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bundle.go 17.41 KB
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Yoav Tock 提交于 2019-01-17 11:17 . FAB-13705 refine Bundle.validateNew
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package channelconfig
import (
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
ab "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/orderer"
var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("common.channelconfig")
// RootGroupKey is the key for namespacing the channel config, especially for
// policy evaluation.
const RootGroupKey = "Channel"
// Bundle is a collection of resources which will always have a consistent
// view of the channel configuration. In particular, for a given bundle reference,
// the config sequence, the policy manager etc. will always return exactly the
// same value. The Bundle structure is immutable and will always be replaced in its
// entirety, with new backing memory.
type Bundle struct {
policyManager policies.Manager
mspManager msp.MSPManager
channelConfig *ChannelConfig
configtxManager configtx.Validator
// PolicyManager returns the policy manager constructed for this config.
func (b *Bundle) PolicyManager() policies.Manager {
return b.policyManager
// MSPManager returns the MSP manager constructed for this config.
func (b *Bundle) MSPManager() msp.MSPManager {
return b.channelConfig.MSPManager()
// ChannelConfig returns the config.Channel for the chain.
func (b *Bundle) ChannelConfig() Channel {
return b.channelConfig
// OrdererConfig returns the config.Orderer for the channel
// and whether the Orderer config exists.
func (b *Bundle) OrdererConfig() (Orderer, bool) {
result := b.channelConfig.OrdererConfig()
return result, result != nil
// ConsortiumsConfig returns the config.Consortiums for the channel
// and whether the consortiums config exists.
func (b *Bundle) ConsortiumsConfig() (Consortiums, bool) {
result := b.channelConfig.ConsortiumsConfig()
return result, result != nil
// ApplicationConfig returns the configtxapplication.SharedConfig for the channel
// and whether the Application config exists.
func (b *Bundle) ApplicationConfig() (Application, bool) {
result := b.channelConfig.ApplicationConfig()
return result, result != nil
// ConfigtxValidator returns the configtx.Validator for the channel.
func (b *Bundle) ConfigtxValidator() configtx.Validator {
return b.configtxManager
// ValidateNew checks if a new bundle's contained configuration is valid to be derived from the current bundle.
// This allows checks of the nature "Make sure that the consensus type did not change".
func (b *Bundle) ValidateNew(nb Resources) error {
if oc, ok := b.OrdererConfig(); ok {
noc, ok := nb.OrdererConfig()
if !ok {
return errors.New("current config has orderer section, but new config does not")
// Prevent consensus-type migration when capabilities Kafka2RaftMigration is disabled
if !oc.Capabilities().Kafka2RaftMigration() {
if oc.ConsensusType() != noc.ConsensusType() {
return errors.Errorf("attempted to change consensus type from %s to %s",
oc.ConsensusType(), noc.ConsensusType())
if noc.ConsensusMigrationState() != ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_NONE || noc.ConsensusMigrationContext() != 0 {
return errors.Errorf("new config has unexpected consensus-migration state or context: (%s/%d) should be (MIG_STATE_NONE/0)",
noc.ConsensusMigrationState().String(), noc.ConsensusMigrationContext())
} else {
if err := b.validateMigrationStep(oc, noc); err != nil {
return err
for orgName, org := range oc.Organizations() {
norg, ok := noc.Organizations()[orgName]
if !ok {
mspID := org.MSPID()
if mspID != norg.MSPID() {
return errors.Errorf("orderer org %s attempted to change MSP ID from %s to %s", orgName, mspID, norg.MSPID())
if ac, ok := b.ApplicationConfig(); ok {
nac, ok := nb.ApplicationConfig()
if !ok {
return errors.New("current config has application section, but new config does not")
for orgName, org := range ac.Organizations() {
norg, ok := nac.Organizations()[orgName]
if !ok {
mspID := org.MSPID()
if mspID != norg.MSPID() {
return errors.Errorf("application org %s attempted to change MSP ID from %s to %s", orgName, mspID, norg.MSPID())
if cc, ok := b.ConsortiumsConfig(); ok {
ncc, ok := nb.ConsortiumsConfig()
if !ok {
return errors.Errorf("current config has consortiums section, but new config does not")
for consortiumName, consortium := range cc.Consortiums() {
nconsortium, ok := ncc.Consortiums()[consortiumName]
if !ok {
for orgName, org := range consortium.Organizations() {
norg, ok := nconsortium.Organizations()[orgName]
if !ok {
mspID := org.MSPID()
if mspID != norg.MSPID() {
return errors.Errorf("consortium %s org %s attempted to change MSP ID from %s to %s", consortiumName, orgName, mspID, norg.MSPID())
} else if _, okNew := nb.ConsortiumsConfig(); okNew {
return errors.Errorf("current config has no consortiums section, but new config does")
return nil
// NewBundleFromEnvelope wraps the NewBundle function, extracting the needed
// information from a full configtx
func NewBundleFromEnvelope(env *cb.Envelope) (*Bundle, error) {
payload, err := utils.UnmarshalPayload(env.Payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal payload from envelope")
configEnvelope, err := configtx.UnmarshalConfigEnvelope(payload.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal config envelope from payload")
if payload.Header == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("envelope header cannot be nil")
chdr, err := utils.UnmarshalChannelHeader(payload.Header.ChannelHeader)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal channel header")
return NewBundle(chdr.ChannelId, configEnvelope.Config)
// NewBundle creates a new immutable bundle of configuration
func NewBundle(channelID string, config *cb.Config) (*Bundle, error) {
if err := preValidate(config); err != nil {
return nil, err
channelConfig, err := NewChannelConfig(config.ChannelGroup)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "initializing channelconfig failed")
policyProviderMap := make(map[int32]policies.Provider)
for pType := range cb.Policy_PolicyType_name {
rtype := cb.Policy_PolicyType(pType)
switch rtype {
case cb.Policy_UNKNOWN:
// Do not register a handler
case cb.Policy_SIGNATURE:
policyProviderMap[pType] = cauthdsl.NewPolicyProvider(channelConfig.MSPManager())
case cb.Policy_MSP:
// Add hook for MSP Handler here
policyManager, err := policies.NewManagerImpl(RootGroupKey, policyProviderMap, config.ChannelGroup)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "initializing policymanager failed")
configtxManager, err := configtx.NewValidatorImpl(channelID, config, RootGroupKey, policyManager)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "initializing configtx manager failed")
return &Bundle{
policyManager: policyManager,
channelConfig: channelConfig,
configtxManager: configtxManager,
}, nil
func preValidate(config *cb.Config) error {
if config == nil {
return errors.New("channelconfig Config cannot be nil")
if config.ChannelGroup == nil {
return errors.New("config must contain a channel group")
if og, ok := config.ChannelGroup.Groups[OrdererGroupKey]; ok {
if _, ok := og.Values[CapabilitiesKey]; !ok {
if _, ok := config.ChannelGroup.Values[CapabilitiesKey]; ok {
return errors.New("cannot enable channel capabilities without orderer support first")
if ag, ok := config.ChannelGroup.Groups[ApplicationGroupKey]; ok {
if _, ok := ag.Values[CapabilitiesKey]; ok {
return errors.New("cannot enable application capabilities without orderer support first")
return nil
// validateMigrationStep checks the validity of the state transitions of a possible migration step.
// The system channel is identified in order to more accurately evaluate the state transitions of
// system vs. standard channels. The migration state machine (for both types of channels) is enforced
// in the chain implementation, after ordering.
// Consensus-type changes from Kafka to Raft in the "green" path:
// - The system channel starts the migration
// - A standard channel prepares the context, type change Kafka to Raft
// - The system channel commits the migration, type change Kafka to Raft
// Consensus-type changes from Raft to Kafka in the "abort" path:
// - The system channel starts the migration
// - A standard channel prepares the context, type change Kafka to Raft
// - The system channel aborts the migration
// - The standard channel reverts the type back, type change Raft to Kafka
func (b *Bundle) validateMigrationStep(oc Orderer, noc Orderer) error {
oldType := oc.ConsensusType()
oldState := oc.ConsensusMigrationState()
oldContext := oc.ConsensusMigrationContext()
newType := noc.ConsensusType()
newState := noc.ConsensusMigrationState()
newContext := noc.ConsensusMigrationContext()
_, isSys := b.ConsortiumsConfig()
logger.Debugf("Validating potential consensus-type migration, system=%t; Old: %s / %s / %d;"+
" New: %s / %s / %d; (Type/State/Context)", isSys, oldType, oldState, oldContext, newType, newState, newContext)
if isSys {
return validateMigrationStepSystem(oldType, newType, oldState, newState, newContext)
} else {
return validateMigrationStepStandard(oldType, newType, oldState, newState, oldContext, newContext)
// validateMigrationStepSystem checks the validity of the state transitions of a possible migration step
// on the system channel.
func validateMigrationStepSystem(oldType, newType string, oldState, newState ab.ConsensusType_MigrationState, newContext uint64) error {
// Check validity of new state, type, and context
unExpCtx := "Consensus-type migration, state=%s, unexpected context, actual=%d (expected=%s)"
unExpType := "Consensus-type migration, state=%s, unexpected type, actual=%s (expected=%s)"
switch newState {
case ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_NONE:
if newContext != 0 {
return errors.Errorf(unExpCtx, newState, newContext, "0")
case ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_START:
if newType != "kafka" {
return errors.Errorf(unExpType, newState, newType, "kafka")
if newContext != 0 {
return errors.Errorf(unExpCtx, newState, newContext, "0")
case ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_COMMIT:
if newType != "etcdraft" {
return errors.Errorf(unExpType, newState, newType, "etcdraft")
if newContext <= 0 {
return errors.Errorf(unExpCtx, newState, newContext, ">0")
case ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_ABORT:
if newType != "kafka" {
return errors.Errorf(unExpType, newState, newType, "kafka")
if newContext <= 0 {
return errors.Errorf(unExpCtx, newState, newContext, ">0")
return errors.Errorf("Consensus-type migration, state=%s, not permitted on system channel", newState)
// The following code explicitly checks for permitted transitions; all other transitions return an error.
if oldType != newType {
if oldType == "kafka" && newType == "etcdraft" {
// On the system channels, this is permitted, green path commit
isSysCommit := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_START) && (newState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_COMMIT)
if !isSysCommit {
return errors.Errorf("Attempted to change consensus type from %s to %s, unexpected state transition: %s to %s",
oldType, newType, oldState, newState)
} else if oldType == "etcdraft" && newType == "kafka" {
return errors.Errorf("Attempted to change consensus type from %s to %s, not permitted on system channel", oldType, newType)
} else {
return errors.Errorf("Attempted to change consensus type from %s to %s, not supported", oldType, newType)
logger.Debugf("Consensus-type migration, from %s to %s, state transition: %s to %s", oldType, newType, oldState, newState)
} else {
// This is always permitted, not a migration
isNotMig := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_NONE) && (newState == oldState)
if isNotMig {
logger.Debugf("Not Consensus-type migration, type %s, old-state = new-state = %s", oldType, oldState)
return nil
// Migration state may change when the type stays the same
if oldType == "kafka" {
// In the "green" path: the system channel starts migration
isStart := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_NONE) && (newState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_START)
// In the "abort" path: the system channel aborts a migration
isAbort := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_START) && (newState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_ABORT)
// In the "abort" path: the system channel reconfigures after an abort, not a migration
isNotMigAfterAbort := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_ABORT) && (newState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_NONE)
// In the "abort" path: the system channel starts a new migration attempt after an abort
isStartAfterAbort := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_ABORT) && (newState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_START)
if !(isNotMig || isStart || isAbort || isNotMigAfterAbort || isStartAfterAbort) {
return errors.Errorf("Consensus type %s, unexpected migration state transition: %s to %s",
oldType, oldState, newState)
} else if oldType == "etcdraft" {
// In the "green" path: the system channel reconfigures after a successful migration
isConfAfterSuccess := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_COMMIT) && (newState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_NONE)
if !(isNotMig || isConfAfterSuccess) {
return errors.Errorf("Consensus type %s, unexpected migration state transition: %s to %s",
oldType, oldState.String(), newState)
logger.Debugf("Consensus-type migration, type %s, state transition: %s to %s", oldType, oldState, newState)
return nil
// validateMigrationStepStandard checks the validity of the state transitions of a possible migration step
// on the standard channel.
func validateMigrationStepStandard(oldType, newType string, oldState, newState ab.ConsensusType_MigrationState, oldContext, newContext uint64) error {
// Check validity of new state, type, and context
unExpCtx := "Consensus-type migration, state=%s, unexpected context, actual=%d (expected=%s)"
switch newState {
case ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_NONE:
if newContext != 0 {
return errors.Errorf(unExpCtx, newState, newContext, "0")
case ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_CONTEXT:
if newType != "etcdraft" {
unExpType := "Consensus-type migration, state=%s, unexpected type, actual=%s (expected=%s)"
return errors.Errorf(unExpType, newState, newType, "etcdraft")
if newContext <= 0 {
return errors.Errorf(unExpCtx, newState, newContext, ">0")
return errors.Errorf("Consensus-type migration, state=%s, not permitted on standard channel", newState)
// The following code explicitly checks for permitted transitions; all other transitions return an error.
if oldType != newType {
badAttemptStr := "Attempted to change consensus type from %s to %s, unexpected state transition: %s to %s"
if oldType == "kafka" && newType == "etcdraft" {
// On the standard channels, this is permitted, green path context
isCtx := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_NONE) && (newState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_CONTEXT)
if !isCtx {
return errors.Errorf(badAttemptStr, oldType, newType, oldState, newState)
} else if oldType == "etcdraft" && newType == "kafka" {
// On the standard channels, this is permitted, abort path
isAbort := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_CONTEXT) && (newState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_NONE)
if !isAbort {
return errors.Errorf(badAttemptStr, oldType, newType, oldState, newState)
} else {
return errors.Errorf("Attempted to change consensus type from %s to %s, not supported", oldType, newType)
logger.Debugf("Consensus-type migration, from %s to %s, state transition: %s to %s", oldType, newType, oldState, newState)
} else {
// This is always permitted, not a migration
isNotMig := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_NONE) && (newState == oldState)
if isNotMig {
logger.Debugf("Not Consensus-type migration, type %s, old-state = new-state = %s", oldType, oldState)
return nil
// Migration state may change when the type stays the same
if oldType == "etcdraft" {
// In the "green" path: a channel reconfigures after a successful migration
isConfigAfterSuccess := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_CONTEXT) && (newState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_NONE)
// In the "green" path: a channel may amend its CONTEXT (Metadata) as long as migration is pending, i.e.
// system channel started, not yet committed. The context must be the same.
isCtxAmend := (oldState == ab.ConsensusType_MIG_STATE_CONTEXT) && (oldState == newState) && (oldContext == newContext)
if !(isNotMig || isConfigAfterSuccess || isCtxAmend) {
return errors.Errorf("Consensus type %s, unexpected migration state transition: %s to %s", oldType, oldState, newState)
} else if oldType == "kafka" {
// Not a migration
if !isNotMig {
return errors.Errorf("Consensus type %s, unexpected migration state transition: %s to %s", oldType, oldState, newState)
logger.Debugf("Consensus-type migration, type %s, state transition: %s to %s", oldType, oldState, newState)
return nil
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