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IAP csharp sample encapsulates APIs of the HUAWEI IAP server. It provides many sample programs for your reference or usage.
The following describes packages of java sample code.

DemoConfig:           Sample code of config.
AtDemo:               Sample code of AccessToken. 
OrderDemo:            Sample code of OrderService. 
SubscriptionDemo:     Sample code of SubscriptionDemo. 
NotificationDemo:     Sample code of notification.


To use functions provided in examples, you need to set related parameters in Demo.cs.

The following describes parameters in class DemoConfig.
clientId:      Client ID, which is obtained from app information.
clientSecret:  Secret access key of an app, which is obtained from app information.
tokenUrl:      URL for the Huawei OAuth 2.0 service to obtain a token, please refer to Generating an App-Level Access Token.
applicationPublicKey:   Application RSA publick key, base64 encode string. 

At first, the meaning of accountFlag should be clear.If field accountFlag in InappPurchaseData equals to 1, 
the account belongs to telecom carrier(TOBTOC_SITE_URL), otherwise to Huawei(TOC_SITE_URL).  
For both OrderService and SubscriptionService, you need to choose appropriate site.
TOC_SITE_URL:      The TOC_SITE_URL has different urls at different sites, you should always choose the address of the nearest site to access.
TOBTOC_SITE_URL:   The site for telecom carrier.

Example Code

Each method in the sample calls an API of the HUAWEI IAP server.
The following describes methods in the sample.

1). AtDemo: getAppAT()
You can call this method to get App Level AccessToken.
Code location: Demo.cs  AtDemo.getAppAt

2). OrderDemo: verifyToken()
You can call this method to verify the purchase token in the payment result with the Huawei payment server to confirm the accuracy of the payment result.
The URL is {orderUrl}/applications/purchases/tokens/verify. The orderUrl has different urls at different sites, you should always choose the Order service address of the nearest site to access.
Code location: Demo.cs OrderDemo.verifyToken

3). OrderDemo: cancelledListPurchase()
You can call this method to pagination query all purchase information that has been cancelled or has a refund.
The URL is {orderUrl}/applications/{apiVersion}/purchases/cancelledList. The orderUrl has different urls at different sites, you should always choose the Order service address of the nearest site to access.
Code location: Demo.cs OrderDemo.cancelledListPurchase 

4). SubscriptionDemo: getSubscription()
You can call this method to verify a purchased subscription product, such as to obtain the validity period and status。
The URL is {subscriptionUrl}/sub/applications/{apiVersion}/purchases/get. The subscriptionUrl has different urls at different sites, you should always choose the Subscription service address of the nearest site to access.
Code location Demo.cs SubscriptionDemo.getSubscription 
5). SubscriptionDemo: stopSubscription()
You can call this method to cancel an already subscribed product, the subscription is still valid during the validity period, and subsequent renewals will be terminated.
The URL is {subscriptionUrl}/sub/applications/{apiVersion}/purchases/stop. The subscriptionUrl has different urls at different sites, you should always choose the Subscription service address of the nearest site to access.
Code location Demo.cs SubscriptionDemo.stopSubscription 

6). SubscriptionDemo: delaySubscription()
You can call this method to renew a subscription product for a customer until a specified time in the future. After success, the customer's subscription will expire at a future time.
The URL is {subscriptionUrl}/sub/applications/{apiVersion}/purchases/delay. The subscriptionUrl has different urls at different sites, you should always choose the Subscription service address of the nearest site to access.
Code location Demo.cs SubscriptionDemo.delaySubscription 

7). SubscriptionDemo: returnFeeSubscription()
You can call this method to refund the last renewal fee of a subscription product, but the subscription product is still valid during the validity period, and subsequent renewals will be performed normally.
The URL is {subscriptionUrl}/sub/applications/{apiVersion}/purchases/returnFee. The subscriptionUrl has different urls at different sites, you should always choose the Subscription service address of the nearest site to access.
Code location Demo.cs SubscriptionDemo.returnFeeSubscription 

8). SubscriptionDemo: withdrawalSubscription()
You can call this method to cancel a subscription, which is equivalent to executing the returnFeeSubscription method, and immediately ending the subscription service and subsequent renewal.
The URL is {subscriptionUrl}/sub/applications/{apiVersion}/purchases/withdrawal. The subscriptionUrl has different urls at different sites, you should always choose the Subscription service address of the nearest site to access.
Code location Demo.cs SubscriptionDemo.withdrawalSubscription 

9). NotificationDemo: dealNotification()
You can call this method to handle subscription event notifications.
The information parameter is obtained from subscription event notification.
Code location Demo.cs  NotificationDemo.dealNotification()

10). OrderService: confirmPurchase()
You can call this method to confirm purchase after sending out product.
The URL is {rootUrl}/applications/{apiVersion}/purchases/confirm. The rootUrl has different urls at different sites, you should always choose the Order service address of the nearest site to access.
Code location Demo.cs OrderDemo.confirmPurchase


IAP csharp sample is licensed under the [Apache License, version 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).



华为应用内支付服务端示例代码,共提供了java, csharp, golang, nodejs, perl, php, python and ruby八种语言样例代码。介绍了华为应用内支付的服务端开发步骤,帮助您快速了解华为支付提供的服务端接口及其使用方法。 展开 收起






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