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Auto Augmentation

Linux Ascend GPU CPU Data Preparation Intermediate Expert

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Auto Augmentation [1] finds a suitable image augmentation scheme for a specific dataset by searching through a series of image augmentation sub-policies. The c_transforms module of MindSpore provides various C++ operators that are used in Auto Augmentation. Users can also customize functions or operators to implement Auto Augmentation. For more details about the MindSpore operators, see the API document.

The mapping between MindSpore operators and Auto Augmentation operators is as follows:

Auto Augmentation Operators MindSpore Operators Introduction
shearX RandomAffine Horizontal shear
shearY RandomAffine Vertical shear
translateX RandomAffine Horizontal translation
translateY RandomAffine Vertival translation
rotate RandomRotation Rotational transformation
color RandomColor Color transformation
posterize RandomPosterize Decrease the number of color channels
solarize RandomSolarize Invert all pixels within the specified threshold range
contrast RandomColorAdjust Contrast adjustment
sharpness RandomSharpness Sharpness adjustment
brightness RandomColorAdjust Brightness adjustment
autocontrast AutoContrast Maximize image contrast
equalize Equalize Equalize image histogram
invert Invert Image inversion

Auto Augmentation on ImageNet

This tutorial uses the implementation of Auto Augmentation on the ImageNet dataset as an example.

The data augmentation policy for the ImageNet dataset contains 25 sub-policies, and each sub-policy contains two transformations. A combination of sub-policies is randomly selected for each image in a batch, and each transformation in the sub-policy is executed based on a preset probability.

Users can use the RandomSelectSubpolicy interface of the c_transforms module in MindSpore to implement Auto Augmentation. The standard data augmentation method in ImageNet classification training includes the following steps:

  • RandomCropDecodeResize: Randomly crop then decode.

  • RandomHorizontalFlip: Randomly flip horizontally.

  • Normalize: Normalize the data.

  • HWC2CHW: Change image channel.

Add Auto Augmentation transformation after the RandomCropDecodeResize as follows:

  1. Import related modules.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import mindspore.dataset as ds
    import mindspore.dataset.transforms.c_transforms as c_transforms
    import mindspore.dataset.vision.c_transforms as c_vision
    from mindspore import dtype as mstype
  2. Define the mapping from the MindSpore operators to the Auto Augmentation operators.

    # define Auto Augmentation operators
    def float_parameter(level, maxval):
        return float(level) * maxval /  PARAMETER_MAX
    def int_parameter(level, maxval):
        return int(level * maxval / PARAMETER_MAX)
    def shear_x(level):
        v = float_parameter(level, 0.3)
        return c_transforms.RandomChoice([c_vision.RandomAffine(degrees=0, shear=(-v,-v)), c_vision.RandomAffine(degrees=0, shear=(v, v))])
    def shear_y(level):
        v = float_parameter(level, 0.3)
        return c_transforms.RandomChoice([c_vision.RandomAffine(degrees=0, shear=(0, 0, -v,-v)), c_vision.RandomAffine(degrees=0, shear=(0, 0, v, v))])
    def translate_x(level):
        v = float_parameter(level, 150 / 331)
        return c_transforms.RandomChoice([c_vision.RandomAffine(degrees=0, translate=(-v,-v)), c_vision.RandomAffine(degrees=0, translate=(v, v))])
    def translate_y(level):
        v = float_parameter(level, 150 / 331)
        return c_transforms.RandomChoice([c_vision.RandomAffine(degrees=0, translate=(0, 0, -v,-v)), c_vision.RandomAffine(degrees=0, translate=(0, 0, v, v))])
    def color_impl(level):
        v = float_parameter(level, 1.8) + 0.1
        return c_vision.RandomColor(degrees=(v, v))
    def rotate_impl(level):
        v = int_parameter(level, 30)
        return c_transforms.RandomChoice([c_vision.RandomRotation(degrees=(-v, -v)), c_vision.RandomRotation(degrees=(v, v))])
    def solarize_impl(level):
        level = int_parameter(level, 256)
        v = 256 - level
        return c_vision.RandomSolarize(threshold=(0, v))
    def posterize_impl(level):
        level = int_parameter(level, 4)
        v = 4 - level
        return c_vision.RandomPosterize(bits=(v, v))
    def contrast_impl(level):
        v = float_parameter(level, 1.8) + 0.1
        return c_vision.RandomColorAdjust(contrast=(v, v))
    def autocontrast_impl(level):
        return c_vision.AutoContrast()
    def sharpness_impl(level):
        v = float_parameter(level, 1.8) + 0.1
        return c_vision.RandomSharpness(degrees=(v, v))
    def brightness_impl(level):
        v = float_parameter(level, 1.8) + 0.1
        return c_vision.RandomColorAdjust(brightness=(v, v))
  3. Define the Auto Augmentation policy for the ImageNet dataset.

    # define the Auto Augmentation policy
    imagenet_policy = [
        [(posterize_impl(8), 0.4), (rotate_impl(9), 0.6)],
        [(solarize_impl(5), 0.6), (autocontrast_impl(5), 0.6)],
        [(c_vision.Equalize(), 0.8), (c_vision.Equalize(), 0.6)],
        [(posterize_impl(7), 0.6), (posterize_impl(6), 0.6)],
        [(c_vision.Equalize(), 0.4), (solarize_impl(4), 0.2)],
        [(c_vision.Equalize(), 0.4), (rotate_impl(8), 0.8)],
        [(solarize_impl(3), 0.6), (c_vision.Equalize(), 0.6)],
        [(posterize_impl(5), 0.8), (c_vision.Equalize(), 1.0)],
        [(rotate_impl(3), 0.2), (solarize_impl(8), 0.6)],
        [(c_vision.Equalize(), 0.6), (posterize_impl(6), 0.4)],
        [(rotate_impl(8), 0.8), (color_impl(0), 0.4)],
        [(rotate_impl(9), 0.4), (c_vision.Equalize(), 0.6)],
        [(c_vision.Equalize(), 0.0), (c_vision.Equalize(), 0.8)],
        [(c_vision.Invert(), 0.6), (c_vision.Equalize(), 1.0)],
        [(color_impl(4), 0.6), (contrast_impl(8), 1.0)],
        [(rotate_impl(8), 0.8), (color_impl(2), 1.0)],
        [(color_impl(8), 0.8), (solarize_impl(7), 0.8)],
        [(sharpness_impl(7), 0.4), (c_vision.Invert(), 0.6)],
        [(shear_x(5), 0.6), (c_vision.Equalize(), 1.0)],
        [(color_impl(0), 0.4), (c_vision.Equalize(), 0.6)],
        [(c_vision.Equalize(), 0.4), (solarize_impl(4), 0.2)],
        [(solarize_impl(5), 0.6), (autocontrast_impl(5), 0.6)],
        [(c_vision.Invert(), 0.6), (c_vision.Equalize(), 1.0)],
        [(color_impl(4), 0.6), (contrast_impl(8), 1.0)],
        [(c_vision.Equalize(), 0.8), (c_vision.Equalize(), 0.6)],
  4. Add Auto Augmentation transformations after the RandomCropDecodeResize operation.

    def create_dataset(dataset_path, do_train, repeat_num=1, batch_size=32, shuffle=True, num_samples=5, target="Ascend"):
        # create a train or eval imagenet2012 dataset for ResNet-50
        dataset = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_path, num_parallel_workers=8,
                                   shuffle=shuffle, num_samples=num_samples)
        image_size = 224
        mean = [0.485 * 255, 0.456 * 255, 0.406 * 255]
        std = [0.229 * 255, 0.224 * 255, 0.225 * 255]
        # define map operations
        if do_train:
            trans = [
                c_vision.RandomCropDecodeResize(image_size, scale=(0.08, 1.0), ratio=(0.75, 1.333)),
            post_trans = [
            trans = [
                c_vision.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std),
        dataset = dataset.map(operations=trans, input_columns="image")
        if do_train:
            dataset = dataset.map(operations=c_vision.RandomSelectSubpolicy(imagenet_policy), input_columns=["image"])
            dataset = dataset.map(operations=post_trans, input_columns="image")
        type_cast_op = c_transforms.TypeCast(mstype.int32)
        dataset = dataset.map(operations=type_cast_op, input_columns="label")
        # apply the batch operation
        dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=True)
        # apply the repeat operation
        dataset = dataset.repeat(repeat_num)
        return dataset
  5. Verify the effects of Auto Augmentation.

    # Define the path to image folder directory. This directory needs to contain sub-directories which contain the images.
    DATA_DIR = "/path/to/image_folder_directory"
    dataset = create_dataset(dataset_path=DATA_DIR, do_train=True, batch_size=5, shuffle=False, num_samples=5)
    epochs = 5
    itr = dataset.create_dict_iterator()
    fig=plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    columns = 5
    rows = 5
    step_num = 0
    for ep_num in range(epochs):
        for data in itr:
            step_num += 1
            for index in range(rows):
                fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, ep_num * rows + index + 1)

    For better visualization, only five images are read from the dataset without performing shuffle, Normalize, nor HWC2CHW operations.


    The images above visualize the effect of Auto Augmentation. The horizontal direction displays five images in one batch, and the vertical direction displays five batches.


[1] AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Policies from Data.

