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session.go 52.96 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Vladimir Lavor 提交于 2018-11-02 13:21 . dependency update
// Copyright (c) 2012 The gocql Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gocql
import (
// Session is the interface used by users to interact with the database.
// It's safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines and a typical usage
// scenario is to have one global session object to interact with the
// whole Cassandra cluster.
// This type extends the Node interface by adding a convinient query builder
// and automatically sets a default consistency level on all operations
// that do not have a consistency level set.
type Session struct {
cons Consistency
pageSize int
prefetch float64
routingKeyInfoCache routingKeyInfoLRU
schemaDescriber *schemaDescriber
trace Tracer
queryObserver QueryObserver
batchObserver BatchObserver
connectObserver ConnectObserver
frameObserver FrameHeaderObserver
hostSource *ringDescriber
stmtsLRU *preparedLRU
connCfg *ConnConfig
executor *queryExecutor
pool *policyConnPool
policy HostSelectionPolicy
ring ring
metadata clusterMetadata
mu sync.RWMutex
control *controlConn
// event handlers
nodeEvents *eventDebouncer
schemaEvents *eventDebouncer
// ring metadata
hosts []HostInfo
useSystemSchema bool
cfg ClusterConfig
quit chan struct{}
closeMu sync.RWMutex
isClosed bool
var queryPool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return new(Query)
func addrsToHosts(addrs []string, defaultPort int) ([]*HostInfo, error) {
var hosts []*HostInfo
for _, hostport := range addrs {
resolvedHosts, err := hostInfo(hostport, defaultPort)
if err != nil {
// Try other hosts if unable to resolve DNS name
if _, ok := err.(*net.DNSError); ok {
Logger.Printf("gocql: dns error: %v\n", err)
return nil, err
hosts = append(hosts, resolvedHosts...)
if len(hosts) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("failed to resolve any of the provided hostnames")
return hosts, nil
// NewSession wraps an existing Node.
func NewSession(cfg ClusterConfig) (*Session, error) {
// Check that hosts in the ClusterConfig is not empty
if len(cfg.Hosts) < 1 {
return nil, ErrNoHosts
s := &Session{
cons: cfg.Consistency,
prefetch: 0.25,
cfg: cfg,
pageSize: cfg.PageSize,
stmtsLRU: &preparedLRU{lru: lru.New(cfg.MaxPreparedStmts)},
quit: make(chan struct{}),
connectObserver: cfg.ConnectObserver,
s.schemaDescriber = newSchemaDescriber(s)
s.nodeEvents = newEventDebouncer("NodeEvents", s.handleNodeEvent)
s.schemaEvents = newEventDebouncer("SchemaEvents", s.handleSchemaEvent)
s.routingKeyInfoCache.lru = lru.New(cfg.MaxRoutingKeyInfo)
s.hostSource = &ringDescriber{session: s}
if cfg.PoolConfig.HostSelectionPolicy == nil {
cfg.PoolConfig.HostSelectionPolicy = RoundRobinHostPolicy()
s.pool = cfg.PoolConfig.buildPool(s)
s.policy = cfg.PoolConfig.HostSelectionPolicy
s.executor = &queryExecutor{
pool: s.pool,
policy: cfg.PoolConfig.HostSelectionPolicy,
s.queryObserver = cfg.QueryObserver
s.batchObserver = cfg.BatchObserver
s.connectObserver = cfg.ConnectObserver
s.frameObserver = cfg.FrameHeaderObserver
//Check the TLS Config before trying to connect to anything external
connCfg, err := connConfig(&s.cfg)
if err != nil {
//TODO: Return a typed error
return nil, fmt.Errorf("gocql: unable to create session: %v", err)
s.connCfg = connCfg
if err := s.init(); err != nil {
if err == ErrNoConnectionsStarted {
//This error used to be generated inside NewSession & returned directly
//Forward it on up to be backwards compatible
return nil, ErrNoConnectionsStarted
} else {
// TODO(zariel): dont wrap this error in fmt.Errorf, return a typed error
return nil, fmt.Errorf("gocql: unable to create session: %v", err)
return s, nil
func (s *Session) init() error {
hosts, err := addrsToHosts(s.cfg.Hosts, s.cfg.Port)
if err != nil {
return err
s.ring.endpoints = hosts
if !s.cfg.disableControlConn {
s.control = createControlConn(s)
if s.cfg.ProtoVersion == 0 {
proto, err := s.control.discoverProtocol(hosts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to discover protocol version: %v", err)
} else if proto == 0 {
return errors.New("unable to discovery protocol version")
// TODO(zariel): we really only need this in 1 place
s.cfg.ProtoVersion = proto
s.connCfg.ProtoVersion = proto
if err := s.control.connect(hosts); err != nil {
return err
if !s.cfg.DisableInitialHostLookup {
var partitioner string
newHosts, partitioner, err := s.hostSource.GetHosts()
if err != nil {
return err
filteredHosts := make([]*HostInfo, 0, len(newHosts))
for _, host := range newHosts {
if !s.cfg.filterHost(host) {
filteredHosts = append(filteredHosts, host)
hosts = append(hosts, filteredHosts...)
hostMap := make(map[string]*HostInfo, len(hosts))
for _, host := range hosts {
hostMap[host.ConnectAddress().String()] = host
for _, host := range hostMap {
host = s.ring.addOrUpdate(host)
// TODO(zariel): we probably dont need this any more as we verify that we
// can connect to one of the endpoints supplied by using the control conn.
// See if there are any connections in the pool
if s.cfg.ReconnectInterval > 0 {
go s.reconnectDownedHosts(s.cfg.ReconnectInterval)
// If we disable the initial host lookup, we need to still check if the
// cluster is using the newer system schema or not... however, if control
// connection is disable, we really have no choice, so we just make our
// best guess...
if !s.cfg.disableControlConn && s.cfg.DisableInitialHostLookup {
newer, _ := checkSystemSchema(s.control)
s.useSystemSchema = newer
} else {
host := s.ring.rrHost()
s.useSystemSchema = host.Version().Major >= 3
if s.pool.Size() == 0 {
return ErrNoConnectionsStarted
return nil
func (s *Session) reconnectDownedHosts(intv time.Duration) {
reconnectTicker := time.NewTicker(intv)
defer reconnectTicker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-reconnectTicker.C:
hosts := s.ring.allHosts()
// Print session.ring for debug.
if gocqlDebug {
buf := bytes.NewBufferString("Session.ring:")
for _, h := range hosts {
buf.WriteString("[" + h.ConnectAddress().String() + ":" + h.State().String() + "]")
for _, h := range hosts {
if h.IsUp() {
s.handleNodeUp(h.ConnectAddress(), h.Port(), true)
case <-s.quit:
// SetConsistency sets the default consistency level for this session. This
// setting can also be changed on a per-query basis and the default value
// is Quorum.
func (s *Session) SetConsistency(cons Consistency) {
s.cons = cons
// SetPageSize sets the default page size for this session. A value <= 0 will
// disable paging. This setting can also be changed on a per-query basis.
func (s *Session) SetPageSize(n int) {
s.pageSize = n
// SetPrefetch sets the default threshold for pre-fetching new pages. If
// there are only p*pageSize rows remaining, the next page will be requested
// automatically. This value can also be changed on a per-query basis and
// the default value is 0.25.
func (s *Session) SetPrefetch(p float64) {
s.prefetch = p
// SetTrace sets the default tracer for this session. This setting can also
// be changed on a per-query basis.
func (s *Session) SetTrace(trace Tracer) {
s.trace = trace
// Query generates a new query object for interacting with the database.
// Further details of the query may be tweaked using the resulting query
// value before the query is executed. Query is automatically prepared
// if it has not previously been executed.
func (s *Session) Query(stmt string, values ...interface{}) *Query {
qry := queryPool.Get().(*Query)
qry.session = s
qry.stmt = stmt
qry.values = values
return qry
type QueryInfo struct {
Id []byte
Args []ColumnInfo
Rval []ColumnInfo
PKeyColumns []int
// Bind generates a new query object based on the query statement passed in.
// The query is automatically prepared if it has not previously been executed.
// The binding callback allows the application to define which query argument
// values will be marshalled as part of the query execution.
// During execution, the meta data of the prepared query will be routed to the
// binding callback, which is responsible for producing the query argument values.
func (s *Session) Bind(stmt string, b func(q *QueryInfo) ([]interface{}, error)) *Query {
qry := queryPool.Get().(*Query)
qry.session = s
qry.stmt = stmt
qry.binding = b
return qry
// Close closes all connections. The session is unusable after this
// operation.
func (s *Session) Close() {
defer s.closeMu.Unlock()
if s.isClosed {
s.isClosed = true
if s.pool != nil {
if s.control != nil {
if s.nodeEvents != nil {
if s.schemaEvents != nil {
if s.quit != nil {
func (s *Session) Closed() bool {
closed := s.isClosed
return closed
func (s *Session) executeQuery(qry *Query) (it *Iter) {
// fail fast
if s.Closed() {
return &Iter{err: ErrSessionClosed}
iter, err := s.executor.executeQuery(qry)
if err != nil {
return &Iter{err: err}
if iter == nil {
panic("nil iter")
return iter
func (s *Session) removeHost(h *HostInfo) {
// KeyspaceMetadata returns the schema metadata for the keyspace specified. Returns an error if the keyspace does not exist.
func (s *Session) KeyspaceMetadata(keyspace string) (*KeyspaceMetadata, error) {
// fail fast
if s.Closed() {
return nil, ErrSessionClosed
} else if keyspace == "" {
return nil, ErrNoKeyspace
return s.schemaDescriber.getSchema(keyspace)
func (s *Session) getConn() *Conn {
hosts := s.ring.allHosts()
for _, host := range hosts {
if !host.IsUp() {
pool, ok := s.pool.getPool(host)
if !ok {
} else if conn := pool.Pick(); conn != nil {
return conn
return nil
// returns routing key indexes and type info
func (s *Session) routingKeyInfo(ctx context.Context, stmt string) (*routingKeyInfo, error) {
entry, cached := s.routingKeyInfoCache.lru.Get(stmt)
if cached {
// done accessing the cache
// the entry is an inflight struct similar to that used by
// Conn to prepare statements
inflight := entry.(*inflightCachedEntry)
// wait for any inflight work
if inflight.err != nil {
return nil, inflight.err
key, _ := inflight.value.(*routingKeyInfo)
return key, nil
// create a new inflight entry while the data is created
inflight := new(inflightCachedEntry)
defer inflight.wg.Done()
s.routingKeyInfoCache.lru.Add(stmt, inflight)
var (
info *preparedStatment
partitionKey []*ColumnMetadata
conn := s.getConn()
if conn == nil {
// TODO: better error?
inflight.err = errors.New("gocql: unable to fetch prepared info: no connection available")
return nil, inflight.err
// get the query info for the statement
info, inflight.err = conn.prepareStatement(ctx, stmt, nil)
if inflight.err != nil {
// don't cache this error
return nil, inflight.err
// TODO: it would be nice to mark hosts here but as we are not using the policies
// to fetch hosts we cant
if info.request.colCount == 0 {
// no arguments, no routing key, and no error
return nil, nil
if len(info.request.pkeyColumns) > 0 {
// proto v4 dont need to calculate primary key columns
types := make([]TypeInfo, len(info.request.pkeyColumns))
for i, col := range info.request.pkeyColumns {
types[i] = info.request.columns[col].TypeInfo
routingKeyInfo := &routingKeyInfo{
indexes: info.request.pkeyColumns,
types: types,
inflight.value = routingKeyInfo
return routingKeyInfo, nil
// get the table metadata
table := info.request.columns[0].Table
var keyspaceMetadata *KeyspaceMetadata
keyspaceMetadata, inflight.err = s.KeyspaceMetadata(info.request.columns[0].Keyspace)
if inflight.err != nil {
// don't cache this error
return nil, inflight.err
tableMetadata, found := keyspaceMetadata.Tables[table]
if !found {
// unlikely that the statement could be prepared and the metadata for
// the table couldn't be found, but this may indicate either a bug
// in the metadata code, or that the table was just dropped.
inflight.err = ErrNoMetadata
// don't cache this error
return nil, inflight.err
partitionKey = tableMetadata.PartitionKey
size := len(partitionKey)
routingKeyInfo := &routingKeyInfo{
indexes: make([]int, size),
types: make([]TypeInfo, size),
for keyIndex, keyColumn := range partitionKey {
// set an indicator for checking if the mapping is missing
routingKeyInfo.indexes[keyIndex] = -1
// find the column in the query info
for argIndex, boundColumn := range info.request.columns {
if keyColumn.Name == boundColumn.Name {
// there may be many such bound columns, pick the first
routingKeyInfo.indexes[keyIndex] = argIndex
routingKeyInfo.types[keyIndex] = boundColumn.TypeInfo
if routingKeyInfo.indexes[keyIndex] == -1 {
// missing a routing key column mapping
// no routing key, and no error
return nil, nil
// cache this result
inflight.value = routingKeyInfo
return routingKeyInfo, nil
func (b *Batch) execute(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn) *Iter {
return conn.executeBatch(ctx, b)
func (s *Session) executeBatch(batch *Batch) *Iter {
// fail fast
if s.Closed() {
return &Iter{err: ErrSessionClosed}
// Prevent the execution of the batch if greater than the limit
// Currently batches have a limit of 65536 queries.
// https://datastax-oss.atlassian.net/browse/JAVA-229
if batch.Size() > BatchSizeMaximum {
return &Iter{err: ErrTooManyStmts}
iter, err := s.executor.executeQuery(batch)
if err != nil {
return &Iter{err: err}
return iter
// ExecuteBatch executes a batch operation and returns nil if successful
// otherwise an error is returned describing the failure.
func (s *Session) ExecuteBatch(batch *Batch) error {
iter := s.executeBatch(batch)
return iter.Close()
// ExecuteBatchCAS executes a batch operation and returns true if successful and
// an iterator (to scan aditional rows if more than one conditional statement)
// was sent.
// Further scans on the interator must also remember to include
// the applied boolean as the first argument to *Iter.Scan
func (s *Session) ExecuteBatchCAS(batch *Batch, dest ...interface{}) (applied bool, iter *Iter, err error) {
iter = s.executeBatch(batch)
if err := iter.checkErrAndNotFound(); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if len(iter.Columns()) > 1 {
dest = append([]interface{}{&applied}, dest...)
} else {
return applied, iter, nil
// MapExecuteBatchCAS executes a batch operation much like ExecuteBatchCAS,
// however it accepts a map rather than a list of arguments for the initial
// scan.
func (s *Session) MapExecuteBatchCAS(batch *Batch, dest map[string]interface{}) (applied bool, iter *Iter, err error) {
iter = s.executeBatch(batch)
if err := iter.checkErrAndNotFound(); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
applied = dest["[applied]"].(bool)
delete(dest, "[applied]")
// we usually close here, but instead of closing, just returin an error
// if MapScan failed. Although Close just returns err, using Close
// here might be confusing as we are not actually closing the iter
return applied, iter, iter.err
func (s *Session) connect(host *HostInfo, errorHandler ConnErrorHandler) (*Conn, error) {
if s.connectObserver != nil {
obs := ObservedConnect{
Host: host,
Start: time.Now(),
conn, err := s.dial(host, s.connCfg, errorHandler)
obs.End = time.Now()
obs.Err = err
return conn, err
return s.dial(host, s.connCfg, errorHandler)
type hostMetrics struct {
Attempts int
TotalLatency int64
type queryMetrics struct {
l sync.RWMutex
m map[string]*hostMetrics
// Query represents a CQL statement that can be executed.
type Query struct {
stmt string
values []interface{}
cons Consistency
pageSize int
routingKey []byte
routingKeyBuffer []byte
pageState []byte
prefetch float64
trace Tracer
observer QueryObserver
session *Session
rt RetryPolicy
spec SpeculativeExecutionPolicy
binding func(q *QueryInfo) ([]interface{}, error)
serialCons SerialConsistency
defaultTimestamp bool
defaultTimestampValue int64
disableSkipMetadata bool
context context.Context
idempotent bool
customPayload map[string][]byte
metrics *queryMetrics
disableAutoPage bool
func (q *Query) defaultsFromSession() {
s := q.session
q.cons = s.cons
q.pageSize = s.pageSize
q.trace = s.trace
q.observer = s.queryObserver
q.prefetch = s.prefetch
q.rt = s.cfg.RetryPolicy
q.serialCons = s.cfg.SerialConsistency
q.defaultTimestamp = s.cfg.DefaultTimestamp
q.idempotent = s.cfg.DefaultIdempotence
q.metrics = &queryMetrics{m: make(map[string]*hostMetrics)}
q.spec = &NonSpeculativeExecution{}
func (q *Query) getHostMetrics(host *HostInfo) *hostMetrics {
metrics, exists := q.metrics.m[host.ConnectAddress().String()]
if !exists {
// if the host is not in the map, it means it's been accessed for the first time
metrics = &hostMetrics{}
q.metrics.m[host.ConnectAddress().String()] = metrics
return metrics
// Statement returns the statement that was used to generate this query.
func (q Query) Statement() string {
return q.stmt
// String implements the stringer interface.
func (q Query) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[query statement=%q values=%+v consistency=%s]", q.stmt, q.values, q.cons)
//Attempts returns the number of times the query was executed.
func (q *Query) Attempts() int {
var attempts int
for _, metric := range q.metrics.m {
attempts += metric.Attempts
return attempts
func (q *Query) AddAttempts(i int, host *HostInfo) {
hostMetric := q.getHostMetrics(host)
hostMetric.Attempts += i
//Latency returns the average amount of nanoseconds per attempt of the query.
func (q *Query) Latency() int64 {
var attempts int
var latency int64
for _, metric := range q.metrics.m {
attempts += metric.Attempts
latency += metric.TotalLatency
if attempts > 0 {
return latency / int64(attempts)
return 0
func (q *Query) AddLatency(l int64, host *HostInfo) {
hostMetric := q.getHostMetrics(host)
hostMetric.TotalLatency += l
// Consistency sets the consistency level for this query. If no consistency
// level have been set, the default consistency level of the cluster
// is used.
func (q *Query) Consistency(c Consistency) *Query {
q.cons = c
return q
// GetConsistency returns the currently configured consistency level for
// the query.
func (q *Query) GetConsistency() Consistency {
return q.cons
// Same as Consistency but without a return value
func (q *Query) SetConsistency(c Consistency) {
q.cons = c
// CustomPayload sets the custom payload level for this query.
func (q *Query) CustomPayload(customPayload map[string][]byte) *Query {
q.customPayload = customPayload
return q
func (q *Query) Context() context.Context {
if q.context == nil {
return context.Background()
return q.context
// Trace enables tracing of this query. Look at the documentation of the
// Tracer interface to learn more about tracing.
func (q *Query) Trace(trace Tracer) *Query {
q.trace = trace
return q
// Observer enables query-level observer on this query.
// The provided observer will be called every time this query is executed.
func (q *Query) Observer(observer QueryObserver) *Query {
q.observer = observer
return q
// PageSize will tell the iterator to fetch the result in pages of size n.
// This is useful for iterating over large result sets, but setting the
// page size too low might decrease the performance. This feature is only
// available in Cassandra 2 and onwards.
func (q *Query) PageSize(n int) *Query {
q.pageSize = n
return q
// DefaultTimestamp will enable the with default timestamp flag on the query.
// If enable, this will replace the server side assigned
// timestamp as default timestamp. Note that a timestamp in the query itself
// will still override this timestamp. This is entirely optional.
// Only available on protocol >= 3
func (q *Query) DefaultTimestamp(enable bool) *Query {
q.defaultTimestamp = enable
return q
// WithTimestamp will enable the with default timestamp flag on the query
// like DefaultTimestamp does. But also allows to define value for timestamp.
// It works the same way as USING TIMESTAMP in the query itself, but
// should not break prepared query optimization
// Only available on protocol >= 3
func (q *Query) WithTimestamp(timestamp int64) *Query {
q.defaultTimestampValue = timestamp
return q
// RoutingKey sets the routing key to use when a token aware connection
// pool is used to optimize the routing of this query.
func (q *Query) RoutingKey(routingKey []byte) *Query {
q.routingKey = routingKey
return q
func (q *Query) withContext(ctx context.Context) ExecutableQuery {
// I really wish go had covariant types
return q.WithContext(ctx)
// WithContext returns a shallow copy of q with its context
// set to ctx.
// The provided context controls the entire lifetime of executing a
// query, queries will be canceled and return once the context is
// canceled.
func (q *Query) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Query {
q2 := *q
q2.context = ctx
return &q2
// Deprecate: does nothing, cancel the context passed to WithContext
func (q *Query) Cancel() {
// TODO: delete
func (q *Query) execute(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn) *Iter {
return conn.executeQuery(ctx, q)
func (q *Query) attempt(keyspace string, end, start time.Time, iter *Iter, host *HostInfo) {
q.AddAttempts(1, host)
q.AddLatency(end.Sub(start).Nanoseconds(), host)
if q.observer != nil {
q.observer.ObserveQuery(q.Context(), ObservedQuery{
Keyspace: keyspace,
Statement: q.stmt,
Start: start,
End: end,
Rows: iter.numRows,
Host: host,
Metrics: q.getHostMetrics(host),
Err: iter.err,
func (q *Query) retryPolicy() RetryPolicy {
return q.rt
// Keyspace returns the keyspace the query will be executed against.
func (q *Query) Keyspace() string {
if q.session == nil {
return ""
// TODO(chbannis): this should be parsed from the query or we should let
// this be set by users.
return q.session.cfg.Keyspace
// GetRoutingKey gets the routing key to use for routing this query. If
// a routing key has not been explicitly set, then the routing key will
// be constructed if possible using the keyspace's schema and the query
// info for this query statement. If the routing key cannot be determined
// then nil will be returned with no error. On any error condition,
// an error description will be returned.
func (q *Query) GetRoutingKey() ([]byte, error) {
if q.routingKey != nil {
return q.routingKey, nil
} else if q.binding != nil && len(q.values) == 0 {
// If this query was created using session.Bind we wont have the query
// values yet, so we have to pass down to the next policy.
// TODO: Remove this and handle this case
return nil, nil
// try to determine the routing key
routingKeyInfo, err := q.session.routingKeyInfo(q.Context(), q.stmt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if routingKeyInfo == nil {
return nil, nil
if len(routingKeyInfo.indexes) == 1 {
// single column routing key
routingKey, err := Marshal(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return routingKey, nil
// We allocate that buffer only once, so that further re-bind/exec of the
// same query don't allocate more memory.
if q.routingKeyBuffer == nil {
q.routingKeyBuffer = make([]byte, 0, 256)
// composite routing key
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(q.routingKeyBuffer)
for i := range routingKeyInfo.indexes {
encoded, err := Marshal(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lenBuf := []byte{0x00, 0x00}
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(lenBuf, uint16(len(encoded)))
routingKey := buf.Bytes()
return routingKey, nil
func (q *Query) shouldPrepare() bool {
stmt := strings.TrimLeftFunc(strings.TrimRightFunc(q.stmt, func(r rune) bool {
return unicode.IsSpace(r) || r == ';'
}), unicode.IsSpace)
var stmtType string
if n := strings.IndexFunc(stmt, unicode.IsSpace); n >= 0 {
stmtType = strings.ToLower(stmt[:n])
if stmtType == "begin" {
if n := strings.LastIndexFunc(stmt, unicode.IsSpace); n >= 0 {
stmtType = strings.ToLower(stmt[n+1:])
switch stmtType {
case "select", "insert", "update", "delete", "batch":
return true
return false
// SetPrefetch sets the default threshold for pre-fetching new pages. If
// there are only p*pageSize rows remaining, the next page will be requested
// automatically.
func (q *Query) Prefetch(p float64) *Query {
q.prefetch = p
return q
// RetryPolicy sets the policy to use when retrying the query.
func (q *Query) RetryPolicy(r RetryPolicy) *Query {
q.rt = r
return q
// SetSpeculativeExecutionPolicy sets the execution policy
func (q *Query) SetSpeculativeExecutionPolicy(sp SpeculativeExecutionPolicy) *Query {
q.spec = sp
return q
// speculativeExecutionPolicy fetches the policy
func (q *Query) speculativeExecutionPolicy() SpeculativeExecutionPolicy {
return q.spec
func (q *Query) IsIdempotent() bool {
return q.idempotent
// Idempotent marks the query as being idempotent or not depending on
// the value.
func (q *Query) Idempotent(value bool) *Query {
q.idempotent = value
return q
// Bind sets query arguments of query. This can also be used to rebind new query arguments
// to an existing query instance.
func (q *Query) Bind(v ...interface{}) *Query {
q.values = v
return q
// SerialConsistency sets the consistency level for the
// serial phase of conditional updates. That consistency can only be
// either SERIAL or LOCAL_SERIAL and if not present, it defaults to
// SERIAL. This option will be ignored for anything else that a
// conditional update/insert.
func (q *Query) SerialConsistency(cons SerialConsistency) *Query {
q.serialCons = cons
return q
// PageState sets the paging state for the query to resume paging from a specific
// point in time. Setting this will disable to query paging for this query, and
// must be used for all subsequent pages.
func (q *Query) PageState(state []byte) *Query {
q.pageState = state
q.disableAutoPage = true
return q
// NoSkipMetadata will override the internal result metadata cache so that the driver does not
// send skip_metadata for queries, this means that the result will always contain
// the metadata to parse the rows and will not reuse the metadata from the prepared
// staement. This should only be used to work around cassandra bugs, such as when using
// CAS operations which do not end in Cas.
// See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-11099
// https://github.com/gocql/gocql/issues/612
func (q *Query) NoSkipMetadata() *Query {
q.disableSkipMetadata = true
return q
// Exec executes the query without returning any rows.
func (q *Query) Exec() error {
return q.Iter().Close()
func isUseStatement(stmt string) bool {
if len(stmt) < 3 {
return false
return strings.EqualFold(stmt[0:3], "use")
// Iter executes the query and returns an iterator capable of iterating
// over all results.
func (q *Query) Iter() *Iter {
if isUseStatement(q.stmt) {
return &Iter{err: ErrUseStmt}
return q.session.executeQuery(q)
// MapScan executes the query, copies the columns of the first selected
// row into the map pointed at by m and discards the rest. If no rows
// were selected, ErrNotFound is returned.
func (q *Query) MapScan(m map[string]interface{}) error {
iter := q.Iter()
if err := iter.checkErrAndNotFound(); err != nil {
return err
return iter.Close()
// Scan executes the query, copies the columns of the first selected
// row into the values pointed at by dest and discards the rest. If no rows
// were selected, ErrNotFound is returned.
func (q *Query) Scan(dest ...interface{}) error {
iter := q.Iter()
if err := iter.checkErrAndNotFound(); err != nil {
return err
return iter.Close()
// ScanCAS executes a lightweight transaction (i.e. an UPDATE or INSERT
// statement containing an IF clause). If the transaction fails because
// the existing values did not match, the previous values will be stored
// in dest.
func (q *Query) ScanCAS(dest ...interface{}) (applied bool, err error) {
q.disableSkipMetadata = true
iter := q.Iter()
if err := iter.checkErrAndNotFound(); err != nil {
return false, err
if len(iter.Columns()) > 1 {
dest = append([]interface{}{&applied}, dest...)
} else {
return applied, iter.Close()
// MapScanCAS executes a lightweight transaction (i.e. an UPDATE or INSERT
// statement containing an IF clause). If the transaction fails because
// the existing values did not match, the previous values will be stored
// in dest map.
// As for INSERT .. IF NOT EXISTS, previous values will be returned as if
// SELECT * FROM. So using ScanCAS with INSERT is inherently prone to
// column mismatching. MapScanCAS is added to capture them safely.
func (q *Query) MapScanCAS(dest map[string]interface{}) (applied bool, err error) {
q.disableSkipMetadata = true
iter := q.Iter()
if err := iter.checkErrAndNotFound(); err != nil {
return false, err
applied = dest["[applied]"].(bool)
delete(dest, "[applied]")
return applied, iter.Close()
// Release releases a query back into a pool of queries. Released Queries
// cannot be reused.
// Example:
// qry := session.Query("SELECT * FROM my_table")
// qry.Exec()
// qry.Release()
func (q *Query) Release() {
// reset zeroes out all fields of a query so that it can be safely pooled.
func (q *Query) reset() {
*q = Query{}
// Iter represents an iterator that can be used to iterate over all rows that
// were returned by a query. The iterator might send additional queries to the
// database during the iteration if paging was enabled.
type Iter struct {
err error
pos int
meta resultMetadata
numRows int
next *nextIter
host *HostInfo
framer *framer
closed int32
// Host returns the host which the query was sent to.
func (iter *Iter) Host() *HostInfo {
return iter.host
// Columns returns the name and type of the selected columns.
func (iter *Iter) Columns() []ColumnInfo {
return iter.meta.columns
type Scanner interface {
// Next advances the row pointer to point at the next row, the row is valid until
// the next call of Next. It returns true if there is a row which is available to be
// scanned into with Scan.
// Next must be called before every call to Scan.
Next() bool
// Scan copies the current row's columns into dest. If the length of dest does not equal
// the number of columns returned in the row an error is returned. If an error is encountered
// when unmarshalling a column into the value in dest an error is returned and the row is invalidated
// until the next call to Next.
// Next must be called before calling Scan, if it is not an error is returned.
Scan(...interface{}) error
// Err returns the if there was one during iteration that resulted in iteration being unable to complete.
// Err will also release resources held by the iterator, the Scanner should not used after being called.
Err() error
type iterScanner struct {
iter *Iter
cols [][]byte
valid bool
func (is *iterScanner) Next() bool {
iter := is.iter
if iter.err != nil {
return false
if iter.pos >= iter.numRows {
if iter.next != nil {
is.iter = iter.next.fetch()
return is.Next()
return false
for i := 0; i < len(is.cols); i++ {
col, err := iter.readColumn()
if err != nil {
iter.err = err
return false
is.cols[i] = col
is.valid = true
return true
func scanColumn(p []byte, col ColumnInfo, dest []interface{}) (int, error) {
if dest[0] == nil {
return 1, nil
if col.TypeInfo.Type() == TypeTuple {
// this will panic, actually a bug, please report
tuple := col.TypeInfo.(TupleTypeInfo)
count := len(tuple.Elems)
// here we pass in a slice of the struct which has the number number of
// values as elements in the tuple
if err := Unmarshal(col.TypeInfo, p, dest[:count]); err != nil {
return 0, err
return count, nil
} else {
if err := Unmarshal(col.TypeInfo, p, dest[0]); err != nil {
return 0, err
return 1, nil
func (is *iterScanner) Scan(dest ...interface{}) error {
if !is.valid {
return errors.New("gocql: Scan called without calling Next")
iter := is.iter
// currently only support scanning into an expand tuple, such that its the same
// as scanning in more values from a single column
if len(dest) != iter.meta.actualColCount {
return fmt.Errorf("gocql: not enough columns to scan into: have %d want %d", len(dest), iter.meta.actualColCount)
// i is the current position in dest, could posible replace it and just use
// slices of dest
i := 0
var err error
for _, col := range iter.meta.columns {
var n int
n, err = scanColumn(is.cols[i], col, dest[i:])
if err != nil {
i += n
is.valid = false
return err
func (is *iterScanner) Err() error {
iter := is.iter
is.iter = nil
is.cols = nil
is.valid = false
return iter.Close()
// Scanner returns a row Scanner which provides an interface to scan rows in a manner which is
// similar to database/sql. The iter should NOT be used again after calling this method.
func (iter *Iter) Scanner() Scanner {
if iter == nil {
return nil
return &iterScanner{iter: iter, cols: make([][]byte, len(iter.meta.columns))}
func (iter *Iter) readColumn() ([]byte, error) {
return iter.framer.readBytesInternal()
// Scan consumes the next row of the iterator and copies the columns of the
// current row into the values pointed at by dest. Use nil as a dest value
// to skip the corresponding column. Scan might send additional queries
// to the database to retrieve the next set of rows if paging was enabled.
// Scan returns true if the row was successfully unmarshaled or false if the
// end of the result set was reached or if an error occurred. Close should
// be called afterwards to retrieve any potential errors.
func (iter *Iter) Scan(dest ...interface{}) bool {
if iter.err != nil {
return false
if iter.pos >= iter.numRows {
if iter.next != nil {
*iter = *iter.next.fetch()
return iter.Scan(dest...)
return false
if iter.next != nil && iter.pos >= iter.next.pos {
go iter.next.fetch()
// currently only support scanning into an expand tuple, such that its the same
// as scanning in more values from a single column
if len(dest) != iter.meta.actualColCount {
iter.err = fmt.Errorf("gocql: not enough columns to scan into: have %d want %d", len(dest), iter.meta.actualColCount)
return false
// i is the current position in dest, could posible replace it and just use
// slices of dest
i := 0
for _, col := range iter.meta.columns {
colBytes, err := iter.readColumn()
if err != nil {
iter.err = err
return false
n, err := scanColumn(colBytes, col, dest[i:])
if err != nil {
iter.err = err
return false
i += n
return true
// GetCustomPayload returns any parsed custom payload results if given in the
// response from Cassandra. Note that the result is not a copy.
// This additional feature of CQL Protocol v4
// allows additional results and query information to be returned by
// custom QueryHandlers running in your C* cluster.
// See https://datastax.github.io/java-driver/manual/custom_payloads/
func (iter *Iter) GetCustomPayload() map[string][]byte {
return iter.framer.customPayload
// Warnings returns any warnings generated if given in the response from Cassandra.
// This is only available starting with CQL Protocol v4.
func (iter *Iter) Warnings() []string {
if iter.framer != nil {
return iter.framer.header.warnings
return nil
// Close closes the iterator and returns any errors that happened during
// the query or the iteration.
func (iter *Iter) Close() error {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&iter.closed, 0, 1) {
if iter.framer != nil {
iter.framer = nil
return iter.err
// WillSwitchPage detects if iterator reached end of current page
// and the next page is available.
func (iter *Iter) WillSwitchPage() bool {
return iter.pos >= iter.numRows && iter.next != nil
// checkErrAndNotFound handle error and NotFound in one method.
func (iter *Iter) checkErrAndNotFound() error {
if iter.err != nil {
return iter.err
} else if iter.numRows == 0 {
return ErrNotFound
return nil
// PageState return the current paging state for a query which can be used for
// subsequent queries to resume paging this point.
func (iter *Iter) PageState() []byte {
return iter.meta.pagingState
// NumRows returns the number of rows in this pagination, it will update when new
// pages are fetched, it is not the value of the total number of rows this iter
// will return unless there is only a single page returned.
func (iter *Iter) NumRows() int {
return iter.numRows
type nextIter struct {
qry *Query
pos int
once sync.Once
next *Iter
func (n *nextIter) fetch() *Iter {
n.once.Do(func() {
n.next = n.qry.session.executeQuery(n.qry)
return n.next
type Batch struct {
Type BatchType
Entries []BatchEntry
Cons Consistency
CustomPayload map[string][]byte
rt RetryPolicy
spec SpeculativeExecutionPolicy
observer BatchObserver
serialCons SerialConsistency
defaultTimestamp bool
defaultTimestampValue int64
context context.Context
cancelBatch func()
keyspace string
metrics *queryMetrics
// NewBatch creates a new batch operation without defaults from the cluster
// Deprecated: use session.NewBatch instead
func NewBatch(typ BatchType) *Batch {
return &Batch{
Type: typ,
metrics: &queryMetrics{m: make(map[string]*hostMetrics)},
spec: &NonSpeculativeExecution{},
// NewBatch creates a new batch operation using defaults defined in the cluster
func (s *Session) NewBatch(typ BatchType) *Batch {
batch := &Batch{
Type: typ,
rt: s.cfg.RetryPolicy,
serialCons: s.cfg.SerialConsistency,
observer: s.batchObserver,
Cons: s.cons,
defaultTimestamp: s.cfg.DefaultTimestamp,
keyspace: s.cfg.Keyspace,
metrics: &queryMetrics{m: make(map[string]*hostMetrics)},
spec: &NonSpeculativeExecution{},
return batch
func (b *Batch) getHostMetrics(host *HostInfo) *hostMetrics {
metrics, exists := b.metrics.m[host.ConnectAddress().String()]
if !exists {
// if the host is not in the map, it means it's been accessed for the first time
metrics = &hostMetrics{}
b.metrics.m[host.ConnectAddress().String()] = metrics
return metrics
// Observer enables batch-level observer on this batch.
// The provided observer will be called every time this batched query is executed.
func (b *Batch) Observer(observer BatchObserver) *Batch {
b.observer = observer
return b
func (b *Batch) Keyspace() string {
return b.keyspace
// Attempts returns the number of attempts made to execute the batch.
func (b *Batch) Attempts() int {
defer b.metrics.l.Unlock()
var attempts int
for _, metric := range b.metrics.m {
attempts += metric.Attempts
return attempts
func (b *Batch) AddAttempts(i int, host *HostInfo) {
hostMetric := b.getHostMetrics(host)
hostMetric.Attempts += i
//Latency returns the average number of nanoseconds to execute a single attempt of the batch.
func (b *Batch) Latency() int64 {
defer b.metrics.l.Unlock()
var (
attempts int
latency int64
for _, metric := range b.metrics.m {
attempts += metric.Attempts
latency += metric.TotalLatency
if attempts > 0 {
return latency / int64(attempts)
return 0
func (b *Batch) AddLatency(l int64, host *HostInfo) {
hostMetric := b.getHostMetrics(host)
hostMetric.TotalLatency += l
// GetConsistency returns the currently configured consistency level for the batch
// operation.
func (b *Batch) GetConsistency() Consistency {
return b.Cons
// SetConsistency sets the currently configured consistency level for the batch
// operation.
func (b *Batch) SetConsistency(c Consistency) {
b.Cons = c
func (b *Batch) Context() context.Context {
if b.context == nil {
return context.Background()
return b.context
func (b *Batch) IsIdempotent() bool {
for _, entry := range b.Entries {
if !entry.Idempotent {
return false
return true
func (b *Batch) speculativeExecutionPolicy() SpeculativeExecutionPolicy {
return b.spec
func (b *Batch) SpeculativeExecutionPolicy(sp SpeculativeExecutionPolicy) *Batch {
b.spec = sp
return b
// Query adds the query to the batch operation
func (b *Batch) Query(stmt string, args ...interface{}) {
b.Entries = append(b.Entries, BatchEntry{Stmt: stmt, Args: args})
// Bind adds the query to the batch operation and correlates it with a binding callback
// that will be invoked when the batch is executed. The binding callback allows the application
// to define which query argument values will be marshalled as part of the batch execution.
func (b *Batch) Bind(stmt string, bind func(q *QueryInfo) ([]interface{}, error)) {
b.Entries = append(b.Entries, BatchEntry{Stmt: stmt, binding: bind})
func (b *Batch) retryPolicy() RetryPolicy {
return b.rt
// RetryPolicy sets the retry policy to use when executing the batch operation
func (b *Batch) RetryPolicy(r RetryPolicy) *Batch {
b.rt = r
return b
func (b *Batch) withContext(ctx context.Context) ExecutableQuery {
return b.WithContext(ctx)
// WithContext returns a shallow copy of b with its context
// set to ctx.
// The provided context controls the entire lifetime of executing a
// query, queries will be canceled and return once the context is
// canceled.
func (b *Batch) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Batch {
b2 := *b
b2.context = ctx
return &b2
// Deprecate: does nothing, cancel the context passed to WithContext
func (*Batch) Cancel() {
// TODO: delete
// Size returns the number of batch statements to be executed by the batch operation.
func (b *Batch) Size() int {
return len(b.Entries)
// SerialConsistency sets the consistency level for the
// serial phase of conditional updates. That consistency can only be
// either SERIAL or LOCAL_SERIAL and if not present, it defaults to
// SERIAL. This option will be ignored for anything else that a
// conditional update/insert.
// Only available for protocol 3 and above
func (b *Batch) SerialConsistency(cons SerialConsistency) *Batch {
b.serialCons = cons
return b
// DefaultTimestamp will enable the with default timestamp flag on the query.
// If enable, this will replace the server side assigned
// timestamp as default timestamp. Note that a timestamp in the query itself
// will still override this timestamp. This is entirely optional.
// Only available on protocol >= 3
func (b *Batch) DefaultTimestamp(enable bool) *Batch {
b.defaultTimestamp = enable
return b
// WithTimestamp will enable the with default timestamp flag on the query
// like DefaultTimestamp does. But also allows to define value for timestamp.
// It works the same way as USING TIMESTAMP in the query itself, but
// should not break prepared query optimization
// Only available on protocol >= 3
func (b *Batch) WithTimestamp(timestamp int64) *Batch {
b.defaultTimestampValue = timestamp
return b
func (b *Batch) attempt(keyspace string, end, start time.Time, iter *Iter, host *HostInfo) {
b.AddAttempts(1, host)
b.AddLatency(end.Sub(start).Nanoseconds(), host)
if b.observer == nil {
statements := make([]string, len(b.Entries))
for i, entry := range b.Entries {
statements[i] = entry.Stmt
b.observer.ObserveBatch(b.Context(), ObservedBatch{
Keyspace: keyspace,
Statements: statements,
Start: start,
End: end,
// Rows not used in batch observations // TODO - might be able to support it when using BatchCAS
Host: host,
Metrics: b.getHostMetrics(host),
Err: iter.err,
func (b *Batch) GetRoutingKey() ([]byte, error) {
// TODO: use the first statement in the batch as the routing key?
return nil, nil
type BatchType byte
const (
LoggedBatch BatchType = 0
UnloggedBatch BatchType = 1
CounterBatch BatchType = 2
type BatchEntry struct {
Stmt string
Args []interface{}
Idempotent bool
binding func(q *QueryInfo) ([]interface{}, error)
type ColumnInfo struct {
Keyspace string
Table string
Name string
TypeInfo TypeInfo
func (c ColumnInfo) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[column keyspace=%s table=%s name=%s type=%v]", c.Keyspace, c.Table, c.Name, c.TypeInfo)
// routing key indexes LRU cache
type routingKeyInfoLRU struct {
lru *lru.Cache
mu sync.Mutex
type routingKeyInfo struct {
indexes []int
types []TypeInfo
func (r *routingKeyInfo) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("routing key index=%v types=%v", r.indexes, r.types)
func (r *routingKeyInfoLRU) Remove(key string) {
//Max adjusts the maximum size of the cache and cleans up the oldest records if
//the new max is lower than the previous value. Not concurrency safe.
func (r *routingKeyInfoLRU) Max(max int) {
for r.lru.Len() > max {
r.lru.MaxEntries = max
type inflightCachedEntry struct {
wg sync.WaitGroup
err error
value interface{}
// Tracer is the interface implemented by query tracers. Tracers have the
// ability to obtain a detailed event log of all events that happened during
// the execution of a query from Cassandra. Gathering this information might
// be essential for debugging and optimizing queries, but this feature should
// not be used on production systems with very high load.
type Tracer interface {
Trace(traceId []byte)
type traceWriter struct {
session *Session
w io.Writer
mu sync.Mutex
// NewTraceWriter returns a simple Tracer implementation that outputs
// the event log in a textual format.
func NewTraceWriter(session *Session, w io.Writer) Tracer {
return &traceWriter{session: session, w: w}
func (t *traceWriter) Trace(traceId []byte) {
var (
coordinator string
duration int
iter := t.session.control.query(`SELECT coordinator, duration
FROM system_traces.sessions
WHERE session_id = ?`, traceId)
iter.Scan(&coordinator, &duration)
if err := iter.Close(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(t.w, "Error:", err)
var (
timestamp time.Time
activity string
source string
elapsed int
defer t.mu.Unlock()
fmt.Fprintf(t.w, "Tracing session %016x (coordinator: %s, duration: %v):\n",
traceId, coordinator, time.Duration(duration)*time.Microsecond)
iter = t.session.control.query(`SELECT event_id, activity, source, source_elapsed
FROM system_traces.events
WHERE session_id = ?`, traceId)
for iter.Scan(&timestamp, &activity, &source, &elapsed) {
fmt.Fprintf(t.w, "%s: %s (source: %s, elapsed: %d)\n",
timestamp.Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05.999999"), activity, source, elapsed)
if err := iter.Close(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(t.w, "Error:", err)
type ObservedQuery struct {
Keyspace string
Statement string
Start time.Time // time immediately before the query was called
End time.Time // time immediately after the query returned
// Rows is the number of rows in the current iter.
// In paginated queries, rows from previous scans are not counted.
// Rows is not used in batch queries and remains at the default value
Rows int
// Host is the informations about the host that performed the query
Host *HostInfo
// The metrics per this host
Metrics *hostMetrics
// Err is the error in the query.
// It only tracks network errors or errors of bad cassandra syntax, in particular selects with no match return nil error
Err error
// QueryObserver is the interface implemented by query observers / stat collectors.
// Experimental, this interface and use may change
type QueryObserver interface {
// ObserveQuery gets called on every query to cassandra, including all queries in an iterator when paging is enabled.
// It doesn't get called if there is no query because the session is closed or there are no connections available.
// The error reported only shows query errors, i.e. if a SELECT is valid but finds no matches it will be nil.
ObserveQuery(context.Context, ObservedQuery)
type ObservedBatch struct {
Keyspace string
Statements []string
Start time.Time // time immediately before the batch query was called
End time.Time // time immediately after the batch query returned
// Host is the informations about the host that performed the batch
Host *HostInfo
// Err is the error in the batch query.
// It only tracks network errors or errors of bad cassandra syntax, in particular selects with no match return nil error
Err error
// The metrics per this host
Metrics *hostMetrics
// BatchObserver is the interface implemented by batch observers / stat collectors.
type BatchObserver interface {
// ObserveBatch gets called on every batch query to cassandra.
// It also gets called once for each query in a batch.
// It doesn't get called if there is no query because the session is closed or there are no connections available.
// The error reported only shows query errors, i.e. if a SELECT is valid but finds no matches it will be nil.
// Unlike QueryObserver.ObserveQuery it does no reporting on rows read.
ObserveBatch(context.Context, ObservedBatch)
type ObservedConnect struct {
// Host is the information about the host about to connect
Host *HostInfo
Start time.Time // time immediately before the dial is called
End time.Time // time immediately after the dial returned
// Err is the connection error (if any)
Err error
// ConnectObserver is the interface implemented by connect observers / stat collectors.
type ConnectObserver interface {
// ObserveConnect gets called when a new connection to cassandra is made.
type Error struct {
Code int
Message string
func (e Error) Error() string {
return e.Message
var (
ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found")
ErrUnavailable = errors.New("unavailable")
ErrUnsupported = errors.New("feature not supported")
ErrTooManyStmts = errors.New("too many statements")
ErrUseStmt = errors.New("use statements aren't supported. Please see https://github.com/gocql/gocql for explanation.")
ErrSessionClosed = errors.New("session has been closed")
ErrNoConnections = errors.New("gocql: no hosts available in the pool")
ErrNoKeyspace = errors.New("no keyspace provided")
ErrKeyspaceDoesNotExist = errors.New("keyspace does not exist")
ErrNoMetadata = errors.New("no metadata available")
type ErrProtocol struct{ error }
func NewErrProtocol(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
return ErrProtocol{fmt.Errorf(format, args...)}
// BatchSizeMaximum is the maximum number of statements a batch operation can have.
// This limit is set by cassandra and could change in the future.
const BatchSizeMaximum = 65535
