

刘波 暂无简介


    1.4K openEuler / kernel GVP

    The openEuler kernel is the core of the openEuler OS, serving as the foundation of system performance and stability and a bridge between processors, devices, and services.

    最近更新: 12分钟前

    474 openEuler / iSulad GVP

    iSulad is a light weight container runtime daemon which is designed for IOT and Cloud infrastructure.

    最近更新: 22小时前

    475 openEuler / stratovirt GVP

    StratoVirt is an opensource VMM(Virtual Machine Manager) which aims to perform next generation virtualization.StratoVirt is based on Rust programming language.StratoVirt is lightweight, efficient and safe.It also has features like Full Sence Support and Modules Flexible Splitting.

    最近更新: 1天前

    853 Kenneth-Lee-2012 / MySummary


    最近更新: 3天前

    2.1K OpenHarmony / kernel_liteos_a

    LiteOS kernel for embedded devices with rich resources | 适用于资源较丰富嵌入式设备的LiteOS内核

    最近更新: 3天前

    650 happyfish100 / FastCFS GVP

    FastCFS是一款支持百亿级海量文件的高性能通用分布式文件系统 ,可以作为数据库(MySQL、PostgresSQL、Oracle等)、k8s、KVM和NFS等系统的后端存储。

    最近更新: 5天前

    22 openEuler / etmem

    the memory vertical expansion technology that can achieve the purpose of memory capacity expansion and memory cost reduction.

    最近更新: 6天前

    165 Juicedata / JuiceFS

    JuiceFS 是基于 Redis 和对象存储(例如 Amazon S3)构建的开源 POSIX 文件系统,针对云本机环境进行了设计和优化。

    最近更新: 15天前

    362 openEuler / A-Tune GVP

    A-Tune is an OS tuning engine based on AI.

    最近更新: 3个月前

    1.8K yitter / 多语言新雪花算法(SnowFlake IdGenerator)

    💎迄今为止最全面的分布式主键ID生成器。 💎优化的雪花算法(SnowFlake)——雪花漂移算法,在缩短ID长度的同时,具备极高瞬时并发处理能力(50W/0.1s)。 💎原生支持 C#/Java/Go/Rust/C/SQL 等多语言,且提供 PHP 扩展及 Python、Node.js、Ruby 多线程安全调用动态库(FFI)。💎支持容器环境自动扩容(自动注册 WorkerId ),单机或分布式唯一IdGenerator。

    最近更新: 4个月前


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