package http
import (
var debugf = logp.MakeDebug("http")
var detailedf = logp.MakeDebug("httpdetailed")
type parserState uint8
const (
stateStart parserState = iota
var (
unmatchedResponses = expvar.NewInt("http.unmatched_responses")
type stream struct {
tcptuple *common.TcpTuple
data []byte
parseOffset int
parseState parserState
bodyReceived int
message *message
type httpConnectionData struct {
Streams [2]*stream
requests messageList
responses messageList
type messageList struct {
head, tail *message
// HTTP application level protocol analyser plugin.
type HTTP struct {
// config
Ports []int
SendRequest bool
SendResponse bool
SplitCookie bool
HideKeywords []string
RedactAuthorization bool
IncludeBodyFor []string
parserConfig parserConfig
transactionTimeout time.Duration
results publish.Transactions
var (
isDebug = false
isDetailed = false
func init() {
protos.Register("http", New)
func New(
testMode bool,
results publish.Transactions,
cfg *common.Config,
) (protos.Plugin, error) {
p := &HTTP{}
config := defaultConfig
if !testMode {
if err := cfg.Unpack(&config); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := p.init(results, &config); err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, nil
// Init initializes the HTTP protocol analyser.
func (http *HTTP) init(results publish.Transactions, config *httpConfig) error {
isDebug = logp.IsDebug("http")
isDetailed = logp.IsDebug("httpdetailed")
http.results = results
return nil
func (http *HTTP) setFromConfig(config *httpConfig) {
http.Ports = config.Ports
http.SendRequest = config.SendRequest
http.SendResponse = config.SendResponse
http.HideKeywords = config.Hide_keywords
http.RedactAuthorization = config.Redact_authorization
http.SplitCookie = config.Split_cookie
http.parserConfig.RealIPHeader = strings.ToLower(config.Real_ip_header)
http.transactionTimeout = config.TransactionTimeout
http.IncludeBodyFor = config.Include_body_for
if config.Send_all_headers {
http.parserConfig.SendHeaders = true
http.parserConfig.SendAllHeaders = true
} else {
if len(config.Send_headers) > 0 {
http.parserConfig.SendHeaders = true
http.parserConfig.HeadersWhitelist = map[string]bool{}
for _, hdr := range config.Send_headers {
http.parserConfig.HeadersWhitelist[strings.ToLower(hdr)] = true
// GetPorts lists the port numbers the HTTP protocol analyser will handle.
func (http *HTTP) GetPorts() []int {
return http.Ports
// messageGap is called when a gap of size `nbytes` is found in the
// tcp stream. Decides if we can ignore the gap or it's a parser error
// and we need to drop the stream.
func (http *HTTP) messageGap(s *stream, nbytes int) (ok bool, complete bool) {
m := s.message
switch s.parseState {
case stateStart, stateHeaders:
// we know we cannot recover from these
return false, false
case stateBody:
if isDebug {
debugf("gap in body: %d", nbytes)
if m.IsRequest {
m.Notes = append(m.Notes, "Packet loss while capturing the request")
} else {
m.Notes = append(m.Notes, "Packet loss while capturing the response")
if !m.hasContentLength && (bytes.Equal(m.connection, constClose) ||
(isVersion(m.version, 1, 0) && !bytes.Equal(m.connection, constKeepAlive))) {
s.bodyReceived += nbytes
m.ContentLength += nbytes
return true, false
} else if len(s.data[s.parseOffset:])+nbytes >= m.ContentLength-s.bodyReceived {
// we're done, but the last portion of the data is gone
m.end = s.parseOffset
return true, true
} else {
s.bodyReceived += nbytes
return true, false
// assume we cannot recover
return false, false
func (st *stream) PrepareForNewMessage() {
st.data = st.data[st.message.end:]
st.parseState = stateStart
st.parseOffset = 0
st.bodyReceived = 0
st.message = nil
// Called when the parser has identified the boundary
// of a message.
func (http *HTTP) messageComplete(
conn *httpConnectionData,
tcptuple *common.TcpTuple,
dir uint8,
st *stream,
) {
st.message.Raw = st.data[st.message.start:st.message.end]
http.handleHTTP(conn, st.message, tcptuple, dir)
// ConnectionTimeout returns the configured HTTP transaction timeout.
func (http *HTTP) ConnectionTimeout() time.Duration {
return http.transactionTimeout
// Parse function is used to process TCP payloads.
func (http *HTTP) Parse(
pkt *protos.Packet,
tcptuple *common.TcpTuple,
dir uint8,
private protos.ProtocolData,
) protos.ProtocolData {
defer logp.Recover("ParseHttp exception")
conn := ensureHTTPConnection(private)
conn = http.doParse(conn, pkt, tcptuple, dir)
if conn == nil {
return nil
return conn
func ensureHTTPConnection(private protos.ProtocolData) *httpConnectionData {
conn := getHTTPConnection(private)
if conn == nil {
conn = &httpConnectionData{}
return conn
func getHTTPConnection(private protos.ProtocolData) *httpConnectionData {
if private == nil {
return nil
priv, ok := private.(*httpConnectionData)
if !ok {
logp.Warn("http connection data type error")
return nil
if priv == nil {
logp.Warn("Unexpected: http connection data not set")
return nil
return priv
// Parse function is used to process TCP payloads.
func (http *HTTP) doParse(
conn *httpConnectionData,
pkt *protos.Packet,
tcptuple *common.TcpTuple,
dir uint8,
) *httpConnectionData {
if isDetailed {
detailedf("Payload received: [%s]", pkt.Payload)
st := conn.Streams[dir]
if st == nil {
st = newStream(pkt, tcptuple)
conn.Streams[dir] = st
} else {
// concatenate bytes
st.data = append(st.data, pkt.Payload...)
if len(st.data) > tcp.TCP_MAX_DATA_IN_STREAM {
if isDebug {
debugf("Stream data too large, dropping TCP stream")
conn.Streams[dir] = nil
return conn
for len(st.data) > 0 {
if st.message == nil {
st.message = &message{Ts: pkt.Ts}
parser := newParser(&http.parserConfig)
ok, complete := parser.parse(st)
if !ok {
// drop this tcp stream. Will retry parsing with the next
// segment in it
conn.Streams[dir] = nil
return conn
if !complete {
// wait for more data
// all ok, ship it
http.messageComplete(conn, tcptuple, dir, st)
// and reset stream for next message
return conn
func newStream(pkt *protos.Packet, tcptuple *common.TcpTuple) *stream {
return &stream{
tcptuple: tcptuple,
data: pkt.Payload,
message: &message{Ts: pkt.Ts},
// ReceivedFin will be called when TCP transaction is terminating.
func (http *HTTP) ReceivedFin(tcptuple *common.TcpTuple, dir uint8,
private protos.ProtocolData) protos.ProtocolData {
conn := getHTTPConnection(private)
if conn == nil {
return private
stream := conn.Streams[dir]
if stream == nil {
return conn
// send whatever data we got so far as complete. This
// is needed for the HTTP/1.0 without Content-Length situation.
if stream.message != nil && len(stream.data[stream.message.start:]) > 0 {
stream.message.Raw = stream.data[stream.message.start:]
http.handleHTTP(conn, stream.message, tcptuple, dir)
// and reset message. Probably not needed, just to be sure.
return conn
// GapInStream is called when a gap of nbytes bytes is found in the stream (due
// to packet loss).
func (http *HTTP) GapInStream(tcptuple *common.TcpTuple, dir uint8,
nbytes int, private protos.ProtocolData) (priv protos.ProtocolData, drop bool) {
defer logp.Recover("GapInStream(http) exception")
conn := getHTTPConnection(private)
if conn == nil {
return private, false
stream := conn.Streams[dir]
if stream == nil || stream.message == nil {
// nothing to do
return private, false
ok, complete := http.messageGap(stream, nbytes)
if isDetailed {
detailedf("messageGap returned ok=%v complete=%v", ok, complete)
if !ok {
// on errors, drop stream
conn.Streams[dir] = nil
return conn, true
if complete {
// Current message is complete, we need to publish from here
http.messageComplete(conn, tcptuple, dir, stream)
// don't drop the stream, we can ignore the gap
return private, false
func (http *HTTP) handleHTTP(
conn *httpConnectionData,
m *message,
tcptuple *common.TcpTuple,
dir uint8,
) {
m.TCPTuple = *tcptuple
m.Direction = dir
m.CmdlineTuple = procs.ProcWatcher.FindProcessesTuple(tcptuple.IpPort())
if m.IsRequest {
if isDebug {
debugf("Received request with tuple: %s", m.TCPTuple)
} else {
if isDebug {
debugf("Received response with tuple: %s", m.TCPTuple)
func (http *HTTP) correlate(conn *httpConnectionData) {
// drop responses with missing requests
if conn.requests.empty() {
for !conn.responses.empty() {
debugf("Response from unknown transaction. Ingoring.")
// merge requests with responses into transactions
for !conn.responses.empty() && !conn.requests.empty() {
requ := conn.requests.pop()
resp := conn.responses.pop()
trans := http.newTransaction(requ, resp)
if isDebug {
debugf("HTTP transaction completed")
func (http *HTTP) newTransaction(requ, resp *message) common.MapStr {
status := common.OK_STATUS
if resp.StatusCode >= 400 {
status = common.ERROR_STATUS
// resp_time in milliseconds
responseTime := int32(resp.Ts.Sub(requ.Ts).Nanoseconds() / 1e6)
path, params, err := http.extractParameters(requ, requ.Raw)
if err != nil {
logp.Warn("Fail to parse HTTP parameters: %v", err)
src := common.Endpoint{
Ip: requ.TCPTuple.Src_ip.String(),
Port: requ.TCPTuple.Src_port,
Proc: string(requ.CmdlineTuple.Src),
dst := common.Endpoint{
Ip: requ.TCPTuple.Dst_ip.String(),
Port: requ.TCPTuple.Dst_port,
Proc: string(requ.CmdlineTuple.Dst),
if requ.Direction == tcp.TcpDirectionReverse {
src, dst = dst, src
details := common.MapStr{
"phrase": resp.StatusPhrase,
"code": resp.StatusCode,
"content_length": resp.ContentLength,
if http.parserConfig.SendHeaders {
details["request_headers"] = http.collectHeaders(requ)
details["response_headers"] = http.collectHeaders(resp)
event := common.MapStr{
"@timestamp": common.Time(requ.Ts),
"type": "http",
"status": status,
"responsetime": responseTime,
"method": requ.Method,
"path": path,
"params": params,
"query": fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", requ.Method, path),
"http": details,
"bytes_out": resp.Size,
"bytes_in": requ.Size,
"src": &src,
"dst": &dst,
if http.SendRequest {
event["request"] = string(http.cutMessageBody(requ))
if http.SendResponse {
event["response"] = string(http.cutMessageBody(resp))
if len(requ.Notes)+len(resp.Notes) > 0 {
event["notes"] = append(requ.Notes, resp.Notes...)
if len(requ.RealIP) > 0 {
event["real_ip"] = requ.RealIP
return event
func (http *HTTP) publishTransaction(event common.MapStr) {
if http.results == nil {
func (http *HTTP) collectHeaders(m *message) interface{} {
if !http.SplitCookie {
return m.Headers
cookie := "cookie"
if !m.IsRequest {
cookie = "set-cookie"
hdrs := map[string]interface{}{}
for name, value := range m.Headers {
if name == cookie {
hdrs[name] = splitCookiesHeader(string(value))
} else {
hdrs[name] = value
return hdrs
func splitCookiesHeader(headerVal string) map[string]string {
cookies := map[string]string{}
cstring := strings.Split(headerVal, ";")
for _, cval := range cstring {
cookie := strings.SplitN(cval, "=", 2)
if len(cookie) == 2 {
cookies[strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(cookie[0]))] =
return cookies
func parseCookieValue(raw string) string {
// Strip the quotes, if present.
if len(raw) > 1 && raw[0] == '"' && raw[len(raw)-1] == '"' {
raw = raw[1 : len(raw)-1]
return raw
func (http *HTTP) cutMessageBody(m *message) []byte {
cutMsg := []byte{}
// add headers always
cutMsg = m.Raw[:m.bodyOffset]
// add body
if len(m.ContentType) == 0 || http.shouldIncludeInBody(m.ContentType) {
if len(m.chunkedBody) > 0 {
cutMsg = append(cutMsg, m.chunkedBody...)
} else {
if isDebug {
debugf("Body to include: [%s]", m.Raw[m.bodyOffset:])
cutMsg = append(cutMsg, m.Raw[m.bodyOffset:]...)
return cutMsg
func (http *HTTP) shouldIncludeInBody(contenttype []byte) bool {
includedBodies := http.IncludeBodyFor
for _, include := range includedBodies {
if bytes.Contains(contenttype, []byte(include)) {
if isDebug {
debugf("Should Include Body = true Content-Type %s include_body %s",
contenttype, include)
return true
if isDebug {
debugf("Should Include Body = false Content-Type %s include_body %s",
contenttype, include)
return false
func (http *HTTP) hideHeaders(m *message) {
if !m.IsRequest || !http.RedactAuthorization {
msg := m.Raw
// byte64 != encryption, so obscure it in headers in case of Basic Authentication
redactHeaders := []string{"authorization", "proxy-authorization"}
authText := []byte("uthorization:") // [aA] case insensitive, also catches Proxy-Authorization:
authHeaderStartX := m.headerOffset
authHeaderEndX := m.bodyOffset
for authHeaderStartX < m.bodyOffset {
if isDebug {
debugf("looking for authorization from %d to %d",
authHeaderStartX, authHeaderEndX)
startOfHeader := bytes.Index(msg[authHeaderStartX:m.bodyOffset], authText)
if startOfHeader >= 0 {
authHeaderStartX = authHeaderStartX + startOfHeader
endOfHeader := bytes.Index(msg[authHeaderStartX:m.bodyOffset], []byte("\r\n"))
if endOfHeader >= 0 {
authHeaderEndX = authHeaderStartX + endOfHeader
if authHeaderEndX > m.bodyOffset {
authHeaderEndX = m.bodyOffset
if isDebug {
debugf("Redact authorization from %d to %d", authHeaderStartX, authHeaderEndX)
for i := authHeaderStartX + len(authText); i < authHeaderEndX; i++ {
msg[i] = byte('*')
authHeaderStartX = authHeaderEndX + len("\r\n")
authHeaderEndX = m.bodyOffset
for _, header := range redactHeaders {
if len(m.Headers[header]) > 0 {
m.Headers[header] = []byte("*")
m.Raw = msg
func (http *HTTP) hideSecrets(values url.Values) url.Values {
params := url.Values{}
for key, array := range values {
for _, value := range array {
if http.isSecretParameter(key) {
params.Add(key, "xxxxx")
} else {
params.Add(key, value)
return params
// extractParameters parses the URL and the form parameters and replaces the secrets
// with the string xxxxx. The parameters containing secrets are defined in http.Hide_secrets.
// Returns the Request URI path and the (ajdusted) parameters.
func (http *HTTP) extractParameters(m *message, msg []byte) (path string, params string, err error) {
var values url.Values
u, err := url.Parse(string(m.RequestURI))
if err != nil {
values = u.Query()
path = u.Path
paramsMap := http.hideSecrets(values)
if m.ContentLength > 0 && bytes.Contains(m.ContentType, []byte("urlencoded")) {
values, err = url.ParseQuery(string(msg[m.bodyOffset:]))
if err != nil {
for key, value := range http.hideSecrets(values) {
paramsMap[key] = value
params = paramsMap.Encode()
if isDetailed {
detailedf("Parameters: %s", params)
func (http *HTTP) isSecretParameter(key string) bool {
for _, keyword := range http.HideKeywords {
if strings.ToLower(key) == keyword {
return true
return false
func (ml *messageList) append(msg *message) {
if ml.tail == nil {
ml.head = msg
} else {
ml.tail.next = msg
msg.next = nil
ml.tail = msg
func (ml *messageList) empty() bool {
return ml.head == nil
func (ml *messageList) pop() *message {
if ml.head == nil {
return nil
msg := ml.head
ml.head = ml.head.next
if ml.head == nil {
ml.tail = nil
return msg
func (ml *messageList) last() *message {
return ml.tail
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