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David Lechner 提交于 2017-06-26 12:50 . libfprint bindings
* Vala bindings for libfprint
* Copyright (C) 2017 David Lechner <david@lechnology.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, you can find it at
* <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>
/* Example usage available at <https://github.com/dlech/fprint-demo> */
[CCode (cheader_filename = "fprint.h")]
namespace Fp {
* Initialise libfprint.
* This function must be called before you attempt to use the library
* in any way.
* @return 0 on success, non-zero on error.
public static int init ();
* Deinitialise libfprint.
* This function should be called during your program exit sequence. You
* must not use any libfprint functions after calling this function, unless
* you call {@link init} again.
public static void exit ();
public static void set_debug (int level);
[CCode (cname = "enum fp_capture_result", cprefix = "FP_CAPTURE_", has_type_id = false)]
public enum CaptureResult {
* Enrollment result codes returned from {@link enroll_finger}.
* Result codes with RETRY in the name suggest that the scan failed due to
* user error. Applications will generally want to inform the user of the
* problem and then retry the enrollment stage. For more info on the
* semantics of interpreting these result codes and tracking enrollment
* process, see Enrolling.
[CCode (cname = "enum fp_enroll_result", cprefix = "FP_ENROLL_", has_type_id = false)]
public enum EnrollResult {
* Enrollment completed successfully, the enrollment data has been
* returned to the caller.
* Enrollment failed due to incomprehensible data; this may occur when
* the user scans a different finger on each enroll stage.
* Enroll stage passed; more stages are need to complete the process.
* The enrollment scan did not succeed due to poor scan quality or
* other general user scanning problem.
* The enrollment scan did not succeed because the finger swipe was
* too short.
* The enrollment scan did not succeed because the finger was not
* centered on the scanner.
* The verification scan did not succeed due to quality or pressure
* problems; the user should remove their finger from the scanner
* before retrying.
* Verification result codes returned from {@link verify_finger}.
* Return codes are also shared with {@link identify_finger}. Result codes
* with RETRY in the name suggest that the scan failed due to user error.
* Applications will generally want to inform the user of the problem and
* then retry the verify operation.
[CCode (cname = "enum fp_verify_result", cprefix = "FP_VERIFY_", has_type_id = false)]
public enum VerifyResult {
* The scan completed successfully, but the newly scanned fingerprint
* does not match the fingerprint being verified against.
* In the case of identification, this return code indicates that the
* scanned finger could not be found in the print gallery.
* The scan completed successfully and the newly scanned fingerprint
* does match the fingerprint being verified, or in the case of
* identification, the scanned fingerprint was found in the print
* gallery.
* The scan did not succeed due to poor scan quality or other general
* user scanning problem.
* The scan did not succeed because the finger swipe was too short.
* The scan did not succeed because the finger was not centered on the
* scanner.
* The scan did not succeed due to quality or pressure problems; the
* user should remove their finger from the scanner before retrying.
[CCode (cname = "struct fp_dev", has_type_id = false)]
public class Dev {
* Opens and initialises a device.
* This is the function you call in order to convert a {@link DscvDev}
* into an actual device handle that you can perform operations with.
* @param ddev the discovered device to open
* @return the opened device handle, or NULL on error
public static unowned Dev? open (DscvDev ddev);
* Close a device.
* You must call this function when you are finished using a
* fingerprint device.
public void close ();
[CCode (cname = "fp_dev_open_cb", has_type_id = false)]
public delegate void OpenCallback(Dev? dev, int status);
[CCode (cname = "fp_async_dev_open")]
public static int open_async (DscvDev ddev, OpenCallback callback);
[CCode (cname = "fp_dev_close_cb", has_type_id = false)]
public delegate void CloseCallback(Dev dev);
[CCode (cname = "fp_async_dev_close")]
public void close_async (CloseCallback callback);
* Gets the {@link Driver} for a fingerprint device.
public unowned Driver driver { get; }
* Gets the number of enroll stages required to enroll a fingerprint
* with the device.
public int nr_enroll_stages { get; }
* Gets the devtype for a device.
public uint32 devtype { get; }
* Determines if a stored print is compatible with a certain device.
* @param data the stored print
* @return true if the print is compatible with the device, false
* if not
public bool supports_print_data (PrintData data);
* Determines if a discovered print appears to be compatible with a
* certain device.
* @param data the discovered print
* @return true if the print is compatible with the device, false
* if not
public bool supports_dscv_print (DscvPrint data);
* Determines if a device has imaging capabilities.
* If a device has imaging capabilities you are able to perform imaging
* operations such as retrieving scan images using {@link dev_img_capture}.
* However, not all devices are imaging devices - some do all processing
* in hardware. This function will indicate which class a device in
* question falls into.
* @return true if the device is an imaging device, false if the
* device does not provide images to the host computer
public bool supports_imaging ();
* Determines if a device is capable of identification through
* {@link identify_finger} and similar.
* Not all devices support this functionality.
* @return true if the device is capable of identification, false
* otherwise.
public bool supports_identification ();
* Captures an image from a device.
* The returned image is the raw image provided by the device, you may
* wish to standardize it.
* If set, the unconditional flag indicates that the device should
* capture an image unconditionally, regardless of whether a finger is
* there or not. If unset, this function will block until a finger is
* detected on the sensor.
* @param unconditional whether to unconditionally capture an image,
* or to only capture when a finger is detected
* @param image the captured image
* @return 0 on success, non-zero on error. -ENOTSUP
* indicates that either the unconditional flag
* was set but the device does not support this,
* or that the device does not support imaging.
* @see supports_imaging
public int img_capture (bool unconditional, ref Img image);
* Gets the expected width of images that will be captured from the device.
* This function will return -1 for devices that are not imaging devices.
* If the width of images from this device can vary, 0 will be returned.
public int img_width { get; }
* Gets the expected height of images that will be captured from the device.
* This function will return -1 for devices that are not imaging devices.
* If the height of images from this device can vary, 0 will be returned.
public int img_height { get; }
* Performs an enroll stage.
* See Enrolling for an explanation of enroll stages.
* If no enrollment is in process, this kicks of the process and runs
* the first stage. If an enrollment is already in progress, calling
* this function runs the next stage, which may well be the last.
* A negative error code may be returned from any stage. When this
* occurs, further calls to the enroll function will start a new
* enrollment process, i.e. a negative error code indicates that the
* enrollment process has been aborted. These error codes only ever
* indicate unexpected internal errors or I/O problems.
* The RETRY codes from {@link EnrollResult} may be returned from any
* enroll stage. These codes indicate that the scan was not succesful in
* that the user did not position their finger correctly or similar.
* When a RETRY code is returned, the enrollment stage is not advanced,
* so the next call into this function will retry the current stage
* again. The current stage may need to be retried several times.
* The {@link EnrollResult.FAIL} code may be returned from any enroll
* stage. This code indicates that even though the scans themselves have
* been acceptable, data processing applied to these scans produces
* incomprehensible results. In other words, the user may have been
* scanning a different finger for each stage or something like that.
* Like negative error codes, this return code indicates that the
* enrollment process has been aborted.
* The {@link EnrollResult.PASS} code will only ever be returned for
* non-final stages. This return code indicates that the scan was
* acceptable and the next call into this function will advance onto
* the next enroll stage.
* The {@link EnrollResult.COMPLETE} code will only ever be returned
* from the final enroll stage. It indicates that enrollment completed
* successfully, and that print_data has been assigned to point to the
* resultant enrollment data. The print_data parameter will not be
* modified during any other enrollment stages, hence it is actually
* legal to pass NULL as this argument for all but the final stage.
* If the device is an imaging device, it can also return the image from
* the scan, even when the enroll fails with a RETRY or FAIL code. It is
* legal to call this function even on non-imaging devices, just don't
* expect them to provide images.
* @param print_data the resultant enrollment data from the final stage
* @param img the scan image or null for no image
* @return negative code on error, otherwise a code from
* {@link EnrollResult}
[CCode (cname = "fp_enroll_finger_img")]
public int enroll_finger (out PrintData print_data, out Img? img = null);
* Performs a new scan and verify it against a previously enrolled print.
* If the device is an imaging device, it can also return the image from
* the scan, even when the verify fails with a RETRY code. It is legal
* to call this function even on non-imaging devices, just don't expect
* them to provide images.
* @param enrolled_print the print to verify against. Must have been
* previously enrolled with a device compatible
* to the device selected to perform the scan.
* @param img the scan image or null for no image
* @return negative code on error, otherwise a code
* from {@link EnrollResult}
[CCode (cname = "fp_verify_finger_img")]
public int verify_finger (PrintData enrolled_print, out Img? img = null);
* Performs a new scan and attempts to identify the scanned finger
* against a collection of previously enrolled fingerprints.
* If the device is an imaging device, it can also return the image from
* the scan, even when identification fails with a RETRY code. It is
* legal to call this function even on non-imaging devices, just don't
* expect them to provide images.
* This function returns codes from {@link VerifyResult}. The return
* code {@link VerifyResult.MATCH} indicates that the scanned
* fingerprint does appear in the print gallery, and the match_offset
* output parameter will indicate the index into the print gallery array
* of the matched print.
* This function will not necessarily examine the whole print gallery,
* it will return as soon as it finds a matching print.
* Not all devices support identification. -ENOTSUP will be returned
* when this is the case.
* @param print_gallery array of the prints to identify against.
* Each one must have been previously enrolled
* with a device compatible to the device
* selected to perform the scan.
* @param match_offset the array index of the matched gallery print
* (if any was found). Only valid if
* {@link VerifyResult.MATCH} was returned.
* @param img the scan image or null for no image
* @return negative code on error, otherwise a code
* from {@link VerifyResult}
[CCode (cname = "fp_identify_finger_img")]
public int identify_finger ([CCode (array_null_terminated = true)] PrintData[] print_gallery, out size_t match_offset, out Img? img = null);
[CCode (cname = "fp_enroll_stage_cb")]
public delegate void EnrollStageCallback(Dev dev, int result, owned PrintData? print, owned Img? img);
[CCode (cname = "fp_async_enroll_start")]
public int enroll_start (EnrollStageCallback callback);
[CCode (cname = "fp_enroll_stop_cb")]
public delegate void EnrollStopCallback(Dev dev);
[CCode (cname = "fp_async_enroll_stop")]
public int enroll_stop (EnrollStopCallback callback);
[CCode (cname = "struct fp_dscv_dev *", free_function = "fp_dscv_devs_free", has_type_id = false)]
public class DscvDevArray {
* Searches a list of discovered devices for a device that appears to
* be compatible with a stored print.
* @param data the print under inspection
* @return the first discovered device that appears to support
* the print, or NULL if no apparently compatible
* devices could be found
[CCode (cname = "fp_dscv_dev_for_print_data")]
public unowned DscvDev dev_for_print_data(PrintData data);
* Searches a list of discovered devices for a device that appears to
* be compatible with a discovered print.
* @param data the print under inspection
* @return the first discovered device that appears to support
* the print, or NULL if no apparently compatible
* devices could be found
[CCode (cname = "fp_dscv_dev_for_dscv_print")]
public unowned DscvDev dev_for_dscv_print(DscvPrint data);
* Iterates all of the discovered devices in the array.
* @param func A function that acts on each discovered device
public void foreach (GLib.Func<DscvDev> func) {
for (var ptr = (void **)this; ptr[0] != null; ptr++) {
[CCode (cname = "struct fp_dscv_dev", has_type_id = false)]
public class DscvDev {
* Scans the system and returns a list of discovered devices.
* This is your entry point into finding a fingerprint reader to operate.
[CCode (cname = "fp_discover_devs")]
public static DscvDevArray discover ();
* Gets the driver for a discovered device.
public unowned Driver driver { get; }
* Gets the devtype for a discovered device.
public uint32 devtype { get; }
* Determines if a specific stored print appears to be compatible with
* a discovered device.
* @param data the print for compatibility checking
* @return true if the print is compatible with the device,
* false otherwise
public bool supports_print_data (PrintData data);
* Determines if a specific discovered print appears to be compatible
* with a discovered device.
* @param data the discovered print for compatibility checking
* @return true if the print is compatible with the device,
* false otherwise
public bool supports_dscv_print (DscvPrint data);
[CCode (cname = "struct fp_driver", has_type_id = false)]
public class Driver {
* Retrieves the name of the driver.
* For example: "upekts"
public unowned string name { get; }
* Retrieves a descriptive name of the driver.
* For example: "UPEK TouchStrip"
public unowned string full_name { get; }
* Retrieves the driver ID code for a driver.
public uint16 driver_id { get; }
public ScanType scan_type { get; }
* Numeric codes used to refer to fingers (and thumbs) of a human.
* These are purposely not available as strings, to avoid getting the
* library tangled up in localization efforts.
[CCode (cname = "enum fp_finger", has_type_id = false)]
public enum Finger {
* thumb (left hand)
[CCode (cname = "LEFT_THUMB")]
* index finger (left hand)
[CCode (cname = "LEFT_INDEX")]
* middle finger (left hand)
[CCode (cname = "LEFT_MIDDLE")]
* ring finger (left hand)
[CCode (cname = "LEFT_RING")]
* little finger (left hand)
[CCode (cname = "LEFT_LITTLE")]
* thumb (right hand)
[CCode (cname = "RIGHT_THUMB")]
* index finger (right hand)
[CCode (cname = "RIGHT_INDEX")]
* middle finger (right hand)
[CCode (cname = "RIGHT_MIDDLE")]
* ring finger (right hand)
[CCode (cname = "RIGHT_RING")]
* little finger (right hand)
[CCode (cname = "RIGHT_LITTLE")]
[CCode (cname = "enum fp_scan_type", has_type_id = false)]
public enum ScanType {
[CCode (cname = "struct fp_print_data", free_function = "fp_print_data_free", has_type_id = false)]
public class PrintData {
size_t get_data ([CCode (array_length = false)] out uint8[] ret);
* Convert a stored print into a unified representation inside a data
* buffer.
* You can then store this data buffer in any way that suits you, and
* load it back at some later time using {@link from_data}.
public uint8[] data {
[CCode (cname = "vala_fp_print_data_get_data")]
owned get {
uint8[] ret;
var size = get_data (out ret);
ret.length = (int)size;
return (owned)ret;
* Load a stored print from a data buffer.
* The contents of said buffer must be the untouched contents of a
* buffer previously supplied to you by {@link data}
* @param buf the data buffer
* @return the stored print represented by the data, or NULL on error
public static PrintData? from_data (uint8[] buf);
* Saves a stored print to disk, assigned to a specific finger.
* Even though you are limited to storing only the 10 human fingers,
* this is a per-device-type limit. For example, you can store the users
* right index finger from a DigitalPersona scanner, and you can also
* save the right index finger from a UPEK scanner. When you later come
* to load the print, the right one will be automatically selected.
* This function will unconditionally overwrite a fingerprint previously
* saved for the same finger and device type. The print is saved in a
* hidden directory beneath the current user's home directory.
* @param finger the finger that this print corresponds to
* @return 0 on success, non-zero on error.
public int save (Finger finger);
* Loads a previously stored print from disk.
* The print must have been saved earlier using the {@link save} function.
* A return code of -ENOENT indicates that the fingerprint requested
* could not be found. Other error codes (both positive and negative)
* are possible for obscure error conditions (e.g. corruption).
* @param dev the device you are loading the print for
* @param finger the finger of the file you are loading
* @param data the corresponding stored print
* @return 0 on success, non-zero on error
public static int load (Dev dev, Finger finger, out PrintData data);
* Removes a stored print from disk previously saved with {@link save}.
* @param dev the device that the print belongs to
* @param finger the finger of the file you are deleting
* @return 0 on success, negative on error
public static int delete (Dev dev, Finger finger);
* Attempts to load a stored print based on a discovered print record.
* A return code of -ENOENT indicates that the file referred to by the
* discovered print could not be found. Other error codes (both positive
* and negative) are possible for obscure error conditions (e.g.
* corruption).
* @param print the discovered print
* @param data the corresponding stored print
* @return 0 on success, non-zero on error.
public static int from_dscv_print(DscvPrint print, out PrintData data);
* Gets the driver ID for a stored print.
* The driver ID indicates which driver the print originally came from.
* The print is only usable with a device controlled by that driver.
public uint16 driver_id { get; }
* Gets the devtype for a stored print.
* The devtype represents which type of device under the parent driver
* is compatible with the print.
public uint32 devtype { get; }
[CCode (cname = "struct fp_dscv_print *", free_function = "fp_dscv_prints_free", has_type_id = false)]
public class DscvPrintArray {
public void foreach (GLib.Func<DscvPrint> func) {
for (var ptr = (void **)this; ptr[0] != null; ptr++) {
[CCode (cname = "struct fp_dscv_print", has_type_id = false)]
public class DscvPrint {
* Scans the users home directory and returns a list of prints that were
* previously saved using {@link PrintData.save}.
* @return list of discovered prints
[CCode (cname = "fp_discover_prints")]
public static DscvPrintArray discover ();
* Gets the driver ID for a discovered print.
* The driver ID indicates which driver the print originally came from.
* The print is only usable with a device controlled by that driver.
public uint16 driver_id { get; }
* Gets the devtype for a discovered print.
* The devtype represents which type of device under the parent driver
* is compatible with the print.
public uint32 devtype { get; }
* Gets the finger code for a discovered print.
public Finger finger { get; }
* Removes a discovered print from disk.
* After successful return of this function, functions such as
* {@link finger} will continue to operate as before, however calling
* {@link PrintData.from_dscv_print} will fail for obvious reasons.
* @return 0 on success, negative on error
public int delete ();
[CCode (cname = "struct fp_img", free_function = "fp_img_free", has_type_id = false)]
public class Img {
* Gets the pixel height of an image.
public int height { get; }
* Gets the pixel width of an image.
public int width { get; }
[CCode (array_length = false)]
unowned uint8[] get_data ();
* Gets the greyscale data for an image.
public unowned uint8[] data {
[CCode (cname = "vala_fp_img_get_data")]
get {
unowned uint8[] ret = get_data ();
ret.length = width * height;
return ret;
* A quick convenience function to save an image to a file in PGM format.
* @param path the path to save the image. Existing files will be
* overwritten.
* @return 0 on success, non-zero on error.
public int save_to_file (string path);
* Standardizes an image by normalizing its orientation, colors, etc.
* It is safe to call this multiple times on an image, libfprint keeps
* track of the work it needs to do to make an image standard and will
* not perform these operations more than once for a given image.
public void standarize ();
* Get a binarized form of a standardized scanned image.
* This is where the fingerprint image has been "enhanced" and is a set
* of pure black ridges on a pure white background. Internally, image
* processing happens on top of the binarized image.
* The image must have been standardized otherwise this function will
* fail.
* It is safe to binarize an image and free the original while
* continuing to use the binarized version.
* You cannot binarize an image twice.
* @return a new image representing the binarized form of the original,
* or NULL on error.
public Img binarize ();
* Get a list of minutiae detected in an image.
* A minutia point is a feature detected on a fingerprint, typically
* where ridges end or split. libfprint's image processing code relies
* upon comparing sets of minutiae, so accurate placement of minutia
* points is critical for good imaging performance.
* The image must have been standardized otherwise this function will
* fail.
* You cannot pass a binarized image to this function. Instead, pass
* the original image.
* Returns a list of pointers to minutiae, where the list is of length
* indicated in the nr_minutiae output parameter. The returned list is
* only valid while the parent image has not been freed, and the
* minutiae data must not be modified or freed.
public unowned Minutia[] minutiae { get; }
[CCode (cname = "struct fp_minutia", has_type_id = false)]
public class Minutia {
public int x;
public int y;
public int ex;
public int ey;
public int direction;
public double reliability;
public int type;
public int appearing;
public int feature_id;
[CCode (array_length_cname = "num_nbrs")]
public int[] nbrs;
[CCode (array_length_cname = "num_nbrs")]
public int[] ridge_counts;
[CCode (cname = "struct fp_pollfd", free_function = "g_free", has_type_id = false)]
public struct Pollfd {
public int fd;
public short events;
public bool handle_events_timeout (ref Posix.timeval timeout);
public bool handle_events ();
[CCode (cname = "fp_get_pollfds")]
public size_t _get_pollfds ([CCode (array_length = false)] out Pollfd[] pollfds);
[CCode (cname = "vala_fp_get_pollfds")]
public Pollfd[] get_pollfds () {
Pollfd[] pollfds;
var size = _get_pollfds (out pollfds);
pollfds.length = (int)size;
return (owned)pollfds;
public bool get_next_timeout (out Posix.timeval tv);
[CCode (cname = "fp_pollfd_added_cb", has_target = false, has_type_id = false)]
public delegate void PollfdAddedCallback (int fd, short events);
[CCode (cname = "fp_pollfd_removed_cb", has_target = false, has_type_id = false)]
public delegate void PollfdRemovedCallback (int fd);
public void set_pollfd_notifiers (PollfdAddedCallback added_cb, PollfdRemovedCallback remove_cb);
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