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readers.go 15.17 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
天蝎儿 提交于 2021-11-03 19:30 . 修改模块名称
// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2014-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package status
import (
type ReaderConfig struct {
HumanReadable bool
TimeFormat string
type LockUsage struct {
Namespace string
Reads int64
Writes int64
type lockUsages []LockUsage
func (slice lockUsages) Len() int {
return len(slice)
func (slice lockUsages) Less(i, j int) bool {
return slice[i].Reads+slice[i].Writes < slice[j].Reads+slice[j].Writes
func (slice lockUsages) Swap(i, j int) {
slice[i], slice[j] = slice[j], slice[i]
func formatBits(should bool, amt int64) string {
if should {
return text.FormatBits(amt)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", amt)
func formatMegabyteAmount(should bool, amt int64) string {
if should {
return text.FormatMegabyteAmount(amt)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", amt*1024*1024)
func numberToInt64(num interface{}) (int64, bool) {
switch n := num.(type) {
case int64:
return n, true
case int32:
return int64(n), true
case int:
return int64(n), true
return 0, false
func percentageInt64(value, outOf int64) float64 {
if value == 0 || outOf == 0 {
return 0
return 100 * (float64(value) / float64(outOf))
func averageInt64(value, outOf int64) int64 {
if value == 0 || outOf == 0 {
return 0
return value / outOf
func parseLocks(stat *ServerStatus) map[string]LockUsage {
returnVal := map[string]LockUsage{}
for namespace, lockInfo := range stat.Locks {
returnVal[namespace] = LockUsage{
lockInfo.TimeLockedMicros.Read + lockInfo.TimeLockedMicros.ReadLower,
lockInfo.TimeLockedMicros.Write + lockInfo.TimeLockedMicros.WriteLower,
return returnVal
func computeLockDiffs(prevLocks, curLocks map[string]LockUsage) []LockUsage {
lockUsages := lockUsages(make([]LockUsage, 0, len(curLocks)))
for namespace, curUsage := range curLocks {
prevUsage, hasKey := prevLocks[namespace]
if !hasKey {
// This namespace didn't appear in the previous batch of lock info,
// so we can't compute a diff for it - skip it.
// Calculate diff of lock usage for this namespace and add to the list
lockUsages = append(lockUsages,
curUsage.Reads - prevUsage.Reads,
curUsage.Writes - prevUsage.Writes,
// Sort the array in order of least to most locked
return lockUsages
func diff(newVal, oldVal int64, sampleSecs float64) int64 {
return int64(float64(newVal-oldVal) / sampleSecs)
func diffOp(newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus, f func(*OpcountStats) int64, both bool) string {
sampleSecs := float64(newStat.SampleTime.Sub(oldStat.SampleTime).Seconds())
var opcount int64
var opcountRepl int64
if newStat.Opcounters != nil && oldStat.Opcounters != nil {
opcount = diff(f(newStat.Opcounters), f(oldStat.Opcounters), sampleSecs)
if newStat.OpcountersRepl != nil && oldStat.OpcountersRepl != nil {
opcountRepl = diff(f(newStat.OpcountersRepl), f(oldStat.OpcountersRepl), sampleSecs)
switch {
case both || opcount > 0 && opcountRepl > 0:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v|%v", opcount, opcountRepl)
case opcount > 0:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", opcount)
case opcountRepl > 0:
return fmt.Sprintf("*%v", opcountRepl)
return "*0"
func getStorageEngine(stat *ServerStatus) string {
val := "mmapv1"
if stat.StorageEngine != nil && stat.StorageEngine.Name != "" {
val = stat.StorageEngine.Name
return val
// mongosProcessRE matches mongos not followed by any slashes before next whitespace
var mongosProcessRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^.*\bmongos\b[^\\\/]*(\s.*)?$`)
func IsMongos(stat *ServerStatus) bool {
return stat.ShardCursorType != nil || mongosProcessRE.MatchString(stat.Process)
func HasLocks(stat *ServerStatus) bool {
return ReadLockedDB(nil, stat, stat) != ""
func IsReplSet(stat *ServerStatus) (res bool) {
if stat.Repl != nil {
isReplSet, ok := stat.Repl.IsReplicaSet.(bool)
res = (ok && isReplSet) || len(stat.Repl.SetName) > 0
func IsMMAP(stat *ServerStatus) bool {
return getStorageEngine(stat) == "mmapv1"
func IsWT(stat *ServerStatus) bool {
return getStorageEngine(stat) == "wiredTiger"
func ReadHost(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) string {
return newStat.Host
func ReadStorageEngine(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) string {
return getStorageEngine(newStat)
func ReadInsert(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
return diffOp(newStat, oldStat, func(o *OpcountStats) int64 {
return o.Insert
}, false)
func ReadQuery(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
return diffOp(newStat, oldStat, func(s *OpcountStats) int64 {
return s.Query
}, false)
func ReadUpdate(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
return diffOp(newStat, oldStat, func(s *OpcountStats) int64 {
return s.Update
}, false)
func ReadDelete(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
return diffOp(newStat, oldStat, func(s *OpcountStats) int64 {
return s.Delete
}, false)
func ReadGetMore(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
sampleSecs := float64(newStat.SampleTime.Sub(oldStat.SampleTime).Seconds())
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", diff(newStat.Opcounters.GetMore, oldStat.Opcounters.GetMore, sampleSecs))
func ReadCommand(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
return diffOp(newStat, oldStat, func(s *OpcountStats) int64 {
return s.Command
}, true)
func ReadDirty(c *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) (val string) {
if newStat.WiredTiger != nil {
bytes := float64(newStat.WiredTiger.Cache.TrackedDirtyBytes)
max := float64(newStat.WiredTiger.Cache.MaxBytesConfigured)
if max != 0 {
val = fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", 100*bytes/max)
if c.HumanReadable {
val = val + "%"
func ReadUsed(c *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) (val string) {
if newStat.WiredTiger != nil {
bytes := float64(newStat.WiredTiger.Cache.CurrentCachedBytes)
max := float64(newStat.WiredTiger.Cache.MaxBytesConfigured)
if max != 0 {
val = fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", 100*bytes/max)
if c.HumanReadable {
val = val + "%"
func ReadFlushes(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
var val int64
if newStat.WiredTiger != nil && oldStat.WiredTiger != nil {
val = newStat.WiredTiger.Transaction.TransCheckpoints - oldStat.WiredTiger.Transaction.TransCheckpoints
} else if newStat.BackgroundFlushing != nil && oldStat.BackgroundFlushing != nil {
val = newStat.BackgroundFlushing.Flushes - oldStat.BackgroundFlushing.Flushes
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", val)
func ReadMapped(c *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) (val string) {
if util.IsTruthy(newStat.Mem.Supported) && IsMongos(newStat) {
val = formatMegabyteAmount(c.HumanReadable, newStat.Mem.Mapped)
func ReadVSize(c *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) (val string) {
if util.IsTruthy(newStat.Mem.Supported) {
val = formatMegabyteAmount(c.HumanReadable, newStat.Mem.Virtual)
func ReadRes(c *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) (val string) {
if util.IsTruthy(newStat.Mem.Supported) {
val = formatMegabyteAmount(c.HumanReadable, newStat.Mem.Resident)
func ReadNonMapped(c *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) (val string) {
if util.IsTruthy(newStat.Mem.Supported) && !IsMongos(newStat) {
val = formatMegabyteAmount(c.HumanReadable, newStat.Mem.Virtual-newStat.Mem.Mapped)
func ReadFaults(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
if !IsMMAP(newStat) {
return "n/a"
var val int64 = -1
if oldStat.ExtraInfo != nil && newStat.ExtraInfo != nil &&
oldStat.ExtraInfo.PageFaults != nil && newStat.ExtraInfo.PageFaults != nil {
sampleSecs := float64(newStat.SampleTime.Sub(oldStat.SampleTime).Seconds())
val = diff(*(newStat.ExtraInfo.PageFaults), *(oldStat.ExtraInfo.PageFaults), sampleSecs)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", val)
func ReadLRW(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) (val string) {
if !IsMongos(newStat) && newStat.Locks != nil && oldStat.Locks != nil {
global, ok := oldStat.Locks["Global"]
if ok && global.AcquireCount != nil {
newColl, inNew := newStat.Locks["Collection"]
oldColl, inOld := oldStat.Locks["Collection"]
if inNew && inOld && newColl.AcquireWaitCount != nil && oldColl.AcquireWaitCount != nil {
rWait := newColl.AcquireWaitCount.Read - oldColl.AcquireWaitCount.Read
wWait := newColl.AcquireWaitCount.Write - oldColl.AcquireWaitCount.Write
rTotal := newColl.AcquireCount.Read - oldColl.AcquireCount.Read
wTotal := newColl.AcquireCount.Write - oldColl.AcquireCount.Write
r := percentageInt64(rWait, rTotal)
w := percentageInt64(wWait, wTotal)
val = fmt.Sprintf("%.1f%%|%.1f%%", r, w)
func ReadLRWT(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) (val string) {
if !IsMongos(newStat) && newStat.Locks != nil && oldStat.Locks != nil {
global, ok := oldStat.Locks["Global"]
if ok && global.AcquireCount != nil {
newColl, inNew := newStat.Locks["Collection"]
oldColl, inOld := oldStat.Locks["Collection"]
if inNew && inOld && newColl.AcquireWaitCount != nil && oldColl.AcquireWaitCount != nil {
rWait := newColl.AcquireWaitCount.Read - oldColl.AcquireWaitCount.Read
wWait := newColl.AcquireWaitCount.Write - oldColl.AcquireWaitCount.Write
rAcquire := newColl.TimeAcquiringMicros.Read - oldColl.TimeAcquiringMicros.Read
wAcquire := newColl.TimeAcquiringMicros.Write - oldColl.TimeAcquiringMicros.Write
r := averageInt64(rAcquire, rWait)
w := averageInt64(wAcquire, wWait)
val = fmt.Sprintf("%v|%v", r, w)
func ReadLockedDB(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) (val string) {
if !IsMongos(newStat) && newStat.Locks != nil && oldStat.Locks != nil {
global, ok := oldStat.Locks["Global"]
if !ok || global.AcquireCount == nil {
prevLocks := parseLocks(oldStat)
curLocks := parseLocks(newStat)
lockdiffs := computeLockDiffs(prevLocks, curLocks)
db := ""
var percentage string
if len(lockdiffs) == 0 {
if newStat.GlobalLock != nil {
percentage = fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", percentageInt64(newStat.GlobalLock.LockTime, newStat.GlobalLock.TotalTime))
} else {
// Get the entry with the highest lock
highestLocked := lockdiffs[len(lockdiffs)-1]
timeDiffMillis := newStat.UptimeMillis - oldStat.UptimeMillis
lockToReport := highestLocked.Writes
// if the highest locked namespace is not '.'
if highestLocked.Namespace != "." {
for _, namespaceLockInfo := range lockdiffs {
if namespaceLockInfo.Namespace == "." {
lockToReport += namespaceLockInfo.Writes
// lock data is in microseconds and uptime is in milliseconds - so
// divide by 1000 so that the units match
lockToReport /= 1000
db = highestLocked.Namespace
percentage = fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", percentageInt64(lockToReport, timeDiffMillis))
if percentage != "" {
val = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s%%", db, percentage)
func ReadQRW(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) string {
var qr int64
var qw int64
gl := newStat.GlobalLock
if gl != nil && gl.CurrentQueue != nil {
// If we have wiredtiger stats, use those instead
if newStat.WiredTiger != nil {
qr = gl.CurrentQueue.Readers + gl.ActiveClients.Readers - newStat.WiredTiger.Concurrent.Read.Out
qw = gl.CurrentQueue.Writers + gl.ActiveClients.Writers - newStat.WiredTiger.Concurrent.Write.Out
if qr < 0 {
qr = 0
if qw < 0 {
qw = 0
} else {
qr = gl.CurrentQueue.Readers
qw = gl.CurrentQueue.Writers
return fmt.Sprintf("%v|%v", qr, qw)
func ReadARW(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) string {
var ar int64
var aw int64
if gl := newStat.GlobalLock; gl != nil {
if newStat.WiredTiger != nil {
ar = newStat.WiredTiger.Concurrent.Read.Out
aw = newStat.WiredTiger.Concurrent.Write.Out
} else if newStat.GlobalLock.ActiveClients != nil {
ar = gl.ActiveClients.Readers
aw = gl.ActiveClients.Writers
return fmt.Sprintf("%v|%v", ar, aw)
func ReadNetIn(c *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
sampleSecs := float64(newStat.SampleTime.Sub(oldStat.SampleTime).Seconds())
val := diff(newStat.Network.BytesIn, oldStat.Network.BytesIn, sampleSecs)
return formatBits(c.HumanReadable, val)
func ReadNetOut(c *ReaderConfig, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
sampleSecs := float64(newStat.SampleTime.Sub(oldStat.SampleTime).Seconds())
val := diff(newStat.Network.BytesOut, oldStat.Network.BytesOut, sampleSecs)
return formatBits(c.HumanReadable, val)
func ReadConn(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", newStat.Connections.Current)
func ReadSet(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) (name string) {
if newStat.Repl != nil {
name = newStat.Repl.SetName
func ReadRepl(_ *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) string {
switch {
case newStat.Repl == nil && IsMongos(newStat):
return "RTR"
case newStat.Repl == nil:
return ""
case util.IsTruthy(newStat.Repl.IsMaster):
return "PRI"
case util.IsTruthy(newStat.Repl.Secondary):
return "SEC"
case util.IsTruthy(newStat.Repl.IsReplicaSet):
return "REC"
case util.IsTruthy(newStat.Repl.ArbiterOnly):
return "ARB"
case util.SliceContains(newStat.Repl.Passives, newStat.Repl.Me):
return "PSV"
if !IsReplSet(newStat) {
return "UNK"
return "SLV"
func ReadTime(c *ReaderConfig, newStat, _ *ServerStatus) string {
if c.TimeFormat != "" {
return newStat.SampleTime.Format(c.TimeFormat)
if c.HumanReadable {
return newStat.SampleTime.Format(time.StampMilli)
return newStat.SampleTime.Format(time.RFC3339)
func ReadStatField(field string, stat *ServerStatus) string {
val, ok := stat.Flattened[field]
if ok {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)
return "INVALID"
func ReadStatDiff(field string, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
new, validNew := newStat.Flattened[field]
old, validOld := oldStat.Flattened[field]
if validNew && validOld {
new, validNew := numberToInt64(new)
old, validOld := numberToInt64(old)
if validNew && validOld {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", new-old)
return "INVALID"
func ReadStatRate(field string, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
sampleSecs := float64(newStat.SampleTime.Sub(oldStat.SampleTime).Seconds())
new, validNew := newStat.Flattened[field]
old, validOld := oldStat.Flattened[field]
if validNew && validOld {
new, validNew := numberToInt64(new)
old, validOld := numberToInt64(old)
if validNew && validOld {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", diff(new, old, sampleSecs))
return "INVALID"
var literalRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*?)(\.(\w+)\(\))?$`)
func InterpretField(field string, newStat, oldStat *ServerStatus) string {
match := literalRE.FindStringSubmatch(field)
if len(match) == 4 {
switch match[3] {
case "diff":
return ReadStatDiff(match[1], newStat, oldStat)
case "rate":
return ReadStatRate(match[1], newStat, oldStat)
return ReadStatField(field, newStat)


53164aa7 5694891 3bd8fe86 5694891