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api.go 3.55 KB
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Milan Lenco authored 2018-09-21 09:44 . KVScheduler revisited
// Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package idxmap
// NamedMapping is the "user API" to the mapping. It provides read-only access.
type NamedMapping interface {
// GetRegistryTitle returns the title assigned to the registry.
GetRegistryTitle() string
// GetValue retrieves a previously stored item identified by
// <name>. If there is no item associated with the give name in the mapping,
// the <exists> flag is returned as *false*.
GetValue(name string) (value interface{}, exists bool)
// ListNames looks up the items by a secondary index.
// It returns the names of all indexes for which the value of a secondary
// key <field> equals to <value>.
ListNames(field string, value string) (names []string)
// ListAllNames returns all names in the mapping.
ListAllNames() (names []string)
// ListFields returns a map of fields (secondary indexes) and their values
// currently associated with the item identified by <name>.
ListFields(name string) map[string][]string // field -> values
// Watch subscribes to receive notifications about the changes in the
// mapping. To receive changes through a channel, ToChan utility can be used.
// Example usage:
// map.Watch(subscriber, ToChan(myChannel))
// map.Watch(subscriber, func(msgNamedMappingGenericEvent) {/*handle callback*/ return nil})
Watch(subscriber string, callback func(NamedMappingGenericEvent)) error
// NamedMappingRW is the "owner API" to the mapping. Using this API the owner
// can modify the content of the mapping.
type NamedMappingRW interface {
// Put registers a new item into the mapping under the given <name>.
// Name is the primary unique key, if an item was registered before
// it is overwritten.
Put(name string, value interface{})
// Update replaces a metadata value in an existing mapping under
// provided <name>. If item is missing, it is NOT created
// and false value is returned in such a case.
Update(name string, value interface{}) (success bool)
// Delete removes an item associated with the <name> from the mapping.
Delete(name string) (value interface{}, exists bool)
// Clear removes all entries from the mapping
// NamedMappingEvent is a part of the change notification. It is a generic
// part that does not contain metadata of type interface{} thus it can be reused
// in mapping with typed metadata.
type NamedMappingEvent struct {
// Logical name of the object
Name string
// Del denotes a type of change
// - it is true if an item was removed
// - it false if an item was added or updated
Del bool
// Update denotes a type of change
// - it is true if and item metadata was updated
// - it is false if an item was added or removed
Update bool
// RegistryTitle identifies the registry (NameToIndexMapping)
RegistryTitle string
// NamedMappingGenericEvent represents a single change in the mapping.
// The structure is created when an item is inserted or removed from the mapping.
type NamedMappingGenericEvent struct {
Value interface{}
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