AOSuite开发套件基于JavaEE技术体系,以“标准功能可复用、通用模块可配置、行业需求快速开发、异构系统无缝集成”为目标, 帮助企业落实IT策略、屏蔽技术壁垒,快速实现可水平扩展的7*24小时高可用业务愿景。 为传统软件企业和互联网企业研发团队提供高效可控、随需应变、快速实现业务需求的全栈式技术解决方案,使其以最低成本和最低风险获得更高质量、更快交付业务和运维支持的核心技术竞争力。
a http router base on radix tree(trie). it's efficient and fast in servlet dispatching.
MySecret is a tool for you to store your passwords, accounts,... Data will be encrypted by RSA, you can save your private key in a safe place such as a cloud disk, and get it when needed.This tool will just be a backup in case that you forget your password, I will just use it in emergency.
spring+springmvc+beetl+beetlsql+shiro 开发框架。权限管理,多角色,父子角色,权限代理,精确到按钮。