

jevno 暂无简介


    Watch jevno / angular_full_stack forked from chuanshanjia / angular_full_stack

    本项目是一个集node,angular的全栈项目的骨架, 后端使用node前端使用angular。。。。。。。。

    最近更新: 暂未更新

    Watch jevno / castle-platform forked from Ken Kong / castle-platform

    Castle-Platform是一个以高性能、高扩展性为目标的java开发平台。它是spring-mvc, spring-data, spring-security, Querydsl, JPA, Redis, Mongodb, Neo4j, groovy-template, Thymeleaf, ExtJS6, dubbo, thrift的最佳实践。

    最近更新: 暂未更新

    Watch shine_forever / jumpserver

    开源跳板机/堡垒机:认证,授权,审计,自动化运维(Open source springboard machine / machine fortress: authentication, authorization, auditing, operation and maintenance of automation).

    最近更新: 暂未更新

    Watch jevno / jumpserver forked from shine_forever / jumpserver

    开源跳板机/堡垒机:认证,授权,审计,自动化运维(Open source springboard machine / machine fortress: authentication, authorization, auditing, operation and maintenance of automation).

    最近更新: 暂未更新


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