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TsMask / antdv-pro-layout

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Ant Design Vue Pro Layout

Ant Design Pro Vue 布局,易于使用专业脚手架。

Vue Support NPM version NPM downloads License MIT

中文 | English

安装 Install

npm i antdv-pro-layout

简单使用 Simple Usage

首先,您应该将所需的 antdv-pro-layout 添加到库中。

// main.[js|ts]
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";

import Antd from "ant-design-vue";
import "ant-design-vue/dist/reset.css";
import { ProLayout, PageContainer } from "antdv-pro-layout";

const app = createApp(App);



    <router-view />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive, useRouter } from "vue";
import { getMenuData, clearMenuItem, type MenuDataItem } from "antdv-pro-layout";

const locale = (menuData: MenuDataItem) => menuData.meta?.title;
const router = useRouter();

const { menuData } = getMenuData(clearMenuItem(router.getRoutes()));

const state = reactive({
  collapsed: false, // default value
  openKeys: ["/dashboard"], // defualt openKeys
  selectedKeys: ["/welcome"], // default selectedKeys

const layoutConf = reactive({
  layout: "side",
  theme: "light", // "dark" | "light",
  menuTheme: "light", // "dark" | "light",
  fixedHeader: true,
  fixSiderbar: true,
  splitMenus: true,

库功能支持 API

函数布局 ProLayout

  • MediaQueryEnum 屏幕尺寸媒体查询枚举对象
  • getMediaScreen 屏幕尺寸
  • useMediaScreen 屏幕尺寸 ref响应监听
  • prefersColorScheme 媒体主题颜色模式偏好监听
  • viewTransitionTheme 主题切换视图过渡
  • getMenuData 路由表转出系统菜单
  • clearMenuItem 清除菜单项,属性排除!name和meta隐藏标记

组件布局 ProLayout

参数 说明 类型 默认值
title 布局LOGO右侧文本 string 'Ant Design Pro'
logo 布局LOGO图链接 string https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/PmY%24TNNDBI/logo.svg
logoStyle 布局LOGO图样式 object -
loading 布局内容区加载等待状态 boolean false
layout 菜单布局 'side' | 'top' | 'mix' 'side'
breadcrumb 布局内容左上角面包屑 Object -
disableContentMargin 布局内容禁用外边距 boolean false
theme 全局主题色 'light' |'dark' 'light'
menuTheme 菜单导航主题色 'light' |'dark' 'light'
menuData 菜单数据根据Vue-router routes 根路径'/'生成 Object [{}]
collapsed 菜单左侧时收起展开 boolean true
selectedKeys 菜单选择高亮keys string[] []
openKeys 菜单选择打开展开keys string[] []
fixSiderbar 菜单左侧列表固定 boolean false
splitMenus 菜单布局mix分割二级菜单到左侧 boolean false
menuHeaderRender 渲染菜单头logo和标题区域 v-slot | VNode | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode | false -
menuHeaderExtraRender 渲染菜单头拓展区域 v-slot | VNode | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode | false -
menuFooterRender 渲染菜单底脚区域 v-slot | VNode | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode | false -
menuItemRender 渲染菜单项 Menu.Item v-slot#menuItemRender="menuItem" -
menuSubItemRender 渲染菜单嵌套子项 Menu.SubItem v-slot#menuSubItemRender="menuItem" -
collapsedButtonRender 渲染菜单收起按钮区域 v-slot#collapsedButtonRender="collapsed" -
fixedHeader 顶部区域固定 boolean false
headerRender 渲染顶部区域 v-slot | VNode | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode -
headerContentRender 渲染顶部内容区域,仅布局side有效 v-slot | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode -
headerContentRightRender 渲染顶部内容右端区域 v-slot | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode -
footerRender 渲染底部区域 v-slot | ({ width, ...props }) => VNode false
tabRender 渲染顶部标签页区域 v-slot | ({ width, ...props }) => VNode false
breadcrumbRender 渲染面包屑导航区域 v-slot | ({ route, params, routes, paths, h }) => VNode[] -
locale 菜单名国际化函数处理 Function(menuDataItem?: MenuDataItem) => string | false false
collapse 菜单左侧收起展开触发函数处理 Function(collapsed: boolean) => void -

菜单生成需要 getMenuDataclearMenuItem 函数转换
例如 const { menuData } = getMenuData(clearMenuItem(routes))

插槽渲染 Custom Render

渲染顶部内容区域 headerContentRender
<template #headerContentRender>
  <div style="background-color: #ff7875">headerContentRender</div>
<template #headerContentRightRender>
  <a-avatar shape="square" size="small"> Avatar </a-avatar>
渲染菜单项 menuItemRender Menu.Item
<template #menuItemRender="{ path, meta }">
    <router-link :to="path">
      <span class="ant-pro-menu-item">
        <a-badge count="5" dot>
          <span class="ant-pro-menu-item-title">{{ meta?.title }}</span>
渲染顶部头区域 breadcrumbRender
<template #breadcrumbRender="{ route, params, routes }">
  <span v-if="routes.indexOf(route) === routes.length - 1">
    {{ route.breadcrumbName }}
  <RouterLink v-else :to="{ path: route.path, params }">
    {{ route.breadcrumbName }}
渲染顶部标签页区域 tabRender
<template #tabRender="{ width, fixedHeader }">
      style="height: 36px; line-height: 36px; background: transparent"
        margin: '0',
        height: '36px',
        lineHeight: '36px',
        right: '0px',
        top: '48px',
        position: fixedHeader ? 'fixed' : 'unset',
        width: fixedHeader ? width : '100%',
        overflow: 'hidden',
        zIndex: 14,
        padding: '4px 16px',
        background: '#fff',
        boxShadow: '0 1px 4px #0015291f',
        transition: 'background 0.3s, width 0.2s',
      tabRender fixedHeader:{{ fixedHeader }} width:{{ width }}
渲染底部区域 footerRender
<template #footerRender="{ width, fixedHeader }">
      style="height: 48px; line-height: 48px; background: transparent"
        margin: '0',
        height: '48px',
        lineHeight: '48px',
        right: '0px',
        bottom: '0px',
        position: fixedHeader ? 'fixed' : 'unset',
        width: fixedHeader ? width : '100%',
        overflow: 'hidden',
        zIndex: 14,
        background: '#fff',
        boxShadow: '0 1px 4px #0015291f',
        transition: 'background 0.3s, width 0.2s',
          blankTarget: true,
          title: 'Link 1',
          href: '#',
          blankTarget: false,
          title: 'Link 2',
          href: 'https://gitee.com/TsMask/',
          blankTarget: true,
          title: 'Link 3',
          href: '#',
      copyright="Copyright &copy; 2023 Gitee For TsMask"

组件页脚 GlobalFooter

参数 说明 类型 默认值
links 必填,链接跳转 Array<{ key?: string; title: string; href: string; blankTarget?: boolean; }> -
copyright 版权声明区域 v-slot | VNode | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode | false undefined
prefixCls 样式前缀 string ant-pro-global-footer
      blankTarget: true,
      title: 'Link 1',
      href: '#',
      blankTarget: false,
      title: 'Link 2',
      href: 'https://gitee.com/TsMask/',
      blankTarget: true,
      title: 'Link 3',
      href: '#',
  copyright="Copyright &copy; 2023 Gitee For TsMask"

组件内容页 PageContainer

包含antdv组件API属性: PageHeader 页头Affix 固钉

参数 说明 类型 默认值
loading 加载状态 boolean false
flex 内容布局充满,默认固定宽度1200px boolean false
fixed-header 固定 PageHeader 到顶部 boolean false
affixProps 固钉的配置 affix {offsetTop: 48}
pageFooter 渲染页脚插槽 VNode | v-slot -
pageHeader 渲染页头替换PageHeader组件插槽 VNode | v-slot -
... PageHeader属性 PageHeader 页头API -
breadcrumb PageHeader面包屑的配置,{}配置不显示 breadcrumb -
content PageHeader默认插槽 VNode | v-slot -
contentExtra PageHeader默认插槽右侧空间 VNode | v-slot -
tab-list PageHeader插槽footer无时,显示标签列表 Array<{key: string, tab: any}> -
tab-active-key 标签列表当前激活key string -
tab-change 标签列表tab被点击的回调 (key) => void -
tab-props 标签列表标签页属性 tabs -

基本使用示例 Basic Usage

项目目录下 演示测试 or 项目引用示例

源项目仓库分支 Branch

来自 @ant-design-vue/pro-layout

  • next : Vue3 + ant-design-vue@3.x (latest)
  • v3.1 : Vue3 + ant-design-vue@2.2.x (release LTS)
  • v2 : Vue2 + ant-design-vue@1.7.x

当前版本,还在持续更新 v4

持续维护 Continuous Maintenance

# 安装所需依赖
npm install

# 打包生成dist目录含d.ts文件
npm run build
MIT License Copyright (c) 2023 TsMask Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


【Vue3】Ant Design Pro布局Vue,易于使用专业脚手架。 展开 收起
TypeScript 等 4 种语言






