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clientoptions.go 12.38 KB
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// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package options
import (
// ContextDialer makes new network connections
type ContextDialer interface {
DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
// SSLOpt holds client SSL options.
// Enabled indicates whether SSL should be enabled.
// ClientCertificateKeyFile specifies the file containing the client certificate and private key
// used for authentication.
// ClientCertificateKeyPassword provides a callback that returns a password used for decrypting the
// private key of a PEM file (if one is provided).
// Insecure indicates whether to skip the verification of the server certificate and hostname.
// CaFile specifies the file containing the certificate authority used for SSL connections.
type SSLOpt struct {
Enabled bool
ClientCertificateKeyFile string
ClientCertificateKeyPassword func() string
Insecure bool
CaFile string
// Credential holds auth options.
// AuthMechanism indicates the mechanism to use for authentication.
// Supported values include "SCRAM-SHA-256", "SCRAM-SHA-1", "MONGODB-CR", "PLAIN", "GSSAPI", and "MONGODB-X509".
// AuthMechanismProperties specifies additional configuration options which may be used by certain
// authentication mechanisms.
// AuthSource specifies the database to authenticate against.
// Username specifies the username that will be authenticated.
// Password specifies the password used for authentication.
type Credential struct {
AuthMechanism string
AuthMechanismProperties map[string]string
AuthSource string
Username string
Password string
// ClientOptions represents all possbile options to configure a client.
type ClientOptions struct {
TopologyOptions []topology.Option
ConnString connstring.ConnString
RetryWrites *bool
ReadPreference *readpref.ReadPref
ReadConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern
WriteConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern
Registry *bsoncodec.Registry
// Client creates a new ClientOptions instance.
func Client() *ClientOptions {
return &ClientOptions{
TopologyOptions: make([]topology.Option, 0),
// SetAppName specifies the client application name. This value is used by MongoDB when it logs
// connection information and profile information, such as slow queries.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetAppName(s string) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.AppName = s
return c
// SetAuth sets the authentication options.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetAuth(auth Credential) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.AuthMechanism = auth.AuthMechanism
c.ConnString.AuthMechanismProperties = auth.AuthMechanismProperties
c.ConnString.AuthSource = auth.AuthSource
c.ConnString.Username = auth.Username
c.ConnString.Password = auth.Password
return c
// SetConnectTimeout specifies the timeout for an initial connection to a server.
// If a custom Dialer is used, this method won't be set and the user is
// responsible for setting the ConnectTimeout for connections on the dialer
// themselves.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetConnectTimeout(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.ConnectTimeout = d
c.ConnString.ConnectTimeoutSet = true
return c
// SetDialer specifies a custom dialer used to dial new connections to a server.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetDialer(d ContextDialer) *ClientOptions {
c.TopologyOptions = append(
topology.WithServerOptions(func(opts ...topology.ServerOption) []topology.ServerOption {
return append(
topology.WithConnectionOptions(func(opts ...connection.Option) []connection.Option {
return append(
connection.WithDialer(func(connection.Dialer) connection.Dialer {
return d
return c
// SetMonitor specifies a command monitor used to see commands for a client.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetMonitor(m *event.CommandMonitor) *ClientOptions {
c.TopologyOptions = append(
topology.WithServerOptions(func(opts ...topology.ServerOption) []topology.ServerOption {
return append(
topology.WithConnectionOptions(func(opts ...connection.Option) []connection.Option {
return append(
connection.WithMonitor(func(*event.CommandMonitor) *event.CommandMonitor {
return m
return c
// SetHeartbeatInterval specifies the interval to wait between server monitoring checks.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetHeartbeatInterval(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.HeartbeatInterval = d
c.ConnString.HeartbeatIntervalSet = true
return c
// SetHosts specifies the initial list of addresses from which to discover the rest of the cluster.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetHosts(s []string) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.Hosts = s
return c
// SetLocalThreshold specifies how far to distribute queries, beyond the server with the fastest
// round-trip time. If a server's roundtrip time is more than LocalThreshold slower than the
// the fastest, the driver will not send queries to that server.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetLocalThreshold(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.LocalThreshold = d
c.ConnString.LocalThresholdSet = true
return c
// SetMaxConnIdleTime specifies the maximum number of milliseconds that a connection can remain idle
// in a connection pool before being removed and closed.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetMaxConnIdleTime(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.MaxConnIdleTime = d
c.ConnString.MaxConnIdleTimeSet = true
return c
// SetMaxPoolSize specifies the max size of a server's connection pool.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetMaxPoolSize(u uint16) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.MaxPoolSize = u
c.ConnString.MaxPoolSizeSet = true
return c
// SetReadConcern specifies the read concern.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetReadConcern(rc *readconcern.ReadConcern) *ClientOptions {
c.ReadConcern = rc
return c
// SetReadPreference specifies the read preference.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetReadPreference(rp *readpref.ReadPref) *ClientOptions {
c.ReadPreference = rp
return c
// SetRegistry specifies the bsoncodec.Registry.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetRegistry(registry *bsoncodec.Registry) *ClientOptions {
c.Registry = registry
return c
// SetReplicaSet specifies the name of the replica set of the cluster.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetReplicaSet(s string) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.ReplicaSet = s
return c
// SetRetryWrites specifies whether the client has retryable writes enabled.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetRetryWrites(b bool) *ClientOptions {
c.RetryWrites = &b
return c
// SetServerSelectionTimeout specifies a timeout in milliseconds to block for server selection.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetServerSelectionTimeout(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.ServerSelectionTimeout = d
c.ConnString.ServerSelectionTimeoutSet = true
return c
// SetSingle specifies whether the driver should connect directly to the server instead of
// auto-discovering other servers in the cluster.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetSingle(b bool) *ClientOptions {
if b {
c.ConnString.Connect = connstring.SingleConnect
} else {
c.ConnString.Connect = connstring.AutoConnect
c.ConnString.ConnectSet = true
return c
// SetSocketTimeout specifies the time in milliseconds to attempt to send or receive on a socket
// before the attempt times out.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetSocketTimeout(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.SocketTimeout = d
c.ConnString.SocketTimeoutSet = true
return c
// SetSSL sets SSL options.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetSSL(ssl *SSLOpt) *ClientOptions {
c.ConnString.SSL = ssl.Enabled
c.ConnString.SSLSet = true
c.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyFile = ssl.ClientCertificateKeyFile
c.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyFileSet = true
c.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyPassword = ssl.ClientCertificateKeyPassword
c.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyPasswordSet = true
c.ConnString.SSLInsecure = ssl.Insecure
c.ConnString.SSLInsecureSet = true
c.ConnString.SSLCaFile = ssl.CaFile
c.ConnString.SSLCaFileSet = true
return c
// SetWriteConcern sets the write concern.
func (c *ClientOptions) SetWriteConcern(wc *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *ClientOptions {
c.WriteConcern = wc
return c
// MergeClientOptions combines the given connstring and *ClientOptions into a single *ClientOptions in a last one wins
// fashion. The given connstring will be used for the default options, which can be overwritten using the given
// *ClientOptions.
func MergeClientOptions(cs connstring.ConnString, opts ...*ClientOptions) *ClientOptions {
c := Client()
c.ConnString = cs
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt == nil {
c.TopologyOptions = append(c.TopologyOptions, opt.TopologyOptions...)
if an := opt.ConnString.AppName; an != "" {
c.ConnString.AppName = an
if am := opt.ConnString.AuthMechanism; len(am) != 0 {
c.ConnString.AuthMechanism = am
if amp := opt.ConnString.AuthMechanismProperties; amp != nil {
c.ConnString.AuthMechanismProperties = amp
if as := opt.ConnString.AuthSource; len(as) != 0 {
c.ConnString.AuthSource = as
if u := opt.ConnString.Username; len(u) != 0 {
c.ConnString.Username = u
if p := opt.ConnString.Password; len(p) != 0 {
c.ConnString.Password = p
if opt.ConnString.ConnectTimeoutSet {
c.ConnString.ConnectTimeoutSet = true
c.ConnString.ConnectTimeout = opt.ConnString.ConnectTimeout
if opt.ConnString.HeartbeatIntervalSet {
c.ConnString.HeartbeatIntervalSet = true
c.ConnString.HeartbeatInterval = opt.ConnString.HeartbeatInterval
if h := opt.ConnString.Hosts; h != nil {
c.ConnString.Hosts = h
if opt.ConnString.LocalThresholdSet {
c.ConnString.LocalThresholdSet = true
c.ConnString.LocalThreshold = opt.ConnString.LocalThreshold
if opt.ConnString.MaxConnIdleTimeSet {
c.ConnString.MaxConnIdleTimeSet = true
c.ConnString.MaxConnIdleTime = opt.ConnString.MaxConnIdleTime
if opt.ConnString.MaxPoolSizeSet {
c.ConnString.MaxPoolSizeSet = true
c.ConnString.MaxPoolSize = opt.ConnString.MaxPoolSize
if opt.ReadConcern != nil {
c.ReadConcern = opt.ReadConcern
if opt.ReadPreference != nil {
c.ReadPreference = opt.ReadPreference
if opt.Registry != nil {
c.Registry = opt.Registry
if rs := opt.ConnString.ReplicaSet; rs != "" {
c.ConnString.ReplicaSet = rs
if opt.RetryWrites != nil {
c.RetryWrites = opt.RetryWrites
if opt.ConnString.ServerSelectionTimeoutSet {
c.ConnString.ServerSelectionTimeoutSet = true
c.ConnString.ServerSelectionTimeout = opt.ConnString.ServerSelectionTimeout
if opt.ConnString.ConnectSet {
c.ConnString.ConnectSet = true
c.ConnString.Connect = opt.ConnString.Connect
if opt.ConnString.SocketTimeoutSet {
c.ConnString.SocketTimeoutSet = true
c.ConnString.SocketTimeout = opt.ConnString.SocketTimeout
if opt.ConnString.SSLSet {
c.ConnString.SSLSet = true
c.ConnString.SSL = opt.ConnString.SSL
if opt.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyFileSet {
c.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyFileSet = true
c.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyFile = opt.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyFile
if opt.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyPasswordSet {
c.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyPasswordSet = true
c.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyPassword = opt.ConnString.SSLClientCertificateKeyPassword
if opt.ConnString.SSLInsecureSet {
c.ConnString.SSLInsecureSet = true
c.ConnString.SSLInsecure = opt.ConnString.SSLInsecure
if opt.ConnString.SSLCaFileSet {
c.ConnString.SSLCaFileSet = true
c.ConnString.SSLCaFile = opt.ConnString.SSLCaFile
if opt.WriteConcern != nil {
c.WriteConcern = opt.WriteConcern
return c
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