

QUANTAXIS 量化金融框架作者


所有 个人的 我参与的
Forks 暂停/关闭的

    yutiansut / linearmodels

    Add linear models including instrumental variable and panel data models that are missing from statsmodels.

    yutiansut / rlink-rs

    High-performance Stream Processing Framework. An alternative to Apache Flink.

    yutiansut / arrow-rs-1

    Official Rust implementation of Apache Arrow

    yutiansut / lead-lag

    Estimation of the lead-lag parameter from non-synchronous data.

    yutiansut / qamarket-rs

    rust for market collection

    yutiansut / smartcore

    SmartCore is a comprehensive library for machine learning and numerical computing. The library provides a set of tools for linear algebra, numerical computing, optimization, and enables a generic, powerful yet still efficient approach to machine learning.

    yutiansut / signal-hook

    Rust library allowing to register multiple handlers for the same signal

    yutiansut / rust-logging

    yutiansut / FinRL-Library

    A Deep Reinforcement Learning Library for Automated Stock Trading in Quantitative Finance, NeurIPS 2020 DRL workshop.

    yutiansut / meilisearch-python

    Python wrapper for the MeiliSearch API

    yutiansut / qlib-server

    Qlib-Server is the data server system for Qlib. It enable Qlib to run in online mode. Under online mode, the data will be deployed as a shared data service. The data and their cache will be shared by all the clients. The data retrieval performance is expected to be improved due to a higher rate of cache hits. It will consume less disk space, too.

    yutiansut / WeChat_Big_Data_Challenge

    yutiansut / k8s-mongodb-cluster


    yutiansut / eli5

    A library for debugging/inspecting machine learning classifiers and explaining their predictions

    yutiansut / fsi-samples

    A collection of open-source GPU accelerated Python tools and examples for quantitative analyst tasks and leverages RAPIDS AI project, Numba, cuDF, and Dask.

    yutiansut / connector-x

    Fastest library to load data from DB to DataFrames in Rust and Python

    yutiansut / kraken

    A high-performance, web standards-compliant rendering engine based on Flutter.

    yutiansut / rubick

    🔧 基于 electron 的开源工具箱,自由集成丰富插件。

    yutiansut / TexasSolver

    c++ Texas Holdem solver
