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syncer.go 24.92 KB
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// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package network
import (
// syncer parameters (global, not peer specific) default values
const (
requestDbBatchSize = 512 // size of batch before written to request db
keyBufferSize = 1024 // size of buffer for unsynced keys
syncBatchSize = 128 // maximum batchsize for outgoing requests
syncBufferSize = 128 // size of buffer for delivery requests
syncCacheSize = 1024 // cache capacity to store request queue in memory
// priorities
const (
Low = iota // 0
Medium // 1
High // 2
priorities // 3 number of priority levels
// request types
const (
DeliverReq = iota // 0
PushReq // 1
PropagateReq // 2
HistoryReq // 3
BacklogReq // 4
// json serialisable struct to record the syncronisation state between 2 peers
type syncState struct {
*storage.DbSyncState // embeds the following 4 fields:
// Start Key // lower limit of address space
// Stop Key // upper limit of address space
// First uint64 // counter taken from last sync state
// Last uint64 // counter of remote peer dbStore at the time of last connection
SessionAt uint64 // set at the time of connection
LastSeenAt uint64 // set at the time of connection
Latest storage.Key // cursor of dbstore when last (continuously set by syncer)
Synced bool // true iff Sync is done up to the last disconnect
synced chan bool // signal that sync stage finished
// wrapper of db-s to provide mockable custom local chunk store access to syncer
type DbAccess struct {
db *storage.DbStore
loc *storage.LocalStore
func NewDbAccess(loc *storage.LocalStore) *DbAccess {
return &DbAccess{loc.DbStore.(*storage.DbStore), loc}
// to obtain the chunks from key or request db entry only
func (self *DbAccess) get(key storage.Key) (*storage.Chunk, error) {
return self.loc.Get(key)
// current storage counter of chunk db
func (self *DbAccess) counter() uint64 {
return self.db.Counter()
// implemented by dbStoreSyncIterator
type keyIterator interface {
Next() storage.Key
// generator function for iteration by address range and storage counter
func (self *DbAccess) iterator(s *syncState) keyIterator {
it, err := self.db.NewSyncIterator(*(s.DbSyncState))
if err != nil {
return nil
return keyIterator(it)
func (self syncState) String() string {
if self.Synced {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"session started at: %v, last seen at: %v, latest key: %v",
self.SessionAt, self.LastSeenAt,
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"address: %v-%v, index: %v-%v, session started at: %v, last seen at: %v, latest key: %v",
self.Start.Log(), self.Stop.Log(),
self.First, self.Last,
self.SessionAt, self.LastSeenAt,
// syncer parameters (global, not peer specific)
type SyncParams struct {
RequestDbPath string // path for request db (leveldb)
RequestDbBatchSize uint // nuber of items before batch is saved to requestdb
KeyBufferSize uint // size of key buffer
SyncBatchSize uint // maximum batchsize for outgoing requests
SyncBufferSize uint // size of buffer for
SyncCacheSize uint // cache capacity to store request queue in memory
SyncPriorities []uint // list of priority levels for req types 0-3
SyncModes []bool // list of sync modes for for req types 0-3
// constructor with default values
func NewSyncParams(bzzdir string) *SyncParams {
return &SyncParams{
RequestDbPath: filepath.Join(bzzdir, "requests"),
RequestDbBatchSize: requestDbBatchSize,
KeyBufferSize: keyBufferSize,
SyncBufferSize: syncBufferSize,
SyncBatchSize: syncBatchSize,
SyncCacheSize: syncCacheSize,
SyncPriorities: []uint{High, Medium, Medium, Low, Low},
SyncModes: []bool{true, true, true, true, false},
// syncer is the agent that manages content distribution/storage replication/chunk storeRequest forwarding
type syncer struct {
*SyncParams // sync parameters
syncF func() bool // if syncing is needed
key storage.Key // remote peers address key
state *syncState // sync state for our dbStore
syncStates chan *syncState // different stages of sync
deliveryRequest chan bool // one of two triggers needed to send unsyncedKeys
newUnsyncedKeys chan bool // one of two triggers needed to send unsynced keys
quit chan bool // signal to quit loops
// DB related fields
dbAccess *DbAccess // access to dbStore
db *storage.LDBDatabase // delivery msg db
// native fields
queues [priorities]*syncDb // in-memory cache / queues for sync reqs
keys [priorities]chan interface{} // buffer for unsynced keys
deliveries [priorities]chan *storeRequestMsgData // delivery
// bzz protocol instance outgoing message callbacks (mockable for testing)
unsyncedKeys func([]*syncRequest, *syncState) error // send unsyncedKeysMsg
store func(*storeRequestMsgData) error // send storeRequestMsg
// a syncer instance is linked to each peer connection
// constructor is called from protocol after successful handshake
// the returned instance is attached to the peer and can be called
// by the forwarder
func newSyncer(
db *storage.LDBDatabase, remotekey storage.Key,
dbAccess *DbAccess,
unsyncedKeys func([]*syncRequest, *syncState) error,
store func(*storeRequestMsgData) error,
params *SyncParams,
state *syncState,
syncF func() bool,
) (*syncer, error) {
syncBufferSize := params.SyncBufferSize
keyBufferSize := params.KeyBufferSize
dbBatchSize := params.RequestDbBatchSize
self := &syncer{
syncF: syncF,
key: remotekey,
dbAccess: dbAccess,
syncStates: make(chan *syncState, 20),
deliveryRequest: make(chan bool, 1),
newUnsyncedKeys: make(chan bool, 1),
SyncParams: params,
state: state,
quit: make(chan bool),
unsyncedKeys: unsyncedKeys,
store: store,
// initialising
for i := 0; i < priorities; i++ {
self.keys[i] = make(chan interface{}, keyBufferSize)
self.deliveries[i] = make(chan *storeRequestMsgData)
// initialise a syncdb instance for each priority queue
self.queues[i] = newSyncDb(db, remotekey, uint(i), syncBufferSize, dbBatchSize, self.deliver(uint(i)))
glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("syncer started: %v", state)
// launch chunk delivery service
go self.syncDeliveries()
// launch sync task manager
if self.syncF() {
go self.sync()
// process unsynced keys to broadcast
go self.syncUnsyncedKeys()
return self, nil
// metadata serialisation
func encodeSync(state *syncState) (*json.RawMessage, error) {
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(state, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
meta := json.RawMessage(data)
return &meta, nil
func decodeSync(meta *json.RawMessage) (*syncState, error) {
if meta == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to deserialise sync state from <nil>")
data := []byte(*(meta))
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to deserialise sync state from <nil>")
state := &syncState{DbSyncState: &storage.DbSyncState{}}
err := json.Unmarshal(data, state)
return state, err
sync implements the syncing script
* first all items left in the request Db are replayed
* type = StaleSync
* Mode: by default once again via confirmation roundtrip
* Priority: the items are replayed as the proirity specified for StaleSync
* but within the order respects earlier priority level of request
* after all items are consumed for a priority level, the the respective
queue for delivery requests is open (this way new reqs not written to db)
(TODO: this should be checked)
* the sync state provided by the remote peer is used to sync history
* all the backlog from earlier (aborted) syncing is completed starting from latest
* if Last < LastSeenAt then all items in between then process all
backlog from upto last disconnect
* if Last > 0 &&
sync is called from the syncer constructor and is not supposed to be used externally
func (self *syncer) sync() {
state := self.state
// sync finished
defer close(self.syncStates)
// 0. first replay stale requests from request db
if state.SessionAt == 0 {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("syncer[%v]: nothing to sync", self.key.Log())
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("syncer[%v]: start replaying stale requests from request db", self.key.Log())
for p := priorities - 1; p >= 0; p-- {
self.queues[p].dbRead(false, 0, self.replay())
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("syncer[%v]: done replaying stale requests from request db", self.key.Log())
// unless peer is synced sync unfinished history beginning on
if !state.Synced {
start := state.Start
if !storage.IsZeroKey(state.Latest) {
// 1. there is unfinished earlier sync
state.Start = state.Latest
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("syncer[%v]: start syncronising backlog (unfinished sync: %v)", self.key.Log(), state)
// blocks while the entire history upto state is synced
if state.Last < state.SessionAt {
state.First = state.Last + 1
state.Latest = storage.ZeroKey
state.Start = start
// 2. sync up to last disconnect1
if state.First < state.LastSeenAt {
state.Last = state.LastSeenAt
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("syncer[%v]: start syncronising history upto last disconnect at %v: %v", self.key.Log(), state.LastSeenAt, state)
state.First = state.LastSeenAt
state.Latest = storage.ZeroKey
} else {
// synchronisation starts at end of last session
state.First = state.LastSeenAt
// 3. sync up to current session start
// if there have been new chunks since last session
if state.LastSeenAt < state.SessionAt {
state.Last = state.SessionAt
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("syncer[%v]: start syncronising history since last disconnect at %v up until session start at %v: %v", self.key.Log(), state.LastSeenAt, state.SessionAt, state)
// blocks until state syncing is finished
glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("syncer[%v]: syncing all history complete", self.key.Log())
// wait till syncronised block uptil state is synced
func (self *syncer) syncState(state *syncState) {
self.syncStates <- state
select {
case <-state.synced:
case <-self.quit:
// stop quits both request processor and saves the request cache to disk
func (self *syncer) stop() {
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: stop and save sync request db backlog", self.key.Log())
for _, db := range self.queues {
// rlp serialisable sync request
type syncRequest struct {
Key storage.Key
Priority uint
func (self *syncRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<Key: %v, Priority: %v>", self.Key.Log(), self.Priority)
func (self *syncer) newSyncRequest(req interface{}, p int) (*syncRequest, error) {
key, _, _, _, err := parseRequest(req)
// TODO: if req has chunk, it should be put in a cache
// create
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &syncRequest{key, uint(p)}, nil
// serves historical items from the DB
// * read is on demand, blocking unless history channel is read
// * accepts sync requests (syncStates) to create new db iterator
// * closes the channel one iteration finishes
func (self *syncer) syncHistory(state *syncState) chan interface{} {
var n uint
history := make(chan interface{})
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("syncer[%v]: syncing history between %v - %v for chunk addresses %v - %v", self.key.Log(), state.First, state.Last, state.Start, state.Stop)
it := self.dbAccess.iterator(state)
if it != nil {
go func() {
// signal end of the iteration ended
defer close(history)
for {
key := it.Next()
if key == nil {
break IT
select {
// blocking until history channel is read from
case history <- storage.Key(key):
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: history: %v (%v keys)", self.key.Log(), key.Log(), n)
state.Latest = key
case <-self.quit:
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("syncer[%v]: finished syncing history between %v - %v for chunk addresses %v - %v (at %v) (chunks = %v)", self.key.Log(), state.First, state.Last, state.Start, state.Stop, state.Latest, n)
return history
// triggers key syncronisation
func (self *syncer) sendUnsyncedKeys() {
select {
case self.deliveryRequest <- true:
// assembles a new batch of unsynced keys
// * keys are drawn from the key buffers in order of priority queue
// * if the queues of priority for History (HistoryReq) or higher are depleted,
// historical data is used so historical items are lower priority within
// their priority group.
// * Order of historical data is unspecified
func (self *syncer) syncUnsyncedKeys() {
// send out new
var unsynced []*syncRequest
var more, justSynced bool
var keyCount, historyCnt int
var history chan interface{}
priority := High
keys := self.keys[priority]
var newUnsyncedKeys, deliveryRequest chan bool
keyCounts := make([]int, priorities)
histPrior := self.SyncPriorities[HistoryReq]
syncStates := self.syncStates
state := self.state
for {
var req interface{}
// select the highest priority channel to read from
// keys channels are buffered so the highest priority ones
// are checked first - integrity can only be guaranteed if writing
// is locked while selecting
if priority != High || len(keys) == 0 {
// selection is not needed if the High priority queue has items
keys = nil
for priority = High; priority >= 0; priority-- {
// the first priority channel that is non-empty will be assigned to keys
if len(self.keys[priority]) > 0 {
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: reading request with priority %v", self.key.Log(), priority)
keys = self.keys[priority]
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v/%v]: queue: [%v, %v, %v]", self.key.Log(), priority, len(self.keys[High]), len(self.keys[Medium]), len(self.keys[Low]))
// if the input queue is empty on this level, resort to history if there is any
if uint(priority) == histPrior && history != nil {
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: reading history for %v", self.key.Log(), self.key)
keys = history
// if peer ready to receive but nothing to send
if keys == nil && deliveryRequest == nil {
// if no items left and switch to waiting mode
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: buffers consumed. Waiting", self.key.Log())
newUnsyncedKeys = self.newUnsyncedKeys
// send msg iff
// * peer is ready to receive keys AND (
// * all queues and history are depleted OR
// * batch full OR
// * all history have been consumed, synced)
if deliveryRequest == nil &&
(justSynced ||
len(unsynced) > 0 && keys == nil ||
len(unsynced) == int(self.SyncBatchSize)) {
justSynced = false
// listen to requests
deliveryRequest = self.deliveryRequest
newUnsyncedKeys = nil // not care about data until next req comes in
// set sync to current counter
// (all nonhistorical outgoing traffic sheduled and persisted
state.LastSeenAt = self.dbAccess.counter()
state.Latest = storage.ZeroKey
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: sending %v", self.key.Log(), unsynced)
// send the unsynced keys
stateCopy := *state
err := self.unsyncedKeys(unsynced, &stateCopy)
if err != nil {
glog.V(logger.Warn).Infof("syncer[%v]: unable to send unsynced keys: %v", err)
self.state = state
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("syncer[%v]: --> %v keys sent: (total: %v (%v), history: %v), sent sync state: %v", self.key.Log(), len(unsynced), keyCounts, keyCount, historyCnt, stateCopy)
unsynced = nil
keys = nil
// process item and add it to the batch
select {
case <-self.quit:
break LOOP
case req, more = <-keys:
if keys == history && !more {
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: syncing history segment complete", self.key.Log())
// history channel is closed, waiting for new state (called from sync())
syncStates = self.syncStates
state.Synced = true // this signals that the current segment is complete
select {
case state.synced <- false:
case <-self.quit:
break LOOP
justSynced = true
history = nil
case <-deliveryRequest:
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: peer ready to receive", self.key.Log())
// this 1 cap channel can wake up the loop
// signaling that peer is ready to receive unsynced Keys
// the channel is set to nil any further writes will be ignored
deliveryRequest = nil
case <-newUnsyncedKeys:
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: new unsynced keys available", self.key.Log())
// this 1 cap channel can wake up the loop
// signals that data is available to send if peer is ready to receive
newUnsyncedKeys = nil
keys = self.keys[High]
case state, more = <-syncStates:
// this resets the state
if !more {
state = self.state
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: (priority %v) syncing complete upto %v)", self.key.Log(), priority, state)
state.Synced = true
syncStates = nil
} else {
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: (priority %v) syncing history upto %v priority %v)", self.key.Log(), priority, state, histPrior)
state.Synced = false
history = self.syncHistory(state)
// only one history at a time, only allow another one once the
// history channel is closed
syncStates = nil
if req == nil {
continue LOOP
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: (priority %v) added to unsynced keys: %v", self.key.Log(), priority, req)
if keys == history {
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: (priority %v) history item %v (synced = %v)", self.key.Log(), priority, req, state.Synced)
if sreq, err := self.newSyncRequest(req, priority); err == nil {
// extract key from req
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: (priority %v): request %v (synced = %v)", self.key.Log(), priority, req, state.Synced)
unsynced = append(unsynced, sreq)
} else {
glog.V(logger.Warn).Infof("syncer[%v]: (priority %v): error creating request for %v: %v)", self.key.Log(), priority, req, state.Synced, err)
// delivery loop
// takes into account priority, send store Requests with chunk (delivery)
// idle blocking if no new deliveries in any of the queues
func (self *syncer) syncDeliveries() {
var req *storeRequestMsgData
p := High
var deliveries chan *storeRequestMsgData
var msg *storeRequestMsgData
var err error
var c = [priorities]int{}
var n = [priorities]int{}
var total, success uint
for {
deliveries = self.deliveries[p]
select {
case req = <-deliveries:
if p == Low {
// blocking, depletion on all channels, no preference for priority
select {
case req = <-self.deliveries[High]:
case req = <-self.deliveries[Medium]:
case req = <-self.deliveries[Low]:
case <-self.quit:
p = High
} else {
msg, err = self.newStoreRequestMsgData(req)
if err != nil {
glog.V(logger.Warn).Infof("syncer[%v]: failed to create store request for %v: %v", self.key.Log(), req, err)
} else {
err = self.store(msg)
if err != nil {
glog.V(logger.Warn).Infof("syncer[%v]: failed to deliver %v: %v", self.key.Log(), req, err)
} else {
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("syncer[%v]: %v successfully delivered", self.key.Log(), req)
if total%self.SyncBatchSize == 0 {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("syncer[%v]: deliver Total: %v, Success: %v, High: %v/%v, Medium: %v/%v, Low %v/%v", self.key.Log(), total, success, c[High], n[High], c[Medium], n[Medium], c[Low], n[Low])
addRequest handles requests for delivery
it accepts 4 types:
* storeRequestMsgData: coming from netstore propagate response
* chunk: coming from forwarding (questionable: id?)
* key: from incoming syncRequest
* syncDbEntry: key,id encoded in db
If sync mode is on for the type of request, then
it sends the request to the keys queue of the correct priority
channel buffered with capacity (SyncBufferSize)
If sync mode is off then, requests are directly sent to deliveries
func (self *syncer) addRequest(req interface{}, ty int) {
// retrieve priority for request type name int8
priority := self.SyncPriorities[ty]
// sync mode for this type ON
if self.syncF() || ty == DeliverReq {
if self.SyncModes[ty] {
self.addKey(req, priority, self.quit)
} else {
self.addDelivery(req, priority, self.quit)
// addKey queues sync request for sync confirmation with given priority
// ie the key will go out in an unsyncedKeys message
func (self *syncer) addKey(req interface{}, priority uint, quit chan bool) bool {
select {
case self.keys[priority] <- req:
// this wakes up the unsynced keys loop if idle
select {
case self.newUnsyncedKeys <- true:
return true
case <-quit:
return false
// addDelivery queues delivery request for with given priority
// ie the chunk will be delivered ASAP mod priority queueing handled by syncdb
// requests are persisted across sessions for correct sync
func (self *syncer) addDelivery(req interface{}, priority uint, quit chan bool) bool {
select {
case self.queues[priority].buffer <- req:
return true
case <-quit:
return false
// doDelivery delivers the chunk for the request with given priority
// without queuing
func (self *syncer) doDelivery(req interface{}, priority uint, quit chan bool) bool {
msgdata, err := self.newStoreRequestMsgData(req)
if err != nil {
glog.V(logger.Warn).Infof("unable to deliver request %v: %v", msgdata, err)
return false
select {
case self.deliveries[priority] <- msgdata:
return true
case <-quit:
return false
// returns the delivery function for given priority
// passed on to syncDb
func (self *syncer) deliver(priority uint) func(req interface{}, quit chan bool) bool {
return func(req interface{}, quit chan bool) bool {
return self.doDelivery(req, priority, quit)
// returns the replay function passed on to syncDb
// depending on sync mode settings for BacklogReq,
// re play of request db backlog sends items via confirmation
// or directly delivers
func (self *syncer) replay() func(req interface{}, quit chan bool) bool {
sync := self.SyncModes[BacklogReq]
priority := self.SyncPriorities[BacklogReq]
// sync mode for this type ON
if sync {
return func(req interface{}, quit chan bool) bool {
return self.addKey(req, priority, quit)
} else {
return func(req interface{}, quit chan bool) bool {
return self.doDelivery(req, priority, quit)
// given a request, extends it to a full storeRequestMsgData
// polimorphic: see addRequest for the types accepted
func (self *syncer) newStoreRequestMsgData(req interface{}) (*storeRequestMsgData, error) {
key, id, chunk, sreq, err := parseRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if sreq == nil {
if chunk == nil {
var err error
chunk, err = self.dbAccess.get(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sreq = &storeRequestMsgData{
Id: id,
Key: chunk.Key,
SData: chunk.SData,
return sreq, nil
// parse request types and extracts, key, id, chunk, request if available
// does not do chunk lookup !
func parseRequest(req interface{}) (storage.Key, uint64, *storage.Chunk, *storeRequestMsgData, error) {
var key storage.Key
var entry *syncDbEntry
var chunk *storage.Chunk
var id uint64
var ok bool
var sreq *storeRequestMsgData
var err error
if key, ok = req.(storage.Key); ok {
id = generateId()
} else if entry, ok = req.(*syncDbEntry); ok {
id = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(entry.val[32:])
key = storage.Key(entry.val[:32])
} else if chunk, ok = req.(*storage.Chunk); ok {
key = chunk.Key
id = generateId()
} else if sreq, ok = req.(*storeRequestMsgData); ok {
key = sreq.Key
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("type not allowed: %v (%T)", req, req)
return key, id, chunk, sreq, err
马建仓 AI 助手
