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amqp.go 14.99 KB
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package amqp
import (
var (
debugf = logp.MakeDebug("amqp")
detailedf = logp.MakeDebug("amqpdetailed")
type amqpPlugin struct {
ports []int
sendRequest bool
sendResponse bool
maxBodyLength int
parseHeaders bool
parseArguments bool
hideConnectionInformation bool
transactions *common.Cache
transactionTimeout time.Duration
results protos.Reporter
//map containing functions associated with different method numbers
methodMap map[codeClass]map[codeMethod]amqpMethod
var (
unmatchedRequests = monitoring.NewInt(nil, "amqp.unmatched_requests")
unmatchedResponses = monitoring.NewInt(nil, "amqp.unmatched_responses")
func init() {
protos.Register("amqp", New)
func New(
testMode bool,
results protos.Reporter,
cfg *common.Config,
) (protos.Plugin, error) {
p := &amqpPlugin{}
config := defaultConfig
if !testMode {
if err := cfg.Unpack(&config); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := p.init(results, &config); err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, nil
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) init(results protos.Reporter, config *amqpConfig) error {
if amqp.hideConnectionInformation == false {
amqp.transactions = common.NewCache(
amqp.results = results
return nil
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) initMethodMap() {
amqp.methodMap = map[codeClass]map[codeMethod]amqpMethod{
connectionCode: {
connectionClose: connectionCloseMethod,
connectionCloseOk: okMethod,
channelCode: {
channelClose: channelCloseMethod,
channelCloseOk: okMethod,
exchangeCode: {
exchangeDeclare: exchangeDeclareMethod,
exchangeDeclareOk: okMethod,
exchangeDelete: exchangeDeleteMethod,
exchangeDeleteOk: okMethod,
exchangeBind: exchangeBindMethod,
exchangeBindOk: okMethod,
exchangeUnbind: exchangeUnbindMethod,
exchangeUnbindOk: okMethod,
queueCode: {
queueDeclare: queueDeclareMethod,
queueDeclareOk: queueDeclareOkMethod,
queueBind: queueBindMethod,
queueBindOk: okMethod,
queueUnbind: queueUnbindMethod,
queueUnbindOk: okMethod,
queuePurge: queuePurgeMethod,
queuePurgeOk: queuePurgeOkMethod,
queueDelete: queueDeleteMethod,
queueDeleteOk: queueDeleteOkMethod,
basicCode: {
basicConsume: basicConsumeMethod,
basicConsumeOk: basicConsumeOkMethod,
basicCancel: basicCancelMethod,
basicCancelOk: basicCancelOkMethod,
basicPublish: basicPublishMethod,
basicReturn: basicReturnMethod,
basicDeliver: basicDeliverMethod,
basicGet: basicGetMethod,
basicGetOk: basicGetOkMethod,
basicGetEmpty: basicGetEmptyMethod,
basicAck: basicAckMethod,
basicReject: basicRejectMethod,
basicRecover: basicRecoverMethod,
basicRecoverOk: okMethod,
basicNack: basicNackMethod,
txCode: {
txSelect: txSelectMethod,
txSelectOk: okMethod,
txCommit: txCommitMethod,
txCommitOk: okMethod,
txRollback: txRollbackMethod,
txRollbackOk: okMethod,
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) GetPorts() []int {
return amqp.ports
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) setFromConfig(config *amqpConfig) {
amqp.ports = config.Ports
amqp.sendRequest = config.SendRequest
amqp.sendResponse = config.SendResponse
amqp.maxBodyLength = config.MaxBodyLength
amqp.parseHeaders = config.ParseHeaders
amqp.parseArguments = config.ParseArguments
amqp.hideConnectionInformation = config.HideConnectionInformation
amqp.transactionTimeout = config.TransactionTimeout
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) addConnectionMethods() {
amqp.methodMap[connectionCode][connectionStart] = connectionStartMethod
amqp.methodMap[connectionCode][connectionStartOk] = connectionStartOkMethod
amqp.methodMap[connectionCode][connectionTune] = connectionTuneMethod
amqp.methodMap[connectionCode][connectionTuneOk] = connectionTuneOkMethod
amqp.methodMap[connectionCode][connectionOpen] = connectionOpenMethod
amqp.methodMap[connectionCode][connectionOpenOk] = okMethod
amqp.methodMap[channelCode][channelOpen] = channelOpenMethod
amqp.methodMap[channelCode][channelOpenOk] = okMethod
amqp.methodMap[channelCode][channelFlow] = channelFlowMethod
amqp.methodMap[channelCode][channelFlowOk] = channelFlowOkMethod
amqp.methodMap[basicCode][basicQos] = basicQosMethod
amqp.methodMap[basicCode][basicQosOk] = okMethod
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) ConnectionTimeout() time.Duration {
return amqp.transactionTimeout
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) Parse(pkt *protos.Packet, tcptuple *common.TCPTuple,
dir uint8, private protos.ProtocolData) protos.ProtocolData {
defer logp.Recover("ParseAmqp exception")
detailedf("Parse method triggered")
priv := amqpPrivateData{}
if private != nil {
var ok bool
priv, ok = private.(amqpPrivateData)
if !ok {
priv = amqpPrivateData{}
if priv.data[dir] == nil {
priv.data[dir] = &amqpStream{
data: pkt.Payload,
message: &amqpMessage{ts: pkt.Ts},
} else {
// concatenate databytes
priv.data[dir].data = append(priv.data[dir].data, pkt.Payload...)
if len(priv.data[dir].data) > tcp.TCPMaxDataInStream {
debugf("Stream data too large, dropping TCP stream")
priv.data[dir] = nil
return priv
stream := priv.data[dir]
for len(stream.data) > 0 {
if stream.message == nil {
stream.message = &amqpMessage{ts: pkt.Ts}
ok, complete := amqp.amqpMessageParser(stream)
if !ok {
// drop this tcp stream. Will retry parsing with the next
// segment in it
priv.data[dir] = nil
return priv
if !complete {
amqp.handleAmqp(stream.message, tcptuple, dir)
return priv
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) GapInStream(tcptuple *common.TCPTuple, dir uint8,
nbytes int, private protos.ProtocolData) (priv protos.ProtocolData, drop bool) {
detailedf("GapInStream called")
return private, true
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) ReceivedFin(tcptuple *common.TCPTuple, dir uint8,
private protos.ProtocolData) protos.ProtocolData {
return private
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) handleAmqpRequest(msg *amqpMessage) {
// Add it to the HT
tuple := msg.tcpTuple
trans := amqp.getTransaction(tuple.Hashable())
if trans != nil {
if trans.amqp != nil {
debugf("Two requests without a Response. Dropping old request: %s", trans.amqp)
} else {
trans = &amqpTransaction{tuple: tuple}
amqp.transactions.Put(tuple.Hashable(), trans)
trans.ts = msg.ts
trans.src = common.Endpoint{
IP: msg.tcpTuple.SrcIP.String(),
Port: msg.tcpTuple.SrcPort,
Proc: string(msg.cmdlineTuple.Src),
trans.dst = common.Endpoint{
IP: msg.tcpTuple.DstIP.String(),
Port: msg.tcpTuple.DstPort,
Proc: string(msg.cmdlineTuple.Dst),
if msg.direction == tcp.TCPDirectionReverse {
trans.src, trans.dst = trans.dst, trans.src
trans.method = msg.method
// get the righ request
if len(msg.request) > 0 {
trans.request = strings.Join([]string{msg.method, msg.request}, " ")
} else {
trans.request = msg.method
//length = message + 4 bytes header + frame end octet
trans.bytesIn = msg.bodySize + 12
if msg.fields != nil {
trans.amqp = msg.fields
} else {
trans.amqp = common.MapStr{}
//if error or exception, publish it now. sometimes client or server never send
//an ack message and the error is lost. Also, if nowait flag set, don't expect
//any response and publish
if isAsynchronous(trans) {
debugf("Amqp transaction completed")
if trans.timer != nil {
trans.timer = time.AfterFunc(transactionTimeout, func() { amqp.expireTransaction(trans) })
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) handleAmqpResponse(msg *amqpMessage) {
tuple := msg.tcpTuple
trans := amqp.getTransaction(tuple.Hashable())
if trans == nil || trans.amqp == nil {
debugf("Response from unknown transaction. Ignoring.")
//length = message + 4 bytes class/method + frame end octet + header
trans.bytesOut = msg.bodySize + 12
//merge the both fields from request and response
trans.response = common.OK_STATUS
if msg.method == "basic.get-empty" {
trans.method = "basic.get-empty"
trans.responseTime = int32(msg.ts.Sub(trans.ts).Nanoseconds() / 1e6)
trans.notes = msg.notes
debugf("Amqp transaction completed")
// remove from map
if trans.timer != nil {
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) expireTransaction(trans *amqpTransaction) {
debugf("Transaction expired")
//possibility of a connection.close or channel.close method that didn't get an
//ok answer. Let's publish it.
if isCloseError(trans) {
trans.notes = append(trans.notes, "Close-ok method not received by sender")
// remove from map
//This method handles published messages from clients. Being an async
//process, the method, header and body frames are regrouped in one transaction
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) handlePublishing(client *amqpMessage) {
tuple := client.tcpTuple
trans := amqp.getTransaction(tuple.Hashable())
if trans == nil {
trans = &amqpTransaction{tuple: tuple}
amqp.transactions.Put(client.tcpTuple.Hashable(), trans)
trans.ts = client.ts
trans.src = common.Endpoint{
IP: client.tcpTuple.SrcIP.String(),
Port: client.tcpTuple.SrcPort,
Proc: string(client.cmdlineTuple.Src),
trans.dst = common.Endpoint{
IP: client.tcpTuple.DstIP.String(),
Port: client.tcpTuple.DstPort,
Proc: string(client.cmdlineTuple.Dst),
trans.method = client.method
//for publishing and delivering, bytes in and out represent the length of the
//message itself
trans.bytesIn = client.bodySize
if client.bodySize > uint64(amqp.maxBodyLength) {
trans.body = client.body[:amqp.maxBodyLength]
} else {
trans.body = client.body
trans.toString = isStringable(client)
trans.amqp = client.fields
debugf("Amqp transaction completed")
//delete trans from map
//This method handles delivered messages via basic.deliver and basic.get-ok AND
//returned messages to clients. Being an async process, the method, header and
//body frames are regrouped in one transaction
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) handleDelivering(server *amqpMessage) {
tuple := server.tcpTuple
trans := amqp.getTransaction(tuple.Hashable())
if trans == nil {
trans = &amqpTransaction{tuple: tuple}
amqp.transactions.Put(server.tcpTuple.Hashable(), trans)
trans.ts = server.ts
trans.src = common.Endpoint{
IP: server.tcpTuple.SrcIP.String(),
Port: server.tcpTuple.SrcPort,
Proc: string(server.cmdlineTuple.Src),
trans.dst = common.Endpoint{
IP: server.tcpTuple.DstIP.String(),
Port: server.tcpTuple.DstPort,
Proc: string(server.cmdlineTuple.Dst),
//for publishing and delivering, bytes in and out represent the length of the
//message itself
trans.bytesOut = server.bodySize
if server.bodySize > uint64(amqp.maxBodyLength) {
trans.body = server.body[:amqp.maxBodyLength]
} else {
trans.body = server.body
trans.toString = isStringable(server)
if server.method == "basic.get-ok" {
trans.method = "basic.get"
} else {
trans.method = server.method
trans.amqp = server.fields
debugf("Amqp transaction completed")
//delete trans from map
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) publishTransaction(t *amqpTransaction) {
if amqp.results == nil {
fields := common.MapStr{}
fields["type"] = "amqp"
fields["method"] = t.method
if isError(t) {
fields["status"] = common.ERROR_STATUS
} else {
fields["status"] = common.OK_STATUS
fields["responsetime"] = t.responseTime
fields["amqp"] = t.amqp
fields["bytes_out"] = t.bytesOut
fields["bytes_in"] = t.bytesIn
fields["src"] = &t.src
fields["dst"] = &t.dst
//let's try to convert request/response to a readable format
if amqp.sendRequest {
if t.method == "basic.publish" {
if t.toString {
if uint64(len(t.body)) < t.bytesIn {
fields["request"] = string(t.body) + " [...]"
} else {
fields["request"] = string(t.body)
} else {
if uint64(len(t.body)) < t.bytesIn {
fields["request"] = bodyToString(t.body) + " [...]"
} else {
fields["request"] = bodyToString(t.body)
} else {
fields["request"] = t.request
if amqp.sendResponse {
if t.method == "basic.deliver" || t.method == "basic.return" ||
t.method == "basic.get" {
if t.toString {
if uint64(len(t.body)) < t.bytesOut {
fields["response"] = string(t.body) + " [...]"
} else {
fields["response"] = string(t.body)
} else {
if uint64(len(t.body)) < t.bytesOut {
fields["response"] = bodyToString(t.body) + " [...]"
} else {
fields["response"] = bodyToString(t.body)
} else {
fields["response"] = t.response
if len(t.notes) > 0 {
fields["notes"] = t.notes
Timestamp: t.ts,
Fields: fields,
//function to check if method is async or not
func isAsynchronous(trans *amqpTransaction) bool {
if val, ok := trans.amqp["no-wait"]; ok && val == true {
return true
return trans.method == "basic.reject" ||
trans.method == "basic.ack" ||
trans.method == "basic.nack"
//function to convert a body slice into a readable format
func bodyToString(data []byte) string {
ret := make([]string, len(data))
for i, c := range data {
ret[i] = strconv.Itoa(int(c))
return strings.Join(ret, " ")
//function used to check if a body message can be converted to readable string
func isStringable(m *amqpMessage) bool {
stringable := false
if contentEncoding, ok := m.fields["content-encoding"].(string); ok &&
contentEncoding != "" {
return false
if contentType, ok := m.fields["content-type"].(string); ok {
stringable = strings.Contains(contentType, "text") ||
strings.Contains(contentType, "json")
return stringable
func (amqp *amqpPlugin) getTransaction(k common.HashableTCPTuple) *amqpTransaction {
v := amqp.transactions.Get(k)
if v != nil {
return v.(*amqpTransaction)
return nil
func isError(t *amqpTransaction) bool {
return t.method == "basic.return" || t.method == "basic.reject" ||
func isCloseError(t *amqpTransaction) bool {
return (t.method == "connection.close" || t.method == "channel.close") &&
getReplyCode(t.amqp) >= 300
func getReplyCode(m common.MapStr) uint16 {
code, _ := m["reply-code"].(uint16)
return code
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