unit JNIUtils;
JNIUtils - utility methods for use with JNI.pas (JEDI).
Written by Keith Wood (kbwood@iprimus.com.au)
23 November 2002
Updated by Remy Lebeau (remy@lebeausoftware.org)
09 February 2011
Classes, SysUtils, Variants, JNI;
ConstructorName = '<init>';
InitializerName = '<clinit>';
procedure AddCommonJavaClass(const ClassName: UTF8String); overload;
procedure AddCommonJavaClass(const ClassName, Shortcut: UTF8String); overload;
function GetJavaType(const JType: UTF8String): UTF8String;
function GetJavaMethodSig(const JTypes: array of UTF8String): UTF8String; overload;
function GetJavaMethodSig(const MethodSig: UTF8String): UTF8String; overload;
function CreateObject(const JVM: TJNIEnv;
const ClassName, ConstructorSig: UTF8String; const Args: array of const): JObject;
function GetFieldValue(const JVM: TJNIEnv; const ClsOrObj: JObject;
const FieldName, FieldType: UTF8String; const Static: Boolean = False): Variant;
function GetObjectFieldValue(const JVM: TJNIEnv; const ClsOrObj: JObject;
const FieldName, FieldType: UTF8String; const Static: Boolean = False): JObject;
function CallMethod(const JVM: TJNIEnv; const ClsOrObj: JObject;
const MethodName, MethodSig: UTF8String; const Args: array of const;
const Static: Boolean = False): Variant;
function CallObjectMethod(const JVM: TJNIEnv; const ClsOrObj: JObject;
const MethodName, MethodSig: UTF8String; const Args: array of const;
const Static: Boolean = False): JObject;
ClassNotFound = 'Cannot find class for object';
ExistingShortcut = 'Shortcut already registered for %s';
FieldNotFound = 'Cannot find field %s %s for object';
MethodNotFound = 'Cannot find method %s %s for object';
NoObjectReturn = 'Cannot return an object %s';
NoPrimitiveReturn = 'Cannot return a primitive %s';
UnknownFieldType = 'Unknown field type %s';
UnknownParamType = 'Unknown parameter type for %d';
CommonTypes: TStringList;
{ Add a class to the list of common Java types, thereby enabling the
short form to be used in a signature. For example, 'java.lang.Boolean'
is registered, meaning that you only need 'Boolean' in the signature.
ClassName is the fully qualified name of the class. }
procedure AddCommonJavaClass(const ClassName: UTf8String);
Index: Integer;
Shortcut: UTF8String;
Shortcut := ClassName;
for Index := Length(Shortcut) downto 1 do
if Shortcut[Index] = '.' then
if Index > 0 then
Shortcut := Copy(Shortcut, Index + 1, Length(Shortcut));
AddCommonJavaClass(ClassName, Shortcut);
{ Add a class to the list of common Java types, thereby enabling the
short form to be used in a signature. For example, 'java.lang.Boolean'
is registered, meaning that you only need 'Boolean' in the signature.
ClassName is the fully qualified name of the class.
Shortcut is the shortened form to use for this class
(usually the class name without the package). }
procedure AddCommonJavaClass(const ClassName, Shortcut: UTF8String);
if CommonTypes.Values[string(Shortcut)] <> '' then
raise Exception.Create(Format(ExistingShortcut, [Shortcut]));
CommonTypes.Values[string(Shortcut)] := string(ClassName);
{ Translate a single Java type into a signature code. For example,
'boolean' becomes 'Z', 'int' becomes 'I', while classes become 'L<class name>;'.
JType is the text version of the Java type. }
function GetJavaType(const JType: UTF8String): UTF8String;
Len, ArrayDims: Integer;
JType2: UTF8String;
FullName: string;
JType2 := JType;
Len := Length(JType2);
ArrayDims := 0;
while (Len > 2) and (Copy(JType2, Len - 1, 2) = '[]') do
Delete(JType2, Len - 1, 2);
Len := Length(JType2);
if JType2 = 'boolean' then
Result := 'Z'
else if JType2 = 'byte' then
Result := 'B'
else if JType2 = 'char' then
Result := 'C'
else if JType2 = 'short' then
Result := 'S'
else if JType2 = 'int' then
Result := 'I'
else if JType2 = 'long' then
Result := 'J'
else if JType2 = 'float' then
Result := 'F'
else if JType2 = 'double' then
Result := 'D'
else if JType2 = 'void' then
Result := 'V'
FullName := CommonTypes.Values[string(JType2)];
if FullName = '' then
FullName := string(JType2);
Result := UTF8String('L' + StringReplace(FullName, '.', '/', [rfReplaceAll]) + ';');
while ArrayDims > 0 do
Result := '[' + Result;
{ Convert a list of Java types into a method signature. The first entry
in the list is the return type of the method, which may be 'void'.
For example, ['void', 'int', 'boolean'] becomes '(IZ)V'.
JTypes is an array of Java type names. }
function GetJavaMethodSig(const JTypes: array of UTF8String): UTF8String; overload;
Index: Integer;
Result := '';
for Index := Succ(Low(JTypes)) to High(JTypes) do
Result := Result + GetJavaType(JTypes[Index]);
Result := '(' + Result + ')' + GetJavaType(JTypes[Low(JTypes)]);
JTypes: TStringList = nil;
{ Convert a string of Java types into a method signature. The first entry
in the string is the return type of the method, which may be 'void'.
For example, 'void (int, boolean)' becomes '(IZ)V'.
MethodSig is the text for the method return type and parameter types. }
function GetJavaMethodSig(const MethodSig: UTF8String): UTF8String; overload;
JType, Sig: string;
Index: Integer;
JTypesA: array of UTF8String;
JType := '';
Sig := string(MethodSig);
for Index := 1 to Length(Sig) do
if Pos(Sig[Index], ' ,()') > 0 then
if JType <> '' then
JType := '';
JType := JType + Sig[Index];
if JType <> '' then
SetLength(JTypesA, JTypes.Count);
for Index := 0 to JTypes.Count - 1 do
JTypesA[Index] := UTF8String(JTypes[Index]);
Result := GetJavaMethodSig(JTypesA);
{ Create an instance of a class and return a reference to it,
or nil if it cannot be created.
If the class or constructor is not found, or its parameters are incorrect,
an exception is raised.
JVM is a reference to the Java environment.
ClassName is the name of the class to instantiate.
ConstructorSig is the full text of the constructor's signature.
Args is an array of items to pass to the constructor upon invocation. }
function CreateObject(const JVM: TJNIEnv;
const ClassName, ConstructorSig: UTF8String; const Args: array of const): JObject;
Cls: JClass;
ConstructorId: JMethodID;
// Find the required class
Cls := JVM.FindClass(UTF8String(StringReplace(string(ClassName), '.', '/', [rfReplaceAll])));
if Cls = nil then
raise EJNIError.Create(ClassNotFound);
// And its constructor
ConstructorId := JVM.GetMethodID(Cls, ConstructorName,
if ConstructorId = nil then
raise EJNIError.Create(
Format(MethodNotFound, ['constructor', ConstructorSig]));
// And create the object
Result := JVM.NewObjectA(Cls, ConstructorId, JVM.ArgsToJValues(Args));
{ Retrieve the (primitive/string) value of an object/class field.
If the field is not found, or its type is an object, an exception is raised.
JVM is a reference to the Java environment.
Obj is a reference to the class (for static) or object in question.
FieldName is the name of the field to retrieve.
FieldType is the full text name of the field's type.
Static is True is the field is a static attribute of the class,
or False (the default) is an ordinary attribute of an object. }
function GetFieldValue(const JVM: TJNIEnv; const ClsOrObj: JObject;
const FieldName, FieldType: UTF8String; const Static: Boolean): Variant;
Cls: JClass;
JType: UTF8String;
FID: JFieldId;
if Static then
// The object is the class
Cls := ClsOrObj
// Get the class associated with this object
Cls := JVM.GetObjectClass(ClsOrObj);
if Cls = nil then
raise EJNIError.Create(ClassNotFound);
// Get the field
JType := GetJavaType(FieldType);
FID := JVM.GetFieldID(Cls, FieldName, JType);
if FID = nil then
raise EJNIError.Create(Format(FieldNotFound, [FieldType, FieldName]));
// Get the value
if Static then
case JType[1] of
'Z': Result := JVM.GetStaticBooleanField(ClsOrObj, FID); // boolean
'B': Result := JVM.GetStaticByteField(ClsOrObj, FID); // byte
'C': Result := JVM.GetStaticCharField(ClsOrObj, FID); // char
'S': Result := JVM.GetStaticShortField(ClsOrObj, FID); // short
'I': Result := JVM.GetStaticIntField(ClsOrObj, FID); // int
'J': Result := JVM.GetStaticLongField(ClsOrObj, FID); // long
'F': Result := JVM.GetStaticFloatField(ClsOrObj, FID); // float
'D': Result := JVM.GetStaticDoubleField(ClsOrObj, FID); // double
'L': // object
if JType = 'Ljava/lang/String;' then
Result := JVM.JStringToString(JVM.GetStaticObjectField(ClsOrObj, FID))
raise EJNIError.Create(Format(NoObjectReturn, [FieldType]));
else raise EJNIError.Create(Format(UnknownFieldType, [FieldType]));
case JType[1] of
'Z': Result := JVM.GetBooleanField(ClsOrObj, FID); // boolean
'B': Result := JVM.GetByteField(ClsOrObj, FID); // byte
'C': Result := JVM.GetCharField(ClsOrObj, FID); // char
'S': Result := JVM.GetShortField(ClsOrObj, FID); // short
'I': Result := JVM.GetIntField(ClsOrObj, FID); // int
'J': Result := JVM.GetLongField(ClsOrObj, FID); // long
'F': Result := JVM.GetFloatField(ClsOrObj, FID); // float
'D': Result := JVM.GetDoubleField(ClsOrObj, FID); // double
'L': // object
if JType = 'Ljava/lang/String;' then
Result := JVM.JStringToString(JVM.GetObjectField(ClsOrObj, FID))
raise EJNIError.Create(Format(NoObjectReturn, [FieldType]));
else raise EJNIError.Create(Format(UnknownFieldType, [FieldType]));
{ Retrieve the (object) value of an object/class field.
If the field is not found, or its type is a primitive, an exception is raised.
JVM is a reference to the Java environment.
ClsOrObj is a reference to the class (for static) or object in question.
FieldName is the name of the field to retrieve.
FieldType is the full text name of the field's type.
Static is True is the field is a static attribute of the class,
or False (the default) is an ordinary attribute of an object. }
function GetObjectFieldValue(const JVM: TJNIEnv; const ClsOrObj: JObject;
const FieldName, FieldType: UTF8String; const Static: Boolean): JObject; overload;
Cls: JClass;
JType: UTF8String;
FID: JFieldId;
if Static then
// The object is the class
Cls := ClsOrObj
// Get the class associated with this object
Cls := JVM.GetObjectClass(ClsOrObj);
if Cls = nil then
raise EJNIError.Create(ClassNotFound);
// Get the field
JType := GetJavaType(FieldType);
if JType[1] <> 'L' then
raise EJNIError.Create(Format(NoPrimitiveReturn, [FieldType]));
FID := JVM.GetFieldID(Cls, FieldName, JType);
if FID = nil then
raise EJNIError.Create(Format(FieldNotFound, [FieldType, FieldName]));
// Get the value
if Static then
Result := JVM.GetStaticObjectField(ClsOrObj, FID)
Result := JVM.GetObjectField(ClsOrObj, FID);
{ Call a method of an object/class that returns a primitive/string/void.
If the method is not found, or its return type is an object, an exception is raised.
JVM is a reference to the Java environment.
ClsOrObj is a reference to the class (for static) or object in question.
MethodName is the name of the method to call.
MethodSig is the full text of the method's signature.
Args is an array of items to pass to the method upon invocation.
Static is True is the method is a static attribute of the class,
or False (the default) is an ordinary attribute of an object. }
function CallMethod(const JVM: TJNIEnv; const ClsOrObj: JObject;
const MethodName, MethodSig: UTF8String; const Args: array of const;
const Static: Boolean): Variant;
Cls: JClass;
JSig, ReturnType: UTF8String;
MID: JMethodId;
if Static then
// The object is the class
Cls := ClsOrObj
// Get the class associated with this object
Cls := JVM.GetObjectClass(ClsOrObj);
if Cls = nil then
raise EJNIError.Create(ClassNotFound);
// Get the method
JSig := GetJavaMethodSig(MethodSig);
if Static then
MID := JVM.GetStaticMethodID(Cls, MethodName, JSig)
MID := JVM.GetMethodID(Cls, MethodName, JSig);
if MID = nil then
raise EJNIError.Create(Format(MethodNotFound, [MethodName, MethodSig]));
// Get the value
ReturnType := Copy(JSig, Pos(')', JSig) + 1, Length(JSig));
Result := Null;
if Static then
case ReturnType[1] of
'Z': Result := JVM.CallStaticBooleanMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // boolean
'B': Result := JVM.CallStaticByteMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // byte
'C': Result := JVM.CallStaticCharMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // char
'S': Result := JVM.CallStaticShortMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // short
'I': Result := JVM.CallStaticIntMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // int
'J': Result := JVM.CallStaticLongMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // long
'F': Result := JVM.CallStaticFloatMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // float
'D': Result := JVM.CallStaticDoubleMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // double
'V': JVM.CallStaticVoidMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args);
'L': // object
if ReturnType = 'Ljava/lang/String;' then
Result := JVM.JStringToString(
JVM.CallStaticObjectMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args))
raise EJNIError.Create(
Format(NoObjectReturn, [Copy(MethodSig, 1, Pos('(', MethodSig) - 1)]));
else raise EJNIError.Create(Format(UnknownFieldType, [MethodSig]));
case ReturnType[1] of
'Z': Result := JVM.CallBooleanMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // boolean
'B': Result := JVM.CallByteMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // byte
'C': Result := JVM.CallCharMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // char
'S': Result := JVM.CallShortMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // short
'I': Result := JVM.CallIntMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // int
'J': Result := JVM.CallLongMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // long
'F': Result := JVM.CallFloatMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // float
'D': Result := JVM.CallDoubleMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args); // double
'V': JVM.CallVoidMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args);
'L': // object
if ReturnType = 'Ljava/lang/String;' then
Result := JVM.JStringToString(JVM.CallObjectMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args))
raise EJNIError.Create(
Format(NoObjectReturn, [Copy(MethodSig, 1, Pos('(', MethodSig) - 1)]));
else raise EJNIError.Create(Format(UnknownFieldType, [MethodSig]));
{ Call a method of an object/class that returns an object.
If the method is not found, or its return type is not an object, an exception is raised.
JVM is a reference to the Java environment.
ClsOrObj is a reference to the class (for static) or object in question.
MethodName is the name of the method to call.
MethodSig is the full text of the method's signature.
Args is an array of items to pass to the method upon invocation.
Static is True is the method is a static attribute of the class,
or False (the default) is an ordinary attribute of an object. }
function CallObjectMethod(const JVM: TJNIEnv; const ClsOrObj: JObject;
const MethodName, MethodSig: UTF8String; const Args: array of const;
const Static: Boolean): JObject;
Cls: JClass;
JSig, ReturnType: UTF8String;
MID: JMethodId;
if Static then
// The object is the class
Cls := ClsOrObj
// Get the class associated with this object
Cls := JVM.GetObjectClass(ClsOrObj);
if Cls = nil then
raise EJNIError.Create(ClassNotFound);
// Get the method
JSig := GetJavaMethodSig(MethodSig);
if Static then
MID := JVM.GetStaticMethodID(Cls, MethodName, JSig)
MID := JVM.GetMethodID(Cls, MethodName, JSig);
if MID = nil then
raise EJNIError.Create(Format(MethodNotFound, [MethodName, MethodSig]));
// Get the value
ReturnType := Copy(JSig, Pos(')', JSig) + 1, Length(JSig));
if ReturnType[1] <> 'L' then
raise EJNIError.Create(
Format(NoPrimitiveReturn, [Copy(MethodSig, 1, Pos('(', MethodSig) - 1)]));
if Static then
Result := JVM.CallStaticObjectMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args)
Result := JVM.CallObjectMethod(ClsOrObj, MID, Args);
CommonTypes := TStringList.Create;
{ Set up common Java types for shorthand references }
CommonTypes.Values['Boolean'] := 'java.lang.Boolean';
CommonTypes.Values['Byte'] := 'java.lang.Byte';
CommonTypes.Values['Char'] := 'java.lang.Char';
CommonTypes.Values['Class'] := 'java.lang.Class';
CommonTypes.Values['Double'] := 'java.lang.Double';
CommonTypes.Values['Float'] := 'java.lang.Float';
CommonTypes.Values['Integer'] := 'java.lang.Integer';
CommonTypes.Values['Long'] := 'java.lang.Long';
CommonTypes.Values['Object'] := 'java.lang.Object';
CommonTypes.Values['Short'] := 'java.lang.Short';
CommonTypes.Values['String'] := 'java.lang.String';
JTypes := TStringList.Create;
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