Fitting Spatial Panel SF models in STATA
See the manuscript for details
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net get xtsfsp, from("") replace
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net get xtsfsp, from("") replace
If you use this module, please cite the following papers:
title = {A New Stochastic Frontier Model with Cross-Sectional Effects in Both Noise and Inefficiency Terms},
author = {Orea, Luis and {\'A}lvarez, Inmaculada C.},
year = {2019},
journal = {Journal of Econometrics},
volume = {213},
number = {2},
pages = {556--577},
issn = {03044076},
langid = {english}
Orea, Luis and Álvarez, Inmaculada C. A New Stochastic Frontier Model with Cross-Sectional Effects in Both Noise and Inefficiency Terms, Journal of Econometrics, 2019, 213(2):556--577.
@TechReport {Du2024,
Author = {Du, K., Orea, Luis and {\'A}lvarez, Inmaculada C.},
Title = {Fitting spatial stochastic frontier models in Stata},
Note = {Stata Journal},
Year = {2024},
Du, K., Orea, Luis and Álvarez, Inmaculada C. Fitting spatial stochastic frontier models in Stata, working paper, 2023.
title={A spatial stochastic frontier model with omitted variables: Electricity distribution in Norway},
author={Orea, Luis and {\'A}lvarez, Inmaculada C and Jamasb, Tooraj},
journal={The Energy Journal},
publisher={International Association for Energy Economics}
Orea, L., I. C. Alvarez, and T. Jamasb. 2018. A spatial stochastic frontier model with omitted variables: Electricity distribution in Norway. The Energy Journal 39(3) .
title={The structural and productivity effects of infrastructure provision in developed and developing countries},
author = {Orea, Luis and {\'A}lvarez, Inmaculada C. and Servén, L.},
journal={in Parmeter, C. and Wang, H.J. (Eds.). Essays in Honor of Subal Kumbhakar (Advances in Econometrics), Emerald Publishing Limited},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
Orea, L., I. C. Alvarez, and L. Serven. 2023. The structural and productivity ´ effects of infrastructure provision in developed and developing countries. in Parmeter, C. and Wang, H.J. (Eds.). Essays in Honor of Subal Kumbhakar (Advances in Econometrics), Emerald Publishing Limited .
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