuotaSpecBinding"
quotaspecbindingTypeList = "QuotaSpecBindingList"
// Policies
policies = "policies"
policyType = "Policy"
policyTypeList = "PolicyList"
meshPolicies = "meshpolicies"
meshPolicyType = "MeshPolicy"
meshPolicyTypeList = "MeshPolicyList"
// Rbac
clusterrbacconfigs = "clusterrbacconfigs"
clusterrbacconfigType = "ClusterRbacConfig"
clusterrbacconfigTypeList = "ClusterRbacConfigList"
serviceroles = "serviceroles"
serviceroleType = "ServiceRole"
serviceroleTypeList = "ServiceRoleList"
servicerolebindings = "servicerolebindings"
servicerolebindingType = "ServiceRoleBinding"
servicerolebindingTypeList = "ServiceRoleBindingList"
// Config - Rules
rules = "rules"
ruleType = "rule"
ruleTypeList = "ruleList"
// Config - Adapters
circonuses = "circonuses"
circonusType = "circonus"
circonusTypeList = "circonusList"
deniers = "deniers"
denierType = "denier"
denierTypeList = "denierList"
fluentds = "fluentds"
fluentdType = "fluentd"
fluentdTypeList = "fluentdList"
fluentdLabel = "fluentd"
handlers = "handlers"
handlerType = "handler"
handlerTypeList = "handlerList"
kubernetesenvs = "kubernetesenvs"
kubernetesenvType = "kubernetesenv"
kubernetesenvTypeList = "kubernetesenvList"
listcheckers = "listcheckers"
listcheckerType = "listchecker"
listcheckerTypeList = "listcheckerList"
memquotas = "memquotas"
memquotaType = "memquota"
memquotaTypeList = "memquotaList"
opas = "opas"
opaType = "opa"
opaTypeList = "opaList"
prometheuses = "prometheuses"
prometheusType = "prometheus"
prometheusTypeList = "prometheusList"
rbacs = "rbacs"
rbacType = "rbac"
rbacTypeList = "rbacList"
servicecontrols = "servicecontrols"
servicecontrolType = "servicecontrol"
servicecontrolTypeList = "servicecontrolList"
solarwindses = "solarwindses"
solarwindsType = "solarwinds"
solarwindsTypeList = "solarwindsList"
stackdrivers = "stackdrivers"
stackdriverType = "stackdriver"
stackdriverTypeList = "stackdriverList"
statsds = "statsds"
statsdType = "statsd"
statsdTypeList = "statsdList"
stdios = "stdios"
stdioType = "stdio"
stdioTypeList = "stdioList"
// Config - Templates
apikeys = "apikeys"
apikeyType = "apikey"
apikeyTypeList = "apikeyList"
authorizations = "authorizations"
authorizationType = "authorization"
authorizationTypeList = "authorizationList"
checknothings = "checknothings"
checknothingType = "checknothing"
checknothingTypeList = "checknothingList"
kuberneteses = "kuberneteses"
kubernetesType = "kubernetes"
kubernetesTypeList = "kubernetesList"
listEntries = "listentries"
listEntryType = "listentry"
listEntryTypeList = "listentryList"
logentries = "logentries"
logentryType = "logentry"
logentryTypeList = "logentryList"
metrics = "metrics"
metricType = "metric"
metricTypeList = "metricList"
quotas = "quotas"
quotaType = "quota"
quotaTypeList = "quotaList"
reportnothings = "reportnothings"
reportnothingType = "reportnothing"
reportnothingTypeList = "reportnothingList"
servicecontrolreports = "servicecontrolreports"
servicecontrolreportType = "servicecontrolreport"
servicecontrolreportTypeList = "servicecontrolreportList"
var (
ConfigGroupVersion = schema.GroupVersion{
Group: "config.istio.io",
Version: "v1alpha2",
ApiConfigVersion = ConfigGroupVersion.Group + "/" + ConfigGroupVersion.Version
NetworkingGroupVersion = schema.GroupVersion{
Group: "networking.istio.io",
Version: "v1alpha3",
ApiNetworkingVersion = NetworkingGroupVersion.Group + "/" + NetworkingGroupVersion.Version
AuthenticationGroupVersion = schema.GroupVersion{
Group: "authentication.istio.io",
Version: "v1alpha1",
ApiAuthenticationVersion = AuthenticationGroupVersion.Group + "/" + AuthenticationGroupVersion.Version
RbacGroupVersion = schema.GroupVersion{
Group: "rbac.istio.io",
Version: "v1alpha1",
ApiRbacVersion = RbacGroupVersion.Group + "/" + RbacGroupVersion.Version
networkingTypes = []struct {
objectKind string
collectionKind string
objectKind: gatewayType,
collectionKind: gatewayTypeList,
objectKind: virtualServiceType,
collectionKind: virtualServiceTypeList,
objectKind: destinationRuleType,
collectionKind: destinationRuleTypeList,
objectKind: serviceentryType,
collectionKind: serviceentryTypeList,
configTypes = []struct {
objectKind string
collectionKind string
objectKind: ruleType,
collectionKind: ruleTypeList,
// Quota specs depends on Quota template but are not a "template" object itselft
objectKind: quotaspecType,
collectionKind: quotaspecTypeList,
objectKind: quotaspecbindingType,
collectionKind: quotaspecbindingTypeList,
authenticationTypes = []struct {
objectKind string
collectionKind string
objectKind: policyType,
collectionKind: policyTypeList,
objectKind: meshPolicyType,
collectionKind: meshPolicyTypeList,
// TODO Adapters and Templates can be loaded from external config for easy maintenance
adapterTypes = []struct {
objectKind string
collectionKind string
objectKind: circonusType,
collectionKind: circonusTypeList,
objectKind: denierType,
collectionKind: denierTypeList,
objectKind: fluentdType,
collectionKind: fluentdTypeList,
objectKind: handlerType,
collectionKind: handlerTypeList,
objectKind: kubernetesenvType,
collectionKind: kubernetesenvTypeList,
objectKind: listcheckerType,
collectionKind: listcheckerTypeList,
objectKind: memquotaType,
collectionKind: memquotaTypeList,
objectKind: opaType,
collectionKind: opaTypeList,
objectKind: prometheusType,
collectionKind: prometheusTypeList,
objectKind: rbacType,
collectionKind: rbacTypeList,
objectKind: servicecontrolType,
collectionKind: servicecontrolTypeList,
objectKind: solarwindsType,
collectionKind: solarwindsTypeList,
objectKind: stackdriverType,
collectionKind: stackdriverTypeList,
objectKind: statsdType,
collectionKind: statsdTypeList,
objectKind: stdioType,
collectionKind: stdioTypeList,
templateTypes = []struct {
objectKind string
collectionKind string
objectKind: apikeyType,
collectionKind: apikeyTypeList,
objectKind: authorizationType,
collectionKind: authorizationTypeList,
objectKind: checknothingType,
collectionKind: checknothingTypeList,
objectKind: kubernetesType,
collectionKind: kubernetesTypeList,
objectKind: listEntryType,
collectionKind: listEntryTypeList,
objectKind: logentryType,
collectionKind: logentryTypeList,
objectKind: metricType,
collectionKind: metricTypeList,
objectKind: quotaType,
collectionKind: quotaTypeList,
objectKind: reportnothingType,
collectionKind: reportnothingTypeList,
objectKind: servicecontrolreportType,
collectionKind: servicecontrolreportTypeList,
rbacTypes = []struct {
objectKind string
collectionKind string
objectKind: clusterrbacconfigType,
collectionKind: clusterrbacconfigTypeList,
objectKind: serviceroleType,
collectionKind: serviceroleTypeList,
objectKind: servicerolebindingType,
collectionKind: servicerolebindingTypeList,
// A map to get the plural for a Istio type using the singlar type
// Used for fetch istio actions details, so only applied to handlers (adapters) and instances (templates) types
// It should be one entry per adapter/template
adapterPlurals = map[string]string{
circonusType: circonuses,
denierType: deniers,
fluentdType: fluentds,
handlerType: handlers,
kubernetesenvType: kubernetesenvs,
listcheckerType: listcheckers,
memquotaType: memquotas,
opaType: opas,
prometheusType: prometheuses,
rbacType: rbacs,
servicecontrolType: servicecontrols,
solarwindsType: solarwindses,
stackdriverType: stackdrivers,
statsdType: statsds,
stdioType: stdios,
templatePlurals = map[string]string{
apikeyType: apikeys,
authorizationType: authorizations,
checknothingType: checknothings,
kubernetesType: kuberneteses,
listEntryType: listEntries,
logentryType: logentries,
metricType: metrics,
quotaType: quotas,
reportnothingType: reportnothings,
servicecontrolreportType: servicecontrolreports,
PluralType = map[string]string{
// Networking
gateways: gatewayType,
virtualServices: virtualServiceType,
destinationRules: destinationRuleType,
serviceentries: serviceentryType,
// Main Config files
rules: ruleType,
quotaspecs: quotaspecType,
quotaspecbindings: quotaspecbindingType,
// Adapters
circonuses: circonusType,
deniers: denierType,
fluentds: fluentdType,
handlers: handlerType,
kubernetesenvs: kubernetesenvType,
listcheckers: listcheckerType,
memquotas: memquotaType,
opas: opaType,
prometheuses: prometheusType,
rbacs: rbacType,
servicecontrols: servicecontrolType,
solarwindses: solarwindsType,
stackdrivers: stackdriverType,
statsds: statsdType,
stdios: stdioType,
// Templates
apikeys: apikeyType,
authorizations: authorizationType,
checknothings: checknothingType,
kuberneteses: kubernetesType,
listEntries: listEntryType,
logentries: logentryType,
metrics: metricType,
quotas: quotaType,
reportnothings: reportnothingType,
servicecontrolreports: servicecontrolreportType,
// Policies
policies: policyType,
meshPolicies: meshPolicyType,
// Rbac
clusterrbacconfigs: clusterrbacconfigType,
serviceroles: serviceroleType,
servicerolebindings: servicerolebindingType,
// IstioObject is a k8s wrapper interface for config objects.
// Taken from istio.io
type IstioObject interface {
GetSpec() map[string]interface{}
GetObjectMeta() meta_v1.ObjectMeta
DeepCopyIstioObject() IstioObject
// IstioObjectList is a k8s wrapper interface for list config objects.
// Taken from istio.io
type IstioObjectList interface {
GetItems() []IstioObject
// ServiceList holds list of services, pods and deployments
type ServiceList struct {
Services *v1.ServiceList
Pods *v1.PodList
Deployments *v1beta1.DeploymentList
// ServiceDetails is a wrapper to group full Service description, Endpoints and Pods.
// Used to fetch all details in a single operation instead to invoke individual APIs per each group.
type ServiceDetails struct {
Service *v1.Service `json:"service"`
Endpoints *v1.Endpoints `json:"endpoints"`
Deployments *v1beta1.DeploymentList `json:"deployments"`
Autoscalers *autoscalingV1.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList `json:"autoscalers"`
Pods []v1.Pod `json:"pods"`
// IstioDetails is a wrapper to group all Istio objects related to a Service.
// Used to fetch all Istio information in a single operation instead to invoke individual APIs per each group.
type IstioDetails struct {
VirtualServices []IstioObject `json:"virtualservices"`
DestinationRules []IstioObject `json:"destinationrules"`
ServiceEntries []IstioObject `json:"serviceentries"`
Gateways []IstioObject `json:"gateways"`
// MTLSDetails is a wrapper to group all Istio objects related to non-local mTLS configurations
type MTLSDetails struct {
DestinationRules []IstioObject `json:"destinationrules"`
MeshPolicies []IstioObject `json:"meshpolicies"`
type istioResponse struct {
result IstioObject
results []IstioObject
err error
// GenericIstioObject is a type to test Istio types defined by Istio as a Kubernetes extension.
type GenericIstioObject struct {
meta_v1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
meta_v1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"`
Spec map[string]interface{} `json:"spec"`
// GenericIstioObjectList is the generic Kubernetes API list wrapper
type GenericIstioObjectList struct {
meta_v1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
meta_v1.ListMeta `json:"metadata"`
Items []GenericIstioObject `json:"items"`
// GetSpec from a wrapper
func (in *GenericIstioObject) GetSpec() map[string]interface{} {
return in.Spec
// SetSpec for a wrapper
func (in *GenericIstioObject) SetSpec(spec map[string]interface{}) {
in.Spec = spec
// GetObjectMeta from a wrapper
func (in *GenericIstioObject) GetObjectMeta() meta_v1.ObjectMeta {
return in.ObjectMeta
// SetObjectMeta for a wrapper
func (in *GenericIstioObject) SetObjectMeta(metadata meta_v1.ObjectMeta) {
in.ObjectMeta = metadata
// GetItems from a wrapper
func (in *GenericIstioObjectList) GetItems() []IstioObject {
out := make([]IstioObject, len(in.Items))
for i := range in.Items {
out[i] = &in.Items[i]
return out
// DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (in *GenericIstioObject) DeepCopyInto(out *GenericIstioObject) {
*out = *in
out.TypeMeta = in.TypeMeta
out.Spec = in.Spec
// DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new GenericIstioObject.
func (in *GenericIstioObject) DeepCopy() *GenericIstioObject {
if in == nil {
return nil
out := new(GenericIstioObject)
return out
// DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
func (in *GenericIstioObject) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object {
if c := in.DeepCopy(); c != nil {
return c
return nil
// DeepCopyIstioObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new IstioObject.
func (in *GenericIstioObject) DeepCopyIstioObject() IstioObject {
if c := in.DeepCopy(); c != nil {
return c
return nil
// DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (in *GenericIstioObjectList) DeepCopyInto(out *GenericIstioObjectList) {
*out = *in
out.TypeMeta = in.TypeMeta
out.ListMeta = in.ListMeta
if in.Items != nil {
in, out := &in.Items, &out.Items
*out = make([]GenericIstioObject, len(*in))
for i := range *in {
// DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new GenericIstioObjectList.
func (in *GenericIstioObjectList) DeepCopy() *GenericIstioObjectList {
if in == nil {
return nil
out := new(GenericIstioObjectList)
return out
// DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
func (in *GenericIstioObjectList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object {
if c := in.DeepCopy(); c != nil {
return c
return nil
// Host represents the FQDN format for Istio hostnames
type Host struct {
Service string
Namespace string
Cluster string
// Parse takes as an input a hostname (simple or full FQDN), namespace and clusterName and returns a parsed Host struct
func ParseHost(hostName, namespace, cluster string) Host {
domainParts := strings.Split(hostName, ".")
host := Host{
Service: domainParts[0],
if len(domainParts) > 1 {
host.Namespace = domainParts[1]
if len(domainParts) > 2 {
host.Cluster = strings.Join(domainParts[2:], ".")
// Fill in missing details, we take precedence from the full hostname and not from DestinationRule details
if host.Cluster == "" {
if cluster != "" {
host.Cluster = cluster
} else {
host.Cluster = config.Get().ExternalServices.Istio.IstioIdentityDomain
if host.Namespace == "" {
host.Namespace = namespace
return host
// String outputs a full FQDN version of the Host
func (h Host) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", h.Service, h.Namespace, h.Cluster)
