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util.go 7.08 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package expression
import (
// ExtractColumns extracts all columns from an expression.
func ExtractColumns(expr Expression) (cols []*Column) {
switch v := expr.(type) {
case *Column:
return []*Column{v}
case *ScalarFunction:
cols = make([]*Column, 0, len(v.GetArgs()))
for _, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
cols = append(cols, ExtractColumns(arg)...)
// ColumnSubstitute substitutes the columns in filter to expressions in select fields.
// e.g. select * from (select b as a from t) k where a < 10 => select * from (select b as a from t where b < 10) k.
func ColumnSubstitute(expr Expression, schema *Schema, newExprs []Expression) Expression {
switch v := expr.(type) {
case *Column:
id := schema.ColumnIndex(v)
if id == -1 {
return v
return newExprs[id].Clone()
case *ScalarFunction:
if v.FuncName.L == ast.Cast {
newFunc := v.Clone().(*ScalarFunction)
newFunc.GetArgs()[0] = ColumnSubstitute(newFunc.GetArgs()[0], schema, newExprs)
return newFunc
newArgs := make([]Expression, 0, len(v.GetArgs()))
for _, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
newArgs = append(newArgs, ColumnSubstitute(arg, schema, newExprs))
return NewFunctionInternal(v.GetCtx(), v.FuncName.L, v.RetType, newArgs...)
return expr
// getValidPrefix gets a prefix of string which can parsed to a number with base. the minimum base is 2 and the maximum is 36.
func getValidPrefix(s string, base int64) string {
var (
validLen int
upper rune
switch {
case base >= 2 && base <= 9:
upper = rune('0' + base)
case base <= 36:
upper = rune('A' + base - 10)
return ""
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := rune(s[i])
switch {
case unicode.IsDigit(c) || unicode.IsLower(c) || unicode.IsUpper(c):
c = unicode.ToUpper(c)
if c < upper {
validLen = i + 1
} else {
break Loop
case c == '+' || c == '-':
if i != 0 {
break Loop
break Loop
if validLen > 1 && s[0] == '+' {
return s[1:validLen]
return s[:validLen]
// SubstituteCorCol2Constant will substitute correlated column to constant value which it contains.
// If the args of one scalar function are all constant, we will substitute it to constant.
func SubstituteCorCol2Constant(expr Expression) (Expression, error) {
switch x := expr.(type) {
case *ScalarFunction:
allConstant := true
newArgs := make([]Expression, 0, len(x.GetArgs()))
for _, arg := range x.GetArgs() {
newArg, err := SubstituteCorCol2Constant(arg)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
_, ok := newArg.(*Constant)
newArgs = append(newArgs, newArg)
allConstant = allConstant && ok
if allConstant {
val, err := x.Eval(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return &Constant{Value: val, RetType: x.GetType()}, nil
var newSf Expression
if x.FuncName.L == ast.Cast {
newSf = BuildCastFunction(x.GetCtx(), newArgs[0], x.RetType)
} else {
newSf = NewFunctionInternal(x.GetCtx(), x.FuncName.L, x.GetType(), newArgs...)
return newSf, nil
case *CorrelatedColumn:
return &Constant{Value: *x.Data, RetType: x.GetType()}, nil
return x.Clone(), nil
// ConvertCol2CorCol will convert the column in the condition which can be found in outerSchema to a correlated column whose
// Column is this column. And please make sure the outerSchema.Columns[i].Equal(corCols[i].Column)) holds when you call this.
func ConvertCol2CorCol(cond Expression, corCols []*CorrelatedColumn, outerSchema *Schema) Expression {
switch x := cond.(type) {
case *ScalarFunction:
newArgs := make([]Expression, 0, len(x.GetArgs()))
for _, arg := range x.GetArgs() {
newArg := ConvertCol2CorCol(arg, corCols, outerSchema)
newArgs = append(newArgs, newArg)
var newSf Expression
if x.FuncName.L == ast.Cast {
newSf = BuildCastFunction(x.GetCtx(), newArgs[0], x.RetType)
} else {
newSf = NewFunctionInternal(x.GetCtx(), x.FuncName.L, x.GetType(), newArgs...)
return newSf
case *Column:
if pos := outerSchema.ColumnIndex(x); pos >= 0 {
return corCols[pos]
return cond
// timeZone2Duration converts timezone whose format should satisfy the regular condition
// `(^(+|-)(0?[0-9]|1[0-2]):[0-5]?\d$)|(^+13:00$)` to time.Duration.
func timeZone2Duration(tz string) time.Duration {
sign := 1
if strings.HasPrefix(tz, "-") {
sign = -1
i := strings.Index(tz, ":")
h, err := strconv.Atoi(tz[1:i])
m, err := strconv.Atoi(tz[i+1:])
return time.Duration(sign) * (time.Duration(h)*time.Hour + time.Duration(m)*time.Minute)
var oppositeOp = map[string]string{
ast.LT: ast.GE,
ast.GE: ast.LT,
ast.GT: ast.LE,
ast.LE: ast.GT,
ast.EQ: ast.NE,
ast.NE: ast.EQ,
// a op b is equal to b symmetricOp a
var symmetricOp = map[opcode.Op]opcode.Op{
opcode.LT: opcode.GT,
opcode.GE: opcode.LE,
opcode.GT: opcode.LT,
opcode.LE: opcode.GE,
opcode.EQ: opcode.EQ,
opcode.NE: opcode.NE,
opcode.NullEQ: opcode.NullEQ,
// PushDownNot pushes the `not` function down to the expression's arguments.
func PushDownNot(expr Expression, not bool, ctx context.Context) Expression {
if f, ok := expr.(*ScalarFunction); ok {
switch f.FuncName.L {
case ast.UnaryNot:
return PushDownNot(f.GetArgs()[0], !not, f.GetCtx())
case ast.LT, ast.GE, ast.GT, ast.LE, ast.EQ, ast.NE:
if not {
return NewFunctionInternal(f.GetCtx(), oppositeOp[f.FuncName.L], f.GetType(), f.GetArgs()...)
for i, arg := range f.GetArgs() {
f.GetArgs()[i] = PushDownNot(arg, false, f.GetCtx())
return f
case ast.LogicAnd:
if not {
args := f.GetArgs()
for i, a := range args {
args[i] = PushDownNot(a, true, f.GetCtx())
return NewFunctionInternal(f.GetCtx(), ast.LogicOr, f.GetType(), args...)
for i, arg := range f.GetArgs() {
f.GetArgs()[i] = PushDownNot(arg, false, f.GetCtx())
return f
case ast.LogicOr:
if not {
args := f.GetArgs()
for i, a := range args {
args[i] = PushDownNot(a, true, f.GetCtx())
return NewFunctionInternal(f.GetCtx(), ast.LogicAnd, f.GetType(), args...)
for i, arg := range f.GetArgs() {
f.GetArgs()[i] = PushDownNot(arg, false, f.GetCtx())
return f
if not {
expr = NewFunctionInternal(ctx, ast.UnaryNot, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), expr)
return expr
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