package mux
import (
// Connection is an entity that provides access to shared producers/consumers of multiplexer.
type Connection struct {
// multiplexer is used for access to kafka brokers
multiplexer *Multiplexer
// name identifies the connection
name string
// BytesPublisher allows to publish a message of type []bytes into messaging system.
type BytesPublisher interface {
Publish(key string, data []byte) error
type bytesSyncPublisherKafka struct {
conn *Connection
topic string
partition int32
type bytesAsyncPublisherKafka struct {
conn *Connection
topic string
partition int32
succCallback func(*client.ProducerMessage)
errCallback func(*client.ProducerError)
// ConsumeTopic is called to start consuming of a topic.
// Function can be called until the multiplexer is started, it returns an error otherwise.
// The provided channel should be buffered, otherwise messages might be lost.
func (conn *Connection) ConsumeTopic(msgClb func(message *client.ConsumerMessage), topics ...string) error {
defer conn.multiplexer.rwlock.Unlock()
if conn.multiplexer.started {
return fmt.Errorf("ConsumeTopic can be called only if the multiplexer has not been started yet")
for _, topic := range topics {
// check if we have already consumed the topic
var found bool
var subs *consumerSubscription
for _, subscription := range conn.multiplexer.mapping {
if subscription.manual == true {
// do not mix dynamic and manual mode
if subscription.topic == topic {
found = true
subs = subscription
break LoopSubs
if !found {
subs = &consumerSubscription{
manual: false, // non-manual example
topic: topic,
connectionName: conn.name,
byteConsMsg: msgClb,
// subscribe new topic
conn.multiplexer.mapping = append(conn.multiplexer.mapping, subs)
// add subscription to consumerList
subs.byteConsMsg = msgClb
return nil
// ConsumeTopicOnPartition is called to start consuming given topic on partition with offset
// Function can be called until the multiplexer is started, it returns an error otherwise.
// The provided channel should be buffered, otherwise messages might be lost.
func (conn *Connection) ConsumeTopicOnPartition(msgClb func(message *client.ConsumerMessage), topic string, partition int32, offset int64) error {
defer conn.multiplexer.rwlock.Unlock()
if conn.multiplexer.started {
return fmt.Errorf("ConsumeTopicOnPartition can be called only if the multiplexer has not been started yet")
// check if we have already consumed the topic on partition and offset
var found bool
var subs *consumerSubscription
for _, subscription := range conn.multiplexer.mapping {
if subscription.manual == false {
// do not mix dynamic and manual mode
if subscription.topic == topic && subscription.partition == partition && subscription.offset == offset {
found = true
subs = subscription
if !found {
subs = &consumerSubscription{
manual: true, // manual example
topic: topic,
partition: partition,
offset: offset,
connectionName: conn.name,
byteConsMsg: msgClb,
// subscribe new topic on partition
conn.multiplexer.mapping = append(conn.multiplexer.mapping, subs)
// add subscription to consumerList
subs.byteConsMsg = msgClb
return nil
// StopConsuming cancels the previously created subscription for consuming the topic.
func (conn *Connection) StopConsuming(topic string) error {
return conn.multiplexer.stopConsuming(topic, conn.name)
// StopConsumingPartition cancels the previously created subscription for consuming the topic, partition and offset
func (conn *Connection) StopConsumingPartition(topic string, partition int32, offset int64) error {
return conn.multiplexer.stopConsumingPartition(topic, partition, offset, conn.name)
// SendSyncByte sends a message that uses byte encoder using the sync API
func (conn *Connection) SendSyncByte(topic string, partition int32, key []byte, value []byte) (offset int64, err error) {
return conn.SendSyncMessage(topic, partition, sarama.ByteEncoder(key), sarama.ByteEncoder(value))
// SendSyncString sends a message that uses string encoder using the sync API
func (conn *Connection) SendSyncString(topic string, partition int32, key string, value string) (offset int64, err error) {
return conn.SendSyncMessage(topic, partition, sarama.StringEncoder(key), sarama.StringEncoder(value))
//SendSyncMessage sends a message using the sync API
func (conn *Connection) SendSyncMessage(topic string, partition int32, key client.Encoder, value client.Encoder) (offset int64, err error) {
msg, err := conn.multiplexer.syncProducer.SendMsg(topic, partition, key, value)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return msg.Offset, err
// SendAsyncByte sends a message that uses byte encoder using the async API
func (conn *Connection) SendAsyncByte(topic string, partition int32, key []byte, value []byte, meta interface{}, successClb func(*client.ProducerMessage), errClb func(*client.ProducerError)) {
conn.SendAsyncMessage(topic, partition, sarama.ByteEncoder(key), sarama.ByteEncoder(value), meta, successClb, errClb)
// SendAsyncString sends a message that uses string encoder using the async API
func (conn *Connection) SendAsyncString(topic string, partition int32, key string, value string, meta interface{}, successClb func(*client.ProducerMessage), errClb func(*client.ProducerError)) {
conn.SendAsyncMessage(topic, partition, sarama.StringEncoder(key), sarama.StringEncoder(value), meta, successClb, errClb)
// SendAsyncMessage sends a message using the async API
func (conn *Connection) SendAsyncMessage(topic string, partition int32, key client.Encoder, value client.Encoder, meta interface{}, successClb func(*client.ProducerMessage), errClb func(*client.ProducerError)) {
auxMeta := &asyncMeta{successClb: successClb, errorClb: errClb, usersMeta: meta}
conn.multiplexer.asyncProducer.SendMsg(topic, partition, key, value, auxMeta)
// NewSyncPublisher creates a new instance of bytesSyncPublisherKafka that allows to publish sync kafka messages using common messaging API
func (conn *Connection) NewSyncPublisher(topic string) (BytesPublisher, error) {
if conn.multiplexer.partitioner == client.Manual {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to use default sync publisher with 'manual' partitioner")
return &bytesSyncPublisherKafka{conn, topic, DefPartition}, nil
// NewSyncPublisherToPartition creates a new instance of bytesSyncPublisherKafka that allows to publish sync kafka messages using common messaging API
func (conn *Connection) NewSyncPublisherToPartition(topic string, partition int32) (BytesPublisher, error) {
if conn.multiplexer.partitioner != client.Manual {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sync publisher to partition can be used only with 'manual' partitioner")
return &bytesSyncPublisherKafka{conn, topic, partition}, nil
// Put publishes a message into kafka
func (p *bytesSyncPublisherKafka) Publish(key string, data []byte) error {
_, err := p.conn.SendSyncByte(p.topic, p.partition, []byte(key), data)
return err
// NewAsyncPublisher creates a new instance of bytesAsyncPublisherKafka that allows to publish async kafka messages using common messaging API
func (conn *Connection) NewAsyncPublisher(topic string, successClb func(*client.ProducerMessage), errorClb func(err *client.ProducerError)) (BytesPublisher, error) {
if conn.multiplexer.partitioner == client.Manual {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to use default async publisher with 'manual' partitioner")
return &bytesAsyncPublisherKafka{conn, topic, DefPartition, successClb, errorClb}, nil
// NewAsyncPublisherToPartition creates a new instance of bytesAsyncPublisherKafka that allows to publish async kafka messages using common messaging API
func (conn *Connection) NewAsyncPublisherToPartition(topic string, partition int32, successClb func(*client.ProducerMessage), errorClb func(err *client.ProducerError)) (BytesPublisher, error) {
if conn.multiplexer.partitioner != client.Manual {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("async publisher to partition can be used only with 'manual' partitioner")
return &bytesAsyncPublisherKafka{conn, topic, partition, successClb, errorClb}, nil
// Put publishes a message into kafka
func (p *bytesAsyncPublisherKafka) Publish(key string, data []byte) error {
p.conn.SendAsyncMessage(p.topic, p.partition, sarama.StringEncoder(key), sarama.ByteEncoder(data), nil, p.succCallback, p.errCallback)
return nil
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