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wav.go 8.65 KB
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wulala乌啦啦 提交于 2021-08-14 11:16 . 增加语音合成的接口
package audio
import (
// WAV-related constants.
const (
// DefaultNumChannels is 1 (mono audio)
DefaultNumChannels uint16 = 1
// DefaultSampleRate is 16KHz
DefaultSampleRate uint32 = 16000
// DefaultAudioFormat is 1 (raw, uncompressed PCM waveforms)
DefaultAudioFormat uint16 = 1
// DefaultBitsPerSample is 16 (2 bytes per sample).
DefaultBitsPerSample uint16 = 16
// WAV represents a PCM audio file in the WAV container format. It keeps
// a high-level description of the parameters of the file, along with the
// raw audio bytes, until it needs to be written to a file, stream, or array.
// It is based on the WAV formatting as specified: http://soundfile.sapp.org/doc/WaveFormat/
type WAV struct {
// NumChannels is the number of channels the WAV file has. 1 = mono,
// 2 = stereo, etc. This affects the block align and also number of
// bytes per sample: (BitsPerSample / 8) * NumChannels.
NumChannels uint16
// SampleRate is the number of samples taken per second.
SampleRate uint32
// AudioFormat is the type of Audio that is encoded in the WAV file.
// In most scenarios, this will be 1 (1 = raw, uncompressed PCM audio),
// since WAV doesn't support compression.
AudioFormat uint16
// BitsPerSample is the width of each sample. 16 bits means each sample
// is two bytes.
BitsPerSample uint16
// audioData is the raw audio data stored in the WAV file.
audioData []byte
// WAVParams are a set of parameters used to create a WAV file. Its fields
// correspond directly to the WAV file.
type WAVParams struct {
NumChannels uint16
SampleRate uint32
BitsPerSample uint16
AudioData []byte
// NewWAV returns a new, empty WAV file using the default parameters.
func NewWAV() *WAV {
// create a new default WAV
return &WAV{
NumChannels: DefaultNumChannels,
SampleRate: DefaultSampleRate,
AudioFormat: DefaultAudioFormat,
BitsPerSample: DefaultBitsPerSample,
audioData: make([]byte, 0),
// NewWAVFromParams returns a new WAV file from the passed in parameters
// If any of the parameters are 0, it will be given the default value.
func NewWAVFromParams(params *WAVParams) *WAV {
if params == nil {
return NewWAV()
if params.NumChannels == 0 {
params.NumChannels = DefaultNumChannels
if params.SampleRate == 0 {
params.SampleRate = DefaultSampleRate
if params.BitsPerSample == 0 {
params.BitsPerSample = DefaultBitsPerSample
if params.AudioData == nil || len(params.AudioData) == 0 {
params.AudioData = make([]byte, 0)
return &WAV{
NumChannels: params.NumChannels,
SampleRate: params.SampleRate,
AudioFormat: DefaultAudioFormat,
BitsPerSample: params.BitsPerSample,
audioData: params.AudioData,
// NewWAVFromData creates a WAV format struct from the given data buffer
// The buffer is broken up into its respective information and that
func NewWAVFromData(data []byte) (*WAV, error) {
// find the end of ChunkID denoted by RIFF
// This marks the beginning of the WAV file
i := 4
for i < len(data) && data[i-4] != 'R' || data[i-3] != 'I' || data[i-2] != 'F' || data[i-1] != 'F' {
dataLen := len(data) - i
if dataLen <= 0 {
return nil, errors.NewFromErrorCodeInfo(errors.WAVCorruptFile, "The letters `RIFF` should exist from bytes 0 to 3 in big endian form from the start of the header to indicate that it is a RIFF header.")
// hOff is the header offset. Even though the header length is actually
// 44, we find where the data begins by looking for the letters
// "RIFF" which is from bytes 0 to 3. The variable i at this point
// pointing to right past the "RIFF" letters
hOff := i - 4
if (len(data) - hOff - 44) < 0 {
return nil, errors.NewFromErrorCode(errors.WAVCorruptFile)
// Verifies that "WAVE" letters exist in big endian form
if data[hOff+8] != 'W' || data[hOff+9] != 'A' || data[hOff+10] != 'V' || data[hOff+11] != 'E' {
return nil, errors.NewFromErrorCodeInfo(errors.WAVCorruptFile, "The letters `WAVE` should exist from bytes 8 to 11 in big endian form from the start of the header to indicate that it is a WAVE format file.")
// Verifies that "fmt " letters exist in big endian form
if data[hOff+12] != 'f' || data[hOff+13] != 'm' || data[hOff+14] != 't' || data[hOff+15] != ' ' {
return nil, errors.NewFromErrorCodeInfo(errors.WAVCorruptFile, "The letters `fmt ` should exist from bytes 12 to 15 in big endian form from the start of the header to indicate the subchunk 1 ID")
// Verifies that the "data" letters exist in big endian form
if data[hOff+36] != 'd' || data[hOff+37] != 'a' || data[hOff+38] != 't' || data[hOff+39] != 'a' {
return nil, errors.NewFromErrorCodeInfo(errors.WAVCorruptFile, "The letters `data` should exist from bytes 36 to 39 in big endian form from the start of the header to indicate the subchunk 2 ID.")
numChannels := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[hOff+22 : hOff+24])
sampleRate := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[hOff+24 : hOff+28])
bitsPerSample := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[hOff+34 : hOff+36])
// The actual sound data begins at byte 44 from the beginning of the header
audioData := data[hOff+44:]
return &WAV{
NumChannels: numChannels,
SampleRate: sampleRate,
AudioFormat: DefaultAudioFormat,
BitsPerSample: bitsPerSample,
audioData: audioData,
}, nil
// NewWAVFromReader takes in a reader and creates a new WAV file.
func NewWAVFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*WAV, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewWAVFromData(b)
// TrimSilent is called on a WAV struct to trim the silent portions from the
// ends of the file while leaving a certain amount of padding. The padding input is
// specified in seconds. The threshold input is a decimal (between 0 and 1) and is
// relative to the maximum amplitude of the waveform
func (w *WAV) TrimSilent(threshold float64, padding float64) {
// sample size in bytes
sampleSize := int(w.NumChannels * w.BitsPerSample / 8)
// number of bytes to examine in each step
step := 1024
// get max amplitude
maxPossibleAmp := math.Exp2(float64(w.BitsPerSample)) / 2.0
// silenceThresh is a percentage of the maximum wave height
silenceThresh := threshold * maxPossibleAmp
// Trimming the beginning
N1 := 0
for N1 < len(w.audioData) {
sampleRMS := rms(sampleSize, w.audioData[N1:N1+(sampleSize*step)])
if sampleRMS > silenceThresh {
N1 += sampleSize * step
// Trimming the end
N2 := len(w.audioData)
for N2 >= 0 {
sampleRMS := rms(sampleSize, w.audioData[N2-(sampleSize*step):N2])
if sampleRMS > silenceThresh {
N2 -= sampleSize * step
paddingSamples := int(padding * float64(w.SampleRate) * float64(sampleSize))
w.audioData = w.audioData[N1-paddingSamples : N2+paddingSamples]
// AddAudioData adds the passed-in audio bytes to the WAV struct
func (w *WAV) AddAudioData(d []byte) {
// add audio data to existing data
if d != nil && len(d) > 0 {
w.audioData = append(w.audioData, d...)
// AudioData returns the raw audio data
func (w *WAV) AudioData() []byte {
return w.audioData
// Data creates the header and data based on the WAV struct and returns
// a fully formatted WAV file
func (w *WAV) Data() []byte {
// find first data index
dataLen := len(w.audioData)
headerLen := 44
chunkSize := (dataLen + headerLen - 8)
// first create the header, then append the rest of the file
wav := make([]byte, headerLen)
// RIFF header
wav[0] = 'R'
wav[1] = 'I'
wav[2] = 'F'
wav[3] = 'F'
// chunk size
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(wav[4:8], uint32(chunkSize))
// Format (WAVE)
wav[8] = 'W'
wav[9] = 'A'
wav[10] = 'V'
wav[11] = 'E'
// Metadata subchunk ID ("fmt ")
wav[12] = 'f'
wav[13] = 'm'
wav[14] = 't'
wav[15] = ' '
// Metadata subchunk size (16)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(wav[16:20], 16)
// Audio format (PCM = 1)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(wav[20:22], w.AudioFormat)
// Num Channels (Mono = 1)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(wav[22:24], w.NumChannels)
// Sample Rate (16000 Hz)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(wav[24:28], w.SampleRate)
// Byte Rate = SampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8 = 32000
byteRate := w.SampleRate * uint32(w.NumChannels) * uint32(w.BitsPerSample) / 8
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(wav[28:32], byteRate)
// Block Align = NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8
blockAlign := w.NumChannels * w.BitsPerSample / 8
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(wav[32:34], blockAlign)
// Bits per sample = 16
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(wav[34:36], w.BitsPerSample)
// Data subchunk ID ("data")
wav[36] = 'd'
wav[37] = 'a'
wav[38] = 't'
wav[39] = 'a'
// Data length
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(wav[40:44], uint32(dataLen))
return append(wav, w.audioData[0:]...)
