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config.go 17.69 KB
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Gari Singh 提交于 2020-03-30 10:52 . Move comm pkg to internal
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// The 'viper' package for configuration handling is very flexible, but has
// been found to have extremely poor performance when configuration values are
// accessed repeatedly. The function CacheConfiguration() defined here caches
// all configuration values that are accessed frequently. These parameters
// are now presented as function calls that access local configuration
// variables. This seems to be the most robust way to represent these
// parameters in the face of the numerous ways that configuration files are
// loaded and used (e.g, normal usage vs. test cases).
// The CacheConfiguration() function is allowed to be called globally to
// ensure that the correct values are always cached; See for example how
// certain parameters are forced in 'ChaincodeDevMode' in main.go.
package peer
import (
// ExternalBuilder represents the configuration structure of
// a chaincode external builder
type ExternalBuilder struct {
EnvironmentWhitelist []string `yaml:"environmentWhitelist"`
Name string `yaml:"name"`
Path string `yaml:"path"`
// Config is the struct that defines the Peer configurations.
type Config struct {
// LocalMSPID is the identifier of the local MSP.
LocalMSPID string
// ListenAddress is the local address the peer will listen on. It must be
// formatted as [host | ipaddr]:port.
ListenAddress string
// PeerID provides a name for this peer instance. It is used when naming
// docker resources to segregate fabric networks and peers.
PeerID string
// PeerAddress is the address other peers and clients should use to
// communicate with the peer. It must be formatted as [host | ipaddr]:port.
// When used by the CLI, it represents the target peer endpoint.
PeerAddress string
// NetworkID specifies a name to use for logical separation of networks. It
// is used when naming docker resources to segregate fabric networks and
// peers.
NetworkID string
// ChaincodeListenAddress is the endpoint on which this peer will listen for
// chaincode connections. If omitted, it defaults to the host portion of
// PeerAddress and port 7052.
ChaincodeListenAddress string
// ChaincodeAddress specifies the endpoint chaincode launched by the peer
// should use to connect to the peer. If omitted, it defaults to
// ChaincodeListenAddress and falls back to ListenAddress.
ChaincodeAddress string
// ValidatorPoolSize indicates the number of goroutines that will execute
// transaction validation in parallel. If omitted, it defaults to number of
// hardware threads on the machine.
ValidatorPoolSize int
// ----- Peer Delivery Client Keepalive -----
// DeliveryClient Keepalive settings for communication with ordering nodes.
DeliverClientKeepaliveOptions comm.KeepaliveOptions
// ----- Profile -----
// TODO: create separate sub-struct for Profile config.
// ProfileEnabled determines if the go pprof endpoint is enabled in the peer.
ProfileEnabled bool
// ProfileListenAddress is the address the pprof server should accept
// connections on.
ProfileListenAddress string
// ----- Discovery -----
// The discovery service is used by clients to query information about peers,
// such as - which peers have joined a certain channel, what is the latest
// channel config, and most importantly - given a chaincode and a channel, what
// possible sets of peers satisfy the endorsement policy.
// TODO: create separate sub-struct for Discovery config.
// DiscoveryEnabled is used to enable the discovery service.
DiscoveryEnabled bool
// DiscoveryOrgMembersAllowed allows non-admins to perform non channel-scoped queries.
DiscoveryOrgMembersAllowed bool
// DiscoveryAuthCacheEnabled is used to enable the authentication cache.
DiscoveryAuthCacheEnabled bool
// DiscoveryAuthCacheMaxSize sets the maximum size of authentication cache.
DiscoveryAuthCacheMaxSize int
// DiscoveryAuthCachePurgeRetentionRatio set the proportion of entries remains in cache
// after overpopulation purge.
DiscoveryAuthCachePurgeRetentionRatio float64
// ----- Limits -----
// Limits is used to configure some internal resource limits.
// TODO: create separate sub-struct for Limits config.
// LimitsConcurrencyEndorserService sets the limits for concurrent requests sent to
// endorser service that handles chaincode deployment, query and invocation,
// including both user chaincodes and system chaincodes.
LimitsConcurrencyEndorserService int
// LimitsConcurrencyDeliverService sets the limits for concurrent event listeners
// registered to deliver service for blocks and transaction events.
LimitsConcurrencyDeliverService int
// ----- TLS -----
// Require server-side TLS.
// TODO: create separate sub-struct for PeerTLS config.
// PeerTLSEnabled enables/disables Peer TLS.
PeerTLSEnabled bool
// ----- Authentication -----
// Authentication contains configuration parameters related to authenticating
// client messages.
// TODO: create separate sub-struct for Authentication config.
// AuthenticationTimeWindow sets the acceptable time duration for current
// server time and client's time as specified in a client request message.
AuthenticationTimeWindow time.Duration
// Endpoint of the vm management system. For docker can be one of the following in general
// unix:///var/run/docker.sock
// http://localhost:2375
// https://localhost:2376
VMEndpoint string
// ----- vm.docker.tls -----
// TODO: create separate sub-struct for VM.Docker.TLS config.
// VMDockerTLSEnabled enables/disables TLS for dockers.
VMDockerTLSEnabled bool
VMDockerAttachStdout bool
// VMNetworkMode sets the networking mode for the container.
VMNetworkMode string
// ChaincodePull enables/disables force pulling of the base docker image.
ChaincodePull bool
// ExternalBuilders represents the builders and launchers for
// chaincode. The external builder detection processing will iterate over the
// builders in the order specified below.
ExternalBuilders []ExternalBuilder
// ----- Operations config -----
// TODO: create separate sub-struct for Operations config.
// OperationsListenAddress provides the host and port for the operations server
OperationsListenAddress string
// OperationsTLSEnabled enables/disables TLS for operations.
OperationsTLSEnabled bool
// OperationsTLSCertFile provides the path to PEM encoded server certificate for
// the operations server.
OperationsTLSCertFile string
// OperationsTLSKeyFile provides the path to PEM encoded server key for the
// operations server.
OperationsTLSKeyFile string
// OperationsTLSClientAuthRequired enables/disables the requirements for client
// certificate authentication at the TLS layer to access all resource.
OperationsTLSClientAuthRequired bool
// OperationsTLSClientRootCAs provides the path to PEM encoded ca certiricates to
// trust for client authentication.
OperationsTLSClientRootCAs []string
// ----- Metrics config -----
// TODO: create separate sub-struct for Metrics config.
// MetricsProvider provides the categories of metrics providers, which is one of
// statsd, prometheus, or disabled.
MetricsProvider string
// StatsdNetwork indicate the network type used by statsd metrics. (tcp or udp).
StatsdNetwork string
// StatsdAaddress provides the address for statsd server.
StatsdAaddress string
// StatsdWriteInterval set the time interval at which locally cached counters and
// gauges are pushed.
StatsdWriteInterval time.Duration
// StatsdPrefix provides the prefix that prepended to all emitted statsd metrics.
StatsdPrefix string
// ----- Docker config ------
// DockerCert is the path to the PEM encoded TLS client certificate required to access
// the docker daemon.
DockerCert string
// DockerKey is the path to the PEM encoded key required to access the docker daemon.
DockerKey string
// DockerCA is the path to the PEM encoded CA certificate for the docker daemon.
DockerCA string
// GlobalConfig obtains a set of configuration from viper, build and returns
// the config struct.
func GlobalConfig() (*Config, error) {
c := &Config{}
if err := c.load(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (c *Config) load() error {
preeAddress, err := getLocalAddress()
if err != nil {
return err
configDir := filepath.Dir(viper.ConfigFileUsed())
c.PeerAddress = preeAddress
c.PeerID = viper.GetString("peer.id")
c.LocalMSPID = viper.GetString("peer.localMspId")
c.ListenAddress = viper.GetString("peer.listenAddress")
c.AuthenticationTimeWindow = viper.GetDuration("peer.authentication.timewindow")
if c.AuthenticationTimeWindow == 0 {
defaultTimeWindow := 15 * time.Minute
logger.Warningf("`peer.authentication.timewindow` not set; defaulting to %s", defaultTimeWindow)
c.AuthenticationTimeWindow = defaultTimeWindow
c.PeerTLSEnabled = viper.GetBool("peer.tls.enabled")
c.NetworkID = viper.GetString("peer.networkId")
c.LimitsConcurrencyEndorserService = viper.GetInt("peer.limits.concurrency.endorserService")
c.LimitsConcurrencyDeliverService = viper.GetInt("peer.limits.concurrency.deliverService")
c.DiscoveryEnabled = viper.GetBool("peer.discovery.enabled")
c.ProfileEnabled = viper.GetBool("peer.profile.enabled")
c.ProfileListenAddress = viper.GetString("peer.profile.listenAddress")
c.DiscoveryOrgMembersAllowed = viper.GetBool("peer.discovery.orgMembersAllowedAccess")
c.DiscoveryAuthCacheEnabled = viper.GetBool("peer.discovery.authCacheEnabled")
c.DiscoveryAuthCacheMaxSize = viper.GetInt("peer.discovery.authCacheMaxSize")
c.DiscoveryAuthCachePurgeRetentionRatio = viper.GetFloat64("peer.discovery.authCachePurgeRetentionRatio")
c.ChaincodeListenAddress = viper.GetString("peer.chaincodeListenAddress")
c.ChaincodeAddress = viper.GetString("peer.chaincodeAddress")
c.ValidatorPoolSize = viper.GetInt("peer.validatorPoolSize")
if c.ValidatorPoolSize <= 0 {
c.ValidatorPoolSize = runtime.NumCPU()
c.DeliverClientKeepaliveOptions = comm.DefaultKeepaliveOptions
if viper.IsSet("peer.keepalive.deliveryClient.interval") {
c.DeliverClientKeepaliveOptions.ClientInterval = viper.GetDuration("peer.keepalive.deliveryClient.interval")
if viper.IsSet("peer.keepalive.deliveryClient.timeout") {
c.DeliverClientKeepaliveOptions.ClientTimeout = viper.GetDuration("peer.keepalive.deliveryClient.timeout")
c.VMEndpoint = viper.GetString("vm.endpoint")
c.VMDockerTLSEnabled = viper.GetBool("vm.docker.tls.enabled")
c.VMDockerAttachStdout = viper.GetBool("vm.docker.attachStdout")
c.VMNetworkMode = viper.GetString("vm.docker.hostConfig.NetworkMode")
if c.VMNetworkMode == "" {
c.VMNetworkMode = "host"
c.ChaincodePull = viper.GetBool("chaincode.pull")
var externalBuilders []ExternalBuilder
err = viper.UnmarshalKey("chaincode.externalBuilders", &externalBuilders)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, builder := range externalBuilders {
if builder.Path == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid external builder configuration, path attribute missing in one or more builders")
if builder.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("external builder at path %s has no name attribute", builder.Path)
c.ExternalBuilders = externalBuilders
c.OperationsListenAddress = viper.GetString("operations.listenAddress")
c.OperationsTLSEnabled = viper.GetBool("operations.tls.enabled")
c.OperationsTLSCertFile = config.GetPath("operations.tls.cert.file")
c.OperationsTLSKeyFile = config.GetPath("operations.tls.key.file")
c.OperationsTLSClientAuthRequired = viper.GetBool("operations.tls.clientAuthRequired")
for _, rca := range viper.GetStringSlice("operations.tls.clientRootCAs.files") {
c.OperationsTLSClientRootCAs = append(c.OperationsTLSClientRootCAs, config.TranslatePath(configDir, rca))
c.MetricsProvider = viper.GetString("metrics.provider")
c.StatsdNetwork = viper.GetString("metrics.statsd.network")
c.StatsdAaddress = viper.GetString("metrics.statsd.address")
c.StatsdWriteInterval = viper.GetDuration("metrics.statsd.writeInterval")
c.StatsdPrefix = viper.GetString("metrics.statsd.prefix")
c.DockerCert = config.GetPath("vm.docker.tls.cert.file")
c.DockerKey = config.GetPath("vm.docker.tls.key.file")
c.DockerCA = config.GetPath("vm.docker.tls.ca.file")
return nil
// getLocalAddress returns the address:port the local peer is operating on. Affected by env:peer.addressAutoDetect
func getLocalAddress() (string, error) {
peerAddress := viper.GetString("peer.address")
if peerAddress == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("peer.address isn't set")
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(peerAddress)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Errorf("peer.address isn't in host:port format: %s", peerAddress)
localIP, err := comm.GetLocalIP()
if err != nil {
peerLogger.Errorf("local IP address not auto-detectable: %s", err)
return "", err
autoDetectedIPAndPort := net.JoinHostPort(localIP, port)
peerLogger.Info("Auto-detected peer address:", autoDetectedIPAndPort)
// If host is the IPv4 address "" or the IPv6 address "::",
// then fallback to auto-detected address
if ip := net.ParseIP(host); ip != nil && ip.IsUnspecified() {
peerLogger.Info("Host is", host, ", falling back to auto-detected address:", autoDetectedIPAndPort)
return autoDetectedIPAndPort, nil
if viper.GetBool("peer.addressAutoDetect") {
peerLogger.Info("Auto-detect flag is set, returning", autoDetectedIPAndPort)
return autoDetectedIPAndPort, nil
peerLogger.Info("Returning", peerAddress)
return peerAddress, nil
// GetServerConfig returns the gRPC server configuration for the peer
func GetServerConfig() (comm.ServerConfig, error) {
serverConfig := comm.ServerConfig{
ConnectionTimeout: viper.GetDuration("peer.connectiontimeout"),
SecOpts: comm.SecureOptions{
UseTLS: viper.GetBool("peer.tls.enabled"),
if serverConfig.SecOpts.UseTLS {
// get the certs from the file system
serverKey, err := ioutil.ReadFile(config.GetPath("peer.tls.key.file"))
if err != nil {
return serverConfig, fmt.Errorf("error loading TLS key (%s)", err)
serverCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(config.GetPath("peer.tls.cert.file"))
if err != nil {
return serverConfig, fmt.Errorf("error loading TLS certificate (%s)", err)
serverConfig.SecOpts.Certificate = serverCert
serverConfig.SecOpts.Key = serverKey
serverConfig.SecOpts.RequireClientCert = viper.GetBool("peer.tls.clientAuthRequired")
if serverConfig.SecOpts.RequireClientCert {
var clientRoots [][]byte
for _, file := range viper.GetStringSlice("peer.tls.clientRootCAs.files") {
clientRoot, err := ioutil.ReadFile(
config.TranslatePath(filepath.Dir(viper.ConfigFileUsed()), file))
if err != nil {
return serverConfig,
fmt.Errorf("error loading client root CAs (%s)", err)
clientRoots = append(clientRoots, clientRoot)
serverConfig.SecOpts.ClientRootCAs = clientRoots
// check for root cert
if config.GetPath("peer.tls.rootcert.file") != "" {
rootCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(config.GetPath("peer.tls.rootcert.file"))
if err != nil {
return serverConfig, fmt.Errorf("error loading TLS root certificate (%s)", err)
serverConfig.SecOpts.ServerRootCAs = [][]byte{rootCert}
// get the default keepalive options
serverConfig.KaOpts = comm.DefaultKeepaliveOptions
// check to see if interval is set for the env
if viper.IsSet("peer.keepalive.interval") {
serverConfig.KaOpts.ServerInterval = viper.GetDuration("peer.keepalive.interval")
// check to see if timeout is set for the env
if viper.IsSet("peer.keepalive.timeout") {
serverConfig.KaOpts.ServerTimeout = viper.GetDuration("peer.keepalive.timeout")
// check to see if minInterval is set for the env
if viper.IsSet("peer.keepalive.minInterval") {
serverConfig.KaOpts.ServerMinInterval = viper.GetDuration("peer.keepalive.minInterval")
return serverConfig, nil
// GetClientCertificate returns the TLS certificate to use for gRPC client
// connections
func GetClientCertificate() (tls.Certificate, error) {
cert := tls.Certificate{}
keyPath := viper.GetString("peer.tls.clientKey.file")
certPath := viper.GetString("peer.tls.clientCert.file")
if keyPath != "" || certPath != "" {
// need both keyPath and certPath to be set
if keyPath == "" || certPath == "" {
return cert, errors.New("peer.tls.clientKey.file and " +
"peer.tls.clientCert.file must both be set or must both be empty")
keyPath = config.GetPath("peer.tls.clientKey.file")
certPath = config.GetPath("peer.tls.clientCert.file")
} else {
// use the TLS server keypair
keyPath = viper.GetString("peer.tls.key.file")
certPath = viper.GetString("peer.tls.cert.file")
if keyPath != "" || certPath != "" {
// need both keyPath and certPath to be set
if keyPath == "" || certPath == "" {
return cert, errors.New("peer.tls.key.file and " +
"peer.tls.cert.file must both be set or must both be empty")
keyPath = config.GetPath("peer.tls.key.file")
certPath = config.GetPath("peer.tls.cert.file")
} else {
return cert, errors.New("must set either " +
"[peer.tls.key.file and peer.tls.cert.file] or " +
"[peer.tls.clientKey.file and peer.tls.clientCert.file]" +
"when peer.tls.clientAuthEnabled is set to true")
// get the keypair from the file system
clientKey, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keyPath)
if err != nil {
return cert, errors.WithMessage(err,
"error loading client TLS key")
clientCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(certPath)
if err != nil {
return cert, errors.WithMessage(err,
"error loading client TLS certificate")
cert, err = tls.X509KeyPair(clientCert, clientKey)
if err != nil {
return cert, errors.WithMessage(err,
"error parsing client TLS key pair")
return cert, nil
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