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castle-fpc-messages.cfg 3.31 KB
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# Customize messages displayed by FPC.
# FPC emits some messages that are unfortunately useless and unavoidable in user code,
# especially when using Generics.Collections.
# Every specializatoin of a generic container produces a number of messages
# that are not actionable.
# So we hide them, by using proper -vmXXX options.
# Why like this?
# - We hide messages selectively, by -vmXXX.
# We don't want to unconditionally hide all FPC warnings,
# as many FPC warnings are very useful to easily spot code problems.
# We also don't want to train our eyes to ignore the warnings :),
# which would happen if the output would be flooded by useless warnings.
# Our applications should have a "clean" output from FPC,
# with warnings + notes enabled.
# - Note that -vmXXXX has to be used conditionally, looking at FPC version,
# for some messages. Otherwise older FPC versions would fail when they see
# unrecognized -vmXXXX message.
# The currently supported FPC versions by CGE are documented on
# https://castle-engine.io/supported_compilers.php .
# - This is a subset of castle-fpc.cfg, useful to refer to from Lazarus LPI/LPK.
# Using a common cfg file allows to share this logic between various LPI/LPK files.
# Also, in Lazarus LPI it seems not possible to use stuff like
# "if GetProjValue('FPC_FULLVERSION') >= 30101 then" in "Common options"
# (although it works in Lazarus LPK).
# Note that Castle Game Engine build tool
# (see https://castle-engine.io/build_tool )
# has better filtering implementation,
# and instead of using -vmXXX it can (in some cases) filter out specific cases
# related to Generics.Collections.
# Our build tool doesn't use this cfg file.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# do not show Warning: (2045) APPTYPE is not supported by the target OS
# do not show Hint: (5024) Parameter "..." not used
# do not show
# Warning: Constructing a class "TCustomDictionaryEnumerator$4$crc6100464F" with abstract method "GetCurrent"
# Warning: Constructing a class "TCustomDictionaryEnumerator$4$crcBD4794B2" with abstract method "DoMoveNext"
# TODO: This is a pity, we also hide useful warnings this way.
# Submitted as https://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=32142
# do not show Warning: Symbol "TArrayHelper$1" is experimental
# (only for FPC >= 3.1.1, for 3.0.x we fix this in our custom Generics.Collections unit)
# TODO: This is a pity, we also hide useful warnings this way.
# do not show
# Note: Private type "TCustomPointersEnumerator$2<CASTLEVECTORSINTERNALSINGLE.TGenericVector2,CASTLEVECTORS.TCustomList$1$crc1D7BB6F0.PT>.T" never used
# do not show
# Note: Call to subroutine "function TGenericVector3.Length:Single;" marked as inline is not inlined
# (In FPC 3.3.1, not in FPC 3.1.1 rev 38027)
# do not show
# Warning: Local variable "$1" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
# (a lot of false warnings since FPC 3.3.1)
# do not show
# Warning: Variable "OutputFace" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
# (3 false warnings since FPC 3.3.1 in Kraft)
# do not show
# Warning: function result variable of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
# (a lot of false warnings since FPC 3.3.1)
