Typedown is a lightweight Markdown editor designed specifically for the Windows platform. With the WinUI framework, it provides users with a seamless interface and efficient editing experience that perfectly matches the operating system. Whether you're writing technical documents, academic papers, or blog posts, Typedown is your go-to assistant!
Visual Studio 2022 with the following individual components:
Node.js with the following global packages:
git clone https://github.com/byxiaozhi/Typedown
This will create a local copy of the repository.
First go to the directory Typedown\Dev\Typedown.Editor
and run yarn && yarn build
cd Typedown\Dev\Typedown.Editor
yarn && yarn build
After finishing the compilation of Typedown.Editor
, you can see the generated product in the directory Typedown\Dev\Typedown\Resources\Statics
Then use VisualStudio 2022 to open Typedown\Typedown.sln
, right-click on the Typedown project and select Set as Startup Project.
In the top pane, select the solution configuration you want to build in, the difference between these configurations is as follows
will be accessed using the http://localhost:3000 address, to use this configuration you need to also start the Typedown.Editor project using yarn start in the Typedown\Dev\Typedown.Editor directory.Typedown.Editor
will be accessed using the compiled product (Typedown\Dev\Typedown\Resources\Statics)Then select the platform you want to build on (x64, x86, or arm64) and click Run!
Want to contribute to this project? Let us know with an issue that communicates your intent to create a pull request.
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