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driver_tidb.go 9.40 KB
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zz-jason 提交于 2017-09-30 15:53 . *: make "unconvert" happy (#4700)
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package server
import (
// TiDBDriver implements IDriver.
type TiDBDriver struct {
store kv.Storage
// NewTiDBDriver creates a new TiDBDriver.
func NewTiDBDriver(store kv.Storage) *TiDBDriver {
driver := &TiDBDriver{
store: store,
return driver
// TiDBContext implements QueryCtx.
type TiDBContext struct {
session tidb.Session
currentDB string
stmts map[int]*TiDBStatement
// TiDBStatement implements PreparedStatement.
type TiDBStatement struct {
id uint32
numParams int
boundParams [][]byte
paramsType []byte
ctx *TiDBContext
// ID implements PreparedStatement ID method.
func (ts *TiDBStatement) ID() int {
return int(ts.id)
// Execute implements PreparedStatement Execute method.
func (ts *TiDBStatement) Execute(args ...interface{}) (rs ResultSet, err error) {
tidbRecordset, err := ts.ctx.session.ExecutePreparedStmt(ts.id, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if tidbRecordset == nil {
rs = &tidbResultSet{
recordSet: tidbRecordset,
// AppendParam implements PreparedStatement AppendParam method.
func (ts *TiDBStatement) AppendParam(paramID int, data []byte) error {
if paramID >= len(ts.boundParams) {
return mysql.NewErr(mysql.ErrWrongArguments, "stmt_send_longdata")
ts.boundParams[paramID] = append(ts.boundParams[paramID], data...)
return nil
// NumParams implements PreparedStatement NumParams method.
func (ts *TiDBStatement) NumParams() int {
return ts.numParams
// BoundParams implements PreparedStatement BoundParams method.
func (ts *TiDBStatement) BoundParams() [][]byte {
return ts.boundParams
// SetParamsType implements PreparedStatement SetParamsType method.
func (ts *TiDBStatement) SetParamsType(paramsType []byte) {
ts.paramsType = paramsType
// GetParamsType implements PreparedStatement GetParamsType method.
func (ts *TiDBStatement) GetParamsType() []byte {
return ts.paramsType
// Reset implements PreparedStatement Reset method.
func (ts *TiDBStatement) Reset() {
for i := range ts.boundParams {
ts.boundParams[i] = nil
// Close implements PreparedStatement Close method.
func (ts *TiDBStatement) Close() error {
//TODO close at tidb level
err := ts.ctx.session.DropPreparedStmt(ts.id)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
delete(ts.ctx.stmts, int(ts.id))
return nil
// OpenCtx implements IDriver.
func (qd *TiDBDriver) OpenCtx(connID uint64, capability uint32, collation uint8, dbname string, tlsState *tls.ConnectionState) (QueryCtx, error) {
session, err := tidb.CreateSession(qd.store)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
err = session.SetCollation(int(collation))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
tc := &TiDBContext{
session: session,
currentDB: dbname,
stmts: make(map[int]*TiDBStatement),
return tc, nil
// Status implements QueryCtx Status method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) Status() uint16 {
return tc.session.Status()
// LastInsertID implements QueryCtx LastInsertID method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) LastInsertID() uint64 {
return tc.session.LastInsertID()
// Value implements QueryCtx Value method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) Value(key fmt.Stringer) interface{} {
return tc.session.Value(key)
// SetValue implements QueryCtx SetValue method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) SetValue(key fmt.Stringer, value interface{}) {
tc.session.SetValue(key, value)
// CommitTxn implements QueryCtx CommitTxn method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) CommitTxn() error {
return tc.session.CommitTxn()
// RollbackTxn implements QueryCtx RollbackTxn method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) RollbackTxn() error {
return tc.session.RollbackTxn()
// AffectedRows implements QueryCtx AffectedRows method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) AffectedRows() uint64 {
return tc.session.AffectedRows()
// CurrentDB implements QueryCtx CurrentDB method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) CurrentDB() string {
return tc.currentDB
// WarningCount implements QueryCtx WarningCount method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) WarningCount() uint16 {
return tc.session.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.WarningCount()
// Execute implements QueryCtx Execute method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) Execute(sql string) (rs []ResultSet, err error) {
rsList, err := tc.session.Execute(sql)
if err != nil {
if len(rsList) == 0 { // result ok
rs = make([]ResultSet, len(rsList))
for i := 0; i < len(rsList); i++ {
rs[i] = &tidbResultSet{
recordSet: rsList[i],
// SetSessionManager implements the QueryCtx interface.
func (tc *TiDBContext) SetSessionManager(sm util.SessionManager) {
// SetClientCapability implements QueryCtx SetClientCapability method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) SetClientCapability(flags uint32) {
// Close implements QueryCtx Close method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) Close() error {
return nil
// Auth implements QueryCtx Auth method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) Auth(user *auth.UserIdentity, auth []byte, salt []byte) bool {
return tc.session.Auth(user, auth, salt)
// FieldList implements QueryCtx FieldList method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) FieldList(table string) (colums []*ColumnInfo, err error) {
rs, err := tc.Execute("SELECT * FROM `" + table + "` LIMIT 0")
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
colums, err = rs[0].Columns()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// GetStatement implements QueryCtx GetStatement method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) GetStatement(stmtID int) PreparedStatement {
tcStmt := tc.stmts[stmtID]
if tcStmt != nil {
return tcStmt
return nil
// Prepare implements QueryCtx Prepare method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) Prepare(sql string) (statement PreparedStatement, columns, params []*ColumnInfo, err error) {
stmtID, paramCount, fields, err := tc.session.PrepareStmt(sql)
if err != nil {
stmt := &TiDBStatement{
id: stmtID,
numParams: paramCount,
boundParams: make([][]byte, paramCount),
ctx: tc,
statement = stmt
columns = make([]*ColumnInfo, len(fields))
for i := range fields {
columns[i] = convertColumnInfo(fields[i])
params = make([]*ColumnInfo, paramCount)
for i := range params {
params[i] = &ColumnInfo{
Type: mysql.TypeBlob,
tc.stmts[int(stmtID)] = stmt
// ShowProcess implements QueryCtx ShowProcess method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) ShowProcess() util.ProcessInfo {
return tc.session.ShowProcess()
// Cancel implements QueryCtx Cancel method.
func (tc *TiDBContext) Cancel() {
type tidbResultSet struct {
recordSet ast.RecordSet
func (trs *tidbResultSet) Next() ([]types.Datum, error) {
row, err := trs.recordSet.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if row != nil {
return row.Data, nil
return nil, nil
func (trs *tidbResultSet) Close() error {
return trs.recordSet.Close()
func (trs *tidbResultSet) Columns() ([]*ColumnInfo, error) {
fields, err := trs.recordSet.Fields()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
var columns []*ColumnInfo
for _, v := range fields {
columns = append(columns, convertColumnInfo(v))
return columns, nil
func convertColumnInfo(fld *ast.ResultField) (ci *ColumnInfo) {
ci = new(ColumnInfo)
ci.Name = fld.ColumnAsName.O
ci.OrgName = fld.Column.Name.O
ci.Table = fld.TableAsName.O
if fld.Table != nil {
ci.OrgTable = fld.Table.Name.O
ci.Schema = fld.DBName.O
ci.Flag = uint16(fld.Column.Flag)
ci.Charset = uint16(mysql.CharsetIDs[fld.Column.Charset])
if fld.Column.Flen == types.UnspecifiedLength {
ci.ColumnLength = 0
} else {
ci.ColumnLength = uint32(fld.Column.Flen)
// Fix issue #4540.
// The flen is a hint, not a precise value, so most client will not use the value.
// But we found in race MySQL client, like Navicat for MySQL(version before 12) will truncate
// the `show create table` result. To fix this case, we must use a large enough flen to prevent
// the truncation, in MySQL, it will multiply bytes length by a multiple based on character set.
// For examples:
// * latin, the multiple is 1
// * gb2312, the multiple is 2
// * Utf-8, the multiple is 3
// * utf8mb4, the multiple is 4
// So the large enough multiple is 4 in here.
ci.ColumnLength = ci.ColumnLength * mysql.MaxBytesOfCharacter
if fld.Column.Decimal == types.UnspecifiedLength {
ci.Decimal = mysql.NotFixedDec
} else {
ci.Decimal = uint8(fld.Column.Decimal)
ci.Type = fld.Column.Tp
// Keep things compatible for old clients.
// Refer to mysql-server/sql/protocol.cc send_result_set_metadata()
if ci.Type == mysql.TypeVarchar {
ci.Type = mysql.TypeVarString
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