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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/microsoft/Quantum
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This repository is deprecated.

For the Modern QDK repository, please visit Microsoft/qsharp.

For samples that use the Azure Quantum Python package, please visit the Azure Quantum Python repository.

You can also try out the Modern QDK in VS Code for Web at vscode.dev/quantum.

For more information about the Modern QDK and Azure Quantum, visit https://aka.ms/AQ/Documentation.

Classic QDK


These samples demonstrate the use of the Quantum Development Kit for a variety of different quantum computing tasks.

Each sample is self-contained in a folder, and demonstrates how to use Q# to develop quantum applications.

A small number of the samples have additional installation requirements beyond those for the rest of the Quantum Development Kit. These are noted in the README.md files for each sample, along with complete installation instructions.

Getting started

You can find instructions on how to install the Quantum Development Kit in our online documentation, which also includes an introduction to quantum programming concepts.

For a quick guide on how to set up a development environment from scratch using Visual Studio Code or GitHub Codespaces, see here.

A Docker image definition is also provided for your convenience, see here for instructions on how to build and use it.

First samples

If you're new to quantum or to the Quantum Development Kit, we recommend starting with the Getting Started samples.

After setting up your development environment using one of the options above, try to browse to samples/getting-started/teleportation via the terminal and run dotnet run. You should see something like the following:

Round 1: Sent False, got False.
Teleportation successful!
Round 2: Sent True, got True.
Teleportation successful!
Round 3: Sent False, got False.
Teleportation successful!
Round 4: Sent False, got False.
Teleportation successful!
Round 5: Sent False, got False.
Teleportation successful!
Round 6: Sent False, got False.
Teleportation successful!
Round 7: Sent True, got True.
Teleportation successful!
Round 8: Sent False, got False.
Teleportation successful!

Congratulations, you can now start quantum programming!

Going further

As you go further with quantum development, we provide several different categories of samples for you to explore:

  • Algorithms: These samples demonstrate various quantum algorithms, such as database search and integer factorization.
  • Arithmetic: These samples show how to coherently transform arithmetic data.
  • Characterization: These samples demonstrate how to learn properties of quantum systems from classical data.
  • Chemistry: These samples demonstrate the use of the Quantum Chemistry library.
  • Diagnostics: These samples show how to diagnose and test Q# applications.
  • Error Correction: These samples show how to work with quantum error correcting codes in Q# programs.
  • Interoperability: These samples show how to use Q# with different host languages.
  • Machine Learning: These samples demonstrate how to train simple sequential models on half-moons and wine datasets.
  • Numerics: The samples in this folder show how to use the numerics library.
  • Runtime: These samples show how to work with the Q# simulation runtime.
  • Simulation: These samples show how to simulate evolution under different Hamiltonians.

We also encourage taking a look at the unit tests used to check the correctness of the Quantum Development Kit samples.

Setting up your development environment

This repo contains several configuration files that will make it easy to get started with coding. Below we lay out some instructions for getting started with VSCode or with Jupyter notebooks.

Visual Studio Code

If you prefer to develop code locally, we recommend to install an editor such as Visual Studio Code. Make sure to install the .NET Core SDK 3.1 or later on your local machine. For more detailed instructions on how to set up VS Code for development with the QDK, go to our docs here.

Once you have installed VS Code and the .NET Core SDK, download this repository to your computer and open the folder in VS Code. The editor will automatically recognize the files in the .vscode folder and request you to install the recommended extension. This includes the Microsoft Quantum Development Kit for Visual Studio Code extension, which is the fastest way to get started with the QDK.

Open a terminal to start running your first samples (see here).

Running a Jupyter Notebook with Docker

Another way to quickly start developing in Q# is to use Docker and launch a Jupyter notebook on your local machine. You can use the included Dockerfile to create a docker image with all the necessary libraries to use the Quantum Development Kit to build quantum applications in C#, Python or Jupyter.

Once you have installed Docker, you can use the following commands to get you started:

To build the docker image and tag it iqsharp:

docker build -t iqsharp .

To run the image in the container named iqsharp-container with interactive command-line and redirect container port 8888 to local port 8888 (needed to run jupyter):

docker run -it --name iqsharp-container -p 8888:8888 iqsharp /bin/bash

From the corresponding container command line, you can run the C# version of the Teleportation sample using:

cd ~/samples/getting-started/teleportation && dotnet run

Similarly, you can run the Python version of the Teleportation sample using:

cd ~/samples/getting-started/teleportation && python host.py

Finally, to start Jupyter Notebook within the image for the Teleportation sample, use:

cd ~/samples/getting-started/teleportation && jupyter notebook --ip= --no-browser 

Once Jupyter has started, you can open in your browser the Teleportation notebook (you will need a token generated by jupyter when it started on the previous step):


Once you're done, to remove container named iqsharp-container:

docker rm --force iqsharp-container
MIT License Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


Quantum,微软量子开发工具包(QDK ),它集成在一个软件栈中,使量子算法能够被编译成量子计算机的原始操作,在 Windows、Linux 或 MacOS 机器上安装量子开发 展开 收起
Jupyter Notebook 等 6 种语言






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