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// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tikv
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
pb "github.com/pingcap/kvproto/pkg/kvrpcpb"
goctx "golang.org/x/net/context"
type twoPhaseCommitAction int
const (
actionPrewrite twoPhaseCommitAction = 1
actionCommit twoPhaseCommitAction = 2
actionCleanup twoPhaseCommitAction = 3
var twoPhaseCommitGP = gp.New(3 * time.Minute)
func (ca twoPhaseCommitAction) String() string {
switch ca {
case actionPrewrite:
return "prewrite"
case actionCommit:
return "commit"
case actionCleanup:
return "cleanup"
return "unknown"
// MetricsTag returns detail tag for metrics.
func (ca twoPhaseCommitAction) MetricsTag() string {
return "2pc_" + ca.String()
// twoPhaseCommitter executes a two-phase commit protocol.
type twoPhaseCommitter struct {
store *tikvStore
txn *tikvTxn
startTS uint64
keys [][]byte
mutations map[string]*pb.Mutation
lockTTL uint64
commitTS uint64
mu struct {
writtenKeys [][]byte
committed bool
undeterminedErr error // undeterminedErr saves the rpc error we encounter when commit primary key.
priority pb.CommandPri
syncLog bool
// newTwoPhaseCommitter creates a twoPhaseCommitter.
func newTwoPhaseCommitter(txn *tikvTxn) (*twoPhaseCommitter, error) {
var (
keys [][]byte
size int
putCnt int
delCnt int
lockCnt int
mutations := make(map[string]*pb.Mutation)
err := txn.us.WalkBuffer(func(k kv.Key, v []byte) error {
if len(v) > 0 {
mutations[string(k)] = &pb.Mutation{
Op: pb.Op_Put,
Key: k,
Value: v,
} else {
mutations[string(k)] = &pb.Mutation{
Op: pb.Op_Del,
Key: k,
keys = append(keys, k)
entrySize := len(k) + len(v)
if entrySize > kv.TxnEntrySizeLimit {
return kv.ErrEntryTooLarge
size += entrySize
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
for _, lockKey := range txn.lockKeys {
if _, ok := mutations[string(lockKey)]; !ok {
mutations[string(lockKey)] = &pb.Mutation{
Op: pb.Op_Lock,
Key: lockKey,
keys = append(keys, lockKey)
size += len(lockKey)
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil, nil
entrylimit := atomic.LoadUint64(&kv.TxnEntryCountLimit)
if len(keys) > int(entrylimit) || size > kv.TxnTotalSizeLimit {
return nil, kv.ErrTxnTooLarge
const logEntryCount = 10000
const logSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024 // 4MB
if len(keys) > logEntryCount || size > logSize {
tableID := tablecodec.DecodeTableID(keys[0])
log.Infof("[BIG_TXN] table id:%d size:%d, keys:%d, puts:%d, dels:%d, locks:%d, startTS:%d",
tableID, size, len(keys), putCnt, delCnt, lockCnt, txn.startTS)
txnWriteSizeHistogram.Observe(float64(size / 1024))
return &twoPhaseCommitter{
store: txn.store,
txn: txn,
startTS: txn.StartTS(),
keys: keys,
mutations: mutations,
lockTTL: txnLockTTL(txn.startTime, size),
priority: getTxnPriority(txn),
syncLog: getTxnSyncLog(txn),
}, nil
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) primary() []byte {
return c.keys[0]
const bytesPerMiB = 1024 * 1024
func txnLockTTL(startTime time.Time, txnSize int) uint64 {
// Increase lockTTL for large transactions.
// The formula is `ttl = ttlFactor * sqrt(sizeInMiB)`.
// When writeSize is less than 256KB, the base ttl is defaultTTL (3s);
// When writeSize is 1MiB, 100MiB, or 400MiB, ttl is 6s, 60s, 120s correspondingly;
lockTTL := defaultLockTTL
if txnSize >= txnCommitBatchSize {
sizeMiB := float64(txnSize) / bytesPerMiB
lockTTL = uint64(float64(ttlFactor) * math.Sqrt(sizeMiB))
if lockTTL < defaultLockTTL {
lockTTL = defaultLockTTL
if lockTTL > maxLockTTL {
lockTTL = maxLockTTL
// Increase lockTTL by the transaction's read time.
// When resolving a lock, we compare current ts and startTS+lockTTL to decide whether to clean up. If a txn
// takes a long time to read, increasing its TTL will help to prevent it from been aborted soon after prewrite.
elapsed := time.Since(startTime) / time.Millisecond
return lockTTL + uint64(elapsed)
// doActionOnKeys groups keys into primary batch and secondary batches, if primary batch exists in the key,
// it does action on primary batch first, then on secondary batches. If action is commit, secondary batches
// is done in background goroutine.
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) doActionOnKeys(bo *Backoffer, action twoPhaseCommitAction, keys [][]byte) error {
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil
groups, firstRegion, err := c.store.regionCache.GroupKeysByRegion(bo, keys)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
var batches []batchKeys
var sizeFunc = c.keySize
if action == actionPrewrite {
sizeFunc = c.keyValueSize
// Make sure the group that contains primary key goes first.
batches = appendBatchBySize(batches, firstRegion, groups[firstRegion], sizeFunc, txnCommitBatchSize)
delete(groups, firstRegion)
for id, g := range groups {
batches = appendBatchBySize(batches, id, g, sizeFunc, txnCommitBatchSize)
firstIsPrimary := bytes.Equal(keys[0], c.primary())
if firstIsPrimary && (action == actionCommit || action == actionCleanup) {
// primary should be committed/cleanup first
err = c.doActionOnBatches(bo, action, batches[:1])
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
batches = batches[1:]
if action == actionCommit {
// Commit secondary batches in background goroutine to reduce latency.
twoPhaseCommitGP.Go(func() {
e := c.doActionOnBatches(bo, action, batches)
if e != nil {
log.Debugf("2PC async doActionOnBatches %s err: %v", action, e)
} else {
err = c.doActionOnBatches(bo, action, batches)
return errors.Trace(err)
// doActionOnBatches does action to batches in parallel.
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) doActionOnBatches(bo *Backoffer, action twoPhaseCommitAction, batches []batchKeys) error {
if len(batches) == 0 {
return nil
var singleBatchActionFunc func(bo *Backoffer, batch batchKeys) error
switch action {
case actionPrewrite:
singleBatchActionFunc = c.prewriteSingleBatch
case actionCommit:
singleBatchActionFunc = c.commitSingleBatch
case actionCleanup:
singleBatchActionFunc = c.cleanupSingleBatch
if len(batches) == 1 {
e := singleBatchActionFunc(bo, batches[0])
if e != nil {
log.Debugf("2PC doActionOnBatches %s failed: %v, tid: %d", action, e, c.startTS)
return errors.Trace(e)
// For prewrite, stop sending other requests after receiving first error.
backoffer := bo
var cancel goctx.CancelFunc
if action == actionPrewrite {
backoffer, cancel = bo.Fork()
// Concurrently do the work for each batch.
ch := make(chan error, len(batches))
for _, batch1 := range batches {
batch := batch1
twoPhaseCommitGP.Go(func() {
if action == actionCommit {
// Because the secondary batches of the commit actions are implemented to be
// committed asynchronously in background goroutines, we should not
// fork a child context and call cancel() while the foreground goroutine exits.
// Otherwise the background goroutines will be canceled execeptionally.
// Here we makes a new clone of the original backoffer for this goroutine
// exclusively to avoid the data race when using the same backoffer
// in concurrent goroutines.
singleBatchBackoffer := backoffer.Clone()
ch <- singleBatchActionFunc(singleBatchBackoffer, batch)
} else {
singleBatchBackoffer, singleBatchCancel := backoffer.Fork()
defer singleBatchCancel()
ch <- singleBatchActionFunc(singleBatchBackoffer, batch)
var err error
for i := 0; i < len(batches); i++ {
if e := <-ch; e != nil {
log.Debugf("2PC doActionOnBatches %s failed: %v, tid: %d", action, e, c.startTS)
// Cancel other requests and return the first error.
if cancel != nil {
log.Debugf("2PC doActionOnBatches %s to cancel other actions, tid: %d", action, c.startTS)
if err == nil {
err = e
return errors.Trace(err)
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) keyValueSize(key []byte) int {
size := len(key)
if mutation := c.mutations[string(key)]; mutation != nil {
size += len(mutation.Value)
return size
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) keySize(key []byte) int {
return len(key)
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) prewriteSingleBatch(bo *Backoffer, batch batchKeys) error {
mutations := make([]*pb.Mutation, len(batch.keys))
for i, k := range batch.keys {
mutations[i] = c.mutations[string(k)]
req := &tikvrpc.Request{
Type: tikvrpc.CmdPrewrite,
Prewrite: &pb.PrewriteRequest{
Mutations: mutations,
PrimaryLock: c.primary(),
StartVersion: c.startTS,
LockTtl: c.lockTTL,
Context: pb.Context{
Priority: c.priority,
SyncLog: c.syncLog,
for {
resp, err := c.store.SendReq(bo, req, batch.region, readTimeoutShort)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
regionErr, err := resp.GetRegionError()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if regionErr != nil {
err = bo.Backoff(boRegionMiss, errors.New(regionErr.String()))
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
err = c.prewriteKeys(bo, batch.keys)
return errors.Trace(err)
prewriteResp := resp.Prewrite
if prewriteResp == nil {
return errors.Trace(errBodyMissing)
keyErrs := prewriteResp.GetErrors()
if len(keyErrs) == 0 {
// We need to cleanup all written keys if transaction aborts.
defer c.mu.Unlock()
// Primary key should always been in the front since in `cleanup` we
// would check whether the `writtenKeys`'s first key is primary key.
if bytes.Equal(batch.keys[0], c.primary()) {
tmpKeys := make([][]byte, 0, len(batch.keys)+len(c.mu.writtenKeys))
tmpKeys = append(tmpKeys, batch.keys...)
c.mu.writtenKeys = append(tmpKeys, c.mu.writtenKeys...)
} else {
c.mu.writtenKeys = append(c.mu.writtenKeys, batch.keys...)
return nil
var locks []*Lock
for _, keyErr := range keyErrs {
lock, err1 := extractLockFromKeyErr(keyErr)
if err1 != nil {
return errors.Trace(err1)
log.Debugf("2PC prewrite encounters lock: %v", lock)
locks = append(locks, lock)
ok, err := c.store.lockResolver.ResolveLocks(bo, locks)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if !ok {
err = bo.Backoff(boTxnLock, errors.Errorf("2PC prewrite lockedKeys: %d", len(locks)))
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
func getTxnPriority(txn *tikvTxn) pb.CommandPri {
if pri := txn.us.GetOption(kv.Priority); pri != nil {
return kvPriorityToCommandPri(pri.(int))
return pb.CommandPri_Normal
func getTxnSyncLog(txn *tikvTxn) bool {
if sync := txn.us.GetOption(kv.SyncLog); sync != nil {
return sync.(bool)
return false
func kvPriorityToCommandPri(pri int) pb.CommandPri {
switch pri {
case kv.PriorityLow:
return pb.CommandPri_Low
case kv.PriorityHigh:
return pb.CommandPri_High
return pb.CommandPri_Normal
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) setUndeterminedErr(err error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
c.mu.undeterminedErr = err
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) getUndeterminedErr() error {
defer c.mu.RUnlock()
return c.mu.undeterminedErr
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) commitSingleBatch(bo *Backoffer, batch batchKeys) error {
req := &tikvrpc.Request{
Type: tikvrpc.CmdCommit,
Commit: &pb.CommitRequest{
StartVersion: c.startTS,
Keys: batch.keys,
CommitVersion: c.commitTS,
Context: pb.Context{
Priority: c.priority,
SyncLog: c.syncLog,
req.Context.Priority = c.priority
sender := NewRegionRequestSender(c.store.regionCache, c.store.client)
resp, err := sender.SendReq(bo, req, batch.region, readTimeoutShort)
// If we fail to receive response for the request that commits primary key, it will be undetermined whether this
// transaction has been successfully committed.
// Under this circumstance, we can not declare the commit is complete (may lead to data lost), nor can we throw
// an error (may lead to the duplicated key error when upper level restarts the transaction). Currently the best
// solution is to populate this error and let upper layer drop the connection to the corresponding mysql client.
isPrimary := bytes.Equal(batch.keys[0], c.primary())
if isPrimary && sender.rpcError != nil {
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
regionErr, err := resp.GetRegionError()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if regionErr != nil {
err = bo.Backoff(boRegionMiss, errors.New(regionErr.String()))
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// re-split keys and commit again.
err = c.commitKeys(bo, batch.keys)
return errors.Trace(err)
commitResp := resp.Commit
if commitResp == nil {
return errors.Trace(errBodyMissing)
// Here we can make sure tikv has processed the commit primary key request. So
// we can clean undetermined error.
if isPrimary {
if keyErr := commitResp.GetError(); keyErr != nil {
defer c.mu.RUnlock()
err = errors.Errorf("2PC commit failed: %v", keyErr.String())
if c.mu.committed {
// No secondary key could be rolled back after it's primary key is committed.
// There must be a serious bug somewhere.
log.Errorf("2PC failed commit key after primary key committed: %v, tid: %d", err, c.startTS)
return errors.Trace(err)
// The transaction maybe rolled back by concurrent transactions.
log.Debugf("2PC failed commit primary key: %v, retry later, tid: %d", err, c.startTS)
return errors.Annotate(err, txnRetryableMark)
defer c.mu.Unlock()
// Group that contains primary key is always the first.
// We mark transaction's status committed when we receive the first success response.
c.mu.committed = true
return nil
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) cleanupSingleBatch(bo *Backoffer, batch batchKeys) error {
req := &tikvrpc.Request{
Type: tikvrpc.CmdBatchRollback,
BatchRollback: &pb.BatchRollbackRequest{
Keys: batch.keys,
StartVersion: c.startTS,
Context: pb.Context{
Priority: c.priority,
SyncLog: c.syncLog,
resp, err := c.store.SendReq(bo, req, batch.region, readTimeoutShort)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
regionErr, err := resp.GetRegionError()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if regionErr != nil {
err = bo.Backoff(boRegionMiss, errors.New(regionErr.String()))
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
err = c.cleanupKeys(bo, batch.keys)
return errors.Trace(err)
if keyErr := resp.BatchRollback.GetError(); keyErr != nil {
err = errors.Errorf("2PC cleanup failed: %s", keyErr)
log.Debugf("2PC failed cleanup key: %v, tid: %d", err, c.startTS)
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) prewriteKeys(bo *Backoffer, keys [][]byte) error {
return c.doActionOnKeys(bo, actionPrewrite, keys)
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) commitKeys(bo *Backoffer, keys [][]byte) error {
return c.doActionOnKeys(bo, actionCommit, keys)
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) cleanupKeys(bo *Backoffer, keys [][]byte) error {
return c.doActionOnKeys(bo, actionCleanup, keys)
// The max time a Txn may use (in ms) from its startTS to commitTS.
// We use it to guarantee GC worker will not influence any active txn. The value
// should be less than `gcRunInterval`.
const maxTxnTimeUse = 590000
// execute executes the two-phase commit protocol.
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) execute() error {
defer func() {
// Always clean up all written keys if the txn does not commit.
writtenKeys := c.mu.writtenKeys
committed := c.mu.committed
undetermined := c.mu.undeterminedErr != nil
if !committed && !undetermined {
twoPhaseCommitGP.Go(func() {
err := c.cleanupKeys(NewBackoffer(cleanupMaxBackoff, goctx.Background()), writtenKeys)
if err != nil {
log.Infof("2PC cleanup err: %v, tid: %d", err, c.startTS)
} else {
log.Infof("2PC clean up done, tid: %d", c.startTS)
ctx := goctx.Background()
binlogChan := c.prewriteBinlog()
err := c.prewriteKeys(NewBackoffer(prewriteMaxBackoff, ctx), c.keys)
if binlogChan != nil {
binlogErr := <-binlogChan
if binlogErr != nil {
return errors.Trace(binlogErr)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("2PC failed on prewrite: %v, tid: %d", err, c.startTS)
return errors.Trace(err)
commitTS, err := c.store.getTimestampWithRetry(NewBackoffer(tsoMaxBackoff, ctx))
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("2PC get commitTS failed: %v, tid: %d", err, c.startTS)
return errors.Trace(err)
// check commitTS
if commitTS <= c.startTS {
err = errors.Errorf("Invalid transaction tso with start_ts=%v while commit_ts=%v",
return errors.Trace(err)
c.commitTS = commitTS
if err = c.checkSchemaValid(); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if c.store.oracle.IsExpired(c.startTS, maxTxnTimeUse) {
err = errors.Errorf("txn takes too much time, start: %d, commit: %d", c.startTS, c.commitTS)
return errors.Annotate(err, txnRetryableMark)
err = c.commitKeys(NewBackoffer(commitMaxBackoff, ctx), c.keys)
if err != nil {
if undeterminedErr := c.getUndeterminedErr(); undeterminedErr != nil {
log.Warnf("2PC commit result undetermined, err: %v, rpcErr: %v, tid: %v", err, undeterminedErr, c.startTS)
err = errors.Wrap(err, terror.ErrResultUndetermined)
if !c.mu.committed {
log.Debugf("2PC failed on commit: %v, tid: %d", err, c.startTS)
return errors.Trace(err)
log.Debugf("2PC succeed with error: %v, tid: %d", err, c.startTS)
return nil
type schemaLeaseChecker interface {
Check(txnTS uint64) error
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) checkSchemaValid() error {
checker, ok := c.txn.us.GetOption(kv.SchemaLeaseChecker).(schemaLeaseChecker)
if ok {
err := checker.Check(c.commitTS)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) prewriteBinlog() chan error {
if !c.shouldWriteBinlog() {
return nil
ch := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
binInfo := c.txn.us.GetOption(kv.BinlogInfo).(*binloginfo.BinlogInfo)
bin := binInfo.Data
bin.StartTs = int64(c.startTS)
if bin.Tp == binlog.BinlogType_Prewrite {
bin.PrewriteKey = c.keys[0]
err := binInfo.WriteBinlog(c.store.clusterID)
ch <- errors.Trace(err)
return ch
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) writeFinishBinlog(tp binlog.BinlogType, commitTS int64) {
if !c.shouldWriteBinlog() {
binInfo := c.txn.us.GetOption(kv.BinlogInfo).(*binloginfo.BinlogInfo)
binInfo.Data.Tp = tp
binInfo.Data.CommitTs = commitTS
go func() {
err := binInfo.WriteBinlog(c.store.clusterID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to write binlog: %v", err)
func (c *twoPhaseCommitter) shouldWriteBinlog() bool {
return c.txn.us.GetOption(kv.BinlogInfo) != nil
// TiKV recommends each RPC packet should be less than ~1MB. We keep each packet's
// Key+Value size below 16KB.
const txnCommitBatchSize = 16 * 1024
// batchKeys is a batch of keys in the same region.
type batchKeys struct {
region RegionVerID
keys [][]byte
// appendBatchBySize appends keys to []batchKeys. It may split the keys to make
// sure each batch's size does not exceed the limit.
func appendBatchBySize(b []batchKeys, region RegionVerID, keys [][]byte, sizeFn func([]byte) int, limit int) []batchKeys {
var start, end int
for start = 0; start < len(keys); start = end {
var size int
for end = start; end < len(keys) && size < limit; end++ {
size += sizeFn(keys[end])
b = append(b, batchKeys{
region: region,
keys: keys[start:end],
return b
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