Ol itself consists of a single purely functional process, but inside it has full support for lightweight coroutines. This enables you to include non-functional features like dynamic bindings, actors, parallel calculations, etc.
Coroutines (REPL is also a coroutine) can communicate asynchronously by sending mails consisting of a sender's name (possibly anonymous) and an arbitrary message in form #(sender message).
Note: there are three similar-looking sending procedures: mail, call, and bell. Feel the difference betheen them:
async, actor, await, async-linked, actor-linked, await-linked, sleep, mail, wait-mail, check-mail, wait
(async thunk)
, procedure
(async name thunk)
, procedure
Runs thunk (procedure without arguments) asyncronously as a coroutine named name if present. Returns the name of the coroutine (even if it's anonymous).
> (async (lambda ()
; a very, very, very long calculations:
(lfold + 0 (liota 1 1 10000000))))
; continue working independently...
> (* 7 6 9)
(actor name thunk)
, procedure
Runs thunk (procedure without arguments) asyncronously as an actor (wikipedia, the coroutine with mailbox) named name. Returns the name of the actor.
> (actor 'stack (lambda ()
(let loop ((this '()))
(let*((envelope (wait-mail))
(sender msg envelope))
(case msg
(['push val]
(loop (cons val this)))
(mail sender (car this))
(loop (cdr this))))))))
> (mail 'stack ['push 7])
> (mail 'stack ['push 4])
> (mail 'stack ['push 5])
(await coroutine)
, procedure
Stops execution until mail is received from the coroutine. Returns a message from received mail.
; note: example code for `actor` already ran and
; populated the 'stack actor internal values
> (await (mail 'stack ['pop]))
> (await (mail 'stack ['pop]))
> (await (mail 'stack ['pop]))
(async-linked thunk)
, procedure
(async-linked name thunk)
, procedure
Run thunk (a function with no arguments) asyncronously as a coroutine named name if present. Coroutine will automatically send the execution result as a mail back to caller. Returns the name of the coroutine (even if it's anonymous).
> (define torpid (async-linked (lambda ()
; a very, very, very long calculations:
(lfold + 0 (liota 1 1 10000000)))))
; ohhhhh, let's wait for
> (await-linked torpid)
> (with-exception-handler
(lambda (x)
(lambda ()
(define failer (async-linked (lambda ()
; ok
(+ 1 2 3)
; error
('no 123))))
(await-linked failer)))
(actor-linked name thunk)
, procedure
Run thunk (a function with no arguments) asyncronously as an actor (wikipedia, coroutine with a mailbox) named name. Coroutine will automatically send the execution result as a mail back to caller. Returns the name of the actor.
check the async-linked example.
(await-linked coroutine)
, procedure
Stops execution until mail is received from the coroutine. Returns a result of coroutine execution, or throws an error if execution fails.
check the async-linked example.
(sleep rounds)
, procedure
Stops execution for rounds number of the current couroutine context switch. If no other running coroutines are found, a true sleep occurs (as far as the OS is concerned) for 10ms per round. Returns zero.
Note: use wait
to sleep for N milliseconds.
> (define (wait-pid pid)
(let do ()
(define stat (c/ / (file->string
(string-append "/proc/"
(number->string pid)
(unless (string-eq? (third stat) "Z")
(sleep 10) (do))))
(mail actor-name message)
, procedure
Sends a message to the actor named actor-name in the form #(sender message). Message passing (aka mailing) is asynchronous, and at least in a one-core environment order-preserving.
2.6 version update:
, by default no more such logscheck the actor example.
, procedure
Stops execution until any mail is received. Returns a mail.
check the actor example.
(wait-mail ms)
, procedure
(wait-mail ms default)
, procedure
Stops execution until ms milliseconds have passed or bell or call is called. Returns a mail if any was received, default value if no mail and default is provided, just #false otherwise.
, procedure
Returns a mail if it was received, or #false if no mail. Doesn't stop execution.
> (actor 'counter (lambda ()
(let loop ((this 0))
(define envelope (check-mail))
(if envelope
(let*((sender msg envelope))
(case msg
(loop 0))
(mail sender this)
(loop this))
(runtime-error "unknown command" msg))))
(sleep 1)
(loop (+ this 1))))))
> (await (mail 'counter ['get]))
> (mail 'counter ['reset])
> (await (mail 'counter ['get]))
> (mail 'counter ['stop])
(bell name)
, procedure
Wakes the coroutine named name if it sleeps. Do nothing otherwise.
(call name mail)
, procedure
Wakes the coroutine named name if it sleeps, sends a mail to this coroutine.
(wait-read port timeout)
, procedure
Sleep until port is ready to be read.
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