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expression.go 9.83 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package expression
import (
goJSON "encoding/json"
// EvalAstExpr evaluates ast expression directly.
var EvalAstExpr func(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr ast.ExprNode) (types.Datum, error)
// Expression represents all scalar expression in SQL.
type Expression interface {
// Eval evaluates an expression through a row.
Eval(row types.Row) (types.Datum, error)
// EvalInt returns the int64 representation of expression.
EvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, row types.Row) (val int64, isNull bool, err error)
// EvalReal returns the float64 representation of expression.
EvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row types.Row) (val float64, isNull bool, err error)
// EvalString returns the string representation of expression.
EvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, row types.Row) (val string, isNull bool, err error)
// EvalDecimal returns the decimal representation of expression.
EvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row types.Row) (val *types.MyDecimal, isNull bool, err error)
// EvalTime returns the DATE/DATETIME/TIMESTAMP representation of expression.
EvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, row types.Row) (val types.Time, isNull bool, err error)
// EvalDuration returns the duration representation of expression.
EvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, row types.Row) (val types.Duration, isNull bool, err error)
// EvalJSON returns the JSON representation of expression.
EvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, row types.Row) (val json.BinaryJSON, isNull bool, err error)
// GetType gets the type that the expression returns.
GetType() *types.FieldType
// Clone copies an expression totally.
Clone() Expression
// Equal checks whether two expressions are equal.
Equal(ctx sessionctx.Context, e Expression) bool
// IsCorrelated checks if this expression has correlated key.
IsCorrelated() bool
// Decorrelate try to decorrelate the expression by schema.
Decorrelate(schema *Schema) Expression
// ResolveIndices resolves indices by the given schema.
ResolveIndices(schema *Schema)
// ExplainInfo returns operator information to be explained.
ExplainInfo() string
// CNFExprs stands for a CNF expression.
type CNFExprs []Expression
// Clone clones itself.
func (e CNFExprs) Clone() CNFExprs {
cnf := make(CNFExprs, 0, len(e))
for _, expr := range e {
cnf = append(cnf, expr.Clone())
return cnf
// EvalBool evaluates expression list to a boolean value.
func EvalBool(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprList CNFExprs, row types.Row) (bool, error) {
for _, expr := range exprList {
data, err := expr.Eval(row)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Trace(err)
if data.IsNull() {
return false, nil
i, err := data.ToBool(ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Trace(err)
if i == 0 {
return false, nil
return true, nil
// composeConditionWithBinaryOp composes condition with binary operator into a balance deep tree, which benefits a lot for pb decoder/encoder.
func composeConditionWithBinaryOp(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions []Expression, funcName string) Expression {
length := len(conditions)
if length == 0 {
return nil
if length == 1 {
return conditions[0]
expr := NewFunctionInternal(ctx, funcName,
composeConditionWithBinaryOp(ctx, conditions[:length/2], funcName),
composeConditionWithBinaryOp(ctx, conditions[length/2:], funcName))
return expr
// ComposeCNFCondition composes CNF items into a balance deep CNF tree, which benefits a lot for pb decoder/encoder.
func ComposeCNFCondition(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions ...Expression) Expression {
return composeConditionWithBinaryOp(ctx, conditions, ast.LogicAnd)
// ComposeDNFCondition composes DNF items into a balance deep DNF tree.
func ComposeDNFCondition(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions ...Expression) Expression {
return composeConditionWithBinaryOp(ctx, conditions, ast.LogicOr)
func extractBinaryOpItems(conditions *ScalarFunction, funcName string) []Expression {
var ret []Expression
for _, arg := range conditions.GetArgs() {
if sf, ok := arg.(*ScalarFunction); ok && sf.FuncName.L == funcName {
ret = append(ret, extractBinaryOpItems(sf, funcName)...)
} else {
ret = append(ret, arg)
return ret
// FlattenDNFConditions extracts DNF expression's leaf item.
// e.g. or(or(a=1, a=2), or(a=3, a=4)), we'll get [a=1, a=2, a=3, a=4].
func FlattenDNFConditions(DNFCondition *ScalarFunction) []Expression {
return extractBinaryOpItems(DNFCondition, ast.LogicOr)
// FlattenCNFConditions extracts CNF expression's leaf item.
// e.g. and(and(a>1, a>2), and(a>3, a>4)), we'll get [a>1, a>2, a>3, a>4].
func FlattenCNFConditions(CNFCondition *ScalarFunction) []Expression {
return extractBinaryOpItems(CNFCondition, ast.LogicAnd)
// Assignment represents a set assignment in Update, such as
// Update t set c1 = hex(12), c2 = c3 where c2 = 1
type Assignment struct {
Col *Column
Expr Expression
// VarAssignment represents a variable assignment in Set, such as set global a = 1.
type VarAssignment struct {
Name string
Expr Expression
IsDefault bool
IsGlobal bool
IsSystem bool
ExtendValue *Constant
// splitNormalFormItems split CNF(conjunctive normal form) like "a and b and c", or DNF(disjunctive normal form) like "a or b or c"
func splitNormalFormItems(onExpr Expression, funcName string) []Expression {
switch v := onExpr.(type) {
case *ScalarFunction:
if v.FuncName.L == funcName {
var ret []Expression
for _, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
ret = append(ret, splitNormalFormItems(arg, funcName)...)
return ret
return []Expression{onExpr}
// SplitCNFItems splits CNF items.
// CNF means conjunctive normal form, e.g. "a and b and c".
func SplitCNFItems(onExpr Expression) []Expression {
return splitNormalFormItems(onExpr, ast.LogicAnd)
// SplitDNFItems splits DNF items.
// DNF means disjunctive normal form, e.g. "a or b or c".
func SplitDNFItems(onExpr Expression) []Expression {
return splitNormalFormItems(onExpr, ast.LogicOr)
// EvaluateExprWithNull sets columns in schema as null and calculate the final result of the scalar function.
// If the Expression is a non-constant value, it means the result is unknown.
func EvaluateExprWithNull(ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *Schema, expr Expression) Expression {
switch x := expr.(type) {
case *ScalarFunction:
args := make([]Expression, len(x.GetArgs()))
for i, arg := range x.GetArgs() {
args[i] = EvaluateExprWithNull(ctx, schema, arg)
return NewFunctionInternal(ctx, x.FuncName.L, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), args...)
case *Column:
if !schema.Contains(x) {
return x
return &Constant{Value: types.Datum{}, RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeNull)}
case *Constant:
if x.DeferredExpr != nil {
return FoldConstant(x)
return expr.Clone()
// TableInfo2Schema converts table info to schema with empty DBName.
func TableInfo2Schema(tbl *model.TableInfo) *Schema {
return TableInfo2SchemaWithDBName(model.CIStr{}, tbl)
// TableInfo2SchemaWithDBName converts table info to schema.
func TableInfo2SchemaWithDBName(dbName model.CIStr, tbl *model.TableInfo) *Schema {
cols := ColumnInfos2ColumnsWithDBName(dbName, tbl.Name, tbl.Columns)
keys := make([]KeyInfo, 0, len(tbl.Indices)+1)
for _, idx := range tbl.Indices {
if !idx.Unique || idx.State != model.StatePublic {
ok := true
newKey := make([]*Column, 0, len(idx.Columns))
for _, idxCol := range idx.Columns {
find := false
for i, col := range tbl.Columns {
if idxCol.Name.L == col.Name.L {
if !mysql.HasNotNullFlag(col.Flag) {
newKey = append(newKey, cols[i])
find = true
if !find {
ok = false
if ok {
keys = append(keys, newKey)
if tbl.PKIsHandle {
for i, col := range tbl.Columns {
if mysql.HasPriKeyFlag(col.Flag) {
keys = append(keys, KeyInfo{cols[i]})
schema := NewSchema(cols...)
return schema
// ColumnInfos2ColumnsWithDBName converts a slice of ColumnInfo to a slice of Column.
func ColumnInfos2ColumnsWithDBName(dbName, tblName model.CIStr, colInfos []*model.ColumnInfo) []*Column {
columns := make([]*Column, 0, len(colInfos))
for i, col := range colInfos {
if col.State != model.StatePublic {
newCol := &Column{
ColName: col.Name,
TblName: tblName,
DBName: dbName,
RetType: &col.FieldType,
Position: i,
Index: col.Offset,
columns = append(columns, newCol)
return columns
// NewValuesFunc creates a new values function.
func NewValuesFunc(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int, retTp *types.FieldType) *ScalarFunction {
fc := &valuesFunctionClass{baseFunctionClass{ast.Values, 0, 0}, offset, retTp}
bt, err := fc.getFunction(ctx, nil)
return &ScalarFunction{
FuncName: model.NewCIStr(ast.Values),
RetType: retTp,
Function: bt,
// IsBinaryLiteral checks whether an expression is a binary literal
func IsBinaryLiteral(expr Expression) bool {
con, ok := expr.(*Constant)
return ok && con.Value.Kind() == types.KindBinaryLiteral
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