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Adam Kaplan 提交于 2018-06-21 08:48 . api/constants package
package docker
import (
cliconfig "github.com/docker/docker/cli/config"
s2ierr "github.com/openshift/source-to-image/pkg/errors"
utilglog "github.com/openshift/source-to-image/pkg/util/glog"
var (
// glog is a placeholder until the builders pass an output stream down client
// facing libraries should not be using glog
glog = utilglog.StderrLog
// DefaultEntrypoint is the default entry point used when starting containers
DefaultEntrypoint = []string{"/usr/bin/env"}
// AuthConfigurations maps a registry name to an AuthConfig, as used for
// example in the .dockercfg file
type AuthConfigurations struct {
Configs map[string]api.AuthConfig
type dockerConfig struct {
Auth string `json:"auth"`
Email string `json:"email"`
const (
// maxErrorOutput is the maximum length of the error output saved for
// processing
maxErrorOutput = 1024
defaultRegistry = "https://index.docker.io/v1/"
// GetImageRegistryAuth retrieves the appropriate docker client authentication
// object for a given image name and a given set of client authentication
// objects.
func GetImageRegistryAuth(auths *AuthConfigurations, imageName string) api.AuthConfig {
glog.V(5).Infof("Getting docker credentials for %s", imageName)
if auths == nil {
return api.AuthConfig{}
ref, err := parseNamedDockerImageReference(imageName)
if err != nil {
glog.V(0).Infof("error: Failed to parse docker reference %s", imageName)
return api.AuthConfig{}
if ref.Registry != "" {
if auth, ok := auths.Configs[ref.Registry]; ok {
glog.V(5).Infof("Using %s[%s] credentials for pulling %s", auth.Email, ref.Registry, imageName)
return auth
if auth, ok := auths.Configs[defaultRegistry]; ok {
glog.V(5).Infof("Using %s credentials for pulling %s", auth.Email, imageName)
return auth
return api.AuthConfig{}
// namedDockerImageReference points to a Docker image.
type namedDockerImageReference struct {
Registry string
Namespace string
Name string
Tag string
ID string
// parseNamedDockerImageReference parses a Docker pull spec string into a
// NamedDockerImageReference.
func parseNamedDockerImageReference(spec string) (namedDockerImageReference, error) {
var ref namedDockerImageReference
namedRef, err := reference.ParseNormalizedNamed(spec)
if err != nil {
return ref, err
name := namedRef.Name()
i := strings.IndexRune(name, '/')
if i == -1 || (!strings.ContainsAny(name[:i], ":.") && name[:i] != "localhost") {
ref.Name = name
} else {
ref.Registry, ref.Name = name[:i], name[i+1:]
if named, ok := namedRef.(reference.NamedTagged); ok {
ref.Tag = named.Tag()
if named, ok := namedRef.(reference.Canonical); ok {
ref.ID = named.Digest().String()
// It's not enough just to use the reference.ParseNamed(). We have to fill
// ref.Namespace from ref.Name
if i := strings.IndexRune(ref.Name, '/'); i != -1 {
ref.Namespace, ref.Name = ref.Name[:i], ref.Name[i+1:]
return ref, nil
// LoadImageRegistryAuth loads and returns the set of client auth objects from
// a docker config json file.
func LoadImageRegistryAuth(dockerCfg io.Reader) *AuthConfigurations {
auths, err := NewAuthConfigurations(dockerCfg)
if err != nil {
glog.V(0).Infof("error: Unable to load docker config: %v", err)
return nil
return auths
// begin next 3 methods borrowed from go-dockerclient
// NewAuthConfigurations finishes creating the auth config array s2i pulls from
// any auth config file it is pointed to when started from the command line
func NewAuthConfigurations(r io.Reader) (*AuthConfigurations, error) {
var auth *AuthConfigurations
confs, err := parseDockerConfig(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
auth, err = authConfigs(confs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return auth, nil
// parseDockerConfig does the json unmarshalling of the data we read from the
// file
func parseDockerConfig(r io.Reader) (map[string]dockerConfig, error) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
byteData := buf.Bytes()
confsWrapper := struct {
Auths map[string]dockerConfig `json:"auths"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(byteData, &confsWrapper); err == nil {
if len(confsWrapper.Auths) > 0 {
return confsWrapper.Auths, nil
var confs map[string]dockerConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(byteData, &confs); err != nil {
return nil, err
return confs, nil
// authConfigs converts a dockerConfigs map to a AuthConfigurations object.
func authConfigs(confs map[string]dockerConfig) (*AuthConfigurations, error) {
c := &AuthConfigurations{
Configs: make(map[string]api.AuthConfig),
for reg, conf := range confs {
if len(conf.Auth) == 0 {
data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(conf.Auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
userpass := strings.SplitN(string(data), ":", 2)
if len(userpass) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse username/password from %s", userpass)
c.Configs[reg] = api.AuthConfig{
Email: conf.Email,
Username: userpass[0],
Password: userpass[1],
ServerAddress: reg,
return c, nil
// end block of 3 methods borrowed from go-dockerclient
// StreamContainerIO starts a goroutine to take data from the reader and
// redirect it to the log function (typically we pass in glog.Error for stderr
// and glog.Info for stdout. The caller should wrap glog functions in a closure
// to ensure accurate line numbers are reported:
// https://github.com/openshift/source-to-image/issues/558 .
// StreamContainerIO returns a channel which is closed after the reader is
// closed.
func StreamContainerIO(r io.Reader, errOutput *string, log func(string)) <-chan struct{} {
c := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
reader := bufio.NewReader(r)
for {
text, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if text != "" {
if errOutput != nil && len(*errOutput) < maxErrorOutput {
*errOutput += text + "\n"
if err != nil {
if glog.Is(2) && err != io.EOF {
glog.V(0).Infof("error: Error reading docker stdout/stderr: %#v", err)
return c
// TODO remove (base, tag, id)
func parseRepositoryTag(repos string) (string, string, string) {
n := strings.Index(repos, "@")
if n >= 0 {
parts := strings.Split(repos, "@")
return parts[0], "", parts[1]
n = strings.LastIndex(repos, ":")
if n < 0 {
return repos, "", ""
if tag := repos[n+1:]; !strings.Contains(tag, "/") {
return repos[:n], tag, ""
return repos, "", ""
// PullImage pulls the Docker image specified by name taking the pull policy
// into the account.
func PullImage(name string, d Docker, policy api.PullPolicy) (*PullResult, error) {
if len(policy) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("the policy for pull image must be set")
var (
image *api.Image
err error
switch policy {
case api.PullIfNotPresent:
image, err = d.CheckAndPullImage(name)
case api.PullAlways:
glog.Infof("Pulling image %q ...", name)
image, err = d.PullImage(name)
case api.PullNever:
glog.Infof("Checking if image %q is available locally ...", name)
image, err = d.CheckImage(name)
return &PullResult{Image: image, OnBuild: d.IsImageOnBuild(name)}, err
// CheckAllowedUser retrieves the execution users for a Docker image and
// checks that user against an allowed range of uids.
// - If the range of users is not empty, then the user on the Docker image
// needs to be a numeric user
// - The user's uid must be contained by the range(s) specified by the uids
// Rangelist
// - If build image uses an assemble user (via a command override or an
// image label), that user must be within the allowed range of uids.
// - If the image contains ONBUILD instructions and those instructions also
// contain any USER directives, then all users specified by those USER directives
// must meet the uid range criteria as well.
func CheckAllowedUser(d Docker, imageName string, uids user.RangeList, isOnbuild bool, assembleUserConfig string) error {
if uids == nil || uids.Empty() {
return nil
// OnBuild users always need to be checked for layered builds
// Only return error if a user is not allowed, otherwise continue
if isOnbuild {
onBuildUsers, err := extractOnBuildUsers(d, imageName)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, usr := range onBuildUsers {
if !user.IsUserAllowed(usr, &uids) {
return s2ierr.NewUserNotAllowedError(imageName, true)
// P1: Assemble user configuration
if len(assembleUserConfig) > 0 {
if !user.IsUserAllowed(assembleUserConfig, &uids) {
// Pass in the override, since assembleUser can come from the image label
return s2ierr.NewAssembleUserNotAllowedError(imageName, true)
return nil
// P2: Assemble user label in image
assembleUser, err := extractAssembleUser(d, imageName)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(assembleUser) > 0 {
if !user.IsUserAllowed(assembleUser, &uids) {
// Pass in the override, since assembleUser can come from the image label
return s2ierr.NewAssembleUserNotAllowedError(imageName, false)
return nil
// Default - image user
imageUser, err := extractImageUser(d, imageName)
if err != nil {
return err
if !user.IsUserAllowed(imageUser, &uids) {
return s2ierr.NewUserNotAllowedError(imageName, false)
return nil
func extractUser(userSpec string) string {
if strings.Contains(userSpec, ":") {
parts := strings.SplitN(userSpec, ":", 2)
return strings.TrimSpace(parts[0])
return strings.TrimSpace(userSpec)
func extractImageUser(d Docker, imageName string) (string, error) {
imageUserSpec, err := d.GetImageUser(imageName)
if err != nil {
return "", err
imageUser := extractUser(imageUserSpec)
return imageUser, nil
var dockerLineDelim = regexp.MustCompile(`[\t\v\f\r ]+`)
// extractOnBuildUsers checks a list of Docker ONBUILD instructions for user
// directives. It returns a list of users specified in the ONBUILD directives.
func extractOnBuildUsers(d Docker, imageName string) ([]string, error) {
cmds, err := d.GetOnBuild(imageName)
var users []string
if err != nil {
return users, err
for _, line := range cmds {
parts := dockerLineDelim.Split(line, 2)
if strings.ToLower(parts[0]) != "user" {
users = append(users, extractUser(parts[1]))
return users, nil
// CheckReachable returns if the Docker daemon is reachable from s2i
func (d *stiDocker) CheckReachable() error {
_, err := d.Version()
return err
func pullAndCheck(image string, docker Docker, pullPolicy api.PullPolicy, config *api.Config) (*PullResult, error) {
r, err := PullImage(image, docker, pullPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = CheckAllowedUser(docker, image, config.AllowedUIDs, r.OnBuild, config.AssembleUser)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil
// GetBuilderImage processes the config and performs operations necessary to
// make the Docker image specified as BuilderImage available locally. It
// returns information about the base image, containing metadata necessary for
// choosing the right STI build strategy.
func GetBuilderImage(docker Docker, config *api.Config) (*PullResult, error) {
return pullAndCheck(config.BuilderImage, docker, config.BuilderPullPolicy, config)
// GetRebuildImage obtains the metadata information for the image specified in
// a s2i rebuild operation. Assumptions are made that the build is available
// locally since it should have been previously built.
func GetRebuildImage(docker Docker, config *api.Config) (*PullResult, error) {
return pullAndCheck(config.Tag, docker, config.BuilderPullPolicy, config)
// GetRuntimeImage processes the config and performs operations necessary to
// make the Docker image specified as RuntimeImage available locally.
func GetRuntimeImage(docker Docker, config *api.Config) error {
_, err := pullAndCheck(config.RuntimeImage, docker, config.RuntimeImagePullPolicy, config)
return err
// GetDefaultDockerConfig checks relevant Docker environment variables to
// provide defaults for our command line flags
func GetDefaultDockerConfig() *api.DockerConfig {
cfg := &api.DockerConfig{}
if cfg.Endpoint = os.Getenv("DOCKER_HOST"); cfg.Endpoint == "" {
cfg.Endpoint = client.DefaultDockerHost
certPath := os.Getenv("DOCKER_CERT_PATH")
if certPath == "" {
certPath = cliconfig.Dir()
cfg.CertFile = filepath.Join(certPath, "cert.pem")
cfg.KeyFile = filepath.Join(certPath, "key.pem")
cfg.CAFile = filepath.Join(certPath, "ca.pem")
if tlsVerify := os.Getenv("DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY"); tlsVerify != "" {
cfg.TLSVerify = true
return cfg
// GetAssembleUser finds an assemble user on the given image.
// This functions receives the config to check if the AssembleUser was defined in command line
// If the cmd is blank, it tries to fetch the value from the Builder Image defined Label (assemble-user)
// Otherwise it follows the common flow, using the USER defined in Dockerfile
func GetAssembleUser(docker Docker, config *api.Config) (string, error) {
if len(config.AssembleUser) > 0 {
return config.AssembleUser, nil
return extractAssembleUser(docker, config.BuilderImage)
func extractAssembleUser(docker Docker, imageName string) (string, error) {
imageData, err := docker.GetLabels(imageName)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return imageData[constants.AssembleUserLabel], nil
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