// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
tracing "github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go/config"
// Config number limitations
const (
MaxLogFileSize = 4096 // MB
// Valid config maps
var (
ValidStorage = map[string]bool{
"mocktikv": true,
"tikv": true,
// Config contains configuration options.
type Config struct {
Host string `toml:"host" json:"host"`
Port uint `toml:"port" json:"port"`
Store string `toml:"store" json:"store"`
Path string `toml:"path" json:"path"`
Socket string `toml:"socket" json:"socket"`
BinlogSocket string `toml:"binlog-socket" json:"binlog-socket"`
Lease string `toml:"lease" json:"lease"`
RunDDL bool `toml:"run-ddl" json:"run-ddl"`
SplitTable bool `toml:"split-table" json:"split-table"`
TokenLimit uint `toml:"token-limit" json:"token-limit"`
OOMAction string `toml:"oom-action" json:"oom-action"`
EnableStreaming bool `toml:"enable-streaming" json:"enable-streaming"`
// Set sys variable lower-case-table-names, ref: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/identifier-case-sensitivity.html.
// TODO: We actually only support mode 2, which keeps the original case, but the comparison is case-insensitive.
LowerCaseTableNames int `toml:"lower-case-table-names" json:"lower-case-table-names"`
Log Log `toml:"log" json:"log"`
Security Security `toml:"security" json:"security"`
Status Status `toml:"status" json:"status"`
Performance Performance `toml:"performance" json:"performance"`
XProtocol XProtocol `toml:"xprotocol" json:"xprotocol"`
PlanCache PlanCache `toml:"plan-cache" json:"plan-cache"`
PreparedPlanCache PreparedPlanCache `toml:"prepared-plan-cache" json:"prepared-plan-cache"`
OpenTracing OpenTracing `toml:"opentracing" json:"opentracing"`
ProxyProtocol ProxyProtocol `toml:"proxy-protocol" json:"proxy-protocol"`
TiKVClient TiKVClient `toml:"tikv-client" json:"tikv-client"`
// Log is the log section of config.
type Log struct {
// Log level.
Level string `toml:"level" json:"level"`
// Log format. one of json, text, or console.
Format string `toml:"format" json:"format"`
// Disable automatic timestamps in output.
DisableTimestamp bool `toml:"disable-timestamp" json:"disable-timestamp"`
// File log config.
File logutil.FileLogConfig `toml:"file" json:"file"`
SlowQueryFile string `toml:"slow-query-file" json:"slow-query-file"`
SlowThreshold uint `toml:"slow-threshold" json:"slow-threshold"`
ExpensiveThreshold uint `toml:"expensive-threshold" json:"expensive-threshold"`
QueryLogMaxLen uint `toml:"query-log-max-len" json:"query-log-max-len"`
// Security is the security section of the config.
type Security struct {
SkipGrantTable bool `toml:"skip-grant-table" json:"skip-grant-table"`
SSLCA string `toml:"ssl-ca" json:"ssl-ca"`
SSLCert string `toml:"ssl-cert" json:"ssl-cert"`
SSLKey string `toml:"ssl-key" json:"ssl-key"`
ClusterSSLCA string `toml:"cluster-ssl-ca" json:"cluster-ssl-ca"`
ClusterSSLCert string `toml:"cluster-ssl-cert" json:"cluster-ssl-cert"`
ClusterSSLKey string `toml:"cluster-ssl-key" json:"cluster-ssl-key"`
// ToTLSConfig generates tls's config based on security section of the config.
func (s *Security) ToTLSConfig() (*tls.Config, error) {
var tlsConfig *tls.Config
if len(s.ClusterSSLCA) != 0 {
var certificates = make([]tls.Certificate, 0)
if len(s.ClusterSSLCert) != 0 && len(s.ClusterSSLKey) != 0 {
// Load the client certificates from disk
certificate, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(s.ClusterSSLCert, s.ClusterSSLKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("could not load client key pair: %s", err)
certificates = append(certificates, certificate)
// Create a certificate pool from the certificate authority
certPool := x509.NewCertPool()
ca, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.ClusterSSLCA)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("could not read ca certificate: %s", err)
// Append the certificates from the CA
if !certPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(ca) {
return nil, errors.New("failed to append ca certs")
tlsConfig = &tls.Config{
Certificates: certificates,
RootCAs: certPool,
return tlsConfig, nil
// Status is the status section of the config.
type Status struct {
ReportStatus bool `toml:"report-status" json:"report-status"`
StatusPort uint `toml:"status-port" json:"status-port"`
MetricsAddr string `toml:"metrics-addr" json:"metrics-addr"`
MetricsInterval uint `toml:"metrics-interval" json:"metrics-interval"`
// Performance is the performance section of the config.
type Performance struct {
MaxProcs uint `toml:"max-procs" json:"max-procs"`
TCPKeepAlive bool `toml:"tcp-keep-alive" json:"tcp-keep-alive"`
RetryLimit uint `toml:"retry-limit" json:"retry-limit"`
CrossJoin bool `toml:"cross-join" json:"cross-join"`
StatsLease string `toml:"stats-lease" json:"stats-lease"`
RunAutoAnalyze bool `toml:"run-auto-analyze" json:"run-auto-analyze"`
StmtCountLimit uint `toml:"stmt-count-limit" json:"stmt-count-limit"`
FeedbackProbability float64 `toml:"feedback-probability" json:"feedback-probability"`
QueryFeedbackLimit uint `toml:"query-feedback-limit" json:"query-feedback-limit"`
PseudoEstimateRatio float64 `toml:"pseudo-estimate-ratio" json:"pseudo-estimate-ratio"`
AutoAnalyzeRatio float64 `toml:"auto-analyze-ratio" json:"auto-analyze-ratio"`
// XProtocol is the XProtocol section of the config.
type XProtocol struct {
XServer bool `toml:"xserver" json:"xserver"`
XHost string `toml:"xhost" json:"xhost"`
XPort uint `toml:"xport" json:"xport"`
XSocket string `toml:"xsocket" json:"xsocket"`
// PlanCache is the PlanCache section of the config.
type PlanCache struct {
Enabled bool `toml:"enabled" json:"enabled"`
Capacity uint `toml:"capacity" json:"capacity"`
Shards uint `toml:"shards" json:"shards"`
// PreparedPlanCache is the PreparedPlanCache section of the config.
type PreparedPlanCache struct {
Enabled bool `toml:"enabled" json:"enabled"`
Capacity uint `toml:"capacity" json:"capacity"`
// OpenTracing is the opentracing section of the config.
type OpenTracing struct {
Enable bool `toml:"enable" json:"enbale"`
Sampler OpenTracingSampler `toml:"sampler" json:"sampler"`
Reporter OpenTracingReporter `toml:"reporter" json:"reporter"`
RPCMetrics bool `toml:"rpc-metrics" json:"rpc-metrics"`
// OpenTracingSampler is the config for opentracing sampler.
// See https://godoc.org/github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go/config#SamplerConfig
type OpenTracingSampler struct {
Type string `toml:"type" json:"type"`
Param float64 `toml:"param" json:"param"`
SamplingServerURL string `toml:"sampling-server-url" json:"sampling-server-url"`
MaxOperations int `toml:"max-operations" json:"max-operations"`
SamplingRefreshInterval time.Duration `toml:"sampling-refresh-interval" json:"sampling-refresh-interval"`
// OpenTracingReporter is the config for opentracing reporter.
// See https://godoc.org/github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go/config#ReporterConfig
type OpenTracingReporter struct {
QueueSize int `toml:"queue-size" json:"queue-size"`
BufferFlushInterval time.Duration `toml:"buffer-flush-interval" json:"buffer-flush-interval"`
LogSpans bool `toml:"log-spans" json:"log-spans"`
LocalAgentHostPort string `toml:"local-agent-host-port" json:"local-agent-host-port"`
// ProxyProtocol is the PROXY protocol section of the config.
type ProxyProtocol struct {
// PROXY protocol acceptable client networks.
// Empty string means disable PROXY protocol,
// * means all networks.
Networks string `toml:"networks" json:"networks"`
// PROXY protocol header read timeout, Unit is second.
HeaderTimeout uint `toml:"header-timeout" json:"header-timeout"`
// TiKVClient is the config for tikv client.
type TiKVClient struct {
// GrpcConnectionCount is the max gRPC connections that will be established
// with each tikv-server.
GrpcConnectionCount uint `toml:"grpc-connection-count" json:"grpc-connection-count"`
// CommitTimeout is the max time which command 'commit' will wait.
CommitTimeout string `toml:"commit-timeout" json:"commit-timeout"`
var defaultConf = Config{
Host: "",
Port: 4000,
Store: "mocktikv",
Path: "/tmp/tidb",
RunDDL: true,
SplitTable: true,
Lease: "45s",
TokenLimit: 1000,
OOMAction: "log",
EnableStreaming: false,
LowerCaseTableNames: 2,
Log: Log{
Level: "info",
Format: "text",
File: logutil.FileLogConfig{
LogRotate: true,
MaxSize: logutil.DefaultLogMaxSize,
SlowThreshold: 300,
ExpensiveThreshold: 10000,
QueryLogMaxLen: 2048,
Status: Status{
ReportStatus: true,
StatusPort: 10080,
MetricsInterval: 15,
Performance: Performance{
TCPKeepAlive: true,
RetryLimit: 10,
CrossJoin: true,
StatsLease: "3s",
RunAutoAnalyze: true,
StmtCountLimit: 5000,
FeedbackProbability: 0,
QueryFeedbackLimit: 1024,
PseudoEstimateRatio: 0.7,
AutoAnalyzeRatio: 0,
XProtocol: XProtocol{
XHost: "",
XPort: 0,
ProxyProtocol: ProxyProtocol{
Networks: "",
HeaderTimeout: 5,
PlanCache: PlanCache{
Enabled: false,
Capacity: 2560,
Shards: 256,
PreparedPlanCache: PreparedPlanCache{
Enabled: false,
Capacity: 100,
OpenTracing: OpenTracing{
Enable: false,
Sampler: OpenTracingSampler{
Type: "const",
Param: 1.0,
Reporter: OpenTracingReporter{},
TiKVClient: TiKVClient{
GrpcConnectionCount: 16,
CommitTimeout: "41s",
var globalConf = defaultConf
// NewConfig creates a new config instance with default value.
func NewConfig() *Config {
conf := defaultConf
return &conf
// GetGlobalConfig returns the global configuration for this server.
// It should store configuration from command line and configuration file.
// Other parts of the system can read the global configuration use this function.
func GetGlobalConfig() *Config {
return &globalConf
// Load loads config options from a toml file.
func (c *Config) Load(confFile string) error {
_, err := toml.DecodeFile(confFile, c)
if c.TokenLimit <= 0 {
c.TokenLimit = 1000
return errors.Trace(err)
// ToLogConfig converts *Log to *logutil.LogConfig.
func (l *Log) ToLogConfig() *logutil.LogConfig {
return &logutil.LogConfig{
Level: l.Level,
Format: l.Format,
DisableTimestamp: l.DisableTimestamp,
File: l.File,
SlowQueryFile: l.SlowQueryFile,
// ToTracingConfig converts *OpenTracing to *tracing.Configuration.
func (t *OpenTracing) ToTracingConfig() *tracing.Configuration {
ret := &tracing.Configuration{
Disabled: !t.Enable,
RPCMetrics: t.RPCMetrics,
Reporter: &tracing.ReporterConfig{},
Sampler: &tracing.SamplerConfig{},
ret.Reporter.QueueSize = t.Reporter.QueueSize
ret.Reporter.BufferFlushInterval = t.Reporter.BufferFlushInterval
ret.Reporter.LogSpans = t.Reporter.LogSpans
ret.Reporter.LocalAgentHostPort = t.Reporter.LocalAgentHostPort
ret.Sampler.Type = t.Sampler.Type
ret.Sampler.Param = t.Sampler.Param
ret.Sampler.SamplingServerURL = t.Sampler.SamplingServerURL
ret.Sampler.MaxOperations = t.Sampler.MaxOperations
ret.Sampler.SamplingRefreshInterval = t.Sampler.SamplingRefreshInterval
return ret
// The following constants represents the valid action configurations for OOMAction.
// NOTE: Althrough the values is case insensitiv, we should use lower-case
// strings because the configuration value will be transformed to lower-case
// string and compared with these constants in the further usage.
const (
OOMActionCancel = "cancel"
OOMActionLog = "log"
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