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AIHelp iOS SDK Integration Guide

  1. SDK supports iOS versions 8 and above.
  2. Party A is obliged to use Party B's services according to the correct plug-in method and calling method described by Party B's documents. If Party A uses any technical method to influence Party B's billing, Party B will have the right to notify Party A while unilaterally terminating the service immediately and ask Party A to assume responsibility for infulencing the billing of Party B.

Ⅰ. Download iOS SDK

Click the button "Clone or download" in the top right corner to download iOS SDK and then unzip the file.

Ⅱ. Import ElvaChatServiceSDK into project

  1. Copy the ElvaChatServiceSDK folder to your main directory.

Ⅲ. Project Settings

  1. Add -ObjC to Build Settings->Other Linker Flags.
  2. Add framework to Link Binary with Libraries:
    WebKit.framework libsqlite3.tbd
  3. Please check the Info.plist and TARGETS->info->Custom iOS Target Properties in your project file for these permissions:
    Privacy - Camera Usage Description
    Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description
    Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description
    Privacy - Microphone Usage Description

IV、SDK initialization(Must be called during application initialization, otherwise you can't use AIHelp properly)

Party A is obliged to use Party B's services according to the correct plug-in method and calling method described by Party B's documents. If Party A uses any technical method to influence Party B's billing, Party B will have the right to notify Party A while unilaterally terminating the service immediately and ask Party A to assume responsibility for infulencing the billing of Party B.

  1. Introduce header file #import <ElvaChatServiceSDK/ElvaChatServiceSDK.h>
  2. In the application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptionsmethod of AppDelegate of the project, the SDK initialization method is invoked.
[ECServiceSdk init:app_key 

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
app_key Your unique Developer API Key. Can be obtained from our web management system by APP Key
app_domain Your AIHelp Domain Name. For example: foo.AIHELP.NET. Can be obtained from our web management system by Domain
app_id A unique ID Assigned to your App. Can be obtained from our web management system by Platforms(AppID)

Note: Please log into AIHelp Web Console with your registered email account to find the APP Key, Domain and Platforms(AppID) In the Application page of the Settings Menu. If your company doesn't have an account, you need to register an account at AIHelp Website

Coding Example:(Must be called during application initialization, otherwise you can't use AIHelp properly)
Party A is obliged to use Party B's services according to the correct plug-in method and calling method described by Party B's documents. If Party A uses any technical method to influence Party B's billing, Party B will have the right to notify Party A while unilaterally terminating the service immediately and ask Party A to assume responsibility for infulencing the billing of Party B.

[ECServiceSdk init:@"YOUR_API_KEY"

Start using SDK

1. API Summary:

Method Purpose Prerequisites
showElva Launch AI Conversation Interface
showConversation Launch Manual Conversation Interface Need to setUserName and setUserId
showElvaOP Launch Operation Interface Need to configure Operation Sections
showFAQs Show all FAQs by Sections Need to Configure FAQs,Need to setUserName and setUserId
showFAQSection Show FAQ Section Need to Configure FAQs,Need to setUserName and setUserId
showSingleFAQ Show Single FAQ Need to Configure FAQ,Need to setUserName and setUserId
setSDKLanguage Set SDK Language By default, the phone system language setting is used, and the in-app setting language can be called after setting
setRootViewController Set up a view controller for popping up 'AIHelp'
setSDKInterfaceOrientationMask SDK display orientation Requite the orientation permissions of the device
setName Set Your App's Name for AIHelp SDK to Display Use it After Initialization
setUserId Set unique User ID.If there is no uid,use string @"",The system automatically generates a unique user ID
setUserName Set User In-App Name.If there is no uname,use string @"",The system uses the default nickname "anonymous"
setServerId Set Unique Server ID

Note:It is not necessary for you to use all the APIs, especially when you only have one user interface for the customer service in your application. Some APIs already contains entry to other APIs, see below for details

2. Launch the AI Conversation Interface, Use showElva:

[ECServiceSdk showElva:playerName


[ECServiceSdk showElva:playerName

Coding Example:

//You need to add the same label to'AIHelp Web Console'before it takes effect.
NSMutableArray * tags = [NSMutableArray array]; //Definition of `tag` container
[tags addObject:@"vip"];
[tags addObject:@"pay1"];

NSMutableDictionary *customData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];////Definition of `customData` container
[customData setObject:tags forKey:@"elva-tags"]; //Add `Tag` label
[customData setObject:@"1.0.0" forKey:@"VersionCode"];  //Add `custom` parameters

NSMutableDictionary *config = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; //Definition of `config` container
[config setObject:customData forKey:@"elva-custom-metadata"]; //Store `customData` in containers

[ECServiceSdk showElva:@"USER_NAME"

/* `config` sample content
    "elva-custom-metadata": {
        "elva-tags": [
        "VersionCode": "1.0.0"

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
playerName In-App User Name.If there is no uname,use string @"",The system uses the default nickname "anonymous"
playerUid In-App Unique User ID.If there is no uid,use string @"",The system automatically generates a unique user ID
serverId The Server ID
playerParseId Can be empty string, can NOT be NULL.
showConversationFlag Should be "0" or "1". If set "1", the manual conversation entry will be displayed in the upper right hand side of the AI conversation interface.
config Optional parameters for custom Dictionary information. You can pass specific Tag information using vector elva-tags, see the above coding example. Please note you also need to configure the same tag information in the Web console so that each conversation can be correctly tagged.

Best Practice:

  1. Use this method to launch your APP's customer service. Configure specific welcome texts and AI story lines in the AIHelp Web Console to better the customer support experiences.
  2. Enable Manual Conversation Entry to allow users' to chat with your customer support team with the parameter "showConversationFlag" setting to "1", you may use this method for any user or as a privilege for some users only.

3. Launch manual chat console, use showConversation (need to set UserName) :

[ECServiceSdk showConversation:playerUid ServerId:serverId];


[ECServiceSdk showConversation:playerUid ServerId:serverId Config:config];

Coding Example:

[ECServiceSdk setUserName:@"PLAYER_NAME"];  //This method needs to be invoked first

//You need to add the same label to'AIHelp Web Console'before it takes effect.
NSMutableArray * tags = [NSMutableArray array]; //Definition of `tag` container
[tags addObject:@"vip"];
[tags addObject:@"pay1"];

NSMutableDictionary *customData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];////Definition of `customData` container
[customData setObject:tags forKey:@"elva-tags"]; //Add `Tag` label
[customData setObject:@"1.0.0" forKey:@"VersionCode"];  //Add `custom` parameters

NSMutableDictionary *config = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; //Definition of `config` container
[config setObject:customData forKey:@"elva-custom-metadata"]; //Store `customData` in containers

[ECServiceSdk showConversation:@"PLAYER_ID" 

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
playerUid Unique User ID.If there is no uid,use string @"",The system automatically generates a unique user ID
serverId: The Unique Server ID
config Custom Dictionary information. You can pass specific Tag information using vector elva-tags, see the above coding example. Please note that you also need to configure the same tag information in the Web console to make each conversation be correctly tagged.

Best Practice:

  1. Normally you don not need to use this method unless you intend to allow users to enter manual conversations without engaging with the AI chat. You may use this method as a privilege for some users.

4. Launch The Operation Interface, use showElvaOP:

The operation module is useful when you want to present updates, news, articles or any background information about your APP/Game to users.

[ECServiceSdk showElvaOP:playerName 


[ECServiceSdk showElvaOP:playerName 

Coding Example:

//You need to add the same label to'AIHelp Web Console'before it takes effect.
NSMutableArray * tags = [NSMutableArray array]; //Definition of `tag` container
[tags addObject:@"vip"];
[tags addObject:@"pay1"];

NSMutableDictionary *customData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];////Definition of `customData` container
[customData setObject:tags forKey:@"elva-tags"]; //Add `Tag` label
[customData setObject:@"1.0.0" forKey:@"VersionCode"];  //Add `custom` parameters

NSMutableDictionary *config = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; //Definition of `config` container
[config setObject:customData forKey:@"elva-custom-metadata"]; //Store `customData` in containers

[ECServiceSdk showElvaOP:@"USER_NAME" 

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
playerName User Name in Game/APP.If there is no uname,use string @"",The system uses the default nickname "anonymous"
playerUid Unique User ID.If there is no uid,use string @"",The system automatically generates a unique user ID
serverId The Server ID
playerParseId Can be empty string, can NOT be NULL.
showConversationFlag Should be "0" or "1". If set at "1", the manual conversation entry will be shown in the top right-hand corner of the AI conversation interface.
config Custom Dictionary information. You can pass specific Tag information using vector elva-tags, see the above coding example. Please note that you also need to configure the same tag information in the Web console so that each conversation can be correctly tagged.
defaultTabIndex Optional. The index of the first tab will to be shown when entering the operation interface. Default value is 0, default value of is the left-most tab, if you would like to show the AI conversation interface(the right-most) should be set to 999.

Best Practice:

  1. Use this API to present news, announcements, articles or any useful information to users. Configure and publish the information in AIHelp web console.

5. Display FAQs, use showFAQs (need to set setUserName and set setUserId) :

[ECServiceSdk showFAQs];


[ECServiceSdk showFAQs:config];

Coding Example:

// Presenting FAQs to your customers
[ECServiceSdk setUserName:@"PLAYER_NAME"];
[ECServiceSdk setUserId:@"123ABC567DEF"];

//You need to add the same label to'AIHelp Web Console'before it takes effect.
NSMutableArray * tags = [NSMutableArray array]; //Definition of `tag` container
[tags addObject:@"vip"];
[tags addObject:@"pay1"];

NSMutableDictionary *customData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];////Definition of `customData` container
[customData setObject:tags forKey:@"elva-tags"]; //Add `Tag` label
[customData setObject:@"1.0.0" forKey:@"VersionCode"];  //Add `custom` parameters

NSMutableDictionary *config = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; //Definition of `config` container
[config setObject:customData forKey:@"elva-custom-metadata"]; //Store `customData` in containers

//I、Contact us button display logic
//    0、Default: Not displayed,In FAQ details page,Click the 'No' button to display the 'Contact Us' button.
//    1、Always displayed: set 'showContactButtonFlag', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"showContactButtonFlag"];
//    2、Keep hiden: set the 'hideContactButtonFlag', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"hideContactButtonFlag"];

//II、Click the contact us button
//    0、Default: Enter the robot page
//    1、Conversation: set 'directConversation', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"directConversation"];
//    2、Robot+Conversation: set 'showConversationFlag', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"showConversationFlag"];

[ECServiceSdk showFAQs:config];

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
config Custom Dictionary information. You can pass specific Tag information using vector elva-tags, see above coding example. Please note that you also need to configure the same tag information in the Web console to make each conversation be correctly tagged.

Best Practice:

  1. Use this method to show FAQs about your APP/Game properly. Configure FAQs in AIHelp Web Console. Each FAQ can be categroized into a section. If the FAQs are great in number, you can also add Parent Sections to categorize sections to make things clear and organized.

6. Display section "FAQ", use showFAQSection (need to set setUserName and set setUserId) :

[ECServiceSdk showFAQSection:sectionPublishId];


[ECServiceSdk showFAQSection:sectionPublishId Config:config];

Coding Example:

// Presenting FAQs to your customers
[ECServiceSdk setUserName:@"PLAYER_NAME"];
[ECServiceSdk setUserId:@"123ABC567DEF"];

//You need to add the same label to'AIHelp Web Console'before it takes effect.
NSMutableArray * tags = [NSMutableArray array]; //Definition of `tag` container
[tags addObject:@"vip"];
[tags addObject:@"pay1"];

NSMutableDictionary *customData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];////Definition of `customData` container
[customData setObject:tags forKey:@"elva-tags"]; //Add `Tag` label
[customData setObject:@"1.0.0" forKey:@"VersionCode"];  //Add `custom` parameters

NSMutableDictionary *config = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; //Definition of `config` container
[config setObject:customData forKey:@"elva-custom-metadata"]; //Store `customData` in containers

//I、Contact us button display logic
//    0、Default: Not displayed,In FAQ details page,Click the 'No' button to display the 'Contact Us' button.
//    1、Always displayed: set 'showContactButtonFlag', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"showContactButtonFlag"];
//    2、Keep hiden: set the 'hideContactButtonFlag', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"hideContactButtonFlag"];

//II、Click the contact us button
//    0、Default: Enter the robot page
//    1、Conversation: set 'directConversation', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"directConversation"];
//    2、Robot+Conversation: set 'showConversationFlag', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"showConversationFlag"];

[ECServiceSdk showFAQSection:@"100" Config:config];

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
sectionPublishId The PublishID of the FAQ item, you can check it at AIHelp Web Console: Find the FAQ in the FAQ menu and copy its PublishID.
config Custom Dictionary information. You can pass specific Tag information using vector elva-tags, see above coding example. Please note that you also need to configure the same tag information in the Web console to make each conversation be correctly tagged.

7. Show A Specific FAQ, use showSingleFAQ (need to set setUserName and set setUserId) :

[ECServiceSdk showSingleFAQ:faqId];


[ECServiceSdk showSingleFAQ:faqId Config:config];

Coding Example:

// Presenting FAQs to your customers
[ECServiceSdk setUserName:@"PLAYER_NAME"];
[ECServiceSdk setUserId:@"123ABC567DEF"];

//You need to add the same label to'AIHelp Web Console'before it takes effect.
NSMutableArray * tags = [NSMutableArray array]; //Definition of `tag` container
[tags addObject:@"vip"];
[tags addObject:@"pay1"];

NSMutableDictionary *customData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];////Definition of `customData` container
[customData setObject:tags forKey:@"elva-tags"]; //Add `Tag` label
[customData setObject:@"1.0.0" forKey:@"VersionCode"];  //Add `custom` parameters

NSMutableDictionary *config = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; //Definition of `config` container
[config setObject:customData forKey:@"elva-custom-metadata"]; //Store `customData` in containers

//I、Contact us button display logic
//    0、Default: Not displayed,In FAQ details page,Click the 'No' button to display the 'Contact Us' button.
//    1、Always displayed: set 'showContactButtonFlag', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"showContactButtonFlag"];
//    2、Keep hiden: set the 'hideContactButtonFlag', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"hideContactButtonFlag"];

//II、Click the contact us button
//    0、Default: Enter the robot page
//    1、Conversation: set 'directConversation', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"directConversation"];
//    2、Robot+Conversation: set 'showConversationFlag', add below code to your source
//        [config setObject:@"1" forKey:@"showConversationFlag"];

[ECServiceSdk showSingleFAQ:@"20" Config:config];

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
faqId Number of FAQ. Open AIHelp Background and find the FAQ number of the specified FAQ under the Robot Frequent Questions page. Note that this FAQID cannot fill in the FAQ number that does not exist in the customer service backstage.
config Custom Dictionary information. You can pass specific Tag information using vector elva-tags, see the above coding example. Please note that you also need to configure the same tag information in the Web console to make each conversation be correctly tagged.

Note:If the FAQ's SelfServiceInterface is configured in the AIHelp background, and the SDK is configured with related parameters, the FAQ will be displayed, and the function menu will be provided in the upper right corner to call the related self-service.


Best Practice:

  1. Use this method when you want to show a specific FAQ in a proper location of your APP/Game.

8. Set Your App's Name for AIHelp SDK to Display, use setName:

[ECServiceSdk setName:game_name];

Coding Example:

[ECServiceSdk setName:@"Your Game"];

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
game_name APP/Game Name

Best Practice:

  1. Use this method after the SDK initialization.The App's name will be displayed in the title bar of the customer service interface.

9. Set the Unique User ID, use setUserId:

[ECServiceSdk setUserId:playerUid];

Coding Example:

[ECServiceSdk setUserId:@"123ABC567DEF"];

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
playerUid Unique User ID.If there is no uid,use string @"",The system automatically generates a unique user ID

Best Practice:

  1. Normally you do not need to use this method if you have passed the user ID in another method.

10. Set User Name, use setUserName:

[ECServiceSdk setUserName:playerName];

Coding Example:

[ECServiceSdk setUserName:@"PLAYER_NAME"];

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
playerName User Name.If there is no uname,use string @"",The system uses the default nickname "anonymous"

Best Practice:

  1. Use this method to set the user name, which will be shown in the web console's conversation page for the user. You can address the user with this name during the chat.
  2. Normally you don't need to use this method if you have passed user name in other method.

11. Set Unique Server ID, use setServerId:

[ECServiceSdk setServerId:serverId];

Coding Example:

[ECServiceSdk setServerId:@"SERVER_ID"];

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
serverId The Unique Server ID

Best Practice:

  1. Normally you don not need to use this method if you have passed the server ID in another method.

12. Set the SDK Language, use setSDKLanguage:

Setting the SDK Language will change the FAQs, Operational information, AI Chat and SDK display language.

[ECServiceSdk setSDKLanguage:language];

Coding Example:

[ECServiceSdk setSDKLanguage:@"en"];

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
language Standard Language Alias. For example: en is for English, zh_CN is for Simplified Chinese. More language labels can be viewed at AIHelp Web Console:"Settings"-->"Language"->Alias.
Language Alias

Best Practice:

  1. Normally AIHelp will use the mobile's language configuration by default. If you intend to make a different language setting, you need to use this method right after the SDK initialization.
  2. If your allow users to change the APP language, then you need to use this method to make AIHelp the same lanague as your APP.

13.Set a Different Greeting Story Line.

If your APP provides multiple entries to AIHelp, and you intend to introduce different AI welcome texts and story lines to users from different entries, you can set config parameter in showElva or showElvaOP

NSMutableDictionary *welcomeText = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[welcomeText setObject:@"usersay" forKey:@"anotherWelcomeText"];

**Coding Example**

//You need to add the same label to'AIHelp Web Console'before it takes effect.
NSMutableArray * tags = [NSMutableArray array]; //Definition of `tag` container
[tags addObject:@"vip"];
[tags addObject:@"pay1"];

NSMutableDictionary *customData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];////Definition of `customData` container
[customData setObject:tags forKey:@"elva-tags"]; //Add `Tag` label
[customData setObject:@"1.0.0" forKey:@"VersionCode"];  //Add `custom` parameters

// note:anotherWelcomeText is key, should be unchanged.
[customData setObject:@"usersay" forKey:@"anotherWelcomeText"]; //Set a Different Greeting Story Line

NSMutableDictionary *config = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; //Definition of `config` container
[config setObject:customData forKey:@"elva-custom-metadata"]; //Store `customData` in containers
[ECServiceSdk showElva:@"TEST_PLAYER_NAME"


[ECServiceSdk showElvaOP:@"TEST_PLAYER_NAME"


[ECServiceSdk setUserName:@"PLAYER_NAME"];  
[ECServiceSdk setUserId:@"123ABC567DEF"];   
[ECServiceSdk showFAQs:config];

Best Practice:

  1. Introduce different story lines to users from different sources.

14.Set different artificial greetings

If you want to customize the welcome message of the manual customer service, you need to pass a new pair of keys in the configuration parameters of the corresponding interface. The key is: "private_welcome_str", valued for the customized content you want code example:

NSMutableDictionary *customData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// note:private_welcome_str is key, should be unchanged.
[customData setObject:@"usersay" forKey:@"private_welcome_str"];//Set different artificial greetings

NSMutableDictionary *config = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; 
[config setObject:customData forKey:@"elva-custom-metadata"];

[ECServiceSdk showElva:@"TEST_PLAYER_NAME"

Best Practice:

  1. Introduce different story lines to users from different sources.

15. setRootViewController, use setRootViewController:

Coding Example:

[ECServiceSdk setRootViewController:viewController];

About Parameters:

Parameters Description
viewController Set up a view controller for popping up 'AIHelp'

Best Practice:

  1. If there are multiple windows and the interface such as showElva is called directly, the interface is called when the page cannot pop up.

16.Set SDK display orientation

I、Set orientation permissions

case 1: Click Project->General->Deployment Info->Device Orientation and enable Portrait,Upside Down,Upside Down,Landscape Right case 2: In AppDelegate,add application:supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow: method and returns the device orientations that the device needs to support

- (UIInterfaceOrientationMask)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window {
    return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll;

1:The camera and photo album functions are used to upload pictures in the form. You must enable the UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait option, otherwise the application will crash when calling the camera function.
2:If the game is in landscape orientation and the vertical screen permission is enabled, which affects the orientation of the game, you can add the supportedInterfaceOrientations method to the RootViewController.m file and return the supported orientation of the game

- (UIInterfaceOrientationMask)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
    return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscape;
II、SDK display orientation

code example:

//demo 1  Support all orientations in SDK display orientation setting
[ECServiceSdk setSDKInterfaceOrientationMask:UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll];

//demo 2  Support landscape orientation in SDK display orientation setting
[ECServiceSdk setSDKInterfaceOrientationMask:UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscape];

//demo 3  Support vertical orientations in SDK display orientation setting
[ECServiceSdk setSDKInterfaceOrientationMask:UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait];

About Parameters:

typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, UIInterfaceOrientationMask) {


Copyright 2015 ShareFun Network Limited.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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