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艾鸥科技 / go-aiou

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
benchmark_token.go 14.47 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
张卓 提交于 2020-05-10 14:55 . init
package run
import (
// BenchmarkTokenCommand is the subcommand for benchmark.
var BenchmarkTokenCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "benchmarkToken",
ShortName: "benchT",
Usage: "Run token benchmark by given tps",
Flags: BenchmarkTokenFlags,
Action: BenchmarkTokenAction,
// BenchmarkTokenFlags is the list of flags for benchmark.
var BenchmarkTokenFlags = []cli.Flag{
Name: "tps",
Value: 50,
Usage: "The expected ratio of transactions per second",
Name: "check",
Usage: "if check receipt",
const (
createToken = "create"
issueToken = "issue"
transferToken = "transfer"
transferFreezeToken = "transferFreeze"
destroyToken = "destroy"
balanceOfToken = "balanceOf"
supplyToken = "supply"
totalSupplyToken = "totalSupply"
type tokenInfo struct {
sym string
issuer string
balance map[string]float64
acclist []string
type hashItem struct {
hash string
expire time.Time
// BenchmarkTokenAction is the action of benchmark.
var BenchmarkTokenAction = func(c *cli.Context) error {
itest.Interval = 1000 * time.Millisecond
itest.InitAmount = "1000"
itest.InitPledge = "1000"
itest.InitRAM = "3000"
logger := ilog.New()
fileWriter := ilog.NewFileWriter(c.GlobalString("log"))
it, err := itest.Load(c.GlobalString("keys"), c.GlobalString("config"))
if err != nil {
return err
accountFile := c.GlobalString("account")
t0 := time.Now()
accounts, err := itest.LoadAccounts(accountFile)
if err != nil {
if err := AccountCaseAction(c); err != nil {
return err
if accounts, err = itest.LoadAccounts(accountFile); err != nil {
return err
t1 := time.Now()
ilog.Warnf("load account time: %v, got %v", float64(t1.UnixNano()-t0.UnixNano())/1e9, len(accounts))
accountMap := make(map[string]*itest.Account)
for _, acc := range accounts {
accountMap[acc.ID] = acc
tps := c.Int("tps")
sig := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sig, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGQUIT)
startTime := time.Now()
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
counter := 0
total := 0
slotTotal := 0
slotStartTime := startTime
tokenList := []string{global.Token}
tokenMap := make(map[string]*tokenInfo)
tokenMap[global.Token] = &tokenInfo{
sym: global.Token,
issuer: "",
balance: make(map[string]float64),
acclist: make([]string, 0),
for _, acc := range accounts {
tokenMap[global.Token].balance[acc.ID] = acc.Balance()
tokenMap[global.Token].acclist = append(tokenMap[global.Token].acclist, acc.ID)
tokenPrefix := "t" + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10)[14:]
checkReceiptConcurrent := 64
tokenOffset := 0
var tokenMutex sync.Mutex
hashCh := make(chan *hashItem, 4*tps*int(itest.Timeout.Seconds()))
for c := 0; c < checkReceiptConcurrent; c++ {
go func(hashCh chan *hashItem) {
counter := 0
failedCounter := 0
for item := range hashCh {
client := it.GetClients()[rand.Intn(len(it.GetClients()))]
r, err := client.CheckTransactionWithTimeout(item.hash, item.expire)
if err != nil {
ilog.Errorf("check transaction failed, %v", err)
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(r.Receipts); i++ {
if r.Receipts[i].FuncName == "token.aiou/issue" {
args := make([]string, 3)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(r.Receipts[i].Content), &args)
if err != nil {
ilog.Debugf("got receipt %v %v", r.Receipts[i], args)
tokenSym := args[0]
if !strings.HasPrefix(tokenSym, tokenPrefix) {
acc := args[1]
amountStr := args[2]
amount, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(amountStr, 32)
if _, ok := tokenMap[tokenSym].balance[acc]; !ok {
tokenMap[tokenSym].acclist = append(tokenMap[tokenSym].acclist, acc)
tokenMap[tokenSym].balance[acc] += amount
} else if r.Receipts[i].FuncName == "token.aiou/create" {
args := make([]interface{}, 4)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(r.Receipts[i].Content), &args)
if err != nil {
ilog.Debugf("got receipt %v %v", r.Receipts[i], args)
tokenSym := args[0].(string)
issuer := args[1].(string)
tokenList = append(tokenList, tokenSym)
tokenMap[tokenSym] = &tokenInfo{
sym: tokenSym,
issuer: issuer,
balance: make(map[string]float64),
acclist: []string{},
if counter%1000 == 0 {
ilog.Warnf("check %v transaction, %v successful, %v failed.", counter, counter-failedCounter, failedCounter)
if len(hashCh) > 3*tps*int(itest.Timeout.Seconds()) {
ilog.Infof("hash ch size too large %v", len(hashCh))
check := c.Bool("check")
contractName := "token.aiou"
for {
trxs := make([]*itest.Transaction, 0)
errList := []error{}
for num := 0; num < tps; num++ {
// create 1, issue 1000, transfer 10000, transferFreeze 2000, destroy 100, balanceOf 100, supply 10, totalSupply 10
tIndex := rand.Intn(10000)
var abiName string
switch true {
case tIndex <= 0 || len(tokenList) < 5:
abiName = createToken
tokenSym := tokenPrefix + strconv.FormatInt(int64(tokenOffset), 10)
from := accounts[rand.Intn(len(accounts))]
decimal := rand.Intn(5) + 2
act0 := tx.NewAction("ram.aiou", "buy", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", %v]`, "admin", from.ID, 10000))
act1 := tx.NewAction("gas.aiou", "pledge", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v"]`, "admin", from.ID, 10))
tx0 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act0, act1})
trx, err := it.GetDefaultAccount().Sign(tx0)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
act1 = tx.NewAction(contractName, abiName, fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", %v, %v]`, tokenSym, from.ID, 100000000000, fmt.Sprintf(`{"decimal": %v}`, decimal)))
tx1 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err = from.Sign(tx1)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
case tIndex <= 10:
abiName = supplyToken
tokenSym := tokenList[rand.Intn(len(tokenList))]
from := accounts[rand.Intn(len(accounts))]
act1 := tx.NewAction("gas.aiou", "pledge", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v"]`, "admin", from.ID, 10))
tx0 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err := it.GetDefaultAccount().Sign(tx0)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
act1 = tx.NewAction(contractName, abiName, fmt.Sprintf(`["%v"]`, tokenSym))
tx1 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err = from.Sign(tx1) //if _, ok := tokenMap[tokenSym].balance[to.ID]; !ok {
// tokenMap[tokenSym].acclist = append(tokenMap[tokenSym].acclist, to.ID)
//tokenMap[tokenSym].balance[to.ID] += amount
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
case tIndex <= 20:
abiName = totalSupplyToken
ilog.Infof("total supply")
tokenSym := tokenList[rand.Intn(len(tokenList))]
from := accounts[rand.Intn(len(accounts))]
act1 := tx.NewAction("gas.aiou", "pledge", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v"]`, "admin", from.ID, 10))
tx0 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err := it.GetDefaultAccount().Sign(tx0)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
act1 = tx.NewAction(contractName, abiName, fmt.Sprintf(`["%v"]`, tokenSym))
tx1 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err = from.Sign(tx1)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
case tIndex <= 120:
abiName = balanceOfToken
tokenSym := tokenList[rand.Intn(len(tokenList))]
from := accounts[rand.Intn(len(accounts))]
act1 := tx.NewAction("gas.aiou", "pledge", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v"]`, "admin", from.ID, 10))
tx0 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err := it.GetDefaultAccount().Sign(tx0)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
act1 = tx.NewAction(contractName, abiName, fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v"]`, tokenSym, from.ID))
tx1 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err = from.Sign(tx1)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
case tIndex <= 220:
abiName = destroyToken
tokenSym := tokenList[rand.Intn(len(tokenList))]
if len(tokenMap[tokenSym].balance) == 0 {
tokenSym = global.Token
from := accountMap[tokenMap[tokenSym].acclist[rand.Intn(len(tokenMap[tokenSym].acclist))]]
balance := tokenMap[tokenSym].balance[from.ID]
act1 := tx.NewAction("gas.aiou", "pledge", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v"]`, "admin", from.ID, 10))
tx0 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err := it.GetDefaultAccount().Sign(tx0)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
amount := math.Max(float64(rand.Intn(int(math.Max(balance, 1))))/100.0, 0.01)
act1 = tx.NewAction(contractName, abiName, fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v"]`, tokenSym, from.ID, amount))
tx1 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err = from.Sign(tx1)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
tokenMap[tokenSym].balance[from.ID] -= amount
case tIndex <= 1000:
abiName = issueToken
if len(tokenList) == 1 {
tokenSym := tokenList[1+rand.Intn(len(tokenList)-1)]
issuer := accountMap[tokenMap[tokenSym].issuer]
to := accounts[rand.Intn(len(accounts))]
act0 := tx.NewAction("ram.aiou", "buy", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", %v]`, "admin", issuer.ID, 1000))
act1 := tx.NewAction("gas.aiou", "pledge", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v"]`, "admin", issuer.ID, 10))
tx0 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act0, act1})
trx, err := it.GetDefaultAccount().Sign(tx0)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
amount := 1000 + 1000*rand.Float64()
act1 = tx.NewAction(contractName, abiName, fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v"]`, tokenSym, to.ID, int64(amount)))
tx1 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err = issuer.Sign(tx1)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
case tIndex <= 1100:
abiName = transferFreezeToken
tokenSym := tokenList[rand.Intn(len(tokenList))]
if len(tokenMap[tokenSym].balance) == 0 {
tokenSym = global.Token
from := accountMap[tokenMap[tokenSym].acclist[rand.Intn(len(tokenMap[tokenSym].acclist))]]
to := accounts[rand.Intn(len(accounts))]
balance := tokenMap[tokenSym].balance[from.ID]
act0 := tx.NewAction("ram.aiou", "buy", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", %v]`, "admin", from.ID, 10000))
act1 := tx.NewAction("gas.aiou", "pledge", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v"]`, "admin", from.ID, 10))
tx0 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act0, act1})
trx, err := it.GetDefaultAccount().Sign(tx0)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
ftime := time.Now().UnixNano() + int64(rand.Intn(100))*1e9
amount := math.Max(float64(rand.Intn(int(math.Max(balance, 1))))/100.0, 0.01)
act1 = tx.NewAction(contractName, abiName, fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v", "%v", %v, "%v"]`, tokenSym, from.ID, to.ID, amount, ftime, ""))
tx1 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err = from.Sign(tx1)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
tokenMap[tokenSym].balance[from.ID] -= amount
abiName = transferToken
tokenSym := tokenList[rand.Intn(len(tokenList))]
if len(tokenMap[tokenSym].balance) == 0 {
tokenSym = global.Token
from := accountMap[tokenMap[tokenSym].acclist[rand.Intn(len(tokenMap[tokenSym].acclist))]]
to := accounts[rand.Intn(len(accounts))]
balance := tokenMap[tokenSym].balance[from.ID]
act0 := tx.NewAction("ram.aiou", "buy", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", %v]`, "admin", from.ID, 100))
act1 := tx.NewAction("gas.aiou", "pledge", fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v"]`, "admin", from.ID, 10))
tx0 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act0, act1})
trx, err := it.GetDefaultAccount().Sign(tx0)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
amount := math.Max(float64(rand.Intn(int(math.Max(balance, 1))))/100.0, 0.01)
act1 = tx.NewAction(contractName, abiName, fmt.Sprintf(`["%v", "%v", "%v", "%v", "%v"]`, tokenSym, from.ID, to.ID, amount, ""))
tx1 := itest.NewTransaction([]*tx.Action{act1})
trx, err = from.Sign(tx1)
if err != nil {
errList = append(errList, err)
} else {
trxs = append(trxs, trx)
tokenMap[tokenSym].balance[from.ID] -= amount
hashList, tmpList := it.SendTransactionN(trxs, false)
errList = append(errList, tmpList...)
ilog.Warnf("Send %v trxs, got %v hash, %v err", len(trxs), len(hashList), len(errList))
if check {
expire := time.Now().Add(itest.Timeout)
for _, hash := range hashList {
select {
case hashCh <- &hashItem{hash: hash, expire: expire}:
case <-time.After(1 * time.Millisecond):
select {
case <-sig:
return fmt.Errorf("signal %v", sig)
case <-ticker.C:
slotTotal += len(trxs)
if counter == 10 {
total += slotTotal
currentTps := float64(slotTotal) / time.Since(slotStartTime).Seconds()
averageTps := float64(total) / time.Since(startTime).Seconds()
ilog.Warnf("Current tps %v, Average tps %v, Total tx %v, token num %v", currentTps, averageTps, total, len(tokenList))
counter = 0
slotTotal = 0
slotStartTime = time.Now()
