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# jQuery.NiceScroll v. 3.7.6 ## The best nicescroll release ever - extremely smooth and consistent in modern browsers and mobile devices, with low resource usage - [Web Site: nicescroll.areaaperta.com](https://nicescroll.areaaperta.com) - [Repo: github.com/inuyaksa/jquery.nicescroll](https://github.com/inuyaksa/jquery.nicescroll) - [Twitter: @nicescroll](https://twitter.com/nicescroll) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/inuyaksa/jquery.nicescroll](https://badges.gitter.im/inuyaksa/jquery.nicescroll.svg)](https://gitter.im/inuyaksa/jquery.nicescroll?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) > Nicescroll as a Greasemonkey plugin: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/119910 (freezed) > Nicescroll is a jQuery plugin, for nice scrollbars with a very similar ios/mobile style. - HORIZONAL scrollbar support! - It supports DIVs, IFrames, textarea, and document page (body) scrollbars. - Compatible with all recent desktop browsers and older: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE8+, Safari (win/mac), Opera. (all A-grade browsers) - Compatible with mobile devices: iPad/iPhone/iPod, Android 4+, Blackberry phones and Playbook (WebWorks/Table OS), Windows Phone 8 and 10. - Compatible with all touch devices: iPad, Android tablets, Window Surface. - Compabible with multi-input devices (mouse with touch or pen): Window Surface, Chrome Desktop on touch notebook. - Compatible with 2-directional mice: Apple Magic Mouse, Apple Mouser with 2-dir wheel, PC mouse with 2-dir wheel (if browser support it). What you get: customizable and scrollable divs with momentum for iPad and consistent scrollable areas for all desktop and mobile platforms. Sexy zoom feature: you can "zoom in" on the content of any nicescroll enabled DIV. Nice to use and nice to see: all the content of the DIV in fullscreen mode. It works on desktop (double click on div) either in mobile/touch devices using the pinch gesture. On modern browsers hardware accelerated scrolling has been implemented. Using animationFrame for smoother and cpu-saving scroll animations. (when browser supports) "Use strict" tested script for maximum code quality. Bower and AMD ready. Warning for IE6/IE7 users: support for your browser has been deprecated. (Why do you still use this? Please upgrade to a more stable and modern browser) ## FEATURES - Simple installation and activation: functions with NO modification of your code. (some exceptions can happen, in which case you can write to me.) - Very stylish scrollbars with no occupation on your window: original browser scrollbars need some of page space and reduces window/div usable width. - You can style main document scrollbar (body) too! (not all devices/browsers support this feature yet) - You can scroll by dragging the cursor, mouse wheel (speed customizable), keyboard navigation (cursor keys, pagup/down keys, home/end keys) on all browsers. - Scrolling is smooth (like modern tablet browsing). Speed is customizable. - Zoom feature. - Hardware accelerated scroll (where available). - Animation frame support for smooth scrolling and cpu-saving. - Dragging scroll mode with scrolling momentum (like touch devices). - Tested for all major mobile and desktop browser versions. - Support for touch devices. - Support for multi-input devices (MSPointer/Pointer support). - Compatible with many other browsers and webkit derivatives! - Scrollbar has a lot a customizable features. - Native scroll events are working. - Fully integrated with jQuery. - Compatibile with jQuery UI, jQuery Touch, jQuery Mobile ## DEPENDENCIES >> jQuery is required to be included in your scripts. >> Works with jQuery 1.x / 2.x / 3.x branch (slim version don't works) * INSTALLATION Put loading script tag after jquery script tag and loading the zoom image in the same folder of the script: <script src="jquery.nicescroll.js"></script> When using the zoom feature, copy "zoomico.png" in to the same folder as jquery.nicescroll.js. * HOW TO USE ALWAYS Initialize nicescroll in a (document) ready statement. ```javascript // 1. Simple mode, it styles document scrollbar: $(function() { $("body").niceScroll(); }); // 2. Instance with object returned: var nice = false; $(function() { nice = $("body").niceScroll(); }); // 3. Style a DIV and change cursor color: $(function() { $("#thisdiv").niceScroll({cursorcolor:"#00F"}); }); // 4. DIV with "wrapper", formed by two divs, the first is the vieport, the latter is the content: $(function() { $("#viewportdiv").niceScroll("#wrapperdiv",{cursorcolor:"#00F"}); }); // 5. Get nicescroll object: var nice = $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll(); // 6. Hide scrollbars: $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll().hide(); // 7. Check for scrollbars resize (when content or position have changed): $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll().resize(); // 8. Scrolling to a position: $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll(0).doScrollLeft(x, duration); // Scroll X Axis $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll(0).doScrollTop(y, duration); // Scroll Y Axis ``` ## CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS When you call "niceScroll" you can pass some parameters to custom visual aspects: ```javascript $("#thisdiv").niceScroll({ cursorcolor: "#424242", // change cursor color in hex cursoropacitymin: 0, // change opacity when cursor is inactive (scrollabar "hidden" state), range from 1 to 0 cursoropacitymax: 1, // change opacity when cursor is active (scrollabar "visible" state), range from 1 to 0 cursorwidth: "5px", // cursor width in pixel (you can also write "5px") cursorborder: "1px solid #fff", // css definition for cursor border cursorborderradius: "5px", // border radius in pixel for cursor zindex: "auto" | [number], // change z-index for scrollbar div scrollspeed: 60, // scrolling speed mousescrollstep: 40, // scrolling speed with mouse wheel (pixel) touchbehavior: false, // DEPRECATED!! use "emulatetouch" emulatetouch: false, // enable cursor-drag scrolling like touch devices in desktop computer hwacceleration: true, // use hardware accelerated scroll when supported boxzoom: false, // enable zoom for box content dblclickzoom: true, // (only when boxzoom=true) zoom activated when double click on box gesturezoom: true, // (only when boxzoom=true and with touch devices) zoom activated when pinch out/in on box grabcursorenabled: true // (only when touchbehavior=true) display "grab" icon autohidemode: true, // how hide the scrollbar works, possible values: true | // hide when no scrolling "cursor" | // only cursor hidden false | // do not hide, "leave" | // hide only if pointer leaves content "hidden" | // hide always "scroll", // show only on scroll background: "", // change css for rail background iframeautoresize: true, // autoresize iframe on load event cursorminheight: 32, // set the minimum cursor height (pixel) preservenativescrolling: true, // you can scroll native scrollable areas with mouse, bubbling mouse wheel event railoffset: false, // you can add offset top/left for rail position bouncescroll: false, // (only hw accell) enable scroll bouncing at the end of content as mobile-like spacebarenabled: true, // enable page down scrolling when space bar has pressed railpadding: { top: 0, right: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0 }, // set padding for rail bar disableoutline: true, // for chrome browser, disable outline (orange highlight) when selecting a div with nicescroll horizrailenabled: true, // nicescroll can manage horizontal scroll railalign: right, // alignment of vertical rail railvalign: bottom, // alignment of horizontal rail enabletranslate3d: true, // nicescroll can use css translate to scroll content enablemousewheel: true, // nicescroll can manage mouse wheel events enablekeyboard: true, // nicescroll can manage keyboard events smoothscroll: true, // scroll with ease movement sensitiverail: true, // click on rail make a scroll enablemouselockapi: true, // can use mouse caption lock API (same issue on object dragging) cursorfixedheight: false, // set fixed height for cursor in pixel hidecursordelay: 400, // set the delay in microseconds to fading out scrollbars directionlockdeadzone: 6, // dead zone in pixels for direction lock activation nativeparentscrolling: true, // detect bottom of content and let parent to scroll, as native scroll does enablescrollonselection: true, // enable auto-scrolling of content when selection text cursordragspeed: 0.3, // speed of selection when dragged with cursor rtlmode: "auto", // horizontal div scrolling starts at left side cursordragontouch: false, // drag cursor in touch / touchbehavior mode also oneaxismousemode: "auto", // it permits horizontal scrolling with mousewheel on horizontal only content, if false (vertical-only) mousewheel don't scroll horizontally, if value is auto detects two-axis mouse scriptpath: "" // define custom path for boxmode icons ("" => same script path) preventmultitouchscrolling: true // prevent scrolling on multitouch events disablemutationobserver: false // force MutationObserver disabled, enableobserver: true // enable DOM changing observer, it tries to resize/hide/show when parent or content div had changed scrollbarid: false // set a custom ID for nicescroll bars }); ``` Related projects ---------------- * [Nicescroll for Angular](https://github.com/tushariscoolster/angular-nicescroll) * LICENSE ## Copyright 2011-17 InuYaksa ###### Licensed under the MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php ###### Images used for zoom icons have derived from OLPC interface, http://laptop.org/8.2.0/manual/Browse_ChangingView.html


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