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dns_tcp.go 7.70 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package dns
import (
mkdns "github.com/miekg/dns"
const MaxDnsMessageSize = (1 << 16) - 1
// RFC 1035
// The 2 first bytes contain the length of the message
const DecodeOffset = 2
// DnsStream contains DNS data from one side of a TCP transmission. A pair
// of DnsStream's are used to represent the full conversation.
type DnsStream struct {
tcpTuple *common.TcpTuple
rawData []byte
parseOffset int
message *DnsMessage
// dnsConnectionData contains two DnsStream's that hold data from a complete TCP
// transmission. Element zero contains the response data. Element one contains
// the request data.
// prevRequest (previous Request) is used to add Notes to a transaction when a failing answer is encountered
type dnsConnectionData struct {
Data [2]*DnsStream
prevRequest *DnsMessage
func (dns *Dns) Parse(pkt *protos.Packet, tcpTuple *common.TcpTuple, dir uint8, private protos.ProtocolData) protos.ProtocolData {
defer logp.Recover("Dns ParseTcp")
debugf("Parsing packet addressed with %s of length %d.",
pkt.Tuple.String(), len(pkt.Payload))
conn := ensureDnsConnection(private)
conn = dns.doParse(conn, pkt, tcpTuple, dir)
if conn == nil {
return nil
return conn
func ensureDnsConnection(private protos.ProtocolData) *dnsConnectionData {
if private == nil {
return &dnsConnectionData{}
conn, ok := private.(*dnsConnectionData)
if !ok {
logp.Warn("Dns connection data type error, create new one")
return &dnsConnectionData{}
if conn == nil {
logp.Warn("Unexpected: dns connection data not set, create new one")
return &dnsConnectionData{}
return conn
func (dns *Dns) doParse(conn *dnsConnectionData, pkt *protos.Packet, tcpTuple *common.TcpTuple, dir uint8) *dnsConnectionData {
stream := conn.Data[dir]
payload := pkt.Payload
if stream == nil {
stream = newStream(pkt, tcpTuple)
conn.Data[dir] = stream
} else {
if stream.message == nil { // nth message of the same stream
stream.message = &DnsMessage{Ts: pkt.Ts, Tuple: pkt.Tuple}
stream.rawData = append(stream.rawData, payload...)
if len(stream.rawData) > tcp.TCP_MAX_DATA_IN_STREAM {
debugf("Stream data too large, dropping DNS stream")
conn.Data[dir] = nil
return conn
decodedData, err := stream.handleTcpRawData()
if err != nil {
if err == IncompleteMsg {
debugf("Waiting for more raw data")
return conn
if dir == tcp.TcpDirectionReverse {
dns.publishResponseError(conn, err)
debugf("%s addresses %s, length %d", err.Error(),
tcpTuple.String(), len(stream.rawData))
// This means that malformed requests or responses are being sent...
// TODO: publish the situation also if Request
conn.Data[dir] = nil
return conn
dns.messageComplete(conn, tcpTuple, dir, decodedData)
return conn
func newStream(pkt *protos.Packet, tcpTuple *common.TcpTuple) *DnsStream {
return &DnsStream{
tcpTuple: tcpTuple,
rawData: pkt.Payload,
message: &DnsMessage{Ts: pkt.Ts, Tuple: pkt.Tuple},
func (dns *Dns) messageComplete(conn *dnsConnectionData, tcpTuple *common.TcpTuple, dir uint8, decodedData *mkdns.Msg) {
dns.handleDns(conn, tcpTuple, decodedData, dir)
func (dns *Dns) handleDns(conn *dnsConnectionData, tcpTuple *common.TcpTuple, decodedData *mkdns.Msg, dir uint8) {
message := conn.Data[dir].message
dnsTuple := DnsTupleFromIpPort(&message.Tuple, TransportTcp, decodedData.Id)
message.CmdlineTuple = procs.ProcWatcher.FindProcessesTuple(tcpTuple.IpPort())
message.Data = decodedData
message.Length += DecodeOffset
if decodedData.Response {
dns.receivedDnsResponse(&dnsTuple, message)
conn.prevRequest = nil
} else /* Query */ {
dns.receivedDnsRequest(&dnsTuple, message)
conn.prevRequest = message
func (stream *DnsStream) PrepareForNewMessage() {
stream.rawData = stream.rawData[stream.parseOffset:]
stream.message = nil
stream.parseOffset = 0
func (dns *Dns) ReceivedFin(tcpTuple *common.TcpTuple, dir uint8, private protos.ProtocolData) protos.ProtocolData {
if private == nil {
return nil
conn, ok := private.(*dnsConnectionData)
if !ok {
return private
stream := conn.Data[dir]
if stream == nil || stream.message == nil {
return conn
decodedData, err := stream.handleTcpRawData()
if err == nil {
dns.messageComplete(conn, tcpTuple, dir, decodedData)
return conn
if dir == tcp.TcpDirectionReverse {
dns.publishResponseError(conn, err)
debugf("%s addresses %s, length %d", err.Error(),
tcpTuple.String(), len(stream.rawData))
return conn
func (dns *Dns) GapInStream(tcpTuple *common.TcpTuple, dir uint8, nbytes int, private protos.ProtocolData) (priv protos.ProtocolData, drop bool) {
if private == nil {
return private, true
conn, ok := private.(*dnsConnectionData)
if !ok {
return private, false
stream := conn.Data[dir]
if stream == nil || stream.message == nil {
return private, false
decodedData, err := stream.handleTcpRawData()
if err == nil {
dns.messageComplete(conn, tcpTuple, dir, decodedData)
return private, true
if dir == tcp.TcpDirectionReverse {
dns.publishResponseError(conn, err)
debugf("%s addresses %s, length %d", err.Error(),
tcpTuple.String(), len(stream.rawData))
debugf("Dropping the stream %s", tcpTuple.String())
// drop the stream because it is binary Data and it would be unexpected to have a decodable message later
return private, true
// Add Notes to the transaction about a failure in the response
// Publish and remove the transaction
func (dns *Dns) publishResponseError(conn *dnsConnectionData, err error) {
streamOrigin := conn.Data[tcp.TcpDirectionOriginal]
streamReverse := conn.Data[tcp.TcpDirectionReverse]
if streamOrigin == nil || conn.prevRequest == nil || streamReverse == nil {
dataOrigin := conn.prevRequest.Data
dnsTupleOrigin := DnsTupleFromIpPort(&conn.prevRequest.Tuple, TransportTcp, dataOrigin.Id)
hashDnsTupleOrigin := (&dnsTupleOrigin).Hashable()
trans := dns.deleteTransaction(hashDnsTupleOrigin)
if trans == nil { // happens if Parse, Gap or Fin already published the response error
errDns, ok := err.(*DNSError)
if !ok {
trans.Notes = append(trans.Notes, errDns.ResponseError())
// Should we publish the length (bytes_out) of the failed Response?
//streamReverse.message.Length = len(streamReverse.rawData)
//trans.Response = streamReverse.message
// Manages data length prior to decoding the data and manages errors after decoding
func (stream *DnsStream) handleTcpRawData() (*mkdns.Msg, error) {
rawData := stream.rawData
messageLength := len(rawData)
if messageLength < DecodeOffset {
return nil, IncompleteMsg
if stream.message.Length == 0 {
stream.message.Length = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(rawData[:DecodeOffset]))
messageLength := stream.message.Length
stream.parseOffset = messageLength + DecodeOffset
// TODO: This means that malformed requests or responses are being sent or
// that someone is attempting to the DNS port for non-DNS traffic.
// We might want to publish this in the future, for security reasons
if messageLength <= 0 {
return nil, ZeroLengthMsg
if messageLength > MaxDnsMessageSize { // Should never be true though ...
return nil, UnexpectedLengthMsg
if messageLength < stream.parseOffset {
return nil, IncompleteMsg
decodedData, err := decodeDnsData(TransportTcp, rawData[:stream.parseOffset])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return decodedData, nil
马建仓 AI 助手
