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types_sel.go 7.95 KB
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叶海丰 提交于 2024-08-02 08:43 . init
package ipmi
import (
// 32. SEL Record Formats
type SEL struct {
// SEL Record IDs 0000h and FFFFh are reserved for functional use and are not legal ID values.
// Record IDs are handles. They are not required to be sequential or consecutive.
// Applications should not assume that SEL Record IDs will follow any particular numeric ordering.
RecordID uint16
RecordType SELRecordType
Standard *SELStandard
OEMTimestamped *SELOEMTimestamped
OEMNonTimestamped *SELOEMNonTimestamped
func (sel *SEL) Pack() []byte {
msg := make([]byte, 16)
packUint16L(sel.RecordID, msg, 0)
packUint8(uint8(sel.RecordType), msg, 2)
switch sel.RecordType.Range() {
case SELRecordTypeRangeStandard:
if sel.Standard != nil {
msg = append(msg[0:3], sel.Standard.Pack()...)
case SELRecordTypeRangeTimestampedOEM:
if sel.OEMTimestamped != nil {
msg = append(msg[0:3], sel.OEMTimestamped.Pack()...)
case SELRecordTypeRangeNonTimestampedOEM:
if sel.OEMNonTimestamped != nil {
msg = append(msg[0:3], sel.OEMNonTimestamped.Pack()...)
return msg
func ParseSEL(msg []byte) (*SEL, error) {
if len(msg) != 16 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("SEL Record msg should be 16 bytes in length")
recordID, _, _ := unpackUint16L(msg, 0)
recordType, _, _ := unpackUint8(msg, 2)
sel := &SEL{
RecordID: recordID,
RecordType: SELRecordType(recordType),
recordTypeRange := sel.RecordType.Range()
switch recordTypeRange {
case SELRecordTypeRangeStandard:
if err := parseSELDefault(msg, sel); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parseSELDefault failed, err: %s", err)
case SELRecordTypeRangeTimestampedOEM:
if err := parseSELOEMTimestamped(msg, sel); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parseSELOEMTimestamped failed, err: %s", err)
case SELRecordTypeRangeNonTimestampedOEM:
if err := parseSELOEMNonTimestamped(msg, sel); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parseSELOEMNonTimestamped failed, err: %s", err)
return sel, nil
// 32.2 OEM SEL Record - Type C0h-DFh
type SELOEMTimestamped struct {
Timestamp time.Time // Time when event was logged. uint32 LS byte first.
ManufacturerID uint32 // only 3 bytes
OEMDefined [6]byte
func (oemTimestamped *SELOEMTimestamped) Pack() []byte {
var msg = make([]byte, 13)
packUint32L(uint32(oemTimestamped.Timestamp.Unix()), msg, 0)
packUint24L(oemTimestamped.ManufacturerID, msg, 4)
packBytes(oemTimestamped.OEMDefined[:], msg, 7)
return msg
type SELOEMNonTimestamped struct {
OEM [13]byte
func (oemNonTimestamped *SELOEMNonTimestamped) Pack() []byte {
return oemNonTimestamped.OEM[:]
// 32.1 SEL Standard Event Records
type SELStandard struct {
Timestamp time.Time // Time when event was logged. uint32 LS byte first.
GeneratorID GeneratorID // RqSA & LUN if event was generated from IPMB. Software ID if event was generated from system software.
EvMRev uint8 // Event Message Revision (format version)
SensorType SensorType // Sensor Type Code for sensor that generated the event
SensorNumber SensorNumber // Number of sensor that generated the event
EventDir EventDir // Event Direction. [7] -0b = Assertion event. 1b = Deassertion event.
EventReadingType EventReadingType // Type of trigger for the event. [6:0] - Event Type Code
// 29.7 Event Data Field Formats
// The sensor class determines the corresponding Event Data format.
// The sensor class can be extracted from EventReadingType.
EventData EventData
func (standard *SELStandard) Pack() []byte {
var msg = make([]byte, 13)
packUint32L(uint32(standard.Timestamp.Unix()), msg, 0)
packUint16L(uint16(standard.GeneratorID), msg, 4)
packUint8(standard.EvMRev, msg, 6)
packUint8(uint8(standard.SensorType), msg, 7)
packUint8(uint8(standard.SensorNumber), msg, 8)
var eventType = uint8(standard.EventReadingType)
if standard.EventDir {
eventType = eventType | 0x80
packUint8(eventType, msg, 9)
packUint8(standard.EventData.EventData1, msg, 10)
packUint8(standard.EventData.EventData2, msg, 11)
packUint8(standard.EventData.EventData3, msg, 12)
return msg
// EventString return string description of the event.
func (sel *SELStandard) EventString() string {
return sel.EventReadingType.EventString(sel.SensorType, sel.SensorNumber, sel.EventData)
func (sel *SELStandard) EventSeverity() EventSeverity {
return sel.EventReadingType.EventSeverity(sel.SensorType, sel.SensorNumber, sel.EventData, sel.EventDir)
func parseSELDefault(msg []byte, sel *SEL) error {
if len(msg) < 16 {
return ErrUnpackedDataTooShortWith(len(msg), 16)
var s = &SELStandard{}
sel.Standard = s
ts, _, _ := unpackUint32L(msg, 3)
s.Timestamp = parseTimestamp(ts)
gid, _, _ := unpackUint16L(msg, 7)
s.GeneratorID = GeneratorID(gid)
s.EvMRev, _, _ = unpackUint8(msg, 9)
sensorType, _, _ := unpackUint8(msg, 10)
s.SensorType = SensorType(sensorType)
sensorNumber, _, _ := unpackUint8(msg, 11)
s.SensorNumber = SensorNumber(sensorNumber)
b, _, _ := unpackUint8(msg, 12)
s.EventDir = EventDir(isBit7Set(b))
s.EventReadingType = EventReadingType(b & 0x7f) // clear bit 7
s.EventData.EventData1, _, _ = unpackUint8(msg, 13)
s.EventData.EventData2, _, _ = unpackUint8(msg, 14)
s.EventData.EventData3, _, _ = unpackUint8(msg, 15)
return nil
func parseSELOEMTimestamped(msg []byte, sel *SEL) error {
if len(msg) < 16 {
return ErrUnpackedDataTooShortWith(len(msg), 16)
var s = &SELOEMTimestamped{}
sel.OEMTimestamped = s
ts, _, _ := unpackUint32L(msg, 3)
s.Timestamp = parseTimestamp(ts)
id, _, _ := unpackUint24L(msg, 7)
s.ManufacturerID = id
s.OEMDefined = [6]byte{}
b, _, _ := unpackBytes(msg, 10, 6)
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
s.OEMDefined[i] = b[i]
return nil
func parseSELOEMNonTimestamped(msg []byte, sel *SEL) error {
if len(msg) < 16 {
return ErrUnpackedDataTooShortWith(len(msg), 16)
var s = &SELOEMNonTimestamped{}
sel.OEMNonTimestamped = s
s.OEM = [13]byte{}
b, _, _ := unpackBytes(msg, 3, 13)
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
s.OEM[i] = b[i]
return nil
// FormatSELs print sel records in table format.
// The second sdrMap is optional. If the sdrMap is not nil,
// it will also print sensor number, entity id and instance, and asserted discrete states.
// sdrMap can be get by client GetSDRsMap method.
func FormatSELs(records []*SEL, sdrMap SDRMapBySensorNumber) string {
var elistMode bool
if sdrMap != nil {
elistMode = true
var buf = new(bytes.Buffer)
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(buf)
headers := []string{
if elistMode {
headers = append(headers, "SensorName")
for _, sel := range records {
recordTypeRange := sel.RecordType.Range()
switch recordTypeRange {
case SELRecordTypeRangeStandard:
s := sel.Standard
content := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%#04x", sel.RecordID),
fmt.Sprintf("%#02x", s.EvMRev),
fmt.Sprintf("%v", s.Timestamp),
fmt.Sprintf("%#04x", s.GeneratorID),
fmt.Sprintf("%#02x", s.SensorNumber),
fmt.Sprintf("%#02x", uint8(s.SensorType)),
fmt.Sprintf("%#02x", uint8(s.EventReadingType)),
if elistMode {
var sensorName string
sdr, ok := sdrMap[s.GeneratorID][s.SensorNumber]
if !ok {
sensorName = fmt.Sprintf("N/A %#04x, %#02x", s.GeneratorID, s.SensorNumber)
} else {
sensorName = sdr.SensorName()
content = append(content, sensorName)
case SELRecordTypeRangeTimestampedOEM:
case SELRecordTypeRangeNonTimestampedOEM:
return buf.String()
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