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loss.py 10.22 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
孙朝阳 提交于 2021-12-07 10:17 . ssat-msp first commit
import mindspore.nn as nn
import mindspore.ops as ops
from mindspore import Tensor
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
import mindspore.nn as nn
import mindspore.ops as ops
import numpy as np
import mindspore
# ------------------------- SPL LOSS -------------------------------
class SPLoss(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self):
super(SPLoss, self).__init__()
def construct(self, input, reference):
sum_keep_dims = ops.ReduceSum(keep_dims=True)
sum_all = ops.ReduceSum(keep_dims=False)
normalize2 = ops.L2Normalize(axis=2)
normalize3 = ops.L2Normalize(axis=3)
temp_a = sum_keep_dims(normalize2(input) * normalize2(reference), 2)
temp_b = sum_keep_dims(normalize3(input) * normalize3(reference), 3)
a = sum_all(temp_a)
b = sum_all(temp_b)
B, c, h, w = input.shape
return -(a + b) / h
class GPLoss(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self):
super(GPLoss, self).__init__()
self.trace = SPLoss()
def get_image_gradients(self, input):
f_v_1 = input[:, :, :, :-1]
f_v_2 = input[:, :, :, 1:]
f_v = f_v_1 - f_v_2
f_h_1 = input[:, :, :-1, :]
f_h_2 = input[:, :, 1:, :]
f_h = f_h_1 - f_h_2
return f_v, f_h
def construct(self, input, reference):
## comment these lines when you inputs and outputs are in [0,1] range already
input = (input + 1) / 2
reference = (reference + 1) / 2
input_v, input_h = self.get_image_gradients(input)
ref_v, ref_h = self.get_image_gradients(reference)
trace_v = self.trace(input_v, ref_v)
trace_h = self.trace(input_h, ref_h)
return trace_v + trace_h
class CPLoss(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self, rgb=True, yuv=True, yuvgrad=True):
super(CPLoss, self).__init__()
self.rgb = rgb
self.yuv = yuv
self.yuvgrad = yuvgrad
self.trace = SPLoss()
self.trace_YUV = SPLoss()
def get_image_gradients(self, input):
f_v_1 = input[:, :, :, :-1]
f_v_2 = input[:, :, :, 1:]
f_v = f_v_1 - f_v_2
f_h_1 = input[:, :, :-1, :]
f_h_2 = input[:, :, 1:, :]
f_h = f_h_1 - f_h_2
return f_v, f_h
def to_YUV(self, input):
concat = ops.Concat(axis=1)
expand_dims = ops.ExpandDims()
return concat((0.299 * expand_dims(input[:, 0, :, :], 1) +
0.587 * expand_dims(input[:, 1, :, :], 1) +
0.114 * expand_dims(input[:, 2, :, :], 1), \
0.493 * (expand_dims(input[:, 2, :, :], 1) - (
0.299 * expand_dims(input[:, 0, :, :], 1) +
0.587 * expand_dims(input[:, 1, :, :], 1) +
0.114 * expand_dims(input[:, 2, :, :], 1))), \
0.877 * (expand_dims(input[:, 0, :, :], 1) - (
0.299 * expand_dims(input[:, 0, :, :], 1) +
0.587 * expand_dims(input[:, 1, :, :], 1) +
0.114 * expand_dims(input[:, 2, :, :], 1)))))
def construct(self, input, reference):
## comment these lines when you inputs and outputs are in [0,1] range already
input = (input + 1) / 2
reference = (reference + 1) / 2
total_loss = 0
if self.rgb:
total_loss += self.trace(input, reference)
if self.yuv:
input_yuv = self.to_YUV(input)
reference_yuv = self.to_YUV(reference)
total_loss += self.trace(input_yuv, reference_yuv)
if self.yuvgrad:
input_yuv = self.to_YUV(input)
reference_yuv = self.to_YUV(reference)
input_v, input_h = self.get_image_gradients(input_yuv)
ref_v, ref_h = self.get_image_gradients(reference_yuv)
total_loss += self.trace(input_v, ref_v)
total_loss += self.trace(input_h, ref_h)
return total_loss
# ------------------------- GANLoss -------------------------------
class GANLoss(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self, mode="lsgan", reduction='mean'):
super(GANLoss, self).__init__()
self.loss = None
self.ones = ops.OnesLike() # GPU
self.cast = ops.Cast()
self.dtype = ops.DType()
if mode == "lsgan":
self.loss = nn.MSELoss(reduction=reduction)
elif mode == "vanilla":
self.loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction=reduction)
raise NotImplementedError(f'GANLoss {mode} not recognized, we support lsgan and vanilla.')
def construct(self, predict, target):
target = self.cast(target, self.dtype(predict))
target = self.ones(predict) * target
loss = self.loss(predict, target)
return loss
# ------------------------- D_Loss -------------------------------
class SAATDLoss(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self, opts, dis_non_makeup, dis_makeup):
super(SAATDLoss, self).__init__()
self.opts = opts
self.dis_non_makeup = dis_non_makeup
self.dis_makeup = dis_makeup
self.dis_loss = GANLoss(opts.gan_mode)
self.false = Tensor(False, mstype.bool_)
self.true = Tensor(True, mstype.bool_)
def construct(self, non_makeup, makeup, z_transfer, z_removal):
non_makeup_real = self.dis_non_makeup(non_makeup)
non_makeup_fake = self.dis_non_makeup(z_removal)
makeup_real = self.dis_makeup(makeup)
makeup_fake = self.dis_makeup(z_transfer)
loss_D_non_makeup = self.dis_loss(non_makeup_fake, self.false) + self.dis_loss(non_makeup_real, self.true)
loss_D_makeup = self.dis_loss(makeup_fake, self.false) + self.dis_loss(makeup_real, self.true)
loss_D = (loss_D_makeup + loss_D_non_makeup) * 0.5
return loss_D
class SAATGLoss(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self, opts, generator, dis_non_makeup, dis_makeup):
super(SAATGLoss, self).__init__()
self.opts = opts
self.gen = generator
self.dis_non_makeup = dis_non_makeup
self.dis_makeup = dis_makeup
self.adv_loss = GANLoss(opts.gan_mode)
self.criterionL1 = nn.L1Loss()
self.GPL = GPLoss()
self.CPL = CPLoss(rgb=True, yuv=True, yuvgrad=True)
self.CP_weight = opts.CP_weight
self.GP_weight = opts.GP_weight
self.rec_weight = opts.rec_weight
self.cycle_weight = opts.cycle_weight
self.semantic_weight = opts.semantic_weight
self.adv_weight = opts.adv_weight
self.false = Tensor(False, mstype.bool_)
self.true = Tensor(True, mstype.bool_)
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(axis=2)
def construct(self, non_makeup, makeup, transfer, removal, non_makeup_parse, makeup_parse):
bmm = ops.BatchMatMul()
nearest_64 = ops.ResizeNearestNeighbor(size=(self.opts.crop_size // 4, self.opts.crop_size // 4))
z_transfer, z_removal, z_rec_non_makeup, z_rec_makeup, z_cycle_non_makeup, z_cycle_makeup, mapX, mapY = self.gen.construct(
non_makeup, makeup, transfer, removal, non_makeup_parse, makeup_parse)
# Ladv for generator
loss_G_GAN_non_makeup = self.adv_loss(self.dis_non_makeup(z_removal), self.true)
loss_G_GAN_makeup = self.adv_loss(self.dis_makeup(z_transfer), self.true)
loss_G_GAN = (loss_G_GAN_non_makeup + loss_G_GAN_makeup) * 0.5 * self.adv_weight
# rec loss
loss_G_rec_non_makeup = self.criterionL1(non_makeup, z_rec_non_makeup)
loss_G_rec_makeup = self.criterionL1(makeup, z_rec_makeup)
loss_G_rec = (loss_G_rec_non_makeup + loss_G_rec_makeup) * 0.5 * self.rec_weight
# cycle loss
loss_G_cycle_non_makeup = self.criterionL1(non_makeup, z_cycle_non_makeup)
loss_G_cycle_makeup = self.criterionL1(makeup, z_cycle_makeup)
loss_G_cycle = (loss_G_cycle_non_makeup + loss_G_cycle_makeup) * 0.5 * self.cycle_weight
# semantic loss
non_makeup_parse_down = nearest_64(non_makeup_parse)
n, c, h, w = non_makeup_parse_down.shape
non_makeup_parse_down_warp = bmm(non_makeup_parse_down.reshape(n, c, h * w), mapY) # n*HW*1
non_makeup_parse_down_warp = non_makeup_parse_down_warp.reshape(n, c, h, w)
makeup_parse_down = nearest_64(makeup_parse)
n, c, h, w = makeup_parse_down.shape
makeup_parse_down_warp = bmm(makeup_parse_down.reshape(n, c, h * w), mapX) # n*HW*1
makeup_parse_down_warp = makeup_parse_down_warp.reshape(n, c, h, w)
loss_G_semantic_non_makeup = self.criterionL1(non_makeup_parse_down, makeup_parse_down_warp)
loss_G_semantic_makeup = self.criterionL1(makeup_parse_down, non_makeup_parse_down_warp)
loss_G_semantic = (loss_G_semantic_makeup + loss_G_semantic_non_makeup) * 0.5 * self.semantic_weight
# makeup loss
loss_G_CP = self.CPL.construct(z_transfer, transfer) + self.CPL.construct(z_removal, removal)
loss_G_GP = self.GPL.construct(z_transfer, non_makeup) + self.GPL.construct(z_removal, makeup)
loss_G_SPL = loss_G_CP * self.CP_weight + loss_G_GP * self.GP_weight
loss_G = loss_G_GAN + loss_G_rec + loss_G_cycle + loss_G_semantic + loss_G_SPL
return loss_G, z_transfer, z_removal, z_rec_non_makeup, z_rec_makeup, z_cycle_non_makeup, z_cycle_makeup, mapX, mapY
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = mindspore.Tensor(
np.array([[[[1, 1, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[1, 1, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[1, 1, 3], [4, 5, 6]]]]).astype(np.float32))
b = mindspore.Tensor(
np.array([[[[7, 8, 5], [10, 3, 12]], [[7, 8, 5], [10, 3, 12]], [[7, 8, 5], [10, 3, 12]]]]).astype(np.float32))
SPL = SPLoss()
GP = GPLoss()
CP = CPLoss()
c = GP(a, b)
d = CP(a, b)
e = SPL(a, b)
# pad_op_x1 = ops.Pad(((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)))
# f=pad_op_x1(a)
# g=a[:,:,:,:-1]
# print(f.shape)
# print(f)
# print(g.shape)
# print(g)
