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Linux Windows Ascend GPU CPU Environment Preparation Basic Intermediate

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Installing Using pip

Q: What can I do if an error message cannot open shared object file:file such file or directory is displayed when I install MindSpore of the GPU, CUDA 10.1, 0.5.0-beta, or Ubuntu-x86 version?

A: The error message indicates that the cuBLAS library is not found. Generally, the cause is that the cuBLAS library is not installed or is not added to the environment variable. Generally, cuBLAS is installed together with CUDA and the driver. After the installation, add the directory where cuBLAS is located to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

Q: What should I do if an error message SSL:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FATLED is displayed when I use pip to install MindSpore?

A: Add the --trusted-host=ms-release.obs.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com parameter to the pip installation command and try again.

Q: Any specific requirements for Python version when pip install MindSpore?

A: MindSpore utilizes many of the new features in Python3.7+,therefore we recommend you add Python3.7.5 develop environment via conda.

Q: Any specific requirements for protobuf version when use MindSpore?

A: MindSpore installs version 3.8.0 of protobuf by default. If you have installed 3.12.0 or later version of protobuf locally, there will be many warnings in the log when using pytest to test the code. It is recommended that you use the command 'pip install protobuf==3.8.0' to reinstall version 3.8.0.

Q: What should I do when error ProxyError(Cannot connect to proxy) prompts during pip install?

A: It is generally a proxy configuration problem, you can using export http_proxy={your_proxy} on Ubuntu environment, and using set http_proxy={your_proxy} in cmd on Windows environment to config your proxy.

Q: What should I do when error prompts during pip install?

A: Please execute pip -V to check if pip is linked to Python3.7+. If not, we recommend you use python3.7 -m pip install instead of pip install command.

Q: What should I do if I cannot find whl package for MindInsight or MindArmour on the installation page of MindSpore website?

A: You can download whl package from the official MindSpore Website download page and manually install it via pip install.

Source Code Compilation Installation

Q: A cross compiler has been installed on Linux, but how do I write compilation commands?

A: Set environment variables and specify the Android NDK path using export ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/android-ndk. To compile the Arm64 version, run bash build.sh -I arm64. To compile the Arm32 version, run bash build.sh -I arm32. After the compilation is successful, find the compiled package in the output directory.

Q: A sample fails to be executed after I installed MindSpore 0.6.0 beta on Ascend 910 using Ubuntu_aarch64 and Python 3.7.5 and manually downloaded the .whl package of the corresponding version, compiled and installed GMP6.1.2, and installed other Python library dependencies. An error message is displayed, indicating that the .so file cannot be found. What can I do?

A: The libdatatransfer.so dynamic library is in the fwkacllib/lib64 directory. Find the path of the library in the /usr/local directory, and then add the path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. After the settings take effect, execute the sample again.

Q: What should I do if the compilation time of MindSpore source code takes too long or the process is constantly interrupted by errors?

A: MindSpore imports third party dependencies through submodule mechanism, among which protobuf v3.8.0 might not have the optimal or steady download speed, it is recommended that you perform package cache in advance.

Q: How to change installation directory of the third party libraries?

A: The third party libraries will be installed in build/mindspore/.mslib, you can change the installation directory by setting the environment variable MSLIBS_CACHE_PATH, eg. export MSLIBS_CACHE_PATH = ~/.mslib.

Q: What should I do if the software version required by MindSpore is not the same with the Ubuntu default software version?

A: At the moment some software might need manual upgrade. (Note: MindSpore requires Python3.7.5 and gcc7.3,the default version in Ubuntu 16.04 are Python3.5 and gcc5,whereas the one in Ubuntu 18.04 are Python3.7.3 and gcc7.4)

Q: What should I do if there is a prompt tclsh not found when I compile MindSpore from source code?

A: Please install the software manually if there is any suggestion of certain software not found.

Q: what should I do when I have installed Python 3.7.5 and set environment variables accordingly, but still failed compiling MindSpore, with error message Python3 not found?

A: It's probably due to the lack of shared libraries in current Python environment. Compiling MindSpore requires linking Python shared libraries, hence you may need to compile and install Python 3.7.5 from source, using command ./configure --enable-shared.

Q: What are the directories to be cleaned if the previous compilation failed, so as to prevent the following compilation being affected by previous remains?

A: While compiling MindSpore, if:

  1. Failed while downloading or compiling third-party software. e.g. Failed applying patch on icu4c, with error message Cmake Error at cmake/utils.cmake:301 (message): Failed patch:. In this case, go to build/mindspore/.mslib or directories specified by environment vairiable MSLIBS_CACHE_PATH where third-party software are installed, and delete affected software respectively.

  2. Failed in other stages of compilation, or if you wish to clean all previous build results, simply delete build directory.


Q: How to uninstall MindSpore?

A: Using pip uninstall mindspore to uninstall MindSpore.

Environment Variables

Q: Some frequently-used environment settings need to be reset in the newly started terminal window, which is easy to be forgotten, What should I do?

A: You can write the frequently-used environment settings to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc so that the settings can take effect immediately when you start a new terminal window.

Q: Ascend AI processor software package and other prerequisites have been installed, but executing MindSpore failed with error message Cannot open shared objectfile: No such file or directory, what should I do?

A: There are 2 common reasons: an incorrect version of Ascend AI processor software package is installed, or the packages are installed in customized paths, yet the environment varialbes are not set accordingly.

  1. Go to directory where Ascend AI processor software package is installed, being /usr/local/Ascend by default, open version.info files which are located under directories of subpackages, and check if the version number matches the requirement of MindSpore. Please refer to Install for the detailed version required by MindSpore versions. If the version number does not match, please update the packages accordingly.

  2. Check if Ascend AI processor software package is installed in the default directory. MindSpore attempts to load packages from default directory /usr/local/Ascend, if the packages are installed in a customized directory, please follow the instructions from Configuring Environment Variables section of Install and set environment variables to match the changes. If other dependencies are installed in customized directies, then please set LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable accordingly.

Verifying the Installation

Q: After MindSpore is installed on a CPU of a PC, an error message the pointer[session] is null is displayed during code verification. The specific code is as follows. How do I verify whether MindSpore is successfully installed?

import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor
import mindspore.ops as ops
import mindspore.context as context

x = Tensor(np.ones([1,3,3,4]).astype(np.float32))
y = Tensor(np.ones([1,3,3,4]).astype(np.float32))

A: After MindSpore is installed on a CPU hardware platform, run the python -c'import mindspore' command to check whether MindSpore is successfully installed. If no error message such as No module named'mindspore' is displayed, MindSpore is successfully installed. The verification code is used only to verify whether a Ascend platform is successfully installed.

Q: What should I do do when the errors prompts, such as sh:1:python:not found, No module named mindspore._extends.remote that the Python was linked to Python2.7?

A: Use the following command to check whether the current Python environment meets the requirements of MindSpore.

  • Text python in terminal window, check whether the version of Python interactive environment is 3.7.x
  • If not, execute the sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python3.7.x /usr/bin/python command to create Python's soft connection.

Q: Here in script when we import other python lib before import mindspore, error raised like follows (/your_path/libgomp.so.1: cannot allocate memory in static TLS block), how can we solve it?

A: Above question is relatively common, and there are two feasible solutions, you can choose one of them:

  • Exchange the order of import, first import mindspore and then import other third party libraries.
  • Before executing the program, we can add environment variables first (export LD_PRELOAD=/your_path/libgomp.so.1), where your_path is the path mentioned in above error.
