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gzip_compressor_top.v 11.49 KB
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Dr.W.X 提交于 2023-05-26 20:24 . release v1.0
// Module : gzip_compressor_top
// Type : synthesizable, IP's top
// Standard: Verilog 2001 (IEEE1364-2001)
// Author : https://github.com/WangXuan95
// Function: GZIP compressor based on deflate compression algorithm
// support 16384-byte-distance LZ77 compression,
// and dynamic huffman compression
module gzip_compressor_top # (
parameter SIMULATION = 0 // 0:disable simulation assert (for normal use) 1: enable simulation assert (for simulation)
) (
input wire rstn, // asynchronous reset. 0:reset 1:normally use
input wire clk,
// input stream : AXI-stream slave, 1 byte width (thus do not need tkeep and tstrb)
output wire i_tready,
input wire i_tvalid,
input wire [ 7:0] i_tdata,
input wire i_tlast,
// output stream : AXI-stream master, 4 byte width
input wire o_tready,
output reg o_tvalid,
output reg [31:0] o_tdata,
output reg o_tlast,
output reg [ 3:0] o_tkeep // At the end of packet (tlast=1), tkeep may be 4'b0001, 4'b0011, 4'b0111, or 4'b1111. In other cases, tkeep can only be 4'b1111
wire a_rdy;
wire a_en;
wire a_eos;
wire [ 7:0] a_byte;
wire b_en;
wire b_eos;
wire b_eob;
wire [ 7:0] b_byte;
wire c_en;
wire c_eos;
wire c_eob;
wire [ 7:0] c_byte;
wire c_nlz_en;
wire c_lz_en;
wire [ 7:0] c_lz_len_minus3;
wire [13:0] c_lz_dist_minus1;
wire d_eos;
wire d_eob;
wire [31:0] d_stream_len;
wire [31:0] d_stream_crc;
wire d_symbol_en;
wire [ 8:0] d_symbol;
wire [ 4:0] d_len_ebits;
wire [ 4:0] d_dist_symbol;
wire [11:0] d_dist_ebits;
wire e_stall_n;
wire e_en;
wire [31:0] e_data;
wire [ 1:0] e_byte_cnt;
wire e_last;
wire f_en;
wire [31:0] f_data;
wire [ 1:0] f_byte_cnt;
wire f_last;
// input flow control
fifo2_for_input u_fifo2_for_input (
.rstn ( rstn ),
.clk ( clk ),
.i_rdy ( i_tready ),
.i_en ( i_tvalid ),
.i_data ( {i_tdata, i_tlast} ),
.o_rdy ( a_rdy ),
.o_en ( a_en ),
.o_data ( {a_byte , a_eos} )
// split input stream to one or multiple blocks (maximum length of each block is 16384 bytes)
split_stream_to_block u_split_stream_to_block (
.rstn ( rstn ),
.clk ( clk ),
.i_en ( a_en & a_rdy ),
.i_eos ( a_eos ),
.i_byte ( a_byte ),
.o_en ( b_en ),
.o_eos ( b_eos ),
.o_eob ( b_eob ),
.o_byte ( b_byte )
// LZ77 encode, input input stream, output LZ77 stream (byte, or {len, dist})
lz77_encoder #(
) u_lz77_encoder (
.rstn ( rstn ),
.clk ( clk ),
.i_en ( b_en ),
.i_eos ( b_eos ),
.i_eob ( b_eob ),
.i_byte ( b_byte ),
.o_en ( c_en ),
.o_eos ( c_eos ),
.o_eob ( c_eob ),
.o_byte ( c_byte ),
.o_nlz_en ( c_nlz_en ),
.o_lz77_en ( c_lz_en ),
.o_lz77_len_minus3 ( c_lz_len_minus3 ),
.o_lz77_dist_minus1 ( c_lz_dist_minus1 )
// calculate stream length, and stream CRC32
calc_length_and_crc32 u_calc_length_and_crc32 (
.rstn ( rstn ),
.clk ( clk ),
.i_en ( c_en ),
.i_eos ( c_eos ),
.i_eob ( c_eob ),
.i_byte ( c_byte ),
.o_eos ( d_eos ),
.o_eob ( d_eob ),
.o_stream_len ( d_stream_len ),
.o_stream_crc ( d_stream_crc )
// convert LZ77 length to {symbol, len_ebits, len_ecnt}, convert LZ77 distance to {dist_symbol, dist_ebits, dist_ecnt}
convert_lz77_to_symbols u_convert_lz77_to_symbols (
.rstn ( rstn ),
.clk ( clk ),
.i_byte ( c_byte ),
.i_nlz_en ( c_nlz_en ),
.i_lz_en ( c_lz_en ),
.i_lz_len_minus3 ( c_lz_len_minus3 ),
.i_lz_dist_minus1 ( c_lz_dist_minus1 ),
.o_symbol_en ( d_symbol_en ),
.o_symbol ( d_symbol ),
.o_len_ebits ( d_len_ebits ),
.o_len_ecnt ( ),
.o_dist_symbol ( d_dist_symbol ),
.o_dist_ebits ( d_dist_ebits ),
.o_dist_ecnt ( )
// huffman compressor, both static huffman and dynamic huffman are supported, including dynamic huffman tree buliding.
// the output stream is GZIP formatted, including GZIP header and footer
huffman_compress #(
) u_huffman_compress (
.rstn ( rstn ),
.clk ( clk ),
.i_stall_n ( a_rdy ), // when i_stall_n=0, indicate internal buffer is almost full, need to stall input stream (elastic)
.i_eos ( d_eos ),
.i_eob ( d_eob ),
.i_stream_len ( d_stream_len ),
.i_stream_crc ( d_stream_crc ),
.i_symbol_en ( d_symbol_en ),
.i_symbol ( d_symbol ),
.i_len_ebits ( d_len_ebits ),
.i_dist_symbol ( d_dist_symbol ),
.i_dist_ebits ( d_dist_ebits ),
.o_stall_n ( e_stall_n ),
.o_en ( e_en ),
.o_data ( e_data ),
.o_byte_cnt ( e_byte_cnt ),
.o_last ( e_last )
// output stream buffer, the goal is elastic flow control
elastic_fifo_for_output #(
) u_elastic_fifo_for_output (
.rstn ( rstn ),
.clk ( clk ),
.i_stall_n ( e_stall_n ), // when i_elastic_full_n=0, indicate internal buffer is almost full, need to stall output stream (elastic)
.i_data ( {e_last, e_byte_cnt, e_data} ),
.i_en ( e_en ),
.o_data ( {f_last, f_byte_cnt, f_data} ),
.o_en ( f_en ),
.o_rdy ( ~o_tvalid | o_tready )
// output stage, convert internal stream format to standard AXI-stream
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
o_tvalid <= 1'b0;
o_tdata <= 32'b0;
o_tlast <= 1'b0;
o_tkeep <= 4'b0;
end else begin
if (~o_tvalid | o_tready) begin
o_tvalid <= f_en;
o_tdata <= f_data;
if (f_en) begin
o_tlast <= f_last;
o_tkeep <= (f_byte_cnt==2'h3) ? 4'b1111 : (f_byte_cnt==2'h2) ? 4'b0111 : (f_byte_cnt==2'h1) ? 4'b0011 : 4'b0001 ;
end else begin
o_tlast <= 1'b0;
o_tkeep <= 4'b0;
initial o_tvalid = 1'b0;
initial o_tdata = 32'b0;
initial o_tlast = 1'b0;
initial o_tkeep = 4'b0;
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