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document.go 18.73 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package bson
import (
// ErrInvalidReadOnlyDocument indicates that the underlying bytes of a bson.Reader are invalid.
var ErrInvalidReadOnlyDocument = errors.New("invalid read-only document")
// ErrInvalidKey indicates that the BSON representation of a key is missing a null terminator.
var ErrInvalidKey = errors.New("invalid document key")
// ErrInvalidArrayKey indicates that a key that isn't a positive integer was used to lookup an
// element in an array.
var ErrInvalidArrayKey = errors.New("invalid array key")
// ErrInvalidLength indicates that a length in a binary representation of a BSON document is invalid.
var ErrInvalidLength = errors.New("document length is invalid")
// ErrEmptyKey indicates that no key was provided to a Lookup method.
var ErrEmptyKey = errors.New("empty key provided")
// ErrNilElement indicates that a nil element was provided when none was expected.
var ErrNilElement = errors.New("element is nil")
// ErrNilDocument indicates that an operation was attempted on a nil *bson.Document.
var ErrNilDocument = errors.New("document is nil")
// ErrInvalidDocumentType indicates that a type which doesn't represent a BSON document was
// was provided when a document was expected.
var ErrInvalidDocumentType = errors.New("invalid document type")
// ErrInvalidDepthTraversal indicates that a provided path of keys to a nested value in a document
// does not exist.
// TODO(skriptble): This error message is pretty awful.
// Please fix.
var ErrInvalidDepthTraversal = errors.New("invalid depth traversal")
// ErrElementNotFound indicates that an Element matching a certain condition does not exist.
var ErrElementNotFound = errors.New("element not found")
// ErrOutOfBounds indicates that an index provided to access something was invalid.
var ErrOutOfBounds = errors.New("out of bounds")
// Document is a mutable ordered map that compactly represents a BSON document.
type Document struct {
// The default behavior or Append, Prepend, and Replace is to panic on the
// insertion of a nil element. Setting IgnoreNilInsert to true will instead
// silently ignore any nil parameters to these methods.
IgnoreNilInsert bool
elems []*Element
index []uint32
// NewDocument creates an empty Document. The numberOfElems parameter will
// preallocate the underlying storage which can prevent extra allocations.
func NewDocument(elems ...*Element) *Document {
doc := &Document{
elems: make([]*Element, 0, len(elems)),
index: make([]uint32, 0, len(elems)),
return doc
// ReadDocument will create a Document using the provided slice of bytes. If the
// slice of bytes is not a valid BSON document, this method will return an error.
func ReadDocument(b []byte) (*Document, error) {
var doc = new(Document)
err := doc.UnmarshalBSON(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return doc, nil
// Len returns the number of elements in the document.
func (d *Document) Len() int {
if d == nil {
return len(d.elems)
// Keys returns all of the element keys for this document. If recursive is true,
// this method will also return the keys of any subdocuments or arrays.
func (d *Document) Keys(recursive bool) (Keys, error) {
if d == nil {
return nil, ErrNilDocument
return d.recursiveKeys(recursive)
// recursiveKeys handles the recursion case for retrieving all of a Document's
// keys.
func (d *Document) recursiveKeys(recursive bool, prefix ...string) (Keys, error) {
if d == nil {
return nil, ErrNilDocument
ks := make(Keys, 0, len(d.elems))
for _, elem := range d.elems {
key := elem.Key()
ks = append(ks, Key{Prefix: prefix, Name: key})
if !recursive {
// TODO(skriptble): Should we support getting the keys of a code with
// scope document?
switch elem.value.Type() {
case '\x03':
subprefix := append(prefix, key)
subkeys, err := elem.value.MutableDocument().recursiveKeys(recursive, subprefix...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ks = append(ks, subkeys...)
case '\x04':
subprefix := append(prefix, key)
subkeys, err := elem.value.MutableArray().doc.recursiveKeys(recursive, subprefix...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ks = append(ks, subkeys...)
return ks, nil
// Append adds each element to the end of the document, in order. If a nil element is passed
// as a parameter this method will panic. To change this behavior to silently
// ignore a nil element, set IgnoreNilInsert to true on the Document.
// If a nil element is inserted and this method panics, it does not remove the
// previously added elements.
func (d *Document) Append(elems ...*Element) *Document {
if d == nil {
for _, elem := range elems {
if elem == nil {
if d.IgnoreNilInsert {
// TODO(skriptble): Maybe Append and Prepend should return an error
// instead of panicking here.
d.elems = append(d.elems, elem)
i := sort.Search(len(d.index), func(i int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(
d.keyFromIndex(i), elem.value.data[elem.value.start+1:elem.value.offset]) >= 0
if i < len(d.index) {
d.index = append(d.index, 0)
copy(d.index[i+1:], d.index[i:])
d.index[i] = uint32(len(d.elems) - 1)
} else {
d.index = append(d.index, uint32(len(d.elems)-1))
return d
// Prepend adds each element to the beginning of the document, in order. If a nil element is passed
// as a parameter this method will panic. To change this behavior to silently
// ignore a nil element, set IgnoreNilInsert to true on the Document.
// If a nil element is inserted and this method panics, it does not remove the
// previously added elements.
func (d *Document) Prepend(elems ...*Element) *Document {
if d == nil {
// In order to insert the prepended elements in order we need to make space
// at the front of the elements slice.
d.elems = append(d.elems, elems...)
copy(d.elems[len(elems):], d.elems)
remaining := len(elems)
for idx, elem := range elems {
if elem == nil {
if d.IgnoreNilInsert {
// Having nil elements in a document would be problematic.
copy(d.elems[idx:], d.elems[idx+1:])
d.elems[len(d.elems)-1] = nil
d.elems = d.elems[:len(d.elems)-1]
// Not very efficient, but we're about to blow up so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
for j := idx; j < remaining; j++ {
copy(d.elems[j:], d.elems[j+1:])
d.elems[len(d.elems)-1] = nil
d.elems = d.elems[:len(d.elems)-1]
d.elems[idx] = elem
i := sort.Search(len(d.index), func(i int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(
d.keyFromIndex(i), elem.value.data[elem.value.start+1:elem.value.offset]) >= 0
if i < len(d.index) {
d.index = append(d.index, 0)
copy(d.index[i+1:], d.index[i:])
d.index[i] = uint32(len(d.elems) - 1)
} else {
d.index = append(d.index, uint32(len(d.elems)-1))
return d
// Set replaces an element of a document. If an element with a matching key is
// found, the element will be replaced with the one provided. If the document
// does not have an element with that key, the element is appended to the
// document instead. If a nil element is passed as a parameter this method will
// panic. To change this behavior to silently ignore a nil element, set
// IgnoreNilInsert to true on the Document.
// If a nil element is inserted and this method panics, it does not remove the
// previously added elements.
// TODO(skriptble): Do we need to panic on a nil element? Semantically, if you
// ask to replace an element in the document with a nil element, you aren't
// asking for anything to be done.
func (d *Document) Set(elem *Element) *Document {
if elem == nil {
if d.IgnoreNilInsert {
return d
key := elem.Key() + "\x00"
i := sort.Search(len(d.index), func(i int) bool { return bytes.Compare(d.keyFromIndex(i), []byte(key)) >= 0 })
if i < len(d.index) && bytes.Compare(d.keyFromIndex(i), []byte(key)) == 0 {
d.elems[d.index[i]] = elem
return d
d.elems = append(d.elems, elem)
position := uint32(len(d.elems) - 1)
if i < len(d.index) {
d.index = append(d.index, 0)
copy(d.index[i+1:], d.index[i:])
d.index[i] = position
} else {
d.index = append(d.index, position)
return d
// Lookup searches the document and potentially subdocuments or arrays for the
// provided key. Each key provided to this method represents a layer of depth.
func (d *Document) Lookup(key ...string) (*Element, error) {
if d == nil {
return nil, ErrNilDocument
if len(key) == 0 {
return nil, ErrEmptyKey
var elem *Element
var err error
first := []byte(key[0] + "\x00")
i := sort.Search(len(d.index), func(i int) bool { return bytes.Compare(d.keyFromIndex(i), first) >= 0 })
if i < len(d.index) && bytes.Compare(d.keyFromIndex(i), first) == 0 {
elem = d.elems[d.index[i]]
if len(key) == 1 {
return elem, nil
switch elem.value.Type() {
case '\x03':
elem, err = elem.value.MutableDocument().Lookup(key[1:]...)
case '\x04':
index, err := strconv.ParseUint(key[1], 10, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidArrayKey
val, err := elem.value.MutableArray().lookupTraverse(uint(index), key[2:]...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
elem = &Element{value: val}
// TODO(skriptble): This error message should be more clear, e.g.
// include information about what depth was reached, what the
// incorrect type was, etc...
err = ErrInvalidDepthTraversal
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if elem == nil {
// TODO(skriptble): This should also be a clearer error message.
// Preferably we should track the depth at which the key was not found.
return nil, ErrElementNotFound
return elem, nil
// Delete removes the keys from the Document. The deleted element is
// returned. If the key does not exist, then nil is returned and the delete is
// a no-op. The same is true if something along the depth tree does not exist
// or is not a traversable type.
// TODO(skriptble): This method differs from Lookup when it comes to errors.
// Should this method return errors to be consistent?
func (d *Document) Delete(key ...string) *Element {
if d == nil {
if len(key) == 0 {
return nil
// Do a binary search through the index, delete the element from
// the index and delete the element from the elems array.
var elem *Element
first := []byte(key[0] + "\x00")
i := sort.Search(len(d.index), func(i int) bool { return bytes.Compare(d.keyFromIndex(i), first) >= 0 })
if i < len(d.index) && bytes.Compare(d.keyFromIndex(i), first) == 0 {
keyIndex := d.index[i]
elem = d.elems[keyIndex]
if len(key) == 1 {
d.index = append(d.index[:i], d.index[i+1:]...)
d.elems = append(d.elems[:keyIndex], d.elems[keyIndex+1:]...)
return elem
switch elem.value.Type() {
case '\x03':
elem = elem.value.MutableDocument().Delete(key[1:]...)
case '\x04':
elem = elem.value.MutableArray().doc.Delete(key[1:]...)
elem = nil
return elem
// ElementAt retrieves the element at the given index in a Document. It panics if the index is
// out-of-bounds.
// TODO(skriptble): This method could be variadic and return the element at the
// provided depth.
func (d *Document) ElementAt(index uint) *Element {
if d == nil {
return d.elems[index]
// ElementAtOK is the same as ElementAt, but returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (d *Document) ElementAtOK(index uint) (*Element, bool) {
if d == nil {
return nil, false
if index >= uint(len(d.elems)) {
return nil, false
return d.ElementAt(index), true
// Iterator creates an Iterator for this document and returns it.
func (d *Document) Iterator() *Iterator {
if d == nil {
return newIterator(d)
// Concat will take the keys from the provided document and concat them onto
// the end of this document.
// doc must be one of the following:
// - *Document
// - []byte
// - io.Reader
func (d *Document) Concat(docs ...interface{}) error {
if d == nil {
return ErrNilDocument
for _, doc := range docs {
if doc == nil {
if d.IgnoreNilInsert {
return ErrNilDocument
switch doc := doc.(type) {
case *Document:
if doc == nil {
if d.IgnoreNilInsert {
return ErrNilDocument
case []byte:
if err := d.concatReader(Reader(doc)); err != nil {
return err
case Reader:
if err := d.concatReader(doc); err != nil {
return err
return ErrInvalidDocumentType
return nil
func (d *Document) concatReader(r Reader) error {
_, err := r.readElements(func(e *Element) error {
return nil
return err
// Reset clears a document so it can be reused. This method clears references
// to the underlying pointers to elements so they can be garbage collected.
func (d *Document) Reset() {
if d == nil {
for idx := range d.elems {
d.elems[idx] = nil
d.elems = d.elems[:0]
d.index = d.index[:0]
// Validate validates the document and returns its total size.
func (d *Document) Validate() (uint32, error) {
if d == nil {
return 0, ErrNilDocument
// Header and Footer
var size uint32 = 4 + 1
for _, elem := range d.elems {
n, err := elem.Validate()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
size += n
return size, nil
// validates the document and returns its total size. This method has
// bookkeeping parameters to prevent a stack overflow.
func (d *Document) validate(currentDepth, maxDepth uint32) (uint32, error) {
if d == nil {
return 0, ErrNilDocument
return 0, nil
// WriteTo implements the io.WriterTo interface.
// TODO(skriptble): We can optimize this by having creating implementations of
// writeByteSlice that write directly to an io.Writer instead.
func (d *Document) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
if d == nil {
return 0, ErrNilDocument
b, err := d.MarshalBSON()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
n, err := w.Write(b)
return int64(n), err
// WriteDocument will serialize this document to the provided writer beginning
// at the provided start position.
func (d *Document) WriteDocument(start uint, writer interface{}) (int64, error) {
if d == nil {
return 0, ErrNilDocument
var total int64
var pos = start
size, err := d.Validate()
if err != nil {
return total, err
switch w := writer.(type) {
case []byte:
n, err := d.writeByteSlice(pos, size, w)
total += n
pos += uint(n)
if err != nil {
return total, err
return 0, ErrInvalidWriter
return total, nil
// writeByteSlice handles serializing this document to a slice of bytes starting
// at the given start position.
func (d *Document) writeByteSlice(start uint, size uint32, b []byte) (int64, error) {
if d == nil {
return 0, ErrNilDocument
var total int64
var pos = start
if len(b) < int(start)+int(size) {
return 0, NewErrTooSmall()
n, err := elements.Int32.Encode(start, b, int32(size))
total += int64(n)
pos += uint(n)
if err != nil {
return total, err
for _, elem := range d.elems {
n, err := elem.writeElement(true, pos, b)
total += int64(n)
pos += uint(n)
if err != nil {
return total, err
n, err = elements.Byte.Encode(pos, b, '\x00')
total += int64(n)
pos += uint(n)
if err != nil {
return total, err
return total, nil
// MarshalBSON implements the Marshaler interface.
func (d *Document) MarshalBSON() ([]byte, error) {
if d == nil {
return nil, ErrNilDocument
size, err := d.Validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b := make([]byte, size)
_, err = d.writeByteSlice(0, size, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
// UnmarshalBSON implements the Unmarshaler interface.
func (d *Document) UnmarshalBSON(b []byte) error {
if d == nil {
return ErrNilDocument
// Read byte array
// - Create an Element for each element found
// - Update the index with the key of the element
// TODO: Maybe do 2 pass and alloc the elems and index once?
// We should benchmark 2 pass vs multiple allocs for growing the slice
_, err := Reader(b).readElements(func(elem *Element) error {
d.elems = append(d.elems, elem)
i := sort.Search(len(d.index), func(i int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(
d.keyFromIndex(i), elem.value.data[elem.value.start+1:elem.value.offset]) >= 0
if i < len(d.index) {
d.index = append(d.index, 0)
copy(d.index[i+1:], d.index[i:])
d.index[i] = uint32(len(d.elems) - 1)
} else {
d.index = append(d.index, uint32(len(d.elems)-1))
return nil
return err
// ReadFrom will read one BSON document from the given io.Reader.
func (d *Document) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (int64, error) {
if d == nil {
return 0, ErrNilDocument
var total int64
sizeBuf := make([]byte, 4)
n, err := io.ReadFull(r, sizeBuf)
total += int64(n)
if err != nil {
return total, err
givenLength := readi32(sizeBuf)
b := make([]byte, givenLength)
copy(b[0:4], sizeBuf)
n, err = io.ReadFull(r, b[4:])
total += int64(n)
if err != nil {
return total, err
err = d.UnmarshalBSON(b)
return total, err
// keyFromIndex returns the key for the element. The idx parameter is the
// position in the index property, not the elems property. This method is
// mainly used when calling sort.Search.
func (d *Document) keyFromIndex(idx int) []byte {
if d == nil {
haystack := d.elems[d.index[idx]]
return haystack.value.data[haystack.value.start+1 : haystack.value.offset]
// Equal compares this document to another, returning true if they are equal.
func (d *Document) Equal(d2 *Document) bool {
if d == nil && d2 == nil {
return true
if d == nil || d2 == nil {
return false
if (len(d.elems) != len(d2.elems)) || (len(d.index) != len(d2.index)) {
return false
for index := range d.elems {
b1, err := d.elems[index].MarshalBSON()
if err != nil {
return false
b2, err := d2.elems[index].MarshalBSON()
if err != nil {
return false
if !bytes.Equal(b1, b2) {
return false
if d.index[index] != d2.index[index] {
return false
return true
// String implements the fmt.Stringer interface.
func (d *Document) String() string {
if d == nil {
return "<nil>"
var buf bytes.Buffer
for idx, elem := range d.elems {
if idx > 0 {
buf.Write([]byte(", "))
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s", elem)
return buf.String()
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