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go-metrics.go 6.18 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package adapter
import (
metrics "github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics"
// implement adapter for adding go-metrics based counters
// to monitoring
// GoMetricsRegistry wraps a monitoring.Registry for filtering and registering
// go-metrics based metrics with the monitoring package. GoMetricsRegistry implements
// the go-metrics.Registry interface.
// Note: with the go-metrics using `interface{}`, there is no guarantee
// a variable satisfying any of go-metrics interfaces is returned.
// It's recommended to not mix go-metrics with other metrics types
// in the same namespace.
type GoMetricsRegistry struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
reg *monitoring.Registry
filters *metricFilters
shadow metrics.Registry // store non-accepted metrics
// GetGoMetrics wraps an existing monitoring.Registry with `name` into a
// GoMetricsRegistry for using the registry with go-metrics.Registry.
// If the monitoring.Registry does not exist yet, a new one will be generated.
// Note: with users of go-metrics potentially removing any metric at runtime,
// it's recommended to have the underlying registry being generated with
// `monitoring.IgnorePublishExpvar`.
func GetGoMetrics(parent *monitoring.Registry, name string, filters ...MetricFilter) *GoMetricsRegistry {
v := parent.Get(name)
if v == nil {
return NewGoMetrics(parent, name, filters...)
reg := v.(*monitoring.Registry)
return &GoMetricsRegistry{
reg: reg,
shadow: metrics.NewRegistry(),
filters: makeFilters(filters...),
// NewGoMetrics creates and registers a new GoMetricsRegistry with the parent
// registry.
func NewGoMetrics(parent *monitoring.Registry, name string, filters ...MetricFilter) *GoMetricsRegistry {
return &GoMetricsRegistry{
reg: parent.NewRegistry(name, monitoring.IgnorePublishExpvar),
shadow: metrics.NewRegistry(),
filters: makeFilters(filters...),
// Each only iterates the shadowed metrics, not registered to the monitoring package,
// as those metrics are owned by monitoring.Registry only.
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) Each(f func(string, interface{})) {
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) find(name string) interface{} {
st := r.findState(name)
if st.action == actIgnore {
return nil
return r.reg.Get(st.name)
// Get retrieves a registered metric by name. If the name is unknown, Get returns nil.
// Note: with the return values being `interface{}`, there is no guarantee
// a variable satisfying any of go-metrics interfaces is returned.
// It's recommended to not mix go-metrics with other metrics types in one
// namespace.
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) Get(name string) interface{} {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
return r.get(name)
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) get(name string) interface{} {
m := r.find(name)
if m == nil {
return r.shadow.Get(name)
if w, ok := m.(goMetricsWrapper); ok {
return w.wrapped()
return m
// GetOrRegister retries an existing metric via `Get` or registers a new one
// if the metric is unknown. For lazy instantiation metric can be a function.
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) GetOrRegister(name string, metric interface{}) interface{} {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
v := r.get(name)
if v != nil {
return v
return r.doRegister(name, metric)
// Register adds a new metric.
// An error is returned if the metric is already known.
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) Register(name string, metric interface{}) error {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
if r.get(name) != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("metric '%v' already registered", name)
r.doRegister(name, metric)
return nil
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) doRegister(name string, metric interface{}) interface{} {
if v := reflect.ValueOf(metric); v.Kind() == reflect.Func {
metric = v.Call(nil)[0].Interface()
st := r.addState(name, metric)
if st.action == actIgnore {
return r.shadow.GetOrRegister(name, st.metric)
if st.action == actAccept {
w, ok := goMetricsWrap(st.metric)
if ok {
r.reg.Add(st.name, w, st.mode)
return st.metric
// RunHealthchecks is a noop, required to satisfy the metrics.Registry interface.
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) RunHealthchecks() {}
// Unregister removes a metric.
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) Unregister(name string) {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
st := r.rmState(name)
// UnregisterAll calls `Clear` on the underlying monitoring.Registry
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) UnregisterAll() {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
err := r.reg.Clear()
if err != nil {
logp.Err("Failed to clear registry: %v", err)
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) findState(name string) state {
return r.stateWith(kndFind, name, nil)
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) addState(name string, metric interface{}) state {
return r.stateWith(kndAdd, name, metric)
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) rmState(name string) state {
return r.stateWith(kndRemove, name, nil)
func (r *GoMetricsRegistry) stateWith(k kind, name string, metric interface{}) state {
return r.filters.apply(state{
kind: k,
action: actIgnore,
reg: r.reg,
name: name,
mode: monitoring.Full,
metric: metric,
// GoMetricsRegistry MetricFilter used to convert all metrics not being
// accepted by the filters to be replace with a Noop-metric.
// This can be used to disable metrics in go-metrics users lazily generating
// metrics via GetOrRegister.
var GoMetricsNilify = withVarFilter(func(st state) state {
if st.action != actIgnore {
return st
switch st.metric.(type) {
case *metrics.StandardCounter:
st.metric = metrics.NilCounter{}
case *metrics.StandardEWMA:
st.metric = metrics.NilEWMA{}
case *metrics.StandardGauge:
st.metric = metrics.NilGauge{}
case *metrics.StandardGaugeFloat64:
st.metric = metrics.NilGaugeFloat64{}
case *metrics.StandardHealthcheck:
st.metric = metrics.NilHealthcheck{}
case *metrics.StandardHistogram:
st.metric = metrics.NilHistogram{}
case *metrics.StandardMeter:
st.metric = metrics.NilMeter{}
case *metrics.StandardTimer:
st.metric = metrics.NilTimer{}
return st
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