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raft.go 18.78 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2015 CoreOS, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package raft
import (
pb "github.com/coreos/etcd/raft/raftpb"
// None is a placeholder node ID used when there is no leader.
const None uint64 = 0
var errNoLeader = errors.New("no leader")
// Possible values for StateType.
const (
StateFollower StateType = iota
// StateType represents the role of a node in a cluster.
type StateType uint64
var stmap = [...]string{
func (st StateType) String() string {
return stmap[uint64(st)]
type Progress struct {
Match, Next uint64
Wait int
func (pr *Progress) update(n uint64) {
if pr.Match < n {
pr.Match = n
if pr.Next < n+1 {
pr.Next = n + 1
func (pr *Progress) optimisticUpdate(n uint64) { pr.Next = n + 1 }
// maybeDecrTo returns false if the given to index comes from an out of order message.
// Otherwise it decreases the progress next index to min(rejected, last) and returns true.
func (pr *Progress) maybeDecrTo(rejected, last uint64) bool {
if pr.Match != 0 {
// the rejection must be stale if the progress has matched and "rejected"
// is smaller than "match".
if rejected <= pr.Match {
return false
// directly decrease next to match + 1
pr.Next = pr.Match + 1
return true
// the rejection must be stale if "rejected" does not match next - 1
if pr.Next-1 != rejected {
return false
if pr.Next = min(rejected, last+1); pr.Next < 1 {
pr.Next = 1
return true
func (pr *Progress) waitDecr(i int) {
pr.Wait -= i
if pr.Wait < 0 {
pr.Wait = 0
func (pr *Progress) waitSet(w int) { pr.Wait = w }
func (pr *Progress) waitReset() { pr.Wait = 0 }
func (pr *Progress) shouldWait() bool { return pr.Match == 0 && pr.Wait > 0 }
func (pr *Progress) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("next = %d, match = %d, wait = %v", pr.Next, pr.Match, pr.Wait)
type raft struct {
id uint64
// the log
raftLog *raftLog
prs map[uint64]*Progress
state StateType
votes map[uint64]bool
msgs []pb.Message
// the leader id
lead uint64
// New configuration is ignored if there exists unapplied configuration.
pendingConf bool
elapsed int // number of ticks since the last msg
heartbeatTimeout int
electionTimeout int
rand *rand.Rand
tick func()
step stepFunc
func newRaft(id uint64, peers []uint64, election, heartbeat int, storage Storage,
applied uint64) *raft {
if id == None {
panic("cannot use none id")
raftlog := newLog(storage)
hs, cs, err := storage.InitialState()
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO(bdarnell)
if len(cs.Nodes) > 0 {
if len(peers) > 0 {
// TODO(bdarnell): the peers argument is always nil except in
// tests; the argument should be removed and these tests should be
// updated to specify their nodes through a snapshot.
panic("cannot specify both newRaft(peers) and ConfState.Nodes)")
peers = cs.Nodes
r := &raft{
id: id,
lead: None,
raftLog: raftlog,
prs: make(map[uint64]*Progress),
electionTimeout: election,
heartbeatTimeout: heartbeat,
r.rand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(id)))
for _, p := range peers {
r.prs[p] = &Progress{Next: 1}
if !isHardStateEqual(hs, emptyState) {
if applied > 0 {
r.becomeFollower(r.Term, None)
nodesStrs := make([]string, 0)
for _, n := range r.nodes() {
nodesStrs = append(nodesStrs, fmt.Sprintf("%x", n))
log.Printf("raft: newRaft %x [peers: [%s], term: %d, commit: %d, applied: %d, lastindex: %d, lastterm: %d]",
r.id, strings.Join(nodesStrs, ","), r.Term, r.raftLog.committed, r.raftLog.applied, r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.raftLog.lastTerm())
return r
func (r *raft) hasLeader() bool { return r.lead != None }
func (r *raft) softState() *SoftState { return &SoftState{Lead: r.lead, RaftState: r.state} }
func (r *raft) q() int { return len(r.prs)/2 + 1 }
func (r *raft) nodes() []uint64 {
nodes := make([]uint64, 0, len(r.prs))
for k := range r.prs {
nodes = append(nodes, k)
return nodes
// send persists state to stable storage and then sends to its mailbox.
func (r *raft) send(m pb.Message) {
m.From = r.id
// do not attach term to MsgProp
// proposals are a way to forward to the leader and
// should be treated as local message.
if m.Type != pb.MsgProp {
m.Term = r.Term
r.msgs = append(r.msgs, m)
// sendAppend sends RRPC, with entries to the given peer.
func (r *raft) sendAppend(to uint64) {
pr := r.prs[to]
if pr.shouldWait() {
m := pb.Message{}
m.To = to
if r.needSnapshot(pr.Next) {
m.Type = pb.MsgSnap
snapshot, err := r.raftLog.snapshot()
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO(bdarnell)
if IsEmptySnap(snapshot) {
panic("need non-empty snapshot")
m.Snapshot = snapshot
sindex, sterm := snapshot.Metadata.Index, snapshot.Metadata.Term
log.Printf("raft: %x [firstindex: %d, commit: %d] sent snapshot[index: %d, term: %d] to %x [%s]",
r.id, r.raftLog.firstIndex(), r.Commit, sindex, sterm, to, pr)
} else {
m.Type = pb.MsgApp
m.Index = pr.Next - 1
m.LogTerm = r.raftLog.term(pr.Next - 1)
m.Entries = r.raftLog.entries(pr.Next)
m.Commit = r.raftLog.committed
// optimistically increase the next if the follower
// has been matched.
if n := len(m.Entries); pr.Match != 0 && n != 0 {
} else if pr.Match == 0 {
// TODO (xiangli): better way to find out if the follower is in good path or not
// a follower might be in bad path even if match != 0, since we optimistically
// increase the next.
// sendHeartbeat sends an empty MsgApp
func (r *raft) sendHeartbeat(to uint64) {
// Attach the commit as min(to.matched, r.committed).
// When the leader sends out heartbeat message,
// the receiver(follower) might not be matched with the leader
// or it might not have all the committed entries.
// The leader MUST NOT forward the follower's commit to
// an unmatched index.
commit := min(r.prs[to].Match, r.raftLog.committed)
m := pb.Message{
To: to,
Type: pb.MsgHeartbeat,
Commit: commit,
// bcastAppend sends RRPC, with entries to all peers that are not up-to-date
// according to the progress recorded in r.prs.
func (r *raft) bcastAppend() {
for i := range r.prs {
if i == r.id {
// bcastHeartbeat sends RRPC, without entries to all the peers.
func (r *raft) bcastHeartbeat() {
for i := range r.prs {
if i == r.id {
func (r *raft) maybeCommit() bool {
// TODO(bmizerany): optimize.. Currently naive
mis := make(uint64Slice, 0, len(r.prs))
for i := range r.prs {
mis = append(mis, r.prs[i].Match)
mci := mis[r.q()-1]
return r.raftLog.maybeCommit(mci, r.Term)
func (r *raft) reset(term uint64) {
if r.Term != term {
r.Term = term
r.Vote = None
r.lead = None
r.elapsed = 0
r.votes = make(map[uint64]bool)
for i := range r.prs {
r.prs[i] = &Progress{Next: r.raftLog.lastIndex() + 1}
if i == r.id {
r.prs[i].Match = r.raftLog.lastIndex()
r.pendingConf = false
func (r *raft) appendEntry(es ...pb.Entry) {
li := r.raftLog.lastIndex()
for i := range es {
es[i].Term = r.Term
es[i].Index = li + 1 + uint64(i)
// tickElection is run by followers and candidates after r.electionTimeout.
func (r *raft) tickElection() {
if !r.promotable() {
r.elapsed = 0
if r.isElectionTimeout() {
r.elapsed = 0
r.Step(pb.Message{From: r.id, Type: pb.MsgHup})
// tickHeartbeat is run by leaders to send a MsgBeat after r.heartbeatTimeout.
func (r *raft) tickHeartbeat() {
if r.elapsed >= r.heartbeatTimeout {
r.elapsed = 0
r.Step(pb.Message{From: r.id, Type: pb.MsgBeat})
func (r *raft) becomeFollower(term uint64, lead uint64) {
r.step = stepFollower
r.tick = r.tickElection
r.lead = lead
r.state = StateFollower
log.Printf("raft: %x became follower at term %d", r.id, r.Term)
func (r *raft) becomeCandidate() {
// TODO(xiangli) remove the panic when the raft implementation is stable
if r.state == StateLeader {
panic("invalid transition [leader -> candidate]")
r.step = stepCandidate
r.reset(r.Term + 1)
r.tick = r.tickElection
r.Vote = r.id
r.state = StateCandidate
log.Printf("raft: %x became candidate at term %d", r.id, r.Term)
func (r *raft) becomeLeader() {
// TODO(xiangli) remove the panic when the raft implementation is stable
if r.state == StateFollower {
panic("invalid transition [follower -> leader]")
r.step = stepLeader
r.tick = r.tickHeartbeat
r.lead = r.id
r.state = StateLeader
for _, e := range r.raftLog.entries(r.raftLog.committed + 1) {
if e.Type != pb.EntryConfChange {
if r.pendingConf {
panic("unexpected double uncommitted config entry")
r.pendingConf = true
r.appendEntry(pb.Entry{Data: nil})
log.Printf("raft: %x became leader at term %d", r.id, r.Term)
func (r *raft) campaign() {
if r.q() == r.poll(r.id, true) {
for i := range r.prs {
if i == r.id {
log.Printf("raft: %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] sent vote request to %x at term %d",
r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), i, r.Term)
r.send(pb.Message{To: i, Type: pb.MsgVote, Index: r.raftLog.lastIndex(), LogTerm: r.raftLog.lastTerm()})
func (r *raft) poll(id uint64, v bool) (granted int) {
if v {
log.Printf("raft: %x received vote from %x at term %d", r.id, id, r.Term)
} else {
log.Printf("raft: %x received vote rejection from %x at term %d", r.id, id, r.Term)
if _, ok := r.votes[id]; !ok {
r.votes[id] = v
for _, vv := range r.votes {
if vv {
return granted
func (r *raft) Step(m pb.Message) error {
if m.Type == pb.MsgHup {
log.Printf("raft: %x is starting a new election at term %d", r.id, r.Term)
r.Commit = r.raftLog.committed
return nil
switch {
case m.Term == 0:
// local message
case m.Term > r.Term:
lead := m.From
if m.Type == pb.MsgVote {
lead = None
log.Printf("raft: %x [term: %d] received a %s message with higher term from %x [term: %d]",
r.id, r.Term, m.Type, m.From, m.Term)
r.becomeFollower(m.Term, lead)
case m.Term < r.Term:
// ignore
log.Printf("raft: %x [term: %d] ignored a %s message with lower term from %x [term: %d]",
r.id, r.Term, m.Type, m.From, m.Term)
return nil
r.step(r, m)
r.Commit = r.raftLog.committed
return nil
type stepFunc func(r *raft, m pb.Message)
func stepLeader(r *raft, m pb.Message) {
switch m.Type {
case pb.MsgBeat:
case pb.MsgProp:
if len(m.Entries) == 0 {
log.Panicf("raft: %x stepped empty MsgProp", r.id)
for i, e := range m.Entries {
if e.Type == pb.EntryConfChange {
if r.pendingConf {
m.Entries[i] = pb.Entry{Type: pb.EntryNormal}
r.pendingConf = true
case pb.MsgAppResp:
if m.Reject {
log.Printf("raft: %x received msgApp rejection(lastindex: %d) from %x for index %d",
r.id, m.RejectHint, m.From, m.Index)
if r.prs[m.From].maybeDecrTo(m.Index, m.RejectHint) {
log.Printf("raft: %x decreased progress of %x to [%s]", r.id, m.From, r.prs[m.From])
} else {
oldWait := r.prs[m.From].shouldWait()
if r.maybeCommit() {
} else if oldWait {
// update() reset the wait state on this node. If we had delayed sending
// an update before, send it now.
case pb.MsgHeartbeatResp:
if r.prs[m.From].Match < r.raftLog.lastIndex() {
case pb.MsgVote:
log.Printf("raft: %x [logterm: %d, index: %d, vote: %x] rejected vote from %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] at term %d",
r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.Vote, m.From, m.LogTerm, m.Index, r.Term)
r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgVoteResp, Reject: true})
func stepCandidate(r *raft, m pb.Message) {
switch m.Type {
case pb.MsgProp:
log.Printf("raft: %x no leader at term %d; dropping proposal", r.id, r.Term)
case pb.MsgApp:
r.becomeFollower(r.Term, m.From)
case pb.MsgHeartbeat:
r.becomeFollower(r.Term, m.From)
case pb.MsgSnap:
r.becomeFollower(m.Term, m.From)
case pb.MsgVote:
log.Printf("raft: %x [logterm: %d, index: %d, vote: %x] rejected vote from %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] at term %x",
r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.Vote, m.From, m.LogTerm, m.Index, r.Term)
r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgVoteResp, Reject: true})
case pb.MsgVoteResp:
gr := r.poll(m.From, !m.Reject)
log.Printf("raft: %x [q:%d] has received %d votes and %d vote rejections", r.id, r.q(), gr, len(r.votes)-gr)
switch r.q() {
case gr:
case len(r.votes) - gr:
r.becomeFollower(r.Term, None)
func stepFollower(r *raft, m pb.Message) {
switch m.Type {
case pb.MsgProp:
if r.lead == None {
log.Printf("raft: %x no leader at term %d; dropping proposal", r.id, r.Term)
m.To = r.lead
case pb.MsgApp:
r.elapsed = 0
r.lead = m.From
case pb.MsgHeartbeat:
r.elapsed = 0
r.lead = m.From
case pb.MsgSnap:
r.elapsed = 0
case pb.MsgVote:
if (r.Vote == None || r.Vote == m.From) && r.raftLog.isUpToDate(m.Index, m.LogTerm) {
r.elapsed = 0
log.Printf("raft: %x [logterm: %d, index: %d, vote: %x] voted for %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] at term %d",
r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.Vote, m.From, m.LogTerm, m.Index, r.Term)
r.Vote = m.From
r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgVoteResp})
} else {
log.Printf("raft: %x [logterm: %d, index: %d, vote: %x] rejected vote from %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] at term %d",
r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.Vote, m.From, m.LogTerm, m.Index, r.Term)
r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgVoteResp, Reject: true})
func (r *raft) handleAppendEntries(m pb.Message) {
if mlastIndex, ok := r.raftLog.maybeAppend(m.Index, m.LogTerm, m.Commit, m.Entries...); ok {
r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp, Index: mlastIndex})
} else {
log.Printf("raft: %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] rejected msgApp [logterm: %d, index: %d] from %x",
r.id, r.raftLog.term(m.Index), m.Index, m.LogTerm, m.Index, m.From)
r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp, Index: m.Index, Reject: true, RejectHint: r.raftLog.lastIndex()})
func (r *raft) handleHeartbeat(m pb.Message) {
r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgHeartbeatResp})
func (r *raft) handleSnapshot(m pb.Message) {
sindex, sterm := m.Snapshot.Metadata.Index, m.Snapshot.Metadata.Term
if r.restore(m.Snapshot) {
log.Printf("raft: %x [commit: %d] restored snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]",
r.id, r.Commit, sindex, sterm)
r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp, Index: r.raftLog.lastIndex()})
} else {
log.Printf("raft: %x [commit: %d] ignored snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]",
r.id, r.Commit, sindex, sterm)
r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp, Index: r.raftLog.committed})
// restore recovers the state machine from a snapshot. It restores the log and the
// configuration of state machine.
func (r *raft) restore(s pb.Snapshot) bool {
if s.Metadata.Index <= r.raftLog.committed {
return false
if r.raftLog.matchTerm(s.Metadata.Index, s.Metadata.Term) {
log.Printf("raft: %x [commit: %d, lastindex: %d, lastterm: %d] fast-forwarded commit to snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]",
r.id, r.Commit, r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.raftLog.lastTerm(), s.Metadata.Index, s.Metadata.Term)
return false
log.Printf("raft: %x [commit: %d, lastindex: %d, lastterm: %d] starts to restore snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]",
r.id, r.Commit, r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.raftLog.lastTerm(), s.Metadata.Index, s.Metadata.Term)
r.prs = make(map[uint64]*Progress)
for _, n := range s.Metadata.ConfState.Nodes {
match, next := uint64(0), uint64(r.raftLog.lastIndex())+1
if n == r.id {
match = next - 1
} else {
match = 0
r.setProgress(n, match, next)
log.Printf("raft: %x restored progress of %x [%s]", r.id, n, r.prs[n])
return true
func (r *raft) needSnapshot(i uint64) bool {
return i < r.raftLog.firstIndex()
// promotable indicates whether state machine can be promoted to leader,
// which is true when its own id is in progress list.
func (r *raft) promotable() bool {
_, ok := r.prs[r.id]
return ok
func (r *raft) addNode(id uint64) {
if _, ok := r.prs[id]; ok {
// Ignore any redundant addNode calls (which can happen because the
// initial bootstrapping entries are applied twice).
r.setProgress(id, 0, r.raftLog.lastIndex()+1)
r.pendingConf = false
func (r *raft) removeNode(id uint64) {
r.pendingConf = false
func (r *raft) resetPendingConf() { r.pendingConf = false }
func (r *raft) setProgress(id, match, next uint64) {
r.prs[id] = &Progress{Next: next, Match: match}
func (r *raft) delProgress(id uint64) {
delete(r.prs, id)
func (r *raft) loadState(state pb.HardState) {
if state.Commit < r.raftLog.committed || state.Commit > r.raftLog.lastIndex() {
log.Panicf("raft: %x state.commit %d is out of range [%d, %d]", r.id, state.Commit, r.raftLog.committed, r.raftLog.lastIndex())
r.raftLog.committed = state.Commit
r.Term = state.Term
r.Vote = state.Vote
r.Commit = state.Commit
// isElectionTimeout returns true if r.elapsed is greater than the
// randomized election timeout in (electiontimeout, 2 * electiontimeout - 1).
// Otherwise, it returns false.
func (r *raft) isElectionTimeout() bool {
d := r.elapsed - r.electionTimeout
if d < 0 {
return false
return d > r.rand.Int()%r.electionTimeout
马建仓 AI 助手
