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xuan 提交于 2020-08-09 21:00 . add some sections about pronunciation
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\lhead{Stop Translating in Your Head.}
\lfoot{\url{xuanleng.me} }
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\title{Notes on Life English}
\author{\href{https://xuanleng.me}{Xuan Leng}\\[0.5cm]
\textbf{Website:} \url{https://gitee.com/xuanleng/nle}}
\bioinfo{\LaTeX{} template}{\href{https://github.com/ElegantLaTeX/ElegantBook}{Ethan Deng \& Liam Huang: ElegantBook}}
\extrainfo{To My Sister}
{ May World Peace}
\tableofcontents \label{content}
\item[\xmark] means: not suggest
\item[\cmark] means: suggest
\item YouTuber
\item Maaaxter English @ YouTube
\item Go Natural English with Gabby @ YouTube
\item English with Lucy @ YouTube
\item A*List! English Learning Videos for kids @ YouTube
\item Apps
\item Cambly APP: 15minutes talk with foreign languate teacher.\\
\item \url{EnglishClass101.com}
\item italki
\item Lingoda Marathon
\item Scripts
\item TV\& Movie Scripts\\
\item Friends Scritps\\
\item Websites
\item \url{https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/}
\paragraph{Recommend Books}
\item Grammar in Use intermediate (Raymond Murphy with William R. Smalzer and Joseph Chapple)
\section{Pleasure to meet you!}
\item[\xmark] Nice to meet you!\cite{gabby162}\\
\emph{This common phrase is actually only ever used in one very specific situation that the very first time that you meet someone. You say ``Nice to meet you!'' }
\item[\cmark] Good to meet you!/Pleasure to meet you!
\item[\cmark] It's nice to see you again./It's great to see you again./It's wonderful to see you again.
\section{How's it going? }
\item[\xmark] How are you?/How do you do?\cite{alisha29,maggie40,inter206,lucy262,maggie52}\\
\emph{ask your state of being./how someone is }
\item[\cmark] How's it goin' ? (How's it going?/How is it going?)/How are you doing?/How are things going?\\
\emph{How is it going? It sounds too stiff. It doesn't sound so friendly. It means ``How are you?'' Like, how are you doing or how is your life going? It's like a friendly kind of rougher more casual way to say ``How are you''?}
\item[\cmark] How's it goin' with you?/How's everything?/How are things?/How's life?/How's life treating you?
\item[\cmark] How have you been? (for familiar people)\\
\emph{It means: Since the last time I saw you what has your condition been. }
\item Fine/good/bad/busy/I've been busy.
\item You?
\item Fine
\item Answer: be positive
\item[\xmark] I'm fine. Thank you. And you?\\
\emph{Just don't say this, all right, this is not a proper response when somebody asks you ``How are you?''. First off, it just sounds robotic. Second, in English, It's not common to thank somebody after they ask them.}
\item Great/Good/Fine/Not bad/Pretty good! Thanks. How about you?/You?
\item I'm good. Thanks for asking.
\item Same old really!
\item Couldn't be better.
\item No complaints./Can't complain.
\item Keeping busy.
\item Been Keeping out of trouble.
\item (Just) Been getting by.
\item Not bad.
\item Not so good.
\item[\cmark] What's up? /What's new?
\item What's up?
\item Not much. (Just busy).
\item Same old, same old.
\item You know, just life.
\item I'm working on my paper.
\item I'm just going to lunch.
\section{What have you been up to?}
\item What have you been up to (recently)? $\leftarrow$ What are you doing?\cite{alisha29}\\
\emph{It is a more advanced version of like ``what are you doing?''
It means ``What did you do since the last time I saw you?''}
\item I've been \_\_\_\_\_. (I have been \_\_\_\_\_.)
\item I've been working/busy.
\item I've been planting a garden in front of my house.
\item I've been looking for a new car.
\item I've been making videos on the Internet.
\item I'm presenting a video about English!
\section{What do you do?}
\item[\xmark] What your job is?\cite{alisha19}%/你做啥(工作)的?
\item I'm a teacher/an engineer.
\item I work at a hospital.
\item I work for Google.
\section{Have a great day!}
\item Thank you. You too!/You as well!\cite{maggie63}
\item I'll try!
\item You do the same!
\section{Bye or GoodBye}
\item See you!/Bye!\cite{lucy262,maggie74}
\item Later (See you later), dude!
\item Later, gator. (See you later alligator.)
\item (Alright,) I gotta run/bounce.. Catch/See/Talk to you later.
\item It's getting late now, we should probably head home.
\item See you on the other side!
\item Adios Amigos!
\item Cheerio! $\leftarrow$ SpaghettiO!
\item Stay/Be/Drive safe (kiddo)!
\item Stay out of trouble! $\leftarrow$ Will do!
\item Speak (to you) soon!
\item Send my love to your family!
\item You take care now!/Take care!
\item Have a good one!
\item Talk to you later!
\section{Thank you}
\item Thank you!\cite{lucy262,maggie85}
\item I really appreciate that/it!
\item I'm really grateful!
\item That's so kind of you!
\item I owe you one/big time!
\item You're most welcome!/You are welcome.
\item No Problem.
\item You got it.
\item No worries!
\item My pleasure!
\item Anytime!
\item No, you're fine. Don't be sorry.\cite{maggie96}
\item Don't worry about it.
\section{What do you do in your free time?}
\item[\xmark] What are your hobbies? \cite{alisha19}
\item[\xmark] Do you have any hobbies?
\item[\cmark] What do you do for fun?
\item[\cmark] What do you do in your free time?
\item I like to .../I like ...
\item I (really/kind of) like to watch movies./I (really/kind of) like watching movies.
\item I like to play golf./I like playing golf.
\item I like hanging out with my friends and stuff like that.
\section{Where you from?}
\emph{Many times, though, Americans won't ask, ``What country are you from?'' or even ``Where are you from?'' In many casual situations, they will say it in a simpler way. ``Where you from?''\cite{alisha19}}
\item I'm (your nationality) Chinese. / I'm from (country/city) China/Beijing.
\section{What's your name?}
\emph{Most native speakers of English would never say ``What is your name?''.
In English, just like in other languages, it is often more polite to be a little indirect.
Of course, the easiest way to avoid asking the question directly is to not ask at all.
Just introduce yourself, and most people will respond by doing the same.
When introducing yourself, simple is nearly always best. }\cite{alisha19}
\item Just say ``Hi, I'm ... And you?''
\item I'm sorry. What was your name again?
\section{Could I get your number?}
\item Could I get your (phone) number?\cite{alisha19}\\
Sure, My phone number is ...
\item Could I get your email address?
\item Are you on Facebook/Linkedin/Skype?\\
Yes, I am. / No, I'm not./ No, but my email address is ...
\section{So where do you live?}
\item So where do you live?\cite{alisha19}
\item Near Central Station. / On the Green Line. / Near the movie theater. / Near the library. / Do you know Twin Pines?
\item I'm afraid I don't know it. / I live near there! / Oh yeah, I know it!
\item Oh, really?
\item How about you?
\section{STOP Saying ``I don't know''! (9 alternatives)}
\item That's a good question. I'll find out.\cite{lingua405}
\item I have the exact same question.
\item I have no idea.
\item I have no clue.
\item Who knows?
\item Dunno
\item Why don't we ask [name]
\item Your guess is as good as mine.
\item How should I know?
\item As far as I know ... / As far as I'm concerned ...
\section{14 Verbs to Sound More Professional}
\item Provide/give\cite{maggie118}
\item[\xmark] Can you give me some samples?
\item[\cmark] Can you provide me with ... (some samples)?
\item Receive/get
\item[\xmark] I didn't get your report on this topic.
\item[\cmark] I didn't receive ... (your report yet).
\item Attend/come
\item[\xmark] Would you like to come to our anniversary party?
\item[\cmark] Would you like to attend ...(our anniversary party)?
\item Reserve/book
\item[\xmark] Seats are limited. Please book your spot on time.
\item[\cmark] Please make a reservation except.
\item[\cmark] Please reserve your spot ASA.
\item Inform/let me know
\item[\xmark] Can you let me know how is the annual report going?
\item[\cmark] Can you please inform me on the progress of the annual report?
\item Contact/get in touch
\item[\xmark] Let's stay in touch.
\item[\cmark] Please contact me at (this number).
\item Reply/answer
\item[\xmark] I haven't got an answer from you yet.
\item[\cmark] I haven't received a reply yet.
\item Explain/tell me about
\item[\xmark] Can you tell me a little bit about how your company works?
\item[\cmark] Could you explain your business mode?
\item Select/choose
\item[\xmark] I provided you with a list of samples. Please choose two or three. So I can get started on the work.
\item[\cmark] I provided you with a list of samples. Please select a few. So I can get started on my work.
\item Discuss/talk about
\item[\xmark] Can I grab you for a few minutes? I want to talk about ...(this project).
\item[\cmark] Can I grab you for a few minutes? I want to discuss the project with you real quick.
\item Submit/turn in
\item[\cmark] Please submit your job application.
\item Prepare/get ready
\item[\xmark] Recently, we've been really busy. We're getting ready for busy season.
\item[\cmark] Recently, we've been really busy. We're preparing for busy season (our new product launch).
\item Apologize/sorry
\item[\xmark] I'm sorry. I'm late.
\item[\cmark] I was late today. I apologize.
\item[\cmark] It won't happen again. I apologize.
\item Ensure/make sure
\item[\xmark] Please make sure everyone is up to data with our new insurance policy.
\item[\cmark] Please ensure ...
\section{25 Stunningly Beautiful Advanced Phrasal Verbs}
\item to crow about something\cite{lucy251}\\
\emph{to brag about something}
\item I wish Amanda would stop crowing about her promotion - I wanted that position!
\item to fawn over\\
\emph{to flatter someone excessively}
\item Stop fawning over my grandmother, you are embarrassing me!
\section{Phrases Every English Learner Must-Know}
\item How about \_\_\_\_\_?\cite{alisha29}\\
\emph{This is a very simple and easy way to make a suggestion to someone.}
\item How about dinner?
\item How about drinks?
\item How about we do this later?
\item How about we see a movie later?
\item How about we go to the beach this weekend?
\item How about we take a trip to Guam?
\item How about we bake cookies?
\item How about we go on to the next expression?
\item Sorry, I can't.\\
\emph{This is a way to refuse an invitation.}
\item Sorry, I can't go to the beach with you this weekend.
\item Sorry, I can't meet you for dinner tonight. I have to work late.
\item Sorry, I can't help you build your tree house. I broke my leg.
\item Sorry, I can't cook dinner tonight because I don't know how to cook.
\item Sure, sounds good / nice / great / awesome / cool / fantastic!
\item Do you wanna (want to) \_\_\_\_\_?\\
\emph{It is a friendly and easy way to make an invitation.}
\item Do you want to get dinner?
\item Do you want to go for drinks?
\item Do you wanna ride bikes?
\item Do you wanna make videos for the Internet?
\item What do you call this/that/these?\\
\emph{When you don't know the vocabulary work for something or you just forget it. You can use this expression.}
\item How do I get \underline{to} [location(specific place)]?\\
\emph{It means what is the path I should take to arrive at that destination.}
\item How do I get to this hotel?
\item Have a nice evening!\\
\emph{It is a way to say Goodbye at the end of the day like with coworkers or maybe leaving a restaurant.
We use goodnight when we're like saying goodbye to our kids or like when we're actually in bed with a spouse or your partner, just before you go to sleep.}
\item Have a good one/day!
\item Can I have [item], please?\\
\emph{When you're shopping you can use this to request something from the person working at the store.}
\item Can I have that shirt please?
\item Can I have 200 grams of beef, please?
\item number of the [noun], please
\item 200 grams of the beef, please.
\item2 of the blue one, please.
\item How do I [verb phrase]?
\item How do I read books?
\item How do I study grammar?
\item How late are you open?/When do you close?
\item Do you have any plans \underline{for} [point in time]?
\item Do you have any plans for this weekend?
\item Do you have any plans for tomorrow night?
\item Do you have any plans for dinner?
\item My [body part] hurts.
\item My arm hurts./I have a pain in my arm.
\item What did you say?
\item How much is this/that? / How much does [sandwich] cost?\\
\emph{This is a cost related expression when you are shopping.}
\item How much was your car?
\item How much was your apartment?
\item How much were those donuts?
\item How much did your sandwich cost?
\item What does that mean?/What did that mean?
\item I don't feel so good.
\item I need to go to [location].
\item I need to go the restroom.
\item I have to [verb].
\item When are we leaving?
\section{50 common English phrases to use in conversation}
Common phrases to ask for information:
\item Do you have any idea/clue ...?\cite{lucy262}
\item You wouldn't happen to know \_\_\_, would you?
Common phrases to say I don't know:
\item I have no idea!
\item I haven't got a clue!
\item Sorry, I can't be any help/I can't help you there!
\item I'm not really sure!
\item I've been wondering the same thing/that, too!
Common phrases for agreeing:
\item Exactly!
\item Absolutely!
\item That's so true!
\item That's so right!
\item I agree 100\%.
\item I couldn't agree more!
\item Tell me about it!
Common phrases for disagreeing:
\item I'm not so sure about that.
\item That's not how I see it.
\item Not necessarily.
\item I can't really agree with you there!
\section{20 Stunningly Beautiful English Idioms}
\item it takes two to tango\cite{lucy195}\\
\emph{Both parties involved in a situation or argument are equally responsible for it.}
\item We need to come to a compromise here.
\item every cloud has a silver lining\\
\emph{Every difficult or sad situation has a comforting or more hopeful aspect, even though this may not be immediately apparent.}
\item I was so upset that I failed that first interview but now I have my dream job.
\item to burn the midnight oil\\
\emph{to work or study late into the night}
\item I've been burning the midnight oil trying to finish a very important course.
\item to burn the candle at both ends\\
\emph{to work or to do something from very early in the morning to very late at night, thus, getting very little rest}
\item I was worried about Will this summer because he was burning the candle at both ends.
\item water under the bridge\\
\emph{used to refer to events that are in the past and consequently no longer to be regarded as important}
\item Yes, we did have our disagreements but that's water under the bridge now.
\item to wear your heart on your sleeve\\
\emph{to openly share your feelings etc.}
\item I wear my hearty on my sleeve. I'm not afraid to tell someone if I like them.
\item lovely weather for ducks\\
\emph{a humorous phrase for very wet, rainy weather.}
\item to burn your bridges\\
\emph{The act of unpleasantly and permanently ending relations with another person, or an organization}
\item I'm so glad I didn't burn my bridges with my old boss because she's just offered me an amazing new job in her new company!
\item variety is the spice of life\\
\emph{New and exciting experiences make life more interesting.}
\item I never like to visit the same restaurant twice because variety is the spice of life!
\item to lend an ear\\
\emph{To listen to somebody with sympathy.}
\item Take my mobile number, I'm always here to lend an ear if you need one.
\item a change of heart\\
\emph{A move to a different opinion or attitude.}
\item The troll had a change of heart and decided to dedicate their life to supporting anti-bullying campaigns.
\item to touch someone's heart\\
\emph{To make someone feel a particular emotion or strong feelings.}
\item The handmade birthday card from the little girl down the road really touched my heart.
\item to take one's breath away\\
\emph{If you say that something takes your breath away, you are emphasizing that it is extremely beautiful or amazing.}
\item The way he played that piano took my breath away.
\item the calm before the storm\\
\emph{a period of unusual peace, silence and tranquillity that seems to come before more difficult or chaotic times.}
\item Every morining, before I open my laptop, I sit down at my desk with my coffee and enjoy the calm before the storm.
\item to spread one's wings\\
\emph{To become more independent and confident and to try new things.}
\item Moving to a new country at a young age really gave me a change to spread my wings.
\item those three little words\\
\emph{An indirect way of referring to the words `I love you'.}
\item Has he said those three little words to you yet?
\item what comes around goes around\\
\emph{If you treat someone badly, or do something negative, it is likely that the same thing will come back to haunt you.}
\item She picked on me in middle school and now her boss bullies her. What goes around comes around.
\item hook, line and sinker\\
\emph{used to emphasise that someone has been completely deceived or tricked}
\item You got me hook, line and sinker when you were going to be on the X Factor.
\item to have a soft spot for someone\\
\emph{To have a great deal of affection for someone or something.}
\item I have a huge soft spot for ginger cats.
\item to only have eyes for someone\\
\emph{To only be attracted to or interested in one person.}
\item I only have eyes for William.
\section{American Idioms \& Expressions}
\item a piece of cake\cite{wes394}: refers to something that is easy
\item This lesson is going to be a piece of cake.
\item to run late/ to run behind: to be late for something
\item ... to run late to an appointment
\item ... to run behind schedule
\item I'm just running a little late.
\item I'm running a little behind.
\item to get the hang of (something): to learn something that is not obvious.
\item I'm starting to get the hang of this.
\item all set/good to go: saying that someone is ready or everything is in order
\item All set?
\item Are you all set?
\item I'm all set.
\item to sound like a broken record: to repeat the same information again and again
\item You sound like a broken record.
\item to pitch in: to start doing something as a group, especially something that is helpful.
\item to blow off some steam: to do or say something to help you get rid of some energy.
\item it's not rocket science: to say something is not difficult and should be easy to understand.
\item to table (something): to postpone a discussion until a later time
\item Let's table this item for right now, and then we will discuss it later.
\item to jump on the bandwagon: to start supporting something or doing something because it's trendy.
\item to sit in the nosebleed (section): to sit in seats that are high up in a stadium.
\item to fall through the cracks: to overlook something
\section{STOP Making 6 Common Mistakes}
\item Either VS Neither\cite{vanessa383}
\item[\cmark] I want \emph{either} cake \emph{or} ice cream for dessert.
\item[\xmark] I want \emph{neither} cake \emph {nor} ice cream for dessert.
\item[\cmark] I \emph{don't} want cake \emph{or} ice cream for dessert.
\item Ordering or asking for something\cite{maggie107}
\item[\xmark] I want/need ...
\item[\cmark] Could/Can I have a glass of water, please?
\item Reject or disagree with somebody \\
\emph{The general idea is to acknowledge the other person's kind of offer and suggest first, then politely reject or disagree.}
\item Acknowledgement + but/however
\item That's so sweet of you, but ...
\item[\xmark] I don't like the color of this design.
\item[\cmark] I like the design, but I'm not a big fan of the color combination.
\item[\cmark] I'm not very fond of the color palette.
\item If you didn't hear something clearly or didn't hear somebody
\item[\xmark] What?
\item[\cmark] Could you repeat that, please?
\item[\cmark] Come again, please?
\item Request someone to permit
\item[\xmark] Can I smoke here?
\item[\xmark] Can I take this chair?
\item[\cmark] Would you mind if (I do something)?
\item[\cmark] Not at all. Go ahead.
\item[\cmark] You know what, actually I do mind. I'm pregnant.
\item Request someone to help
\item[\xmark] Can you help me?
\item[\cmark] Are you busy at the moment?
\item[\cmark] Do you have a minute to talk?
\item[\cmark] Yes, of course. What's up?
\item[\cmark] I was wondering if (you could help me with something)?
\item If someones tell you something, you didn't quiet get the first time.
\item[\xmark] I didn't understand.
\item[\cmark] Can you elaborate on that?
\item Have a seat
\item[\xmark] Sit down.
\item[\cmark] Have/take a seat, please.
\item[\cmark] Mr. Wong will be right with you.
\subsection{How to politely end the dialogue}
\item A relatively casual environment\cite{lucy262,maggie129}
\item Well. It's getting late.
\item Again, thanks for inviting us. We/I had a great time.
\item Let's plan another one soon.
\item Well, was nice chatting with you!
\item Right! I need to get going.
\item I must be off!
\item Party
\item It was great meeting you./Nice talking to you.
\item Well, It's been a pleasure.
\item I'm gonna go mingle a bit (little) more.
\item I'll talk to you soon./I'll see you around.
\item Do you have a business card?
\item Let me give you my business card. If I can help in any way (or if you happened to be in the neighborhood and want to grab lunch/coffee), my info is on the card. You know how to reach me.
\item I'm gonna go grab a drink. Can I get you anything? Do you want anything?
\item Please excuse me. I need to make a quick trip to the restroom. Do you (happen to ) know where it is?
\item Before I go, can I introduce you to someone? Emily is also an aspiring musician. (I bet) You guys would totally hit it off.
\section{Make phone calls}
\subsection{50 Sentences To Master English Over The Phone}
\paragraph{ Making a formal call.}\cite{mike273}
\item Hi, this is Mike. I'm with company `XX', how are you doing today? % (我来自''XX''公司)
\item Hello, this is Mike, and I'm calling about/for \_\_\_.
\item Could I speak to Mr. `X', please?
\item Hello, is Mr.`X' in?
\paragraph{If the person you're calling isn't there, you can reply like this:}
\item Ok, could I leave a message for Mr.`X', please?
\item I see. When would be a good time to call back?
\item Ok. Do you know when he will be back?
\paragraph{Make a informal call.}
\item Hey. what's up?
\item Not much.
\item Same old, same old.
\item Hey, how's it going?
\item Pretty good, how about you?
\item Not bad, you?
\paragraph{Receiving a phone a call.}
formal responses.
\item Hello? This is Mike speaking?
\item Good morning/afternoon, this is Mike. How may I help you?
\item May I ask, who's calling?
\item And which company are you with?
\item Please hold for a moment.
\item Ok, hang on a sec (second).
\item I'm sorry, she's busy at the moment.
\item I'm afraid she's not in the office right now. Can I take a message?
\paragraph{Informal ways to respond.}
\item Hello?
\item He's not home right now, can I take a message?
\item Great. I'll let him know as soon as he gets back.
\paragraph{ If you get a lot of junk calls, how you reply in English?}
\item Sorry. I'm not interested.
\item Can you take me off your call list please?
\paragraph{If someone dials the wrong number, how do you use English to reply?}
\item I'm sorry, I think you've got the wrong number.
\item I'm sorry, there's no one here by that name.
\paragraph{How to resovle the miscommunications that happen during phone call.}
\item I'm sorry. I didn't get that. Could you say it again, please?
\item Could you spell that for me please?
\item Ok, let me just repeat that back to you.
\item I didn't catch that. Could you say it again?
\item I think my signal is bad. Could you repeat that please?
\item We have a bad connection. Can I call you back?
\paragraph{How about making plans with people?}
\item What time is best for you?
\item Well, how about tomorrow?
\item Does that work for you?
\item Sure, no problem.
\item I'm sorry, that doesn't work for me.
\item Sorry. I've got plans then. Could we do \_\_\_ instead?
\item I'll have to get back to you on that.
\paragraph{End the call.}
\item It was great talking to you.
\item Great, thanks for calling.
\item Thanks for all of your help.
\item You have a great day!
\item Alright, later.
\item You too. Have a good one.
\item Yep! Talk to you later.
\item Ok, see ya.
\item Alright, bye.
\subsection{Call the restaurant to make a reservation}
\item Good afternoon, thank you for calling Ruth Chris's SteakHouse in Pasadena. How may I assist you?
\item Hi, I was wondering can I still make a reservation for tonigh?
\item Yea, absolutely. The only reservation I have available is 9:30 to 10:30.
\item Ok, I would like to take the 9:30 for party of 2.
\item Ok. May I have a phone number?
\item Yes. ...
\item May I have a last name?
\item Ok. Any celebration this evening?
\item No. Just a dinner.
\item Ok. We'll see you two this evening at 9:30.
\item Thank you.
\item You're welcome.
For example:
\item Hi, (my name is ...). Can I make a reservation for tonight? / Hi, can I make a reservation for table of two on May 17th, at 8 p.m.?
\item Yea, sure. Can I take your last name, please?
\item Can I take your phone number, please?( Is this for any special occasion?)
\item We only have [time] available.
\item Yea, sure. I'll take the 9:30. / Oh, that wouldn't work. I'll call someone else. Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it. / Can I reserve a patio seat, please? / Can I sit by the window, please?
\item Our reservation is full, but we welcome walk-ins.
\item If I can get there in 20 mins, how long is the wait?
\item About half an hour/about an hour.
\item Hi, my name is ... . I have a reservation at 8 tonight, for party of 2.
\section{Travel English}
\subsection{Airport English}
\subsubsection{Airport Vocabulary}
\item International / Domestic Departures
\item International / Domestic Arrivals
\item Escalator (or) Elevator / Lift
\item Self Check-in, Kiosk (or) Check-in Counter
\item Boarding Pass, Check in Luggage
\item Carry-on Baggage, Checked Baggage
\item bag tag, Baggage Drop
\subsubsection{At the Check-in Counter}
\item Hi, where is the check-in counter for Eva Air?
\item How much time should I allow to check in?
\item Where are you flying to today?/ What's your final destination?
\item May I see your ticket and passport, please?/ I need your booking confirmation and passport. / Could I have your passport?
\item Here they are.
\item Would you like (prefer) a window seat or an aisle seat?
\item I'd like an aisle seat, please.
\item Are you checking any bags? / Do you have any luggage you'd like to check in? / How many bags are you checking in today?
\item How many bags can I check? / Just this one. / I have two bags to check in.
\item Please place your bags on the scale. / Please place your bag on the conveyor belt.
\item Okay, everything appears to be in order. / One of your bags is overweight. I'm going to have to charge you for the excess weight.
\item How much extra do I have to pay? And can I pay by credit card?
\item Please mark this bag as ``fragile''.
\item I have a stopover in Guangzhou. Do I need to pick up my luggage there?
\item No, it'll go straight through to London.
\item Could you please check my bags through to Vancouver?
\item Here is your boarding pass. Your flight leaves from gate 3B and it'll begin boarding at 8:30. Your seat number is 12E. / Okay, here's your boarding pass. Boarding time is 8:45 from gate 23.
\item Thank you. Have a nice day.
\subsubsection{Going Through Security}
\item Please lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt.
\item Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?
\item Please take any electronic devices out of your bag.
\item Please step through the scanner.
\item Please step to the side.
\item Empty your pockets, please.
\item You're all set/good to go. Have a nice flight.
\item Do you have a laptop?
\item Do you have any liquids?
\item Are you wearing a belt?
\item Take off your shoes.
\item Put your arms out.
\subsubsection{Announcement At The Gate}
\item There has been a gate change.
\item Airasia to flight 888 to Bangkok is boarding.
\item Please have your boarding pass and passport ready for boarding.
\item We would like to invite our first-and business-class passengers to board.
\item We are now inviting passengers with small children and any passengers requiring special assistance to begin boarding.
\item We would now like to invite all passengers to board.
\item This is the final boarding call for Cathay Pacific flight 220 to Shenzhen.
\subsubsection{Immigration And Customs}
\item Can I see your passport?
\item What's the purpose of your visit to the United States?
\item Are you a tourist or on business?
\item How long do you plan to stay in Bangkok?
\item Do you have anything to declare?
\item Have you brought any food into the country?
\item Basic information
\item Can I see your ID please?
Where are you flying to today?
\item I'm flying to Beijing, China. / I'm flying to Seoul, South Korea, and then I have a connecting flight to Beijing, China.
\item Bag checking
\item Are you checking any bags?
\item Yes, I'm checking two bags, and I have one carry-on.
\item Can you put it on the scale, please? (Handles up.)
\item How long is my layover?
\item Am I picking up my luggage in (Seoul), or my final destination (Beijing)?
\item Selecting your seats
\item Do you prefer window seat or aisle seat?
\item Can you assign me to an asile seat, please?
\item Can I upgrade my seat to exit row seat? / Can I upgrade my seat to extra-legroom seat?
\item How much is the upgrade?
\item Yes. That'll be \$100 extra.
\item Flight information
\item Here's your boarding pass, your flight leaves from gate (7), and boarding begins at (10:30 am).
\item TSA - Transportation Security Administration\cite{maggie317}
\item Please take off your jackets, belts, shoes, or accessories. Anything that might have metal in it.
\item Separate your electronics in a separate bin, please. Your phones, chargers, laptops, cameras, etc.
\item Anything liquid will not be allowed beyond this point.
\item Please stand on the mark and put your hands up.
\item Please remember to collect your items at the end.
\item I'm sorry Sir/Ma'am, but this has exceeded the level that we allow at this point. You're going to have to discard this. This can not be with you on the airplane.
\item Knives are not allowed on the airplane, so you have to discard this.
\item I'm sorry sir/madam, I didn't know that I have this with me. / I'm sorry I forgot about this. I will get rid of this right now.
\item Through customs
\item Can I have your documents, please?\cite{maggie328}
\item Customs Declaration Form, ...
\item Is this your final destination?
\item No, I have a connecting flight to (Los Angeles). / Yes, this is my final destination.
\item What's your connecting flight number?
\item What's the purpose of your visit?
\item I'm going to school here. / I'm here for vacation.
\item What school are you going to?
\item How long will you be staying in the U.S. ?
\item Two weeks / Two and a half weeks / 18 days.
\item What's the U.S. address you'll be staying in?
\item I'll be staying in my dorm at (USC).
\item How much currency are you carrying with you?
\item I have (a thousand dollars) with me.
\item Do you have anything to declare?
\item No. I have nothing to declare. / I have one bottle of alcohol. / I have one pack of cigarette that I bought at the airport.
\item Can you please take your glasses/hat off for a picture?
\item Now put your left thumb on the machine.
\item Now the rest of your fingers on your left hand.
\item Enjoy your stay in America. /Welcome to America.
\item Have a good day.
\item You too.
\subsection{Travel English: Going to a hotel}
\item Do you have a reservation? Yes, it's under [your name].\cite{vanessa350}
\item When is check in and check out time?
\item The room won't be ready until 1pm, but if you want, you can leave your bags here.
\item I'd like to stay an extra night. How much will it be?
\item Excuse me, I don't want to bother you, but can I have [two extra towels brought up to Room 203]?
\subsection{Travel English: Using Transportation}
\item Can I get a weeklong pass for the subway?\cite{vanessa361}
\item I'll be here for 4 days. What's the best deal?
\item What's the best way to get to [restaurant] from here?
\item Excuse me, I don't want to bother you but what's the best way to get to the restaurant from here?
\item I think I missed my stop. Where can I get the bus going in the opposite direction?
\item Excuse me, I don't want to bother you, but, do you know when the next bus/train comes? In 20 minutes.
\item Do you know where I can get/catch a taxi? There's a taxi stand on that the corner.
\subsection{Travel English: Using Directions}
\item Excuse me, I don't want to bother you, but do you know how to get the [Jurong Gardan]? Yes. Just keep going straight, and turn left at the big intersection.\cite{vanessa372}
\item Where can I find the tourist information center? It's across the street from the McDonalds up there.
\item I thought that the Hilton Hotels was around here, but I think I'm on the wrong street. Do you know where it is? Oh yeah, just go back one block and trun left at the light.
\item I'm trying to get to the train station. Am I on the right road? Yeah, but it's a long way to walk. You can catch the bus right here in five minutes.
\item How can I get to the center of town? At the third light, turn right, and you'll see a big statue of a horse. That's downtown.
\section{How to translate this into English}
\subsection{``Xin Ku Le''}
\item To the one that helped you\cite{maggie140}
\item Thank you! I really appreciate it.
\item I couldn't have done without you./I don't know what I'd do without you.
\item To classmates or colleagues
\item Good/Great/Fantastic job, guys! We did.
\item Keep up with the good work!
\item To dad/mom/teacher/best friend
\item You are the best dad/mon/teacher, etc. anyone could ask for!
\item I'm forever/so grateful for you!
马建仓 AI 助手
Notes on Life English


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