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This is a nuclear structure code, based on M-scheme nucleon-pair condensates. With given shell model Hamiltonian, the code optimize one(or more) pair condensate, and projects out nuclear states with good angular momentum.

What's new?

--PVPC3.0 2021/6:

1) added new mode LAP: linear algebraic projection, now projection is more than 10 times faster.
2) modified mode tensordecomposition: now it uses LAP also, not any more quadrature.

--PVPC2.3 2021/5:

1) added new mode DGTSR: double Gamow-Teller transition sum rules

--PVPC2.2 2021/5:

1) more pair condensates: now one can order more than one pair condensates in variation

2) tensor decomposition: with a given pair condensate, one can decompose it into different parts with good angular momentum (J M)

3) added modes to skip Pandya transformation, i.e. do things without particle-hole transformation, with brute force

--PVPC2.1 2021/4:

1) optimization:

	src/class.cpp PairCondensateProduct::ovemix11, PairCondensateProduct::ovemix21 are optimized, by introducing intermidiate matrixproducts, the total times of matrix multiplication is reduced. The same is done to cPCP::ovemix11 and cPCP::ovemix21

	src/lapack-gemm.cpp used dgemm in blas to do matrix multiplication. For one multiplication with dim = 40-50, dgemm is about 4-5 times faster than our hand-written matrix-multiplication c++ lines, according to our test runs.

2) expansion on projection:

	now the code can project states our of SEVERAL pair condensates, not any more restricted to one pair condensate.

--PVPC2.0 2021/3:

1) rename: because variation is added, so We rename the code as PVPC, standing for projection + variation + pair condensate
2) code reconstruction: now everything is built within or around a class named "PairCondensateProduct", which stands for < p1^n | xx | p2^n >, xx can be 1- or 2-body operators. In this way it seems easier to track the intermediate matrix products and traces.
3) variation: get a energetically lowest pair condensate by variation process, realized with gsl multifunction fdf_minimizer
4) triaxial projection: coded up the triaxial projection in the traditional quadrature way, with 3 Euler angles.
5) random-M0-pair: generate a proton/neutron random M=0 pair, with given space. This is just a small gadget for convenience.

--PNPC1.2 2020/11:

1) speedup matrix elements to be 7 times faster

--PNPC1.1 2020/10:

1) Rename: because projection is added, so I rename the code as PNPC, with P standing for projection.
2) axial projection: Added angular momentum projection codes, to project states out of pair condensates. So mode "e" is modified as below:
3) mode (e): With given M-scheme pairs, construct condensate configurations with total Mt = 0, project out bases with different J, and then diagonalize, getting eigenvalues and eigenwaves with good J.

--mNPC1.0 2020/7:

1) mode (e): calculate Eg.s. =  < w | H | w > / < w | w >, | w > = P^N >, with given P.
2) mode (u): unit tests on < w | w >, < w | A1^\dagger A2 | w >, < w | Q | w >
MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 luyi07 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


Nuclear structure code: Projection after Variation of nucleon-Pair Condensates, pvpc for short. 展开 收起






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