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tcp.go 5.82 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
urso 提交于 9年前 . Improve tcp debug output
package tcp
import (
const TCP_MAX_DATA_IN_STREAM = 10 * (1 << 20)
const (
TcpDirectionReverse = 0
TcpDirectionOriginal = 1
type Tcp struct {
id uint32
streams *common.Cache
portMap map[uint16]protos.Protocol
protocols protos.Protocols
type Processor interface {
Process(tcphdr *layers.TCP, pkt *protos.Packet)
var (
debugf = logp.MakeDebug("tcp")
isDebug = false
func (tcp *Tcp) getId() uint32 {
tcp.id += 1
return tcp.id
func (tcp *Tcp) decideProtocol(tuple *common.IpPortTuple) protos.Protocol {
protocol, exists := tcp.portMap[tuple.Src_port]
if exists {
return protocol
protocol, exists = tcp.portMap[tuple.Dst_port]
if exists {
return protocol
return protos.UnknownProtocol
func (tcp *Tcp) findStream(k common.HashableIpPortTuple) *TcpConnection {
v := tcp.streams.Get(k)
if v != nil {
return v.(*TcpConnection)
return nil
type TcpConnection struct {
id uint32
tuple *common.IpPortTuple
protocol protos.Protocol
tcptuple common.TcpTuple
tcp *Tcp
lastSeq [2]uint32
// protocols private data
data protos.ProtocolData
type TcpStream struct {
conn *TcpConnection
dir uint8
func (conn *TcpConnection) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("TcpStream id[%d] tuple[%s] protocol[%s] lastSeq[%d %d]",
conn.id, conn.tuple, conn.protocol, conn.lastSeq[0], conn.lastSeq[1])
func (stream *TcpStream) addPacket(pkt *protos.Packet, tcphdr *layers.TCP) {
conn := stream.conn
mod := conn.tcp.protocols.GetTcp(conn.protocol)
if mod == nil {
if isDebug {
protocol := conn.protocol
debugf("Ignoring protocol for which we have no module loaded: %s",
if len(pkt.Payload) > 0 {
conn.data = mod.Parse(pkt, &conn.tcptuple, stream.dir, conn.data)
if tcphdr.FIN {
conn.data = mod.ReceivedFin(&conn.tcptuple, stream.dir, conn.data)
func (stream *TcpStream) gapInStream(nbytes int) (drop bool) {
conn := stream.conn
mod := conn.tcp.protocols.GetTcp(conn.protocol)
conn.data, drop = mod.GapInStream(&conn.tcptuple, stream.dir, nbytes, conn.data)
return drop
func (tcp *Tcp) Process(tcphdr *layers.TCP, pkt *protos.Packet) {
// This Recover should catch all exceptions in
// protocol modules.
defer logp.Recover("Process tcp exception")
stream, created := tcp.getStream(pkt)
if stream.conn == nil {
conn := stream.conn
tcp_start_seq := tcphdr.Seq
tcp_seq := tcp_start_seq + uint32(len(pkt.Payload))
lastSeq := conn.lastSeq[stream.dir]
if isDebug {
debugf("pkt.start_seq=%v pkt.last_seq=%v stream.last_seq=%v (len=%d)",
tcp_start_seq, tcp_seq, lastSeq, len(pkt.Payload))
if len(pkt.Payload) > 0 && lastSeq != 0 {
if tcpSeqBeforeEq(tcp_seq, lastSeq) {
if isDebug {
debugf("Ignoring retransmitted segment. pkt.seq=%v len=%v stream.seq=%v",
tcphdr.Seq, len(pkt.Payload), lastSeq)
if tcpSeqBefore(lastSeq, tcp_start_seq) {
if !created {
gap := int(tcp_start_seq - lastSeq)
logp.Warn("Gap in tcp stream. last_seq: %d, seq: %d, gap: %d", lastSeq, tcp_start_seq, gap)
drop := stream.gapInStream(gap)
if drop {
if isDebug {
debugf("Dropping connection state because of gap")
// drop application layer connection state and
// update stream_id for app layer analysers using stream_id for lookups
conn.id = tcp.getId()
conn.data = nil
conn.lastSeq[stream.dir] = tcp_seq
stream.addPacket(pkt, tcphdr)
func (tcp *Tcp) getStream(pkt *protos.Packet) (stream TcpStream, created bool) {
if conn := tcp.findStream(pkt.Tuple.Hashable()); conn != nil {
return TcpStream{conn: conn, dir: TcpDirectionOriginal}, false
if conn := tcp.findStream(pkt.Tuple.RevHashable()); conn != nil {
return TcpStream{conn: conn, dir: TcpDirectionReverse}, false
protocol := tcp.decideProtocol(&pkt.Tuple)
if protocol == protos.UnknownProtocol {
// don't follow
return TcpStream{}, false
var timeout time.Duration
mod := tcp.protocols.GetTcp(protocol)
if mod != nil {
timeout = mod.ConnectionTimeout()
if isDebug {
t := pkt.Tuple
debugf("Connection src[%s:%d] dst[%s:%d] doesn't exist, creating new",
t.Src_ip.String(), t.Src_port,
t.Dst_ip.String(), t.Dst_port)
conn := &TcpConnection{
id: tcp.getId(),
tuple: &pkt.Tuple,
protocol: protocol,
tcp: tcp}
conn.tcptuple = common.TcpTupleFromIpPort(conn.tuple, conn.id)
tcp.streams.PutWithTimeout(pkt.Tuple.Hashable(), conn, timeout)
return TcpStream{conn: conn, dir: TcpDirectionOriginal}, true
func tcpSeqBefore(seq1 uint32, seq2 uint32) bool {
return int32(seq1-seq2) < 0
func tcpSeqBeforeEq(seq1 uint32, seq2 uint32) bool {
return int32(seq1-seq2) <= 0
func buildPortsMap(plugins map[protos.Protocol]protos.TcpProtocolPlugin) (map[uint16]protos.Protocol, error) {
var res = map[uint16]protos.Protocol{}
for proto, protoPlugin := range plugins {
for _, port := range protoPlugin.GetPorts() {
old_proto, exists := res[uint16(port)]
if exists {
if old_proto == proto {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Duplicate port (%d) exists in %s and %s protocols",
port, old_proto, proto)
res[uint16(port)] = proto
return res, nil
// Creates and returns a new Tcp.
func NewTcp(p protos.Protocols) (*Tcp, error) {
isDebug = logp.IsDebug("tcp")
portMap, err := buildPortsMap(p.GetAllTcp())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tcp := &Tcp{
protocols: p,
portMap: portMap,
streams: common.NewCache(
if isDebug {
debugf("tcp", "Port map: %v", portMap)
return tcp, nil
马建仓 AI 助手
