#include <math.h>
#include <KokkosKernels_IOUtils.hpp>
#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
#include <Kokkos_Random.hpp>
#include <KokkosBlas.hpp>
#include <KokkosBlas3_trsm.hpp>
#include <KokkosSparse_spmv.hpp>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
typedef double ST;
typedef int OT;
typedef Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace EXSP;
using ViewVectorType = Kokkos::View<ST *, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, EXSP>;
using ViewHostVectorType = Kokkos::View<ST *, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::HostSpace>;
using ViewMatrixType = Kokkos::View<ST **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, EXSP>;
std::string filename("gr_30_30.mtx"); // example matrix
bool converged = false;
int m = 50; //Max subspace size before restarting.
double convTol = 1e-10; //Relative residual convergence tolerance.
int cycLim = 50; //Max number of restarts or 'cycles'.
int cycle = 0;
int numIters; //Number of iterations within the cycle before convergence.
double trueRes; //Keep this in double regardless so we know how small error gets.
double nrmB;
double relRes, shortRelRes;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
const std::string &token = argv[i];
if (token == std::string("--filename")) filename = argv[++i];
if (token == std::string("--max-subsp")) m = std::atoi(argv[++i]);
if (token == std::string("--max-restarts")) cycLim = std::atoi(argv[++i]);
if (token == std::string("--tol")) convTol = std::stod(argv[++i]);
if (token == std::string("--help") || token == std::string("-h")) {
std::cout << "Kokkos GMRES solver options:" << std::endl
<< "--filename : The name of a matrix market (.mtx) file for matrix A (Default gr_30_30.mtx)."
<< std::endl
<< "--max-subsp : The maximum size of the Kyrlov subspace before restarting (Default 50)."
<< std::endl
<< "--max-restarts: Maximum number of GMRES restarts (Default 50)." << std::endl
<< "--tol : Convergence tolerance. (Default 1e-8)." << std::endl
<< "--help -h : Display this help message." << std::endl
<< "Example Call : ./Gmres.exe --filename Laplace3D100.mtx --tol 1e-5 --max-subsp 100 "
<< std::endl << std::endl;
return 0;
std::cout << "File to process is: " << filename << std::endl;
std::cout << "Convergence tolerance is: " << convTol << std::endl;
//Initialize Kokkos AFTER parsing parameters:
// Read in a matrix Market file and use it to test the Kokkos Operator.
KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix<ST, OT, EXSP> A =
KokkosKernels::Impl::read_kokkos_crst_matrix<KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix<ST, OT, EXSP>>(filename.c_str());
int n = A.numRows();
ViewVectorType X("X", n); //Solution and initial guess
ViewVectorType Xiter("Xiter", n); //Intermediate solution at iterations before restart.
ViewVectorType B(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("B"), n);//right-hand side vec
ViewVectorType Res(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("Res"), n); //Residual vector
ViewVectorType Wj(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("W_j"), n); //Tmp work vector 1
ViewVectorType TmpVec(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("TmpVec"),
n); //Tmp work vector 2 //TODO is this needed?
ViewHostVectorType GVec_h("GVec", m + 1);
ViewMatrixType GLsSoln("GLsSoln", m, 1);//LS solution vec for Givens Rotation. Must be 2-D for trsm.
ViewMatrixType::HostMirror GLsSoln_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(
GLsSoln); //This one is needed for triangular solve.
ViewHostVectorType CosVal_h("CosVal", m);
ViewHostVectorType SinVal_h("SinVal", m);
ViewMatrixType V(Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing("V"), n, m + 1);
ViewMatrixType VSub; //Subview of 1st m cols for updating soln.
ViewMatrixType Q("Q", m + 1, m); //Q matrix for QR factorization of H //Only used in Arn Rec debug.
ViewMatrixType::HostMirror H_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(Q); //Make H into a host view of Q.
ViewMatrixType RFactor("RFactor", m, m);// Triangular matrix for QR factorization of H
// Make rhs ones so that results are repeatable:
Kokkos::deep_copy(B, 1.0);
//Compute initial residuals:
nrmB = KokkosBlas::nrm2(B);
Kokkos::deep_copy(Res, B);
KokkosSparse::spmv("N", 1.0, A, X, 0.0, Wj); // wj = Ax
KokkosBlas::axpy(-1.0, Wj, Res); // res = res-Wj = b-Ax.
trueRes = KokkosBlas::nrm2(Res);
relRes = trueRes / nrmB;
std::cout << "Initial trueRes is : " << trueRes << std::endl;
while (!converged && cycle < cycLim) {
GVec_h(0) = trueRes;
// Run Arnoldi iteration:
auto Vj = Kokkos::subview(V, Kokkos::ALL, 0);
Kokkos::deep_copy(Vj, Res);
KokkosBlas::scal(Vj, 1.0 / trueRes, Vj); //V0 = V0/norm(V0)
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
KokkosSparse::spmv("N", 1.0, A, Vj, 0.0, Wj); //wj = A*Vj
// Think this is MGS ortho, but 1 vector at a time?
for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
auto Vi = Kokkos::subview(V, Kokkos::ALL, i);
H_h(i, j) = KokkosBlas::dot(Vi, Wj); //Vi^* Wj
KokkosBlas::axpy(-H_h(i, j), Vi, Wj);//wj = wj-Hij*Vi //Host
H_h(j + 1, j) = KokkosBlas::nrm2(Wj);
if (H_h(j + 1, j) < 1e-14) { //Host
throw std::runtime_error("Lucky breakdown");
Vj = Kokkos::subview(V, Kokkos::ALL, j + 1);
KokkosBlas::scal(Vj, 1.0 / H_h(j + 1, j), Wj); // Wj = Vj/H(j+1,j)
//Apply Givens rotation and compute shortcut residual:
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
ST tempVal = CosVal_h(i) * H_h(i, j) + SinVal_h(i) * H_h(i + 1, j);
H_h(i + 1, j) = -SinVal_h(i) * H_h(i, j) + CosVal_h(i) * H_h(i + 1, j);
H_h(i, j) = tempVal;
ST h1 = H_h(j, j);
ST h2 = H_h(j + 1, j);
ST mod = (sqrt(h1 * h1 + h2 * h2));
CosVal_h(j) = h1 / mod;
SinVal_h(j) = h2 / mod;
//Have to apply this Givens rotation outside the loop- requires the values adjusted in loop to compute cos and sin
H_h(j, j) = CosVal_h(j) * H_h(j, j) + SinVal_h(j) * H_h(j + 1, j);
H_h(j + 1, j) = 0.0; //Do this outside of loop so we get an exact zero here.
GVec_h(j + 1) = GVec_h(j) * (-SinVal_h(j));
GVec_h(j) = GVec_h(j) * CosVal_h(j);
shortRelRes = abs(GVec_h(j + 1)) / nrmB;
std::cout << "Shortcut relative residual for iteration " << j + (cycle * m) << " is: " << shortRelRes
<< std::endl;
//If short residual converged, or time to restart, check true residual
if (shortRelRes < convTol || j == m - 1) {
//Compute least squares soln with Givens rotation:
auto GLsSolnSub_h = Kokkos::subview(GLsSoln_h, Kokkos::ALL,
0); //Original view has rank 2, need a rank 1 here.
auto GVecSub_h = Kokkos::subview(GVec_h, Kokkos::make_pair(0, m));
Kokkos::deep_copy(GLsSolnSub_h, GVecSub_h); //Copy LS rhs vec for triangle solve.
auto GLsSolnSub2_h = Kokkos::subview(GLsSoln_h, Kokkos::make_pair(0, j + 1), Kokkos::ALL);
auto H_Sub_h = Kokkos::subview(H_h, Kokkos::make_pair(0, j + 1), Kokkos::make_pair(0, j + 1));
KokkosBlas::trsm("L", "U", "N", "N", 1.0, H_Sub_h, GLsSolnSub2_h); //GLsSoln = H\GLsSoln
Kokkos::deep_copy(GLsSoln, GLsSoln_h);
//Update solution and compute residual with Givens:
VSub = Kokkos::subview(V, Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::make_pair(0, j + 1));
Kokkos::deep_copy(Xiter, X); //Can't overwrite X with intermediate solution.
auto GLsSolnSub3 = Kokkos::subview(GLsSoln, Kokkos::make_pair(0, j + 1), 0);
KokkosBlas::gemv("N", 1.0, VSub, GLsSolnSub3, 1.0, Xiter); //x_iter = x + V(1:j+1)*lsSoln
KokkosSparse::spmv("N", 1.0, A, Xiter, 0.0, Wj); // wj = Ax
Kokkos::deep_copy(Res, B); // Reset r=b.
KokkosBlas::axpy(-1.0, Wj, Res); // r = b-Ax.
trueRes = KokkosBlas::nrm2(Res);
relRes = trueRes / nrmB;
std::cout << "True Givens relative residual for iteration " << j + (cycle * m) << " is : "
<< trueRes / nrmB << std::endl;
numIters = j;
if (relRes < convTol) {
converged = true;
Kokkos::deep_copy(X, Xiter);
//Zero out Givens rotation vector and H matrix.
Kokkos::deep_copy(GVec_h, 0);
Kokkos::deep_copy(H_h, 0);
Kokkos::deep_copy(X, Xiter);
std::cout << "true residual is: " << trueRes << std::endl;
std::cout << "relative residual is: " << relRes << std::endl;
if (converged) {
std::cout << "converged! " << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "did not converge. :( " << std::endl;
std::cout << "The solver completed " << (cycle - 1) * m + numIters << " iterations." << std::endl;
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